CNN - in rush to trash Trump - gets caught in another lie.

Moore got kicked out of office for ignoring the law as an Alabama Supreme Court Justice however.
MSNBC used a white Supremacist web site as 'legitimate news' to attack Trump...

ABC exposed for Flynn lie, suspends Ross...

Rachel Madcow teases snowflakes about exposing Trump then admits he pays his taxes...

CNN has now been caught NUMEROUS times lying their assess off, engaging in generating fake news...

...the level of piss-poor partisan hate-generated fake news journalism is at a record level, surpassing 'a lack of journalistic integrity' and reaching 'criminal' and 'seditious' levels.
I don't think it's a record level. I think it's been that way all along. It's just that now they can't hide from social media. Before social media they were never really challenged
Which republicans here would rather a pedophile in congress than a Dem? Raise your hands you sick sob's
Since most dims are pedophiles and perverts, your question becomes irrelevant.
I pray if you have children they meet Moore

That kind of shit would get your fucking teeth knocked out if you weren't such a pussy and said it in person.
Not by a loud mouthed punk like you
I don't think it's a record level. I think it's been that way all along. It's just that now they can't hide from social media. Before social media they were never really challenged
Which republicans here would rather a pedophile in congress than a Dem? Raise your hands you sick sob's
Since most dims are pedophiles and perverts, your question becomes irrelevant.
I pray if you have children they meet Moore

That kind of shit would get your fucking teeth knocked out if you weren't such a pussy and said it in person.
Not by a loud mouthed punk like you

Murked is entitled to his opinion, I disagree.
Which republicans here would rather a pedophile in congress than a Dem?
Ummm...there ARE Democrat secual harassers, sexual assaulters, adulterers, rapists, pedophiles, vicious victim-bashing enablers, and tax-dollar-stealing victim-paying / silencing Democrats ... at about 20 - 1 to Republicans.

But nice sentiment ... considering Democrats and the liberal media is burning under scandal and decades of cover-up

I got your answer Easy Pedophile over Dem Have any kids ? Introduce them to Moore
You should ask Slick Willy to do that...
Take your hand down easy We all know you love pedophiles over dems
Democrats ARE pedophiles...and it sounds like you are one, too.
I'm already in trouble with mods I better get back to Football
I don't think it's a record level. I think it's been that way all along. It's just that now they can't hide from social media. Before social media they were never really challenged
Which republicans here would rather a pedophile in congress than a Dem? Raise your hands you sick sob's
Since most dims are pedophiles and perverts, your question becomes irrelevant.
I pray if you have children they meet Moore

That kind of shit would get your fucking teeth knocked out if you weren't such a pussy and said it in person.
Not by a loud mouthed punk like you
Ed, you can fantasize about kids being molested all you want - just leave my kids out of it, you perv.
CNN has ZERO CREDIBILITY and must FORFEIT and consideration for mbeing a legitmate news source ... or anythi g other than the extreme liberal propaganda-pushing arm of the DNC.

After pulling articles / stories, after firing their reporters, and after being rebuked for being 'fake news' multiple times before, CNN has done it again:

CNN Botches Major ‘Bombshell’ Alleging Contacts Between Don Jr. And WikiLeaks

'CNN misreported key details of an offer made to Donald Trump Jr. last year of a batch of stolen Wikileaks documents.

The story, which CNN published on Friday and covered extensively on TV, was touted as the first evidence that the Trump campaign was given a heads-up about documents stolen from Democrats.

But the story appears to have been riddled with errors, while also lacking key context

In other words, CNN just got busted AGAIN reporting BS / LIES, PROVING TRUMP RIGHT ... AGAIN ... about the 'fake news' media!

CNN is busted numerous times, pulls stories, prints reractions, fires reporters ... and never seems to learn.

Which republicans here would rather a pedophile in congress than a Dem? Raise your hands you sick sob's
Since most dims are pedophiles and perverts, your question becomes irrelevant.
I pray if you have children they meet Moore

That kind of shit would get your fucking teeth knocked out if you weren't such a pussy and said it in person.
Not by a loud mouthed punk like you
Ed, you can fantasize about kids being molested all you want - just leave my kids out of it, you perv.
I just don't get it Why you wouldn't want a young un to meet a member of our Gov't?? I'm leaving for the day
Since most dims are pedophiles and perverts, your question becomes irrelevant.
I pray if you have children they meet Moore

That kind of shit would get your fucking teeth knocked out if you weren't such a pussy and said it in person.
Not by a loud mouthed punk like you
Ed, you can fantasize about kids being molested all you want - just leave my kids out of it, you perv.
I just don't get it Why you wouldn't want a young un to meet a member of our Gov't?? I'm leaving for the day
Why are you so obsessed with under-aged kids?

Leave the kids alone, Eddie.
I pray if you have children they meet Moore

That kind of shit would get your fucking teeth knocked out if you weren't such a pussy and said it in person.
Not by a loud mouthed punk like you
Ed, you can fantasize about kids being molested all you want - just leave my kids out of it, you perv.
I just don't get it Why you wouldn't want a young un to meet a member of our Gov't?? I'm leaving for the day
Why are you so obsessed with under-aged kids?

Leave the kids alone, Eddie.
You're confused as too who and what I support and who and what you and gramps do
Moore got kicked out of office for ignoring the law as an Alabama Supreme Court Justice however.
Which is why if I lived there I would vote 3rd party or not at all.

Third party would be best if you will not vote for a Democrat. I respect your decision. I will vote for a Republican myself, Dole and McCain being national examples. Locally, on occasion.
Moore got kicked out of office for ignoring the law as an Alabama Supreme Court Justice however. had a Hawaii judge ignore the law and stop Trump from his travel ban. Nobody held that against him or the Democrats.
CNN is so biased and partisan, that competent people no longer work there.

Only boobs that screw up as pitifully as this, are still on the payroll.
That was a decision, in a case. Moore's actions were whims of his own. No comparison.

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