CNN host calls Trump ‘piece of sh*t’ over renewed call for travel ban after UK Terror Attack

Shouldn't we be celebrating Aslan's politically incorrect speech?
The travel ban isn't going to save you, my paranoid little morons. It's the TSA of immigration policy - it's all for show.
It will definitely save some Americans if it is extended indefinitely and to the rest of the Middle East. The death of any Americans killed by Muzzie savages are on your filthy hands.
I'm an American - my hands have been covered in blood since birth.

And the ones you need to worry about are - already here.
I, personally, have never killed anyone. Confess your crimes to the police and repent.

Yes, we do have to worry about the muzzies people like you have already let in.
The travel ban isn't going to save you, my paranoid little morons. It's the TSA of immigration policy - it's all for show.
It will definitely save some Americans if it is extended indefinitely and to the rest of the Middle East. The death of any Americans killed by Muzzie savages are on your filthy hands.
I'm an American - my hands have been covered in blood since birth.

And the ones you need to worry about are - already here.
I, personally, have never killed anyone. Confess your crimes to the police and repent.

Yes, we do have to worry about the muzzies people like you have already let in.
You just worry your little head off (about those dreaded Muzzies) little one - like any child who thinks monsters live under the bed. I have an (adult) life to lead.
CNN doesn't decide what our countries politics are or what they will be. The problem is they are attempting to be an international news source that can appeal to the whole international community verses a source that respects our independence as a nation. I think that will continue to be an issue for awhile longer. These internationally minded companies will have to learn to deal with on their own. They don't get to determine our future, we do.

These people have really lost their shit.

The Left has really, completely, lost its shit.
I got verbally bit this morning over someone being pissy about people he grew up with that are whackos like you mentioned in post #3 I wasn't even totally awake yet :(

That didn't stop them from trying to with fake polls and narratives:

If anybody tried to influence the election, it was the media.
That and what went down at Malheur plus the continually attack of Christians has also pissed a lot of people whether the leftist know and understand that or not.
The president took to Twitter Saturday evening, saying, “We need to be smart, vigilant and tough. We need the courts to give us back our rights. We need the Travel Ban as an extra level of safety!”

Total Horseshit. The Ban does not protect us, it ENDANGERS us by slapping muslims in the face and giving Islamists easy propaganda material about how America is waging a war on Islam.

There wasn't EVEN ONE American death as a result of million or so people that traveled to United States from the countries listed in the Travel ban.

Terrorism and Trump's Travel Ban -

American death did happen as a result of this:

What country do we need to ban travel from in response?

Yes, Trump is a total piece of shit and that's the way he'll go down in history.

How has that worked out for the Mayor of London?
The mainstream media doesn't care anymore because only Fox fires it's people for inappropriate behavior. O'Reilly was fired for undisclosed sexual harassment and a CNN anchor gets away with an insulting display of anger directed at the President of the United States. Anybody expect CNN to be fair and balanced these days?
Shouldn't we be celebrating Aslan's politically incorrect speech?
As a so called journalist? No.

So only some people are allowed to be politically incorrect?
I don't consider bad behavior and trailer trash talk as a type of political speech.

If you do then your standards are quite low.

I am trying to figure out the standards. It's appears being politically incorrect is okay just so long as one agrees with the sentiment.
The fact is that Trump is a 'piece of SH*T' and his followers are hateful, hypocrites. I'm sure that every Trump supporter complained and attacked Democrats when a tragic shooting was used as a justification for gun control. Now they do the same thing when a extremist harms others. A pretense to push a Muslim travel ban. I do not judge Muslims by the actions of a few. It seems that Trump supporters use the same strategy that Hitler did. Instead of Jews, it is Muslims. Maybe this fake conservative movement needs to meet the same fate as Nazi Germany.
Shouldn't we be celebrating Aslan's politically incorrect speech?
As a so called journalist? No.

So only some people are allowed to be politically incorrect?
I don't consider bad behavior and trailer trash talk as a type of political speech.

If you do then your standards are quite low.

I am trying to figure out the standards. It's appears being politically incorrect is okay just so long as one agrees with the sentiment.
Being politically incorrect is always fine. Being a foul mouthed political hack not so much when your job demands objectivity.

Common sense
The president took to Twitter Saturday evening, saying, “We need to be smart, vigilant and tough. We need the courts to give us back our rights. We need the Travel Ban as an extra level of safety!”

Total Horseshit. The Ban does not protect us, it ENDANGERS us by slapping muslims in the face and giving Islamists easy propaganda material about how America is waging a war on Islam.

There wasn't EVEN ONE American death as a result of million or so people that traveled to United States from the countries listed in the Travel ban.

Terrorism and Trump's Travel Ban -

American death did happen as a result of this:

What country do we need to ban travel from in response?

Yes, Trump is a total piece of shit and that's the way he'll go down in history.
Love them terrorists don't you?
The president took to Twitter Saturday evening, saying, “We need to be smart, vigilant and tough. We need the courts to give us back our rights. We need the Travel Ban as an extra level of safety!”

Total Horseshit. The Ban does not protect us, it ENDANGERS us by slapping muslims in the face and giving Islamists easy propaganda material about how America is waging a war on Islam.

There wasn't EVEN ONE American death as a result of million or so people that traveled to United States from the countries listed in the Travel ban.

Terrorism and Trump's Travel Ban -

American death did happen as a result of this:

What country do we need to ban travel from in response?

Yes, Trump is a total piece of shit and that's the way he'll go down in history.

"giving Islamists easy propaganda material about how America is waging a war on Islam."
Hold on to your panties, if we're not, we should be.
Shouldn't we be celebrating Aslan's politically incorrect speech?
As a so called journalist? No.

So only some people are allowed to be politically incorrect?
I don't consider bad behavior and trailer trash talk as a type of political speech.

If you do then your standards are quite low.

I am trying to figure out the standards. It's appears being politically incorrect is okay just so long as one agrees with the sentiment.
Being politically incorrect is always fine. Being a foul mouthed political hack not so much when your job demands objectivity.

Common sense

I am just searching for some consistency. People love to piss and moan about others being PC, but jump on the PC bandwagon the instant it becomes expedient to do so.
As a so called journalist? No.

So only some people are allowed to be politically incorrect?
I don't consider bad behavior and trailer trash talk as a type of political speech.

If you do then your standards are quite low.

I am trying to figure out the standards. It's appears being politically incorrect is okay just so long as one agrees with the sentiment.
Being politically incorrect is always fine. Being a foul mouthed political hack not so much when your job demands objectivity.

Common sense

I am just searching for some consistency. People love to piss and moan about others being PC, but jump on the PC bandwagon the instant it becomes expedient to do so.

This isn't about political correctness and you know it. It's about piss poor public behavior and how it reflects on both your job and the company you are supposed to be representing.

YOU want to change the subject because you know it was wrong.
The fact is that Trump is a 'piece of SH*T' and his followers are hateful, hypocrites. I'm sure that every Trump supporter complained and attacked Democrats when a tragic shooting was used as a justification for gun control. Now they do the same thing when a extremist harms others. A pretense to push a Muslim travel ban. I do not judge Muslims by the actions of a few. It seems that Trump supporters use the same strategy that Hitler did. Instead of Jews, it is Muslims. Maybe this fake conservative movement needs to meet the same fate as Nazi Germany.
Judge them based on the words of their own holy book and how it promotes this kind of violence.
I'm thinking there's going to be violent fightback in the UK real soon.

Possibly some politicians killed as well.

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