CNN Holds Focus Group On Trump Drinking Water And Walking On Ramps

It is all part of the social awkwardness of Donald J Trump
He does not carry himself like normal people.
It is manifested by:

Odd facial expressions and posturing
Walking without swinging his arms
Holding his hands in a vagina pattern when he sits
Odd way of standing
Two handed drinking
Strange gait while walking
Inability to shake hands properly
Trump drinks water like a child drinking out of a sippy cup.
Is he regressing that badly?

View attachment 350952
Yep.....Biden talks like a retard and sniffs women and baby's hair....and you think Trump is suffering from dementia because he touches a drink with both hands sometimes.

Biden actually knows how to read, unlike our retarded President
Biden can't put a complete sentence together.
Funny chit comong friom a Trumpette.
It is all part of the social awkwardness of Donald J Trump
He does not carry himself like normal people.
It is manifested by:

Odd facial expressions and posturing
Walking without swinging his arms
Holding his hands in a vagina pattern when he sits
Odd way of standing
Two handed drinking
Strange gait while walking
Inability to shake hands properly
Trump’s father had Alzheimer’s. I believe Trump’s mother had it too. Trump is obviously showing signs of his deteriorating mental and physical condition. There is a huge hereditary component to this disease. I wonder if Melania is hand feeding him strained peas yet?

"I wonder if Melania is hand feeding him strained peas yet?"


is she referencing the P tapes?

I heard Melania did NOT wish him a happy birthday!

I checked and googled and searched and re-searched but found nothing....
Trump drinks water like a child drinking out of a sippy cup.
Is he regressing that badly?

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I took a look at the video, yeah, he is starting to show his age.

. . . but as someone who is rigidly non-partisan?

I would put money down that Biden has been significantly more impacted by age.

Let us judge them side by side on their ability to handle the national spot light in real time when the debates ensue. Till then? It is pointless to compare how age has affected them both.

Added to that, we all know that senior citizens have good days and bad days, thus, we will need several debates to gauge which of these men have more good days.

Again, I suspect, Trump is more physically and mentally up to the challenge.
Trump drinks water like a child drinking out of a sippy cup.
Is he regressing that badly?

View attachment 350961
I took a look at the video, yeah, he is starting to show his age.

. . . but as someone who is rigidly non-partisan?

I would put money down that Biden has been significantly more impacted by age.

Let us judge them side by side on their ability to handle the national spot light in real time when the debates ensue. Till then? It is pointless to compare how age has affected them both.

Added to that, we all know that senior citizens have good days and bad days, thus, we will need several debates to gauge which of these men have more good days.

Again, I suspect, Trump is more physically and mentally up to the challenge.
I don’t know

Trumps mood swings and temper tantrums are scary
It is all part of the social awkwardness of Donald J Trump
He does not carry himself like normal people.
It is manifested by:

Odd facial expressions and posturing
Walking without swinging his arms
Holding his hands in a vagina pattern when he sits
Odd way of standing
Two handed drinking
Strange gait while walking
Inability to shake hands properly
View attachment 350997
He does exhibit an onset of dementia. It does run in his family
This is getting friggen ridiculous folks.

Commie Network News at its finest.

Meanwhile, black people are dropping like flies on their streets everyday, killed by other blacks, but those widespread murders don’t seem to line up at all with the Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How that were once the backbone of news journalism.
LOL. and Just how many threads have you started on Biden’s mental health? And just how many segments have there been on Fox News on Biden?

At least CNN’s panel was discussing Trump’s quickly deteriorating physical and mental condition that is evidenced by Trump’s recent actions. It is news when the president has difficulty drinking a glass of water or walk down a ramp.
Biden does not have a drinking problem like our President obviously struggles with
LOL...keep pounding away. The other fuckin’ idiots in the choir with you love it!

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