Nationwide Cold Wave Continues with Numerous Low Temperature Records Likely to Be Set…Intense Great Lakes Snow Event on The Way?

It is going to be 15 degrees here tomorrow morning. Insane.
We usually don't see those temps here till late December at the earliest, but mostly mid January and February.
When the Earth get2 warmer and the ice up in the arctic starts to melt,(temperature to melt ice is 32 degrees) then that cold air from up their moves down into the United States. That is what the Marxist theory is.

I know that if the ice is melting at 32 degrees then the air temperature must also be 32 degrees so how can 15 degrees be happening down in the US. I guess when men with tits can birth a baby, then 32 degree arctic air can become 15 degree November air.....If you know what i mean...

Buffalo area to get 2 to FOUR FEET of snow.

I repeat


How is that even possible? Good gravy
Oh it's very possible. I live in West Seneca and we got 3 feet thus far. You have to remember that when the Lake Effect machine starts cranking, you measure the snow in FEET, not inches.
It is going to be 15 degrees here tomorrow morning. Insane.
We usually don't see those temps here till late December at the earliest, but mostly mid January and February.
My Tackle and two bits have just shriveled up and i live in Floor E Dam, where it is going to be 30 degrees below normal for this time, at 45 degrees.
Oh it's very possible. I live in West Seneca and we got 3 feet thus far. You have to remember that when the Lake Effect machine starts cranking, you measure the snow in FEET, not inches.
Yeah, my wife found that out about me also. If you know what i mean...
The stupid Marxists(but i repeat myself) has a theory that the warming it gets the colder it gets.....I kid you not..

The cold meanders....A brain of a Marxist meanders...
The movie 2012 explained it perfectly. It is a “paradoxical effect” of global warming to have such weather anomalies.

Therefore, if it is hit in summer, it’s AGW. BUT IF we have massive snowstorms in autumn, it’s AGW.

That pesky AGW. It’s everywhere.
Oh it's very possible. I live in West Seneca and we got 3 feet thus far. You have to remember that when the Lake Effect machine starts cranking, you measure the snow in FEET, not inches.

I'm in MI so I'm well-acquainted with Lake Effect Snow. I just wonder if it's the elongated Ontario that cranks out so much more than Michigan....longer over the warm waters? idk
Every winter, it's the same.

"DERP! DERP! I saw a snowflake! Global warming is a hoax! DEEEEERRRRRRP!"

Sweet Jeebus, deniers are imbeciles.
Every summer it's the same.
Derp, derp, it's hot out...
Humans are destroying the Earth. Derrrpppp.
There is a drought, but the oceans are gonna flood.
Climate Cultists are so pathetic.
I'm in MI so I'm well-acquainted with Lake Effect Snow. I just wonder if it's the elongated Ontario that cranks out so much more than Michigan....longer over the warm waters? idk
Good alignment with prevailing west winds. The lake effect will hit at any of the Great Lakes shores depending on wind direction, but for those deep snows along the Minnesota North Shore, we need an easterly wind. Happens less often.
The movie 2012 explained it perfectly. It is a “paradoxical effect” of global warming to have such weather anomalies.

Therefore, if it is hit in summer, it’s AGW. BUT IF we have massive snowstorms in autumn, it’s AGW.

That pesky AGW. It’s everywhere.
I wonder if the bed wetter's masters plan to drag COVID hysteria out for 40 fuckin more years.
Every summer it's the same.
Derp, derp, it's hot out...
Humans are destroying the Earth. Derrrpppp.
There is a drought, but the oceans are gonna flood.
Climate Cultists are so pathetic.
If these assholes would all just set themselves on fire the world would be a much cooler place.

They are the reason I can't really oppose abortion, in fact I'm starting to think that as far as leftist parasites go, retroactive abortion into the 975th trimester should not only be legalized but made mandatory in densely populated areas. It would solve nearly every problem on earth.

I wonder if the bed wetter's masters plan to drag COVID hysteria out for 40 fuckin more years.
The Senate voted to end the declaration of COVID emergency. I doubt the House will. But if they do, it won’t matter because Brandon will veto it.

It happens to be his alleged legal basis for the student loan debt forgiveness that has been shot down so far in court. Yet the Admin is planning to take it to SCOTUS.

Obviously, they won’t have any leg to stand on if there is no alleged emergency basis authorizing the President’s Executive Order.
If these assholes would all just set themselves on fire
Vicious little piece of fascist garbage, aintcha?

Needless to say, all the other deniers here are fine with that. Not all conservatives are openly violent, but they all support the openly violent among them.
No, it's not.

Nobody here makes posts about "It was a hot day, so global warming is real."

You're 'tards. We're not.
Tards think the Earth is static and that the climate shouldn't change despite hundreds of millions of years of the climate doing exactly that, changing.
Tards think the Earth is static and that the climate shouldn't change despite hundreds of millions of years of the climate doing exactly that, changing.
Nor do they understand what drives our present climate.
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Tards think the Earth is static and that the climate shouldn't change despite hundreds of millions of years of the climate doing exactly that, changing.
The climate has never changed this fast before.

Given that your knowledge of the topic is less than that of the average grade-schooler, you shouldn't be bothering the adults. But at least you fit in with the other deniers.
The climate has never changed this fast before.

Given that your knowledge of the topic is less than that of the average grade-schooler, you shouldn't be bothering the adults. But at least you fit in with the other deniers.
You are the denier little vile kitty.
You are blinded by the hypocrites that live lavish lives while lecturing the minions on how they should consume less.

If it wasn't for dramatic climate change, most of the northern hemisphere would still be under mile of ice.
The great melt of the ice age left great valleys and a region filled with thousands of lakes that many of us enjoy now. The evidence is everwhere.
You are just too stupid and cultish to believe it.
The “perfect” scenario for places like Buffalo and Watertown of western New York State to get pummeled by snow in a Great Lakes snow event is for an extended period of time with low-level W-SW winds – and this is definitely on the table for these locations from later Thursday into the upcoming weekend. Map courtesy NOAA,

Paul Dorian


Temperatures across the nation on Wednesday morning averaged out to an impressive reading of nearly 12 degrees (F) below-normal for mid-November and no state in the Lower 48 escaped the colder-than-normal chill. The first widespread snow event of the season took place late Tuesday across the interior, higher elevation locations of the Mid-Atlantic/Northeast US with half of foot of snow recorded in many spots. The next few days will feature a “Great Lakes snow-making machine” that will be turned on in full force and the result may be several feet of snow in some downstream locations such as Buffalo and Watertown in western New York State. The nationwide cold wave will continue right through the upcoming weekend.


Only hot weather events count as proof of man made global warming

...because of manmade global climate warming change!

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