Deniers Can't Deny Absolute Proof Of Global Warming

This is so stupid....Much like a death cult, the left seems to buy into this lunacy...could it be that they are just dumb? easily led? or both?

Beijing records longest cold wave in modern history​

Beijing recorded its longest cold wave since records began in 1951 as the biting temperatures and snowfall experienced in the Chinese capital and elsewhere began to ease.

The temperature recorded at Beijing’s Nanjiao weather station rose to above zero degrees Celsius Sunday afternoon for the first time in days, state media Beijing Daily reported.

“Since temperature first dropped to below zero degrees on December 11, the temperature had remained below that line for more than 300 hours,” Beijing Daily wrote.

Oh, wait a minute, that's cooling, not rising temps. What will leftists say now? Oh, yeah, I forgot, it's not global warming, it's Climate Change. Proof of such cold temperatures in China is actually proof that global temps are rising.

If dimocrap FILTH can get control of our Energy supply, which is their goal, they will have ABSOLUTE POWER over us.

Which their main goal.

dimocraps are scum.

dimocrap FILTH have never had an idea in their miserable existence that didn't benefit them exclusively while, at the same time, enslaving The People.

It's what they do. It is all they know.

Beijing records longest cold wave in modern history​

Beijing recorded its longest cold wave since records began in 1951 as the biting temperatures and snowfall experienced in the Chinese capital and elsewhere began to ease.

The temperature recorded at Beijing’s Nanjiao weather station rose to above zero degrees Celsius Sunday afternoon for the first time in days, state media Beijing Daily reported.

“Since temperature first dropped to below zero degrees on December 11, the temperature had remained below that line for more than 300 hours,” Beijing Daily wrote.

Oh, wait a minute, that's cooling, not rising temps. What will leftists say now? Oh, yeah, I forgot, it's not global warming, it's Climate Change. Proof of such cold temperatures in China is actually proof that global temps are rising.

What do the Chinese thing about sexual realignment surgery?
In the northern hemisphere, the climate gets noticeably colder every winter.
If I give you attention, will you be polite? You can start by asking the right question, or you will be ignored again.
I couldn’t give a fuck who an odious asshole like you ignores or doesn’t ignore

You remain insignificant. Gfy.

Also, in the northern hemisphere it does absolutely get colder in the winter

Now, go die. 👍
The purpose behind the CLIMATE BULLSHIT is to introduce a GLOBAL CARBON TAX on people to run the World Government.

Yes we do need to cut back on pollution, BUT paying a tax is not going to do that, a FINE levied against big culprits will.
TAX INCREASES and government CONTROL are the solution to every faux crisis the Dems fabricate.
For pretty much any political issue one might name, there are people who seek to enrich themselves on the taxpayer's dime and not all of them are democrats. And so it is with GM/CC, it's mostly all about somebody being paid huge amounts of money to address a problem with little or no attention to whether the proposed solutions will make any appreciable difference. The true cost is always underestimated and the expected benefits always overestimated, and we're talking such major changes here and trillions of dollars spent. IMHO, there's absolutely insufficient data or outright lies that purport the effectiveness of any solutions currently offered, and little thought to the impact on the less-well off if a given solution is implemented vs the impact if not implemented. I refuse to believe that humanity cannot find alternative ways to achieve cleaner air and water and reduce harmful emissions into the atmosphere. I'm not seeing the harm in CO2, I think we need to remove other contaminates that are more dangerous. Is it not possible to genetically engineer vegetation that consumes large amounts of CO2 and is edible?

And I do not see any reason why we can't build a series of smaller nuclear facilities in places where earthquakes and other natural phenomena do not occur. IMHO, whether GW/CC has anthropogenic causes or not is beside the point; what needs to be done and what is the best way to do it? There's gotta be smarter ways to manage the situation we find ourselves in rather than pointing fingers at someone else and casting blame.

Beijing records longest cold wave in modern history​

Beijing recorded its longest cold wave since records began in 1951 as the biting temperatures and snowfall experienced in the Chinese capital and elsewhere began to ease.

The temperature recorded at Beijing’s Nanjiao weather station rose to above zero degrees Celsius Sunday afternoon for the first time in days, state media Beijing Daily reported.

“Since temperature first dropped to below zero degrees on December 11, the temperature had remained below that line for more than 300 hours,” Beijing Daily wrote.

Oh, wait a minute, that's cooling, not rising temps. What will leftists say now? Oh, yeah, I forgot, it's not global warming, it's Climate Change. Proof of such cold temperatures in China is actually proof that global temps are rising.

quotes: researchers tried to isolate the usual variability of the weather from the influence of climate change.

There’s the temperature,” said Andrew Pershing, Climate Central’s vice-president for science, “and then there’s our ability to really detect that climate signal in the data.”

Cities in the Midwestern United States jumped out for experiencing an extraordinarily warm winter and for the influence of climate change, which is caused mainly by the burning of coal, oil and other fossil fuels that release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. “Really off the charts,” Dr. Pershing said. “No ice on most of the great lakes. That’s remarkable.”

Minneapolis, for instance, was nearly 5.6 degrees Celsius warmer than average between December and February. The fingerprints of climate change could be detected for 33 days, essentially a third of the winter season.
quotes: researchers tried to isolate the usual variability of the weather from the influence of climate change.

There’s the temperature,” said Andrew Pershing, Climate Central’s vice-president for science, “and then there’s our ability to really detect that climate signal in the data.”

They got over 10 feet of snow in California. Yeah, the temps are warming.

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