CNN Holds Focus Group On Trump Drinking Water And Walking On Ramps

If Trump said half the stupid ass things that Biden said and went around grouping and sniffing women and children on camera like Joe, you would have a field day.

I’m game
Post stupid things Biden has said and I’ll post some from Trump

Go ahead, try me
If I wanted to play that game, I would just sit in front of the TEE VEE and channel surf. . . :lmao:
And then spending all of february saying things were fine, even holding Trump rallies, instead of preparing.
Yeah and Trump called Biden a Xenophobe for shutting down flights from infected countries, and encouraged people to party their asses off in Chinatown........uh......sorry.....that was Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi.
Trump shutting off flights from China was the right call. But Trump partial reversal and letting 40,000 resident americans back into the country from China was a mistake.

Making just one good decision when dozens were needed is where Trump failed. It's like winning the first battle of a war, and then slacking off.
As opposed to Democrats simply taking the opposite on everything Trump does.

You and I don't know who made the decision to bring those people from China. FYI, sometimes things happen in the federal government that isn't a direct action of the POTUS.
Trump drinks water like a child drinking out of a sippy cup.
Is he regressing that badly?

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I took a look at the video, yeah, he is starting to show his age.

. . . but as someone who is rigidly non-partisan?

I would put money down that Biden has been significantly more impacted by age.

Let us judge them side by side on their ability to handle the national spot light in real time when the debates ensue. Till then? It is pointless to compare how age has affected them both.

Added to that, we all know that senior citizens have good days and bad days, thus, we will need several debates to gauge which of these men have more good days.

Again, I suspect, Trump is more physically and mentally up to the challenge.
In the last half century, no President has put up with more issues impacting our nation and more political attacks then this one. He has handled it well. Many people would have folded by now. you would not have seen Hillary except for photo shoots or set up soft ball press conferences. With Prog attack dogs making sure that the easiest of questions plied guilt against the one making the question. Just like Obama had. on top of it, Trump makes more of his own decisions and is not part of the Borg empire where one Prog knows what the other Prog is doing to bring Socialism/communism to this nation.

Democrats cause problems and then blame them on Republicans.

You have it backwards, you just posted that republicans cause problems and then blame them on democrats.

As opposed to Democrats simply taking the opposite on everything Trump does.

Do you want to twist your way out of that straight jacket you put yourself in?
No. You're lying.

Democrats are notorious for causing problems and blaming them on Republicans.
Nonsense. Now anything Trump does is wrong. Everything bad is his fault. Everything good Obama did it.
Trump is a businessman, he knew nothing about how government works, so he was constantly stepping on his dick, issuing illegal executive orders, because he behaved like when he was in business, and he could order things be done without question.
That's strange because he's done a better job than any president before him that I can remember.

Maybe a businessman was needed instead of a lying politician who never does anything....except raise our taxes.
100,000 dead would disagree
100,000 dead can't do anything other than rot.....and don't you fucking dare blame Trump for COVID-19 you fucking commie bastard!!

The only thing Democrats do is break shit and start riots.

Based on Trump himself, we should have had 15 total cases that would go away in days.

We ended up with 2 million cases and 100, 000 deaths
No. You're lying.

Democrats are notorious for causing problems and blaming them on Republicans.

In a way you're right. If Trump didn't break the law, democrats would have no reason to oppose his illegal actions.
If Trump ever came close to breaking the law they'd have him booted out of office. Instead they tried to frame him, set him up, Impeached him on false pretenses, ignored the spread of COVID-19 and tried to blame Trump for it, locked down their states and districts based on lies, encouraged looting and rioting, supported terrorists like BLM and ANTIFA, and this is just the shit they admit to.
Nonsense. Now anything Trump does is wrong. Everything bad is his fault. Everything good Obama did it.
Trump is a businessman, he knew nothing about how government works, so he was constantly stepping on his dick, issuing illegal executive orders, because he behaved like when he was in business, and he could order things be done without question.
That's strange because he's done a better job than any president before him that I can remember.

Maybe a businessman was needed instead of a lying politician who never does anything....except raise our taxes.
100,000 dead would disagree
100,000 dead can't do anything other than rot.....and don't you fucking dare blame Trump for COVID-19 you fucking commie bastard!!

The only thing Democrats do is break shit and start riots.

Based on Trump himself, we should have had 15 total cases that would go away in days.

We ended up with 2 million cases and 100, 000 deaths
Based on the Democrats and Hillary puppets in the CDC we should have had 2,000,000 deaths by now.
LOL. and Just how many threads have you started on Biden’s mental health? And just how many segments have there been on Fox News on Biden?

At least CNN’s panel was discussing Trump’s quickly deteriorating physical and mental condition that is evidenced by Trump’s recent actions. It is news when the president has difficulty drinking a glass of water or walk down a ramp.
Biden does not have a drinking problem like our President obviously struggles with
Biden knows here his mouth is.

Little girls?
Based on the Democrats and Hillary puppets in the CDC we should have had 2,000,000 deaths by now.
And we would have had 2 million deaths, if not for the governors stepping up, and shutting down their states, quarantining people at home, and slowing the spread, and flattening the curve.

The federal government didn't enact any measures to slow the spread of the coronavirus, except to enact a porous fence with China.
This is getting friggen ridiculous folks.

Do you need to watch and share every media piece of trash you find? Get a hobby, bud. That shit will rot your mind.

Fuck you dick.
I'm pointing out the fake media's trash.
Seems to be really important to leftist folks on this forum.

Ah, so you believe this is a 'public service' for the unwashed. What a social justice warrior you must think you are.
If Trump ever came close to breaking the law they'd have him booted out of office.

Maybe you missed Trumps impeachment in the house of representatives. Charged with illegal acts.
They accused him of abuse of power and obstruction of Congress but couldn't prove their case, thus he was aquitted.
They alleged bribary and other crimes during hearings but reduced their charges to the two counts even though they had no basis for those two either.
Based on the Democrats and Hillary puppets in the CDC we should have had 2,000,000 deaths by now.
And we would have had 2 million deaths, if not for the governors stepping up, and shutting down their states, quarantining people at home, and slowing the spread, and flattening the curve.

The federal government didn't enact any measures to slow the spread of the coronavirus, except to enact a porous fence with China.
You don't know that.
Some states didn't shut down much at all and they didn't have thousands of fatalities.

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