CNN host calls Trump ‘piece of sh*t’ over renewed call for travel ban after UK Terror Attack

that makes no sense. If all muslims already want to kill Americans then what the fuck is the difference if they are coming in or are already here?

Ever heard the term 'Nation of Islam'?

Much like in our nation, there are soldiers and there are 'citizens'. They may want the same things, but only the 'soldiers' fight the wars.

The Jihadis, terrorists, are the 'soldiers of Islam'. These are the pieces of fecal matter carrying out the war against the rest of the world, to convert, subjugate, or murder everyone in the world.

Just because the Muslim next door smiles at you every day does not mean he would step in to save your life if a fellow Muslim was about to cut your head off for non- conversion.

Refusing to cut your head off because he is 'peaceful' but allowing it to happen because it advances the cause of Islam doesn't make the guy your FRIEND.

Unbelivable, do you even know ANY muslims?

Why don't you find some and ask them if they would be cool with your head getting cut off. Be on the look out for the "you are a total fucking nut" facial response.
Yes, I do know Muslims, many more than you. I have studied them, studied with them, fought beside them, fought against them ...
Try getting as much experience as I have then come back and talk to me.

Well then you really should know better then to post this lunatic drivel.
Again, get some education and experience before trying to pose as someone who knows what they are talking about.
that makes no sense. If all muslims already want to kill Americans then what the fuck is the difference if they are coming in or are already here?

Ever heard the term 'Nation of Islam'?

Much like in our nation, there are soldiers and there are 'citizens'. They may want the same things, but only the 'soldiers' fight the wars.

The Jihadis, terrorists, are the 'soldiers of Islam'. These are the pieces of fecal matter carrying out the war against the rest of the world, to convert, subjugate, or murder everyone in the world.

Just because the Muslim next door smiles at you every day does not mean he would step in to save your life if a fellow Muslim was about to cut your head off for non- conversion.

Refusing to cut your head off because he is 'peaceful' but allowing it to happen because it advances the cause of Islam doesn't make the guy your FRIEND.

Unbelivable, do you even know ANY muslims?

Why don't you find some and ask them if they would be cool with your head getting cut off. Be on the look out for the "you are a total fucking nut" facial response.
Yes, I do know Muslims, many more than you. I have studied them, studied with them, fought beside them, fought against them ...
Try getting as much experience as I have then come back and talk to me.
Are you related to sassy,political chic.,??
You demonstrate the same lack of ability to debate an issue as the CNN host. No surprise there.
that makes no sense. If all muslims already want to kill Americans then what the fuck is the difference if they are coming in or are already here?

Ever heard the term 'Nation of Islam'?

Much like in our nation, there are soldiers and there are 'citizens'. They may want the same things, but only the 'soldiers' fight the wars.

The Jihadis, terrorists, are the 'soldiers of Islam'. These are the pieces of fecal matter carrying out the war against the rest of the world, to convert, subjugate, or murder everyone in the world.

Just because the Muslim next door smiles at you every day does not mean he would step in to save your life if a fellow Muslim was about to cut your head off for non- conversion.

Refusing to cut your head off because he is 'peaceful' but allowing it to happen because it advances the cause of Islam doesn't make the guy your FRIEND.

Unbelivable, do you even know ANY muslims?

Why don't you find some and ask them if they would be cool with your head getting cut off. Be on the look out for the "you are a total fucking nut" facial response.
Yes, I do know Muslims, many more than you. I have studied them, studied with them, fought beside them, fought against them ...
Try getting as much experience as I have then come back and talk to me.

Well then you really should know better then to post this lunatic drivel.
Again, get some education and experience before trying to pose as someone who knows what they are talking about.

Fuck you, I know and work with many muslims and they are as decent as anyone else.

Yea there are violent, crazy fundies out there, but to think of all Muslims in this way is insane.
still have no answer to the problem, do know that hate be gets hate.
Obama's Intel says ISIS infiltrated the 'refugees'

Obama admitted his vetting system is flawed.

Obama then raised the number of 'refugees' coming in...

Only the stupid admits 'death' walks among the crowd yet still welcomes them all into his home and family without taking every precaution possible to keep his family safe.

The UK and France are learning that the hard way...
He RAISED the number??
How many people have been deported under Obama?
President Barack Obama has often been referred to by immigration groups as the "Deporter in Chief."
Between 2009 and 2015 his administration has removed more than 2.5 million people through immigration orders, which doesn’t include the number of people who "self-deported" or were turned away and/or returned to their home country at the border by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP).

How does he compare to other presidents?
According to governmental data, the Obama administration has deported more people than any other president's administration in history.
In fact, they have deported more than the sum of all the presidents of the 20th century.

President George W. Bush's administration deported just over two million during his time in office; and Obama’s numbers don’t reflect his last year in office, for which data is not yet available.
Ever heard the term 'Nation of Islam'?

Much like in our nation, there are soldiers and there are 'citizens'. They may want the same things, but only the 'soldiers' fight the wars.

The Jihadis, terrorists, are the 'soldiers of Islam'. These are the pieces of fecal matter carrying out the war against the rest of the world, to convert, subjugate, or murder everyone in the world.

Just because the Muslim next door smiles at you every day does not mean he would step in to save your life if a fellow Muslim was about to cut your head off for non- conversion.

Refusing to cut your head off because he is 'peaceful' but allowing it to happen because it advances the cause of Islam doesn't make the guy your FRIEND.

Unbelivable, do you even know ANY muslims?

Why don't you find some and ask them if they would be cool with your head getting cut off. Be on the look out for the "you are a total fucking nut" facial response.
Yes, I do know Muslims, many more than you. I have studied them, studied with them, fought beside them, fought against them ...
Try getting as much experience as I have then come back and talk to me.

Well then you really should know better then to post this lunatic drivel.
Again, get some education and experience before trying to pose as someone who knows what they are talking about.

Fuck you, I know and work with many muslims and they are as decent as anyone else.
Nice potty mouth - did you get that from the CNN host?! :p

Oh, you work with a few Muslims and they seem nice. Damn, did some liberal college give you a PHD for Islamic Studies for all that vast experience / knowledge?!

:p lol
still have no answer to the problem, do know that hate be gets hate.
Obama's Intel says ISIS infiltrated the 'refugees'

Obama admitted his vetting system is flawed.

Obama then raised the number of 'refugees' coming in...

Only the stupid admits 'death' walks among the crowd yet still welcomes them all into his home and family without taking every precaution possible to keep his family safe.

The UK and France are learning that the hard way...
He RAISED the number??
How many people have been deported under Obama?
President Barack Obama has often been referred to by immigration groups as the "Deporter in Chief."
Between 2009 and 2015 his administration has removed more than 2.5 million people through immigration orders, which doesn’t include the number of people who "self-deported" or were turned away and/or returned to their home country at the border by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP).

How does he compare to other presidents?
According to governmental data, the Obama administration has deported more people than any other president's administration in history.
In fact, they have deported more than the sum of all the presidents of the 20th century.

President George W. Bush's administration deported just over two million during his time in office; and Obama’s numbers don’t reflect his last year in office, for which data is not yet available.
Reading comprehension is not your strong suit...not talking deportations - talking number of refugees Obama brought in. Try to keep up...
still have no answer to the problem, do know that hate be gets hate.
Obama's Intel says ISIS infiltrated the 'refugees'

Obama admitted his vetting system is flawed.

Obama then raised the number of 'refugees' coming in...

Only the stupid admits 'death' walks among the crowd yet still welcomes them all into his home and family without taking every precaution possible to keep his family safe.

The UK and France are learning that the hard way...
He RAISED the number??
How many people have been deported under Obama?
President Barack Obama has often been referred to by immigration groups as the "Deporter in Chief."
Between 2009 and 2015 his administration has removed more than 2.5 million people through immigration orders, which doesn’t include the number of people who "self-deported" or were turned away and/or returned to their home country at the border by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP).

How does he compare to other presidents?
According to governmental data, the Obama administration has deported more people than any other president's administration in history.
In fact, they have deported more than the sum of all the presidents of the 20th century.

President George W. Bush's administration deported just over two million during his time in office; and Obama’s numbers don’t reflect his last year in office, for which data is not yet available.
Reading comprehension is not your strong suit...not talking deportations - talking number of refugees Obama brought in. Try to keep up...
Not talking deportations ?? How come ?? Slimeball repubs won't give Obama credit for anything Patriots ? BS
The president took to Twitter Saturday evening, saying, “We need to be smart, vigilant and tough. We need the courts to give us back our rights. We need the Travel Ban as an extra level of safety!”

Total Horseshit. The Ban does not protect us, it ENDANGERS us by slapping muslims in the face and giving Islamists easy propaganda material about how America is waging a war on Islam.

There wasn't EVEN ONE American death as a result of million or so people that traveled to United States from the countries listed in the Travel ban.

Terrorism and Trump's Travel Ban -

American death did happen as a result of this:

What country do we need to ban travel from in response?

Yes, Trump is a total piece of shit and that's the way he'll go down in history.
------------------------------------------- YOU are cwazy Anton !!
To the man who called the president a piece of shit.

You are a muslim. Your head should be on a pike outside the gates at Ft. Hood.
The president took to Twitter Saturday evening, saying, “We need to be smart, vigilant and tough. We need the courts to give us back our rights. We need the Travel Ban as an extra level of safety!”

Total Horseshit. The Ban does not protect us, it ENDANGERS us by slapping muslims in the face and giving Islamists easy propaganda material about how America is waging a war on Islam.

There wasn't EVEN ONE American death as a result of million or so people that traveled to United States from the countries listed in the Travel ban.

Terrorism and Trump's Travel Ban -

American death did happen as a result of this:

What country do we need to ban travel from in response?

Yes, Trump is a total piece of shit and that's the way he'll go down in history.
------------------------------------------- YOU are cwazy Anton !!
No he's on the money Why keep pissing on 1.6 million muslims like dump is doing?
The conundrum for the Left is, how do you stop terrorists from killing you and still stay politically correct? They don't, they can't. Reality wins, they're dead. A realist like Trump can see the problem and deal with it effectively, which is one of the reasons he won the election.

This is the taking point. Have read it a half dozen times in the past two days.

Try harder.
CNN host calls Trump 'piece of sh*t' over renewed call for travel ban - The American Mirror

After the latest suspected Islamic terrorist attack in London on Saturday, a CNN host lashed out at President Trump over his renewed call for a travel ban.

The president took to Twitter Saturday evening, saying, “We need to be smart, vigilant and tough. We need the courts to give us back our rights. We need the Travel Ban as an extra level of safety!”

That triggered CNN host Reza Aslan, who lashed out, writing, “This piece of shit is not just an embarrassment to American and a stain on the presidency. He’s an embarrassment to humankind.

Terrorists attack the UK, our President calls for more security to protect Americans, and liberals / snowflakes repulsively attack our President....

CNN host demonstrates complete mental breakdown and lack of class, inability to disagree without launching into 'triggered' personal attack.

No sir, the President isn't a POS - YOU are.

The host should be immediately fired, just as Kathy Griffin was. It is not possible for him to remain working at CNN and yet present any image of professionalism or lack of extreme bias, which is critical for a 'news reporting agency'.

Keeping him on would demonstrate a complete lack of professionalism and extreme lack of concern for their network's image and bias on CNN's behalf.

We ARE talking about CNN, though, the network who openly, on-air, bragged about doing everythong it could to help Hillary win the 2016 election, to include ignore her scandals...
Where is Reza Aslan wrong?
CNN host calls Trump 'piece of sh*t' over renewed call for travel ban - The American Mirror

After the latest suspected Islamic terrorist attack in London on Saturday, a CNN host lashed out at President Trump over his renewed call for a travel ban.

The president took to Twitter Saturday evening, saying, “We need to be smart, vigilant and tough. We need the courts to give us back our rights. We need the Travel Ban as an extra level of safety!”

That triggered CNN host Reza Aslan, who lashed out, writing, “This piece of shit is not just an embarrassment to American and a stain on the presidency. He’s an embarrassment to humankind.

Terrorists attack the UK, our President calls for more security to protect Americans, and liberals / snowflakes repulsively attack our President....

CNN host demonstrates complete mental breakdown and lack of class, inability to disagree without launching into 'triggered' personal attack.

No sir, the President isn't a POS - YOU are.

The host should be immediately fired, just as Kathy Griffin was. It is not possible for him to remain working at CNN and yet present any image of professionalism or lack of extreme bias, which is critical for a 'news reporting agency'.

Keeping him on would demonstrate a complete lack of professionalism and extreme lack of concern for their network's image and bias on CNN's behalf.

We ARE talking about CNN, though, the network who openly, on-air, bragged about doing everythong it could to help Hillary win the 2016 election, to include ignore her scandals...
Since when is telling the truth wrong? Trump is a piece of shit.
International leaders agree.
Most Americans agree.
Thank you CNN.
Go Trump , keep annoying the lefties and especially this leftist cat named Reasonable !!:afro:
annoying the powerless 'euros' and little old YOU is where the fun is Reasonable !!
To the man who called the president a piece of shit.

You are a muslim. Your head should be on a pike outside the gates at Ft. Hood.

Idiot, which part deserves this (completely unconstitutional) punishment?

The fact that he called president piece of shit or the fact that he is a muslim? Or is there some special double standard about muslims calling grabby orange clown a piece of shit?

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