CNN host calls Trump ‘piece of sh*t’ over renewed call for travel ban after UK Terror Attack

The president took to Twitter Saturday evening, saying, “We need to be smart, vigilant and tough. We need the courts to give us back our rights. We need the Travel Ban as an extra level of safety!”

Total Horseshit. The Ban does not protect us, it ENDANGERS us by slapping muslims in the face and giving Islamists easy propaganda material about how America is waging a war on Islam.

There wasn't EVEN ONE American death as a result of million or so people that traveled to United States from the countries listed in the Travel ban.

Terrorism and Trump's Travel Ban -

American death did happen as a result of this:

What country do we need to ban travel from in response?
You are full of shit. Do not open the door for anyone who threatens to break the door down or has already said "I intend on destroying you once I enter into your house".


We have a rigorous background check process SPECIFICALLY TO DO THAT.
Obviously those have not been used properly by whomever was in charge.

To repeat - NOT ONE DEATH in America as a result of travels from the 7 countries in the Travel ban.
Obama had a travel ban also and it matters not that so far there has been no deaths because our security forces have been on guard taking care of business. You are not the duly elected president therefore you do not get to make that call.
Good the media needs to call a piece of shit a piece of shit.

Don't like it?

Send Complaints To:

The Constitution
Independence Hall
Philadelphia, PA
United States of America
c/o Dept of Snowflake Whining
CNN doesn't decide what our countries politics are or what they will be. The problem is they are attempting to be an international news source that can appeal to the whole international community verses a source that respects our independence as a nation. I think that will continue to be an issue for awhile longer. These internationally minded companies will have to learn to deal with on their own. They don't get to determine our future, we do.

These people have really lost their shit.

The Left has really, completely, lost its shit.
I got verbally bit this morning over someone being pissy about people he grew up with that are whackos like you mentioned in post #3 I wasn't even totally awake yet :(
The problem is they are attempting to be an international news source

I don't know if you've noticed or not, but CNN has over the past couple years taken to carrying content in addition to their news and their current events/public policy editorial content.
  • CNN's Believer series is not news programming. It is a show that happens to be carried on the CNN network.
  • Calling Aslan a CNN host is okay enough, I suppose, but it's not as though he's the host of recurring news program CNN produces and airs. The only thing that makes calling him a host be ostensibly apt is that he actually appears in his show rather than merely being a voice we hear. Who are or have been program hosts? Anderson Cooper, Christine Romans, Brooke Baldwin, Jerry Springer, Regis and Kathy Lee, and many others who actively shepherd the dialogue and progression of a program episode over the course of its airing.

    The show Aslan "hosts" is not a news show, it's a video essay about various aspects of theistic lifestyles and belief systems. He is more fittingly termed an author, though the essays he delivers, which are essentially well composed high school history or comparative religion research papers/essays, are in a video format rather than print. About all that distinguishes his program's content from that which a high school student might include in research paper is that Aslan has somewhat better access to individuals who can provide him with their own remarks that he can in turn quote. A high school student who judiciously chooses their topic could have (and were they to, would be expected to avail themselves of it) the same sort of access to original input from relevant individuals.

    Is there information in his program that may be new information to some people? Yes, of course there is. That there is does not make the show be a news program. I mean really. When you watch any of the Discovery Network's non-fiction programming, do you call it news? It's not. It's merely information. It's not news because, well, there's nothing that's new about it by the time it airs on those programs.

    Don't believe me? Take a look at the publication dates of the scholarly papers and texts that form the content base for those programs. You'll see that none of it was published yesterday, last week, or even last month. At its most current, it may have been published in the past six to twelve months.
Most importantly, however, Aslan made the remark on Twitter, using his personal Twitter account, not on his CNN program or using the Believer Twitter account. The man didn't make his profane remark in any way that inextricably or incidentally connects it with CNN. Contrast that with, say, Bill O'Reilly who, as a Fox employee harassed other Fox employees in Fox's facilities. Fox even paid some of the law suit settlements resulting from his harassment of other Fox employees and did their best to keep the matters mum.

Now, do networks and advertisers, or employers in general, make a "big stink" when their employees engender public reprehension? Yes, they sometimes do. Whether they levy penalties against their employee is nearly always a business decision accruing from the nature and extent to which the employee's actions can be legitimately construed as having been condoned by the employer, or at the very least, by their appearing to have looked askance at the person's words/deeds, tacitly remit the opprobrious nature of the employee's actions/statements.

For my part, that's up to the network. To the extent that there is no reasonable basis for connecting the employer to the employee's actions, I don't think the employer should do or say anything about it. The action and it consequence are on the employee. Let it stay there.
The president took to Twitter Saturday evening, saying, “We need to be smart, vigilant and tough. We need the courts to give us back our rights. We need the Travel Ban as an extra level of safety!”

Total Horseshit. The Ban does not protect us, it ENDANGERS us by slapping muslims in the face and giving Islamists easy propaganda material about how America is waging a war on Islam.

There wasn't EVEN ONE American death as a result of million or so people that traveled to United States from the countries listed in the Travel ban.

Terrorism and Trump's Travel Ban -

American death did happen as a result of this:

What country do we need to ban travel from in response?

Yes, Trump is a total piece of shit and that's the way he'll go down in history.
Muslims should not be slapped on the face. They should be shot in the face.
The conundrum for the Left is, how do you stop terrorists from killing you and still stay politically correct? They don't, they can't. Reality wins, they're dead. A realist like Trump can see the problem and deal with it effectively, which is one of the reasons he won the election.
The defining moment was the Islamic terrorist attack on the homosexual hangout in Orlando. The left immediately sided with Islam.
CNN doesn't decide what our countries politics are or what they will be. The problem is they are attempting to be an international news source that can appeal to the whole international community verses a source that respects our independence as a nation. I think that will continue to be an issue for awhile longer. These internationally minded companies will have to learn to deal with on their own. They don't get to determine our future, we do.

These people have really lost their shit.

The Left has really, completely, lost its shit.
I got verbally bit this morning over someone being pissy about people he grew up with that are whackos like you mentioned in post #3 I wasn't even totally awake yet :(
The problem is they are attempting to be an international news source

I don't know if you've noticed or not, but CNN has over the past couple years taken to carrying content in addition to their news and their current events/public policy editorial content.
  • CNN's Believer series is not news programming. It is a show that happens to be carried on the CNN network.
  • Calling Aslan a CNN host is okay enough, I suppose, but it's not as though he's the host of recurring news program CNN produces and airs. The only thing that makes calling him a host be ostensibly apt is that he actually appears in his show rather than merely being a voice we hear. Who are or have been program hosts? Anderson Cooper, Christine Romans, Brooke Baldwin, Jerry Springer, Regis and Kathy Lee, and many others who actively shepherd the dialogue and progression of a program episode over the course of its airing.

    The show Aslan "hosts" is not a news show, it's a video essay about various aspects of theistic lifestyles and belief systems. He is more fittingly termed an author, though the essays he delivers, which are essentially well composed high school history or comparative religion research papers/essays, are in a video format rather than print. About all that distinguishes his program's content from that which a high school student might include in research paper is that Aslan has somewhat better access to individuals who can provide him with their own remarks that he can in turn quote. A high school student who judiciously chooses their topic could have (and were they to, would be expected to avail themselves of it) the same sort of access to original input from relevant individuals.

    Is there information in his program that may be new information to some people? Yes, of course there is. That there is does not make the show be a news program. I mean really. When you watch any of the Discovery Network's non-fiction programming, do you call it news? It's not. It's merely information. It's not news because, well, there's nothing that's new about it by the time it airs on those programs.

    Don't believe me? Take a look at the publication dates of the scholarly papers and texts that form the content base for those programs. You'll see that none of it was published yesterday, last week, or even last month. At its most current, it may have been published in the past six to twelve months.
Most importantly, however, Aslan made the remark on Twitter, using his personal Twitter account, not on his CNN program or using the Believer Twitter account. The man didn't make his profane remark in any way that inextricably or incidentally connects it with CNN. Contrast that with, say, Bill O'Reilly who, as a Fox employee harassed other Fox employees in Fox's facilities. Fox even paid some of the law suit settlements resulting from his harassment of other Fox employees and did their best to keep the matters mum.

Now, do networks and advertisers, or employers in general, make a "big stink" when their employees engender public reprehension? Yes, they sometimes do. Whether they levy penalties against their employee is nearly always a business decision accruing from the nature and extent to which the employee's actions can be legitimately construed as having been condoned by the employer, or at the very least, by their appearing to have looked askance at the person's words/deeds, tacitly remit the opprobrious nature of the employee's actions/statements.
We have not had a tv in this house for well over ten years and until last year did not have the Internet full time since 2009. I spent six months at my parents in 2011 and saw a little bit of a few of the programs my dad watched but generally spent most of my time there on the Internet researching to find the information for the caustic ingredients I had been covered with in 2007 at work. So I may catch a few bits and pieces here and there of what goes on in the major news media outlets but by no means would I be an expert on any of it. I wouldn't waste my band width watching most crap put out by major networks these days and there are probably a lot of others in that same thought process. It only takes once or twice of hearing utter bs to dial out or turn off which ever news outlet it may be spewing crap off and plan on putting them on that never return mental list (I was a little more lenient about that when we had high-speed but that is not the case now as it runs almost a $100.00 a mo here).
The president took to Twitter Saturday evening, saying, “We need to be smart, vigilant and tough. We need the courts to give us back our rights. We need the Travel Ban as an extra level of safety!”

Total Horseshit. The Ban does not protect us, it ENDANGERS us by slapping muslims in the face and giving Islamists easy propaganda material about how America is waging a war on Islam.

There wasn't EVEN ONE American death as a result of million or so people that traveled to United States from the countries listed in the Travel ban.

Terrorism and Trump's Travel Ban -

American death did happen as a result of this:

What country do we need to ban travel from in response?
You are full of shit. Do not open the door for anyone who threatens to break the door down or has already said "I intend on destroying you once I enter into your house".


We have a rigorous background check process SPECIFICALLY TO DO THAT.
Obviously those have not been used properly by whomever was in charge.

To repeat - NOT ONE DEATH in America as a result of travels from the 7 countries in the Travel ban.

We've only just started to import this brand of muzzie savage. Give them time. They will rack up a competitive body count shortly
The president took to Twitter Saturday evening, saying, “We need to be smart, vigilant and tough. We need the courts to give us back our rights. We need the Travel Ban as an extra level of safety!”

Total Horseshit. The Ban does not protect us, it ENDANGERS us by slapping muslims in the face and giving Islamists easy propaganda material about how America is waging a war on Islam.

There wasn't EVEN ONE American death as a result of million or so people that traveled to United States from the countries listed in the Travel ban.

Terrorism and Trump's Travel Ban -

American death did happen as a result of this:

What country do we need to ban travel from in response?

Yes, Trump is a total piece of shit and that's the way he'll go down in history.

YOu raise a valid point. THe Travel Ban is not nearly wide enough.
Good the media needs to call a piece of shit a piece of shit.

Don't like it?

Send Complaints To:

The Constitution
Independence Hall
Philadelphia, PA
United States of America
c/o Dept of Snowflake Whining

So CNN should be calling you a piece of shit?
The travel ban isn't going to save you, my paranoid little morons. It's the TSA of immigration policy - it's all for show.
It will definitely save some Americans if it is extended indefinitely and to the rest of the Middle East. The death of any Americans killed by Muzzie savages are on your filthy hands.
Total Horseshit. The Ban does not protect us, it ENDANGERS us by slapping muslims in the face and giving Islamists easy propaganda material about how America is waging a war on Islam.

There wasn't EVEN ONE American death as a result of million or so people that traveled to United States from the countries listed in the Travel ban.

Terrorism and Trump's Travel Ban -

American death did happen as a result of this:

What country do we need to ban travel from in response?
You are full of shit. Do not open the door for anyone who threatens to break the door down or has already said "I intend on destroying you once I enter into your house".


We have a rigorous background check process SPECIFICALLY TO DO THAT.
Obviously those have not been used properly by whomever was in charge.

To repeat - NOT ONE DEATH in America as a result of travels from the 7 countries in the Travel ban.

We've only just started to import this brand of muzzie savage. Give them time. They will rack up a competitive body count shortly
We did not colonize nations like Europe either so they were not brought in here as readily as places like France and Britain.

Islam was also banned years ago when they came in and got caught smashing babies heads in the back alleys (I wish Rod would have copied off that article about such an incident here in Iowa when he found it at the historical museum but the issue wasn't as relevant back then as it is now)
The travel ban isn't going to save you, my paranoid little morons. It's the TSA of immigration policy - it's all for show.
It will definitely save some Americans if it is extended indefinitely and to the rest of the Middle East. The death of any Americans killed by Muzzie savages are on your filthy hands.
I'm an American - my hands have been covered in blood since birth.

And the ones you need to worry about are - already here.
The president took to Twitter Saturday evening, saying, “We need to be smart, vigilant and tough. We need the courts to give us back our rights. We need the Travel Ban as an extra level of safety!”

Total Horseshit. The Ban does not protect us, it ENDANGERS us by slapping muslims in the face and giving Islamists easy propaganda material about how America is waging a war on Islam.

There wasn't EVEN ONE American death as a result of million or so people that traveled to United States from the countries listed in the Travel ban.

Terrorism and Trump's Travel Ban -

American death did happen as a result of this:

What country do we need to ban travel from in response?

Yes, Trump is a total piece of shit and that's the way he'll go down in history.
But the the "ban" doesn't affect a billion or so Muslims
No, the brown buffoon before trump is the abominable stain. It will take years to undue the carnage that his admin brought upon the country.

See, unlike the orange buffoon Obama was born with his skin color so when you fault him for it you sound like a racist.

The carnage? You mean economic recovery, growth, now popular healthcare reform and high end-of-presidency approval with a solid place in history for his Presidency?

Lol. O is the brown buffoon. Not sure how you equate that with racism, lol. Lowest gdp of any president. Healthcare law thats imploding. Thats nothing to be proud of.
Reza Aslan is a muzz, raised a muzz. He's Iranian. That's just how democrats roll today.

Of course he's going to oppose an American president. That's what the muzx does. That's what democrats do.
CNN doesn't decide what our countries politics are or what they will be. The problem is they are attempting to be an international news source that can appeal to the whole international community verses a source that respects our independence as a nation. I think that will continue to be an issue for awhile longer. These internationally minded companies will have to learn to deal with on their own. They don't get to determine our future, we do.

These people have really lost their shit.

The Left has really, completely, lost its shit.
I got verbally bit this morning over someone being pissy about people he grew up with that are whackos like you mentioned in post #3 I wasn't even totally awake yet :(

That didn't stop them from trying to with fake polls and narratives:

If anybody tried to influence the election, it was the media.

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