CNN decides on a groundbreaking debate format for Republicans


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2013
This is truly interesting:

CNN announces details of Republican presidential debate -

The Sept. 16, 2015 event will be divided into two parts featuring two groups of candidates. One grouping will feature the top 10 candidates according to public polling, and the other will include candidates who meet the minimum threshold of 1 percent in public polling but are ranked outside the top 10...

Wow. Well, you have to do something, that's for sure.

No doubt it will be a real insult to those stuck on the JV team, but there are only so many options here.

I saw one report that said that, if this type of system were used today, Jindal wouldn't make the varsity and Trump would.

Holy crap.

This is truly interesting:

CNN announces details of Republican presidential debate -

The Sept. 16, 2015 event will be divided into two parts featuring two groups of candidates. One grouping will feature the top 10 candidates according to public polling, and the other will include candidates who meet the minimum threshold of 1 percent in public polling but are ranked outside the top 10...

Expect more of the same from all candidates. They'll give their take on issues, debate issues, and attempt to impress the voting public. But, in the end, it'll all be just "vote-getting" smooth talking silvered tongue rhetoric that we've all heard many times before. What they say they'll do " IF " elected, is entirely different from what they'll actually do " IF " elected. We all know how it works. What never fails to amaze me, is the number of voters that actually believe what the candidates say. These candidate debates and Q&A sessions are all for show. They mean absolutely nothing as far as what candidates will and can do " IF " elected to office. Voters don't understand how politics works, and that for the really big issues, Congress plays a major role in whether legislation and policies are actually passed and enacted.

From past history, we know that these Q&A sessions and debates mean absolutely nothing as far as what the four years following them will encompass. I'm sure that we'll hear the usual "if I'm elected, I promise" BS. Remember, politics is a game, nothing more. In other words, don't waste your time listening to these clowns make promises they know they can't keep, speak on issues they know little about, and throw blame in all directions.
I was thinking, the GOP debates should be run like the "Gathering" in Highlander.

Give them swords and let them decapitate each other.

"There can be only one!"
This is truly interesting:

CNN announces details of Republican presidential debate -

The Sept. 16, 2015 event will be divided into two parts featuring two groups of candidates. One grouping will feature the top 10 candidates according to public polling, and the other will include candidates who meet the minimum threshold of 1 percent in public polling but are ranked outside the top 10...

Wow. Well, you have to do something, that's for sure.

No doubt it will be a real insult to those stuck on the JV team, but there are only so many options here.

I saw one report that said that, if this type of system were used today, Jindal wouldn't make the varsity and Trump would.

Holy crap.


If you look at current polling, it could end up that less than 10 make it into the first group, because even now, with a group of 9 or 10, one of or two of them are already at only 1%.

And one thing that CNN did NOT specify is which polling it it going to rely on.

What if Fiorina is polling at 1% in 5 polls, but at 4% in one poll? What does CNN do then?

Right now, with polling focused on Bush (Jeb), Christie (less and less), Paul, Cruz, Rubio, Walker, Huckabee, Carson, Fiorina and soon, also on Kasich, Graham, Jindal, Trump, Perry and Santorum, the highest any candidate has gotten in national polling has been 18% and the mean is about 14% for the top dog(s). Multiply that out by 6 and there is not much left for the lower tier candidates.

Actually, although I am not clocking the GOP nomination polling like I do the Hillary vs. GOP matchups, this is pretty much playing out as I thought it would, with no front runner and a lot less stability than in 2010-2011, where Romney was holding at a steady 23% pretty much all the way.

I am seeing a very strong possibility, with such an enormous field, that no candidate will get to 50% +1 delegate in the nomination math before the convention. I am seeing a very strong possibility that Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina and Nevada will all go for four different candidates.
This is truly interesting:

CNN announces details of Republican presidential debate -

The Sept. 16, 2015 event will be divided into two parts featuring two groups of candidates. One grouping will feature the top 10 candidates according to public polling, and the other will include candidates who meet the minimum threshold of 1 percent in public polling but are ranked outside the top 10...

Wow. Well, you have to do something, that's for sure.

No doubt it will be a real insult to those stuck on the JV team, but there are only so many options here.

I saw one report that said that, if this type of system were used today, Jindal wouldn't make the varsity and Trump would.

Holy crap.


If you look at current polling, it could end up that less than 10 make it into the first group, because even now, with a group of 9 or 10, one of or two of them are already at only 1%.

And one thing that CNN did NOT specify is which polling it it going to rely on.

What if Fiorina is polling at 1% in 5 polls, but at 4% in one poll? What does CNN do then?

Right now, with polling focused on Bush (Jeb), Christie (less and less), Paul, Cruz, Rubio, Walker, Huckabee, Carson, Fiorina and soon, also on Kasich, Graham, Jindal, Trump, Perry and Santorum, the highest any candidate has gotten in national polling has been 18% and the mean is about 14% for the top dog(s). Multiply that out by 6 and there is not much left for the lower tier candidates.

Actually, although I am not clocking the GOP nomination polling like I do the Hillary vs. GOP matchups, this is pretty much playing out as I thought it would, with no front runner and a lot less stability than in 2010-2011, where Romney was holding at a steady 23% pretty much all the way.

I am seeing a very strong possibility, with such an enormous field, that no candidate will get to 50% +1 delegate in the nomination math before the convention. I am seeing a very strong possibility that Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina and Nevada will all go for four different candidates.

Scratch Trump

He is doing his usual posturing for attention. Trump would never release his financial records so he pretends to run then drops out when things get serious
I was thinking, the GOP debates should be run like the "Gathering" in Highlander.

Give them swords and let them decapitate each other.

"There can be only one!"

And the winner would be the one who was smart enough to be carrying a handgun or rifle.
I was thinking, the GOP debates should be run like the "Gathering" in Highlander.

Give them swords and let them decapitate each other.

"There can be only one!"

And the winner would be the one who was smart enough to be carrying a handgun or rifle.

Now we're talking -- But let's hand out guns to all of them!

With enough ammo, they could clean out some of our worst Republicans.

Win/Win for the US.

Now we're talking -- But let's hand out guns to all of them! With enough ammo, they could clean out some of our worst Republicans. Win/Win for the US.

Actually what you'd likely clean our are the moderate scumbags who are really Democrats in disguise. That would be a win/win for the United States.
Now we're talking -- But let's hand out guns to all of them! With enough ammo, they could clean out some of our worst Republicans. Win/Win for the US.

Actually what you'd likely clean our are the moderate scumbags who are really Democrats in disguise. That would be a win/win for the United States.
No professional politician is a "win-win" for the U.S.. We've all seen and experienced what they do, and have done to this once great nation.
Now we're talking -- But let's hand out guns to all of them! With enough ammo, they could clean out some of our worst Republicans. Win/Win for the US.

Actually what you'd likely clean our are the moderate scumbags who are really Democrats in disguise. That would be a win/win for the United States.
Strange the way so many Republicans see the worst right wing radicals with their terrible and delusional ideas as good for the country.
Strange the way so many Republicans see the worst right wing radicals with their terrible and delusional ideas as good for the country.

I'm not a Republican. I'm a Conservative. That's why I rarely find candidates on either side of the aisle that I can vote for.

It's amazing to see the concepts that every nation was built on for centuries referred to a "terrible and delusional". Conservatism is about maintaining Traditional Values and Morals; why would ANYONE believe that ANY Conservative would be interested in "growing" or "evolving"?
Strange the way so many Republicans see the worst right wing radicals with their terrible and delusional ideas as good for the country.

I'm not a Republican. I'm a Conservative. That's why I rarely find candidates on either side of the aisle that I can vote for.

It's amazing to see the concepts that every nation was built on for centuries referred to a "terrible and delusional". Conservatism is about maintaining Traditional Values and Morals; why would ANYONE believe that ANY Conservative would be interested in "growing" or "evolving"?

"I'm not a Republican. I'm a Conservative. That's why I rarely find candidates on either side of the aisle that I can vote for."

Ignoring that you never post here like you're a "Conservative", what do you do if you dislike the candidates?
This is truly interesting:

CNN announces details of Republican presidential debate -

The Sept. 16, 2015 event will be divided into two parts featuring two groups of candidates. One grouping will feature the top 10 candidates according to public polling, and the other will include candidates who meet the minimum threshold of 1 percent in public polling but are ranked outside the top 10...


Debates aren't. Their join press conferences and political theatre like pro "wrestling." :)
Ignoring that you never post here like you're a "Conservative", what do you do if you dislike the candidates?

Most of your confusion is likely due to an improper definition of Conservative. That's pretty common these days.

Let's look at the Presidential elections I've been able to vote for; which should show what I do when I don't like either mainstream candidate,,,,,

1992 - Ross Perot
1996 - Did Not Cast a Ballot for POTUS (did vote for other offices on the ballot)
2000 - George Bush - Republican
2004 - George Bush - Republican (only due to ongoing war)
2008 - Chuck Baldwin - Constitution Party candidate
2012 - Wrote my own name in on the ballot, since I now meed the Constitutional requirements for the office

Hopefully that will give you some insight into how I deal with it.
This is truly interesting:

CNN announces details of Republican presidential debate -

The Sept. 16, 2015 event will be divided into two parts featuring two groups of candidates. One grouping will feature the top 10 candidates according to public polling, and the other will include candidates who meet the minimum threshold of 1 percent in public polling but are ranked outside the top 10...


The only interesting thing about the Republican debates will be watching each of them try to convince everyone that they are the most conservative, or that they are not moderates but that they really are conservative. They will do exactly what Romney did, moving so far to the right that the independents will find they don't care for any of them very much. Hillary is likely to win the general election against any of them by bigger numbers than what Obama beat Romney by.
This is truly interesting:

CNN announces details of Republican presidential debate -

The Sept. 16, 2015 event will be divided into two parts featuring two groups of candidates. One grouping will feature the top 10 candidates according to public polling, and the other will include candidates who meet the minimum threshold of 1 percent in public polling but are ranked outside the top 10...


The only interesting thing about the Republican debates will be watching each of them try to convince everyone that they are the most conservative, or that they are not moderates but that they really are conservative. They will do exactly what Romney did, moving so far to the right that the independents will find they don't care for any of them very much. Hillary is likely to win the general election against any of them by bigger numbers than what Obama beat Romney by.

Exactly my thoughts: in order to have a hope of getting enough support from the red-meat loving Extreme RW base, the candidates will have to tack so hard to the Right in order to get the nomination, and the crazy-assed stuff they have so say to do this then becomes a poison pill in the GE. Only, there are even more extreme Righties in the GOP field now than were in 2012, so this could be very interesting to watch....
It's so much easier for Democrats!

Hillary debates the only other candidate - her own history - then the party, by acclamation, throws her under the bus and nominates the first shiny object that is other than white, is articulate and cleans up well enough so Plugs Biden expresses his approval.

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