CNN: Hillary has a 91% to win in 2020


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
Just after Wolf Blitzer and his guests dismissed their own CNN poll showing that Trump's SOTU had a 71% approval rating, they moved on to predict Hillary's chances in 2020.


Clinton's chances for the White House on the rise - CNNPolitics

"Hillary Clinton's odds of winning the presidency rose from 78% last week to 91% Monday before Election Day, according to CNN's Political Prediction Market."

Watch: CNN Forced To Dismiss Its Own Poll After Huge Majority Register Positive Reaction To SOTU
Just after Wolf Blitzer and his guests dismissed their own CNN poll showing that Trump's SOTU had a 71% approval rating, they moved on to predict Hillary's chances in 2020.


Clinton's chances for the White House on the rise - CNNPolitics

"Hillary Clinton's odds of winning the presidency rose from 78% last week to 91% Monday before Election Day, according to CNN's Political Prediction Market."

Watch: CNN Forced To Dismiss Its Own Poll After Huge Majority Register Positive Reaction To SOTU
Cnn was saying she was going to win until the last minute that normal they are democrate
So looking at CNN's Poll, they are apparently pissed that 70% of people polled had a very positive or somewhat positive view of the SOTU.

Hillary in 2020.........I'm WITH HER.....AGAIN!

3rd time is the charm!

Here is her 2020 campaign logo:

Just after Wolf Blitzer and his guests dismissed their own CNN poll showing that Trump's SOTU had a 71% approval rating, they moved on to predict Hillary's chances in 2020.


Clinton's chances for the White House on the rise - CNNPolitics

"Hillary Clinton's odds of winning the presidency rose from 78% last week to 91% Monday before Election Day, according to CNN's Political Prediction Market."

Watch: CNN Forced To Dismiss Its Own Poll After Huge Majority Register Positive Reaction To SOTU

Isn't it amazing? We can't even get people to accurately predict the weather three days from now, but they can predict what's going to happen in a presidential election three years from now.
CNN: Hillary has a 91% to win in 2020

To anyone who today asserts for any person any margin or likelihood of victory, I have one word: whatever....


Of anyone who'd deign to discuss such a prediction, I question their judgment and perspicacity in having dignified such a prediction by remarking on it or acknowledging that it was made.
OMFG! How incoherent can an OP be?!? The OP shows a poll that has absolutely nothing to do with the the 2020 election or campaign, or anyone other than Trump who'll even be on the ballot. And that poll has what to with the prospect of Hillary Clinton being in 2020 elected POTUS? Nothing!
Truly amazing how the "sophisticates", so ensconced in their own narcissism, view and project their delusions as truisms... Inconceivable, to them, is the notion that their values are not shared by the rest of the heartland.
Now that you people believe the polls, keep in mind that Trump's 40% approval is a lock to give the Democrats the House in November.
OMFG! How incoherent can an OP be?!? The OP shows a poll that has absolutely nothing to do with the the 2020 election or campaign, or anyone other than Trump who'll even be on the ballot. And that poll has what to with the prospect of Hillary Clinton being in 2020 elected POTUS? Nothing!
The whole point of the thread is to illuminate that even the most anti-Trump network can't conceal Trump's popultarity.
CNN: Hillary has a 91% to win in 2020

To anyone who today asserts for any person any margin or likelihood of victory, I have one word: whatever....


Of anyone who'd deign to discuss such a prediction, I question their judgment and perspicacity in having dignified such a prediction by remarking on it or acknowledging that it was made.
Yet you just did remark on regressive of you. lol!
OMFG! How incoherent can an OP be?!? The OP shows a poll that has absolutely nothing to do with the the 2020 election or campaign, or anyone other than Trump who'll even be on the ballot. And that poll has what to with the prospect of Hillary Clinton being in 2020 elected POTUS? Nothing!
The whole point of the thread is to illuminate that even the most anti-Trump network can't conceal Trump's popultarity.
the most anti-Trump network can't conceal Trump's popultarity.
The above statement is a far better thread title than is the one you chose.

The whole point of the thread is to illuminate that even the most anti-Trump network can't conceal Trump's popultarity
If that be the point of your thread -- I'll take you at your word that that is what you conceived the thread to be -- were you hoping that, insofar as your OP doesn't come close to establishing that point's plausibility, let alone veracity, someone else would make it for you?

I wrote:
The OP shows a poll that has absolutely nothing to do with the the 2020 election or campaign, or anyone other than Trump who'll even be on the ballot. And that poll has what to with the prospect of Hillary Clinton being in 2020 elected POTUS? Nothing!
To which you responded:
The whole point of the thread is to illuminate that even the most anti-Trump network can't conceal Trump's popultarity
By no rational reasoning is the viewing audience's reaction to any speech a POTUS' might make a sound/cogent analogue for inferring on account of or extrapolating their reaction to that same POTUS' overall popularity. If, therefore supporting what you identify as the point of the thread (OP) is not something that can be achieved by citing the poll you did.

As goes illustrating that no network can "conceal Trump's popultarity [sic]," the most straightforward way of doing so is to simply cite polls that show Trump's overall popularity, or absent finding a poll that specifically uses the word "popularity," go with one of the polls that report Trump's favorability among the U.S. citizenry. The mere fact that such polls exist is probative to showing that "even the most anti-Trump network can't conceal Trump's popultarity [sic]."

Along with completing that task, you also will have addressed the "popularity" aspect of your thread point, and thereby have only to soundly/cogently establish the verity of the qualifying elements of your statement of the thread's purpose:
  • that CNN is the most anti-Trump network and
  • that CNN does in fact attempt to conceal Trump's popularity
As goes the second qualifier in your thread purpose statement, snowballs have better survival prospects in Hell than do you of showing that CNN in any way aims to conceal Trump's popularity. Why? Because CNN periodically publishes and reports on polls pertaining to Trump's favorability. It's impossible to do that and rationally think one is concealing the nature and extent of Trump's favorability. As goes the first qualifier, you might have a slim chance of showing that CNN is more anti-Trump than is any other network, but by my observations, MSNBC is, among national cable news networks, notably more anti-Trump than is CNN, or, for that matter, than is ABC, NBC or CBS.

With that, to my ignore list you return for you've again shown the very same insipidity and incoherence that got you there the first time.

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