CNN deletes & retracts fake news story linking Trump supporter Anthony Scaramucci and Russia


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
cnn is not news

Editor's Note -


Another day, another attack on Trump et al, by the Left.....and all meet the same fate.
Trial balloons punctured
Fireworks fizzle
Attacks self-immolate.

"CNN deletes, retracts story linking Trump and Russia"
CNN deletes, retracts story linking Trump and Russia

"On Thursday evening, CNN investigative reporter Thomas Frank published a potentially explosive report involving an investigation of a Russian investment fund with potential ties to several associates of President Donald Trump. Friday night, the story was removed from CNN’s website and all links were scrubbed from the network’s social media accounts.

“That story did not meet CNN’s editorial standards and has been retracted,” CNN said in an editors note posted in place of the story. “Links to the story have been disabled.”

In addition to retracting its story, CNN also apologized to Anthony Scaramucci, an adviser to Trump during the presidential campaign and a member of his transition team’s executive committee,...."
Was this the story? Did CNN COPY the Bloomberg story from a couple of days earlier?

Anthony Scaramucci, aide to President-elect Donald Trump and founder of SkyBridge Capital, discussed possible joint investments in a meeting in Davos with the head of a Russian sovereign wealth fund that the U.S. sanctioned in 2015, the fund’s press service said.

The meeting with Kirill Dmitriev, head of the Russian Direct Investment Fund, a $10 billion state-run investment vehicle, is the first public contact between the incoming administration and Kremlin-backed business. Trump has suggested he could ease the sanctions on Russia if the Kremlin cooperates on his policy priorities. Scaramucci confirmed the Davos meeting.

In an interview with the Russian state news agency TASS Tuesday, he also criticized the sanctions as ineffective. Trump’s view about Russia is that “there’s probably shared values or shared interests, that we can align ourselves with each other and this could be mutually beneficial,” he said.


Anthony Scaramucci at Davos, Jan. 17.

Photographer: Jason Alden/Bloomberg
The two sides didn’t disclose details of the meeting, which Scaramucci said took place Monday evening.

Dmitriev’s fund said it’s organizing a visit by a delegation of top U.S. corporate executives to Russia and plans to open a representative office in New York in May. In an interview last week, Dmitriev said the visit would be aimed at highlighting the benefits of closer economic ties and could take place as early as this spring. The current U.S. administration has discouraged American business from working with the Kremlin in the wake of the sanctions it imposed after the Russian intervention in Ukraine starting in 2014.

READ MORE- Trump Aide Talks Investment With Sanctioned Kremlin Fund

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