CNN host calls Trump ‘piece of sh*t’ over renewed call for travel ban after UK Terror Attack

So only some people are allowed to be politically incorrect?
I don't consider bad behavior and trailer trash talk as a type of political speech.

If you do then your standards are quite low.

I am trying to figure out the standards. It's appears being politically incorrect is okay just so long as one agrees with the sentiment.
Being politically incorrect is always fine. Being a foul mouthed political hack not so much when your job demands objectivity.

Common sense

I am just searching for some consistency. People love to piss and moan about others being PC, but jump on the PC bandwagon the instant it becomes expedient to do so.

This isn't about political correctness and you know it. It's about piss poor public behavior and how it reflects on both your job and the company you are supposed to be representing.

YOU want to change the subject because you know it was wrong.

When I get upset it's moral and just. When they get upset it's b/c they are PC pussies.
The fact is that Trump is a 'piece of SH*T' and his followers are hateful, hypocrites. I'm sure that every Trump supporter complained and attacked Democrats when a tragic shooting was used as a justification for gun control. Now they do the same thing when a extremist harms others. A pretense to push a Muslim travel ban. I do not judge Muslims by the actions of a few. It seems that Trump supporters use the same strategy that Hitler did. Instead of Jews, it is Muslims. Maybe this fake conservative movement needs to meet the same fate as Nazi Germany.
It is up to you to light a fire under the next world war.
The fact is that Trump is a 'piece of SH*T' and his followers are hateful, hypocrites. I'm sure that every Trump supporter complained and attacked Democrats when a tragic shooting was used as a justification for gun control. Now they do the same thing when a extremist harms others. A pretense to push a Muslim travel ban. I do not judge Muslims by the actions of a few. It seems that Trump supporters use the same strategy that Hitler did. Instead of Jews, it is Muslims. Maybe this fake conservative movement needs to meet the same fate as Nazi Germany.

When you have two thirds of the Muslims telling us they would not report or turn in a fellow Muslim if they knew they were going to commit an act of terror, then it is a more than a few, that is my issue. I am critical of Trump in many areas and I will denounce him on his actions if I think they are wrong, but to compare Trump and Hitler is just plain stupid. Obama wanted more gun control and when a shooting occurred then he politicized it, so because of the actions of a few...oh my! That is the same strategy Hitler used!!!

See how easy it is?

Also you called all Trump supporters hateful and hypocrites, the same tactic Hitler used!!

Trump by far is not my favorite President but your comparison of him and his supporters is plain ignorant.
Trying to defend abhorrent behavior under the banner of political correctness lol

Don't mind me. I have blood coming out of my wherever. lol
I defended Megyn so you can fuck right off

I did I say you didn't? You're awfully sensitive this morning.
People acting like douches tend to make me testy.
You're so desperate to excuse this shit your willing to point at anyone or anything.

Trying to defend abhorrent behavior under the banner of political correctness lol

Don't mind me. I have blood coming out of my wherever. lol
I defended Megyn so you can fuck right off

I did I say you didn't? You're awfully sensitive this morning.
People acting like douches tend to make me testy.
You're so desperate to excuse this shit your willing to point at anyone or anything.


Oh, please. I am not excusing anything. I am just looking for people to be consistent in their politically correct outrage. I know that looking for consistency around here is a fool's errand, but hope springs eternal...
Trying to defend abhorrent behavior under the banner of political correctness lol

Don't mind me. I have blood coming out of my wherever. lol
I defended Megyn so you can fuck right off

I did I say you didn't? You're awfully sensitive this morning.
People acting like douches tend to make me testy.
You're so desperate to excuse this shit your willing to point at anyone or anything.


Oh, please. I am not excusing anything. I am just looking for people to be consistent in their politically correct outrage. I know that looking for consistency around here is a fool's errand, but hope springs eternal...
This has nothing to do with political correctness
The travel ban isn't going to save you, my paranoid little morons. It's the TSA of immigration policy - it's all for show.
It will definitely save some Americans if it is extended indefinitely and to the rest of the Middle East. The death of any Americans killed by Muzzie savages are on your filthy hands.
I'm an American - my hands have been covered in blood since birth.

And the ones you need to worry about are - already here.
I, personally, have never killed anyone. Confess your crimes to the police and repent.

Yes, we do have to worry about the muzzies people like you have already let in.
You just worry your little head off (about those dreaded Muzzies) little one - like any child who thinks monsters live under the bed. I have an (adult) life to lead.
You're an imbecile, obviously.
Don't mind me. I have blood coming out of my wherever. lol
I defended Megyn so you can fuck right off

I did I say you didn't? You're awfully sensitive this morning.
People acting like douches tend to make me testy.
You're so desperate to excuse this shit your willing to point at anyone or anything.


Oh, please. I am not excusing anything. I am just looking for people to be consistent in their politically correct outrage. I know that looking for consistency around here is a fool's errand, but hope springs eternal...
This has nothing to do with political correctness

That's your opinion and I disagree.
CNN hosts should be aware of what happens when you build bridges and not walls.

People die on said bridges...
I defended Megyn so you can fuck right off

I did I say you didn't? You're awfully sensitive this morning.
People acting like douches tend to make me testy.
You're so desperate to excuse this shit your willing to point at anyone or anything.


Oh, please. I am not excusing anything. I am just looking for people to be consistent in their politically correct outrage. I know that looking for consistency around here is a fool's errand, but hope springs eternal...
This has nothing to do with political correctness

That's your opinion and I disagree.
Of course you disagree, otherwise you would have to call it what it is....DEPLORABLE BEHAVIOR unbecoming an anchor on a news network.
I did I say you didn't? You're awfully sensitive this morning.
People acting like douches tend to make me testy.
You're so desperate to excuse this shit your willing to point at anyone or anything.


Oh, please. I am not excusing anything. I am just looking for people to be consistent in their politically correct outrage. I know that looking for consistency around here is a fool's errand, but hope springs eternal...
This has nothing to do with political correctness

That's your opinion and I disagree.
Of course you disagree, otherwise you would have to call it what it is....DEPLORABLE BEHAVIOR unbecoming an anchor on a news network.

I am sorry if I can't muster enough outrage to assuage you.
I don't believe that being politically correct counts for anything on Twitter. I would feel way differently if it was said on CNN itself or if it could in anyway be interpreted as a call for violence.
People acting like douches tend to make me testy.
You're so desperate to excuse this shit your willing to point at anyone or anything.


Oh, please. I am not excusing anything. I am just looking for people to be consistent in their politically correct outrage. I know that looking for consistency around here is a fool's errand, but hope springs eternal...
This has nothing to do with political correctness

That's your opinion and I disagree.
Of course you disagree, otherwise you would have to call it what it is....DEPLORABLE BEHAVIOR unbecoming an anchor on a news network.

I am sorry if I can't muster enough outrage to assuage you.
You got the sorry part right
I did I say you didn't? You're awfully sensitive this morning.
People acting like douches tend to make me testy.
You're so desperate to excuse this shit your willing to point at anyone or anything.


Oh, please. I am not excusing anything. I am just looking for people to be consistent in their politically correct outrage. I know that looking for consistency around here is a fool's errand, but hope springs eternal...
This has nothing to do with political correctness

That's your opinion and I disagree.
Of course you disagree, otherwise you would have to call it what it is....DEPLORABLE BEHAVIOR unbecoming an anchor on a news network.

Good thing he's not, oh I don't know, the so called President of the U.S.
People acting like douches tend to make me testy.
You're so desperate to excuse this shit your willing to point at anyone or anything.


Oh, please. I am not excusing anything. I am just looking for people to be consistent in their politically correct outrage. I know that looking for consistency around here is a fool's errand, but hope springs eternal...
This has nothing to do with political correctness

That's your opinion and I disagree.
Of course you disagree, otherwise you would have to call it what it is....DEPLORABLE BEHAVIOR unbecoming an anchor on a news network.

Good thing he's not, oh I don't know, the so called President of the U.S.
I've called Trump out DOZENS of times so your attempt to flip it back around is a big fat fail.

This thread is less about personalities and more about the moral decline of what constitutes acceptable behavior in our nation.
CNN host calls Trump 'piece of sh*t' over renewed call for travel ban - The American Mirror

After the latest suspected Islamic terrorist attack in London on Saturday, a CNN host lashed out at President Trump over his renewed call for a travel ban.

The president took to Twitter Saturday evening, saying, “We need to be smart, vigilant and tough. We need the courts to give us back our rights. We need the Travel Ban as an extra level of safety!”

That triggered CNN host Reza Aslan, who lashed out, writing, “This piece of shit is not just an embarrassment to American and a stain on the presidency. He’s an embarrassment to humankind.

Terrorists attack the UK, our President calls for more security to protect Americans, and liberals / snowflakes repulsively attack our President....

CNN host demonstrates complete mental breakdown and lack of class, inability to disagree without launching into 'triggered' personal attack.

No sir, the President isn't a POS - YOU are.

The host should be immediately fired, just as Kathy Griffin was. It is not possible for him to remain working at CNN and yet present any image of professionalism or lack of extreme bias, which is critical for a 'news reporting agency'.

Keeping him on would demonstrate a complete lack of professionalism and extreme lack of concern for their network's image and bias on CNN's behalf.

We ARE talking about CNN, though, the network who openly, on-air, bragged about doing everythong it could to help Hillary win the 2016 election, to include ignore her scandals...
It's written in stone Trump is a swine the most vile pig ever to enter our WH and with all his lies, who among you dolts can say he's not a piece of shit?

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