CNN is so full of sh*t.... can it get any worse?

Broadcast and cable media have become as bad as political blab radio. Seeing some of the "news" sources referenced here, yes it can get way worse.
Really??? tell that to the 17 who got killed by an AR 15 yesterday,or the 59 in Las Vegas, etc. Declaring yourself the winner doesn't make it so. It just makes you look out of actual arguments..

Owning a gun is not the equivalent of shooting someone.

You lose.
Neither does drinking and driving is the equivalent of being a murderer. It's still irresponsible.

There is plenty of evidence that people driving drunk are at high risk of harming another person. Three people are killed in a drunk driving accidents every two hours in the U.S.

There is no evidence that legal gun owners kill three people every two hours.
Really? People killed by driving under the influence in 2015 10265. People killed by guns in 2015 13286 this is not counting suicides. Which is the more deadly? Gun violence in the United States - Wikipedia
Impaired Driving: Get the Facts | Motor Vehicle Safety | CDC Injury Center

Bogus stats. These are not deaths caused by legal gun owners owning guns. The homicides largely involve illegal guns (and most likely are gang related).

We do have a handle on the source of guns recovered from persons arrested and accused of a crime. Of guns recovered from persons arrested and charged with a crime:

84 percent of those guns were stolen in a burglary; including 4 percent stolen from a relative or a friend.

6 percent of those guns were confiscated and resold by a “law enforcement officer.” Legalized armed robbery, in other words.

2 percent of those guns were stolen from the police or the military.

2 percent of those guns were stolen from a parcel or delivery service.

That leaves just six percent of guns taken from arrestees that could properly be considered possible “crime guns” that could also have been legally purchased. And most of those were never used in a crime. If they had been “crime guns” they would already have been ditched.

February 2, 2015 Update In an update to cover the decline in crime and criminal gun use since this was posted: The 2013 National Crime Victimize Survey report there were almost exactly 300,000 crimes, including murders, facilitated with a firearm.

Of those, not more than 5,000 can be shown to have been facilitated with a firearm legally purchased by the offender.

For those seeking more information, there are more than a thousand posts at the Alley covering various aspects of the overwhelming percentage of crimes committed with stolen and trafficked guns.

"What Percentage Of Crimes Committed With Illegal And Legal Guns" | Extrano's Alley
Unfortunately, all that is going to be discussed is political hot points and minute by minute carnage of the event. That is primarily what the media is doing, and has done every time.
No one is talking about what is different. What is different in the world of children, where mentally ill kids carry out such fantasies. Actually carry it out.
Psychopaths are not new. Psychopaths mass murdering school children IS.
Is it because modern education no longer teaches unity and national pride? No longer teaches that your fellow countrymen are "your team"? Instead teaching division and hate based on political and ideological differences?
Is it lives spent with their faces looking at screens rather than each other?
Is there a fundamental lack of empathy and the value of human life, because kids are growing up in far-far more isolated lives than ever before?

These are the issues. And no one is talking about them.
Ideology Is a Pillow Fight at a Prep School

If the kids were taught unity, they'd grow up to join unions. The plutocratic vampire's Right hand does know what its Left hand is doing.
Really??? tell that to the 17 who got killed by an AR 15 yesterday,or the 59 in Las Vegas, etc. Declaring yourself the winner doesn't make it so. It just makes you look out of actual arguments..

Owning a gun is not the equivalent of shooting someone.

You lose.
Neither does drinking and driving is the equivalent of being a murderer. It's still irresponsible.

There is plenty of evidence that people driving drunk are at high risk of harming another person. Three people are killed in a drunk driving accidents every two hours in the U.S.

There is no evidence that legal gun owners kill three people every two hours.
Really? People killed by driving under the influence in 2015 10265. People killed by guns in 2015 13286 this is not counting suicides. Which is the more deadly? Gun violence in the United States - Wikipedia
Impaired Driving: Get the Facts | Motor Vehicle Safety | CDC Injury Center

Bogus stats. These are not deaths caused by legal gun owners owning guns. The homicides largely involve illegal guns (and most likely are gang related).

We do have a handle on the source of guns recovered from persons arrested and accused of a crime. Of guns recovered from persons arrested and charged with a crime:

84 percent of those guns were stolen in a burglary; including 4 percent stolen from a relative or a friend.

6 percent of those guns were confiscated and resold by a “law enforcement officer.” Legalized armed robbery, in other words.

2 percent of those guns were stolen from the police or the military.

2 percent of those guns were stolen from a parcel or delivery service.

That leaves just six percent of guns taken from arrestees that could properly be considered possible “crime guns” that could also have been legally purchased. And most of those were never used in a crime. If they had been “crime guns” they would already have been ditched.

February 2, 2015 Update In an update to cover the decline in crime and criminal gun use since this was posted: The 2013 National Crime Victimize Survey report there were almost exactly 300,000 crimes, including murders, facilitated with a firearm.

Of those, not more than 5,000 can be shown to have been facilitated with a firearm legally purchased by the offender.

For those seeking more information, there are more than a thousand posts at the Alley covering various aspects of the overwhelming percentage of crimes committed with stolen and trafficked guns.

"What Percentage Of Crimes Committed With Illegal And Legal Guns" | Extrano's Alley
Of guns recovered from persons arrested and charged with a crime:

84 percent of those guns were stolen in a burglary; including 4 percent stolen from a relative or a friend.
How does this advance the argument that guns shouldn't be restricted? The fact that they were there in the first place makes it so people can steal them. To come right back to my analogy. Even if you personally drink and drive and you never cause an accident in doing so, is it any less irresponsible.
I am reposting this.... I hate when a post ends up the last on a page. It is doomed to be overlooked at that point.


Unfortunately, all that is going to be discussed is political hot points and minute by minute carnage of the event. That is primarily what the media is doing, and has done every time.
No one is talking about what is different. What is different in the world of children, where mentally ill kids carry out such fantasies. Actually carry it out.
Psychopaths are not new. Psychopaths mass murdering school children IS.
Is it because modern education no longer teaches unity and national pride? No longer teaches that your fellow countrymen are "your team"? Instead teaching division and hate based on political and ideological differences?
Is it lives spent with their faces looking at screens rather than each other?
Is there a fundamental lack of empathy and the value of human life, because kids are growing up in far-far more isolated lives than ever before?

These are the issues. And no one is talking about them.
do you teach unity?

or do you teach your children or grand children to HATE those who differ with your political stances?? Hate Hillary, hate democrats, hate liberals, hate me, hate unions, hate the fbi, hate muslims, hate mexicans, hate gays, hate women, hate judges, hate teachers, hate your government, hate gvt workers, hate blacks, hate those with much less on welfare, hate the homeless, hate the sick, hate strangers etc etc etc???
Surrender Is Not an Option

Some human viruses need to be phobed. Hate is a healthy reaction derived from the Survival Instinct.
A coworker here was watching the President's address via CNN.
Immediately following CNN - "really, the President giving his condolences, it doesn't sound like he has a plan to prevent these things from happening".

REALLY??????'s been what, 21 hours and he is supposed to come up with a magical plan to prevent this from happening again????
These people are so freaking biased and dumb.
Mass shootings have been occurring for years. This school shooting is nothing new. There has been years and years to come up with a plan. Nobody on the right will do anything except offer platitudes.

Again, like I said before, Psychopaths are not new. Teenage Psychopaths who shoot dozens of their fellow school children is new. New as in the past 20 years.
Finding the causation of this is more important than anything else, except no one is even talking about it.
If You've Heard of Someone, Don't Listen to Him

All the know-it-all nobodies hired to mentor us down should be rejected, and their answers deleted from our captive minds. They and their owners are responsible, so every analysis they make of this phenomenon must be misleading.

Dismissing the airwaves as background static, the true focus could be on tolerance of the intolerable. In less controlled generations, these mutant misfits would be relentlessly driven to suicide, inferiority-complex harmlessness, or even to changing their wayward ways.
Owning a gun is not the equivalent of shooting someone.

You lose.
Neither does drinking and driving is the equivalent of being a murderer. It's still irresponsible.

There is plenty of evidence that people driving drunk are at high risk of harming another person. Three people are killed in a drunk driving accidents every two hours in the U.S.

There is no evidence that legal gun owners kill three people every two hours.
Really? People killed by driving under the influence in 2015 10265. People killed by guns in 2015 13286 this is not counting suicides. Which is the more deadly? Gun violence in the United States - Wikipedia
Impaired Driving: Get the Facts | Motor Vehicle Safety | CDC Injury Center

Bogus stats. These are not deaths caused by legal gun owners owning guns. The homicides largely involve illegal guns (and most likely are gang related).

We do have a handle on the source of guns recovered from persons arrested and accused of a crime. Of guns recovered from persons arrested and charged with a crime:

84 percent of those guns were stolen in a burglary; including 4 percent stolen from a relative or a friend.

6 percent of those guns were confiscated and resold by a “law enforcement officer.” Legalized armed robbery, in other words.

2 percent of those guns were stolen from the police or the military.

2 percent of those guns were stolen from a parcel or delivery service.

That leaves just six percent of guns taken from arrestees that could properly be considered possible “crime guns” that could also have been legally purchased. And most of those were never used in a crime. If they had been “crime guns” they would already have been ditched.

February 2, 2015 Update In an update to cover the decline in crime and criminal gun use since this was posted: The 2013 National Crime Victimize Survey report there were almost exactly 300,000 crimes, including murders, facilitated with a firearm.

Of those, not more than 5,000 can be shown to have been facilitated with a firearm legally purchased by the offender.

For those seeking more information, there are more than a thousand posts at the Alley covering various aspects of the overwhelming percentage of crimes committed with stolen and trafficked guns.

"What Percentage Of Crimes Committed With Illegal And Legal Guns" | Extrano's Alley
Of guns recovered from persons arrested and charged with a crime:

84 percent of those guns were stolen in a burglary; including 4 percent stolen from a relative or a friend.
How does this advance the argument that guns shouldn't be restricted? The fact that they were there in the first place makes it so people can steal them. To come right back to my analogy. Even if you personally drink and drive and you never cause an accident in doing so, is it any less irresponsible.

Yeah, because prohibition works so well.

Guns are inert tools. They can be used for good or evil. It's the person taking action that matters. Disarming good people just enables the evil ones to do more damage.

No thank you.
Neither does drinking and driving is the equivalent of being a murderer. It's still irresponsible.

There is plenty of evidence that people driving drunk are at high risk of harming another person. Three people are killed in a drunk driving accidents every two hours in the U.S.

There is no evidence that legal gun owners kill three people every two hours.
Really? People killed by driving under the influence in 2015 10265. People killed by guns in 2015 13286 this is not counting suicides. Which is the more deadly? Gun violence in the United States - Wikipedia
Impaired Driving: Get the Facts | Motor Vehicle Safety | CDC Injury Center

Bogus stats. These are not deaths caused by legal gun owners owning guns. The homicides largely involve illegal guns (and most likely are gang related).

We do have a handle on the source of guns recovered from persons arrested and accused of a crime. Of guns recovered from persons arrested and charged with a crime:

84 percent of those guns were stolen in a burglary; including 4 percent stolen from a relative or a friend.

6 percent of those guns were confiscated and resold by a “law enforcement officer.” Legalized armed robbery, in other words.

2 percent of those guns were stolen from the police or the military.

2 percent of those guns were stolen from a parcel or delivery service.

That leaves just six percent of guns taken from arrestees that could properly be considered possible “crime guns” that could also have been legally purchased. And most of those were never used in a crime. If they had been “crime guns” they would already have been ditched.

February 2, 2015 Update In an update to cover the decline in crime and criminal gun use since this was posted: The 2013 National Crime Victimize Survey report there were almost exactly 300,000 crimes, including murders, facilitated with a firearm.

Of those, not more than 5,000 can be shown to have been facilitated with a firearm legally purchased by the offender.

For those seeking more information, there are more than a thousand posts at the Alley covering various aspects of the overwhelming percentage of crimes committed with stolen and trafficked guns.

"What Percentage Of Crimes Committed With Illegal And Legal Guns" | Extrano's Alley
Of guns recovered from persons arrested and charged with a crime:

84 percent of those guns were stolen in a burglary; including 4 percent stolen from a relative or a friend.
How does this advance the argument that guns shouldn't be restricted? The fact that they were there in the first place makes it so people can steal them. To come right back to my analogy. Even if you personally drink and drive and you never cause an accident in doing so, is it any less irresponsible.

Yeah, because prohibition works so well.

Guns are inert tools. They can be used for good or evil. It's the person taking action that matters. Disarming good people just enables the evil ones to do more damage.

No thank you.
Sorry to tell you but prohibiting the sales of weapons has happened before, with positive results, it didn't increase violent crime.Gun Control in Australia, Updated -
The thing I take away from this, is that you don't like the idea of giving up your guns, I can sympathize with that. Nobody likes the idea of being punished for other peoples transgressions. My point has been right from the beginning that sometimes society puts restrictions on it's citizens for the common good, at no point have you been able to establish any compelling reason to own guns like the AR 15. Wednesdays tragedy again made it blatantly obvious there are compelling reasons to ban them. In that light, your legitimate sense of it being unfair doesn't override the common good. Note I don't say all guns, so that's not prohibition.
A coworker here was watching the President's address via CNN.
Immediately following CNN - "really, the President giving his condolences, it doesn't sound like he has a plan to prevent these things from happening".

REALLY??????'s been what, 21 hours and he is supposed to come up with a magical plan to prevent this from happening again????
These people are so freaking biased and dumb.
What can the president do about this, exactly?

Dear TNHarley Trump can call together a task force commission on the best experts in spiritual diagnosis and healing of mental and criminal illness. And call experts and leaders to put together a plan to invest in medical research and programs for outreach including hotlines to report dangerous people who need to get screened and tested for dangerous disorders. The best solutions are FREE. so this is the solution to cutting the costs of violent crime, mental illness as well as medical costs of all other diseases that can be treated cost effectively by adding spiritual healing to medical programs. This will help liberals to reform prisons and mental health, and to convert resources and facilities into public health care for the greater population.

sources: in FL, also in Houston the Texas Medical Center and MD anderson cancer center has outreach programs that do spiritual healing of cancer for free, which drastically reduces the costs and saves more lives for less money which we need to afford health care.
There is plenty of evidence that people driving drunk are at high risk of harming another person. Three people are killed in a drunk driving accidents every two hours in the U.S.

There is no evidence that legal gun owners kill three people every two hours.
Really? People killed by driving under the influence in 2015 10265. People killed by guns in 2015 13286 this is not counting suicides. Which is the more deadly? Gun violence in the United States - Wikipedia
Impaired Driving: Get the Facts | Motor Vehicle Safety | CDC Injury Center

Bogus stats. These are not deaths caused by legal gun owners owning guns. The homicides largely involve illegal guns (and most likely are gang related).

We do have a handle on the source of guns recovered from persons arrested and accused of a crime. Of guns recovered from persons arrested and charged with a crime:

84 percent of those guns were stolen in a burglary; including 4 percent stolen from a relative or a friend.

6 percent of those guns were confiscated and resold by a “law enforcement officer.” Legalized armed robbery, in other words.

2 percent of those guns were stolen from the police or the military.

2 percent of those guns were stolen from a parcel or delivery service.

That leaves just six percent of guns taken from arrestees that could properly be considered possible “crime guns” that could also have been legally purchased. And most of those were never used in a crime. If they had been “crime guns” they would already have been ditched.

February 2, 2015 Update In an update to cover the decline in crime and criminal gun use since this was posted: The 2013 National Crime Victimize Survey report there were almost exactly 300,000 crimes, including murders, facilitated with a firearm.

Of those, not more than 5,000 can be shown to have been facilitated with a firearm legally purchased by the offender.

For those seeking more information, there are more than a thousand posts at the Alley covering various aspects of the overwhelming percentage of crimes committed with stolen and trafficked guns.

"What Percentage Of Crimes Committed With Illegal And Legal Guns" | Extrano's Alley
Of guns recovered from persons arrested and charged with a crime:

84 percent of those guns were stolen in a burglary; including 4 percent stolen from a relative or a friend.
How does this advance the argument that guns shouldn't be restricted? The fact that they were there in the first place makes it so people can steal them. To come right back to my analogy. Even if you personally drink and drive and you never cause an accident in doing so, is it any less irresponsible.

Yeah, because prohibition works so well.

Guns are inert tools. They can be used for good or evil. It's the person taking action that matters. Disarming good people just enables the evil ones to do more damage.

No thank you.
Sorry to tell you but prohibiting the sales of weapons has happened before, with positive results, it didn't increase violent crime.Gun Control in Australia, Updated -
The thing I take away from this, is that you don't like the idea of giving up your guns, I can sympathize with that. Nobody likes the idea of being punished for other peoples transgressions. My point has been right from the beginning that sometimes society puts restrictions on it's citizens for the common good, at no point have you been able to establish any compelling reason to own guns like the AR 15. Wednesdays tragedy again made it blatantly obvious there are compelling reasons to ban them. In that light, your legitimate sense of it being unfair doesn't override the common good. Note I don't say all guns, so that's not prohibition.

Guess what the compliance rate is in Australia for their gun confiscation program?

Bet you didn't know it's 12%. Which means 88% of the gun owners have kept their guns.
Really? People killed by driving under the influence in 2015 10265. People killed by guns in 2015 13286 this is not counting suicides. Which is the more deadly? Gun violence in the United States - Wikipedia
Impaired Driving: Get the Facts | Motor Vehicle Safety | CDC Injury Center

Bogus stats. These are not deaths caused by legal gun owners owning guns. The homicides largely involve illegal guns (and most likely are gang related).

We do have a handle on the source of guns recovered from persons arrested and accused of a crime. Of guns recovered from persons arrested and charged with a crime:

84 percent of those guns were stolen in a burglary; including 4 percent stolen from a relative or a friend.

6 percent of those guns were confiscated and resold by a “law enforcement officer.” Legalized armed robbery, in other words.

2 percent of those guns were stolen from the police or the military.

2 percent of those guns were stolen from a parcel or delivery service.

That leaves just six percent of guns taken from arrestees that could properly be considered possible “crime guns” that could also have been legally purchased. And most of those were never used in a crime. If they had been “crime guns” they would already have been ditched.

February 2, 2015 Update In an update to cover the decline in crime and criminal gun use since this was posted: The 2013 National Crime Victimize Survey report there were almost exactly 300,000 crimes, including murders, facilitated with a firearm.

Of those, not more than 5,000 can be shown to have been facilitated with a firearm legally purchased by the offender.

For those seeking more information, there are more than a thousand posts at the Alley covering various aspects of the overwhelming percentage of crimes committed with stolen and trafficked guns.

"What Percentage Of Crimes Committed With Illegal And Legal Guns" | Extrano's Alley
Of guns recovered from persons arrested and charged with a crime:

84 percent of those guns were stolen in a burglary; including 4 percent stolen from a relative or a friend.
How does this advance the argument that guns shouldn't be restricted? The fact that they were there in the first place makes it so people can steal them. To come right back to my analogy. Even if you personally drink and drive and you never cause an accident in doing so, is it any less irresponsible.

Yeah, because prohibition works so well.

Guns are inert tools. They can be used for good or evil. It's the person taking action that matters. Disarming good people just enables the evil ones to do more damage.

No thank you.
Sorry to tell you but prohibiting the sales of weapons has happened before, with positive results, it didn't increase violent crime.Gun Control in Australia, Updated -
The thing I take away from this, is that you don't like the idea of giving up your guns, I can sympathize with that. Nobody likes the idea of being punished for other peoples transgressions. My point has been right from the beginning that sometimes society puts restrictions on it's citizens for the common good, at no point have you been able to establish any compelling reason to own guns like the AR 15. Wednesdays tragedy again made it blatantly obvious there are compelling reasons to ban them. In that light, your legitimate sense of it being unfair doesn't override the common good. Note I don't say all guns, so that's not prohibition.

Guess what the compliance rate is in Australia for their gun confiscation program?

Bet you didn't know it's 12%. Which means 88% of the gun owners have kept their guns.
Never knew that, haven't seen reports for it. IF it's true, something I say because you didn't source your claim, it still wouldn't matter since, unless you can give another reason for the gun violence to drop besides the law being passed, there's a clear cause and effect here. Gun restrictions where put in place and the amount of people killed by guns dropped.
Bogus stats. These are not deaths caused by legal gun owners owning guns. The homicides largely involve illegal guns (and most likely are gang related).

We do have a handle on the source of guns recovered from persons arrested and accused of a crime. Of guns recovered from persons arrested and charged with a crime:

84 percent of those guns were stolen in a burglary; including 4 percent stolen from a relative or a friend.

6 percent of those guns were confiscated and resold by a “law enforcement officer.” Legalized armed robbery, in other words.

2 percent of those guns were stolen from the police or the military.

2 percent of those guns were stolen from a parcel or delivery service.

That leaves just six percent of guns taken from arrestees that could properly be considered possible “crime guns” that could also have been legally purchased. And most of those were never used in a crime. If they had been “crime guns” they would already have been ditched.

February 2, 2015 Update In an update to cover the decline in crime and criminal gun use since this was posted: The 2013 National Crime Victimize Survey report there were almost exactly 300,000 crimes, including murders, facilitated with a firearm.

Of those, not more than 5,000 can be shown to have been facilitated with a firearm legally purchased by the offender.

For those seeking more information, there are more than a thousand posts at the Alley covering various aspects of the overwhelming percentage of crimes committed with stolen and trafficked guns.

"What Percentage Of Crimes Committed With Illegal And Legal Guns" | Extrano's Alley
Of guns recovered from persons arrested and charged with a crime:

84 percent of those guns were stolen in a burglary; including 4 percent stolen from a relative or a friend.
How does this advance the argument that guns shouldn't be restricted? The fact that they were there in the first place makes it so people can steal them. To come right back to my analogy. Even if you personally drink and drive and you never cause an accident in doing so, is it any less irresponsible.

Yeah, because prohibition works so well.

Guns are inert tools. They can be used for good or evil. It's the person taking action that matters. Disarming good people just enables the evil ones to do more damage.

No thank you.
Sorry to tell you but prohibiting the sales of weapons has happened before, with positive results, it didn't increase violent crime.Gun Control in Australia, Updated -
The thing I take away from this, is that you don't like the idea of giving up your guns, I can sympathize with that. Nobody likes the idea of being punished for other peoples transgressions. My point has been right from the beginning that sometimes society puts restrictions on it's citizens for the common good, at no point have you been able to establish any compelling reason to own guns like the AR 15. Wednesdays tragedy again made it blatantly obvious there are compelling reasons to ban them. In that light, your legitimate sense of it being unfair doesn't override the common good. Note I don't say all guns, so that's not prohibition.

Guess what the compliance rate is in Australia for their gun confiscation program?

Bet you didn't know it's 12%. Which means 88% of the gun owners have kept their guns.
Never knew that, haven't seen reports for it. IF it's true, something I say because you didn't source your claim, it still wouldn't matter since, unless you can give another reason for the gun violence to drop besides the law being passed, there's a clear cause and effect here. Gun restrictions where put in place and the amount of people killed by guns dropped.

A gun is a tool. A human being can be either a weapon of mass destruction or a peace keeper.

Australia’s Gun 'Buyback' Created a Violent Firearms Black Market. Why Should the U.S. Do the Same?
How does this advance the argument that guns shouldn't be restricted? The fact that they were there in the first place makes it so people can steal them. To come right back to my analogy. Even if you personally drink and drive and you never cause an accident in doing so, is it any less irresponsible.

Yeah, because prohibition works so well.

Guns are inert tools. They can be used for good or evil. It's the person taking action that matters. Disarming good people just enables the evil ones to do more damage.

No thank you.
Sorry to tell you but prohibiting the sales of weapons has happened before, with positive results, it didn't increase violent crime.Gun Control in Australia, Updated -
The thing I take away from this, is that you don't like the idea of giving up your guns, I can sympathize with that. Nobody likes the idea of being punished for other peoples transgressions. My point has been right from the beginning that sometimes society puts restrictions on it's citizens for the common good, at no point have you been able to establish any compelling reason to own guns like the AR 15. Wednesdays tragedy again made it blatantly obvious there are compelling reasons to ban them. In that light, your legitimate sense of it being unfair doesn't override the common good. Note I don't say all guns, so that's not prohibition.

Guess what the compliance rate is in Australia for their gun confiscation program?

Bet you didn't know it's 12%. Which means 88% of the gun owners have kept their guns.
Never knew that, haven't seen reports for it. IF it's true, something I say because you didn't source your claim, it still wouldn't matter since, unless you can give another reason for the gun violence to drop besides the law being passed, there's a clear cause and effect here. Gun restrictions where put in place and the amount of people killed by guns dropped.

A gun is a tool. A human being can be either a weapon of mass destruction or a peace keeper.

Australia’s Gun 'Buyback' Created a Violent Firearms Black Market. Why Should the U.S. Do the Same?
An AR 15 is not a tool. At best it's a dangerous toy. As a hunting rifle there are better alternatives, and as a self defense weapon it's to clumsy and it's muzzle velocity makes it dangerous to use indoor. The only reason a person has a weapon like that is for sport or for mass shootings. The chance you will ever be in a position to use an AR 15 for "peace keeping" ranges from slim to none. There are however been plenty of people who have used the weapon for mass destruction. The whole idea that the availability of guns has nothing to do with GUN violence is ridiculous in the extreme.
As to your article. I'm a bit skeptical of an opinion piece that has a title that states that Australia has a violent firearms black market but then states. "It also—and this is important if America's Prohibition-era experience is any guide—empowered a growing organized crime network that is enriched by the trade in guns, drugs, and other goods that people desire and that governments vainly tries to keep out of their hands. That crime network has developed international contacts, and grown wealthy and dangerous. Investigative journalists suggest the organized black market in firearms is fueling a surge in crime that has yet to appear in statistics." Admitting it hasn't got any prove to support it's title. I haven't source checked your article, but going by it's content alone it's pretty suspect.
Why do Liberals focus on the LEAST EFFECTIVE solution to the terrible problem of school shootings? As I posted before, if we could make every automatic weapon disappear, that would NOT stop these shooters. How about focusing on the MOST EFFECTIVE solution first, that being having armed staff in every school? Has there ever been a mass shooting at anything but a soft target, i.e. a school or a concert? No. Because shooters are cowards so give the coward what he doesn't want. Bullets coming his way.
Yeah, because prohibition works so well.

Guns are inert tools. They can be used for good or evil. It's the person taking action that matters. Disarming good people just enables the evil ones to do more damage.

No thank you.
Sorry to tell you but prohibiting the sales of weapons has happened before, with positive results, it didn't increase violent crime.Gun Control in Australia, Updated -
The thing I take away from this, is that you don't like the idea of giving up your guns, I can sympathize with that. Nobody likes the idea of being punished for other peoples transgressions. My point has been right from the beginning that sometimes society puts restrictions on it's citizens for the common good, at no point have you been able to establish any compelling reason to own guns like the AR 15. Wednesdays tragedy again made it blatantly obvious there are compelling reasons to ban them. In that light, your legitimate sense of it being unfair doesn't override the common good. Note I don't say all guns, so that's not prohibition.

Guess what the compliance rate is in Australia for their gun confiscation program?

Bet you didn't know it's 12%. Which means 88% of the gun owners have kept their guns.
Never knew that, haven't seen reports for it. IF it's true, something I say because you didn't source your claim, it still wouldn't matter since, unless you can give another reason for the gun violence to drop besides the law being passed, there's a clear cause and effect here. Gun restrictions where put in place and the amount of people killed by guns dropped.

A gun is a tool. A human being can be either a weapon of mass destruction or a peace keeper.

Australia’s Gun 'Buyback' Created a Violent Firearms Black Market. Why Should the U.S. Do the Same?
An AR 15 is not a tool. At best it's a dangerous toy. As a hunting rifle there are better alternatives, and as a self defense weapon it's to clumsy and it's muzzle velocity makes it dangerous to use indoor. The only reason a person has a weapon like that is for sport or for mass shootings. The chance you will ever be in a position to use an AR 15 for "peace keeping" ranges from slim to none. There are however been plenty of people who have used the weapon for mass destruction. The whole idea that the availability of guns has nothing to do with GUN violence is ridiculous in the extreme.
As to your article. I'm a bit skeptical of an opinion piece that has a title that states that Australia has a violent firearms black market but then states. "It also—and this is important if America's Prohibition-era experience is any guide—empowered a growing organized crime network that is enriched by the trade in guns, drugs, and other goods that people desire and that governments vainly tries to keep out of their hands. That crime network has developed international contacts, and grown wealthy and dangerous. Investigative journalists suggest the organized black market in firearms is fueling a surge in crime that has yet to appear in statistics." Admitting it hasn't got any prove to support it's title. I haven't source checked your article, but going by it's content alone it's pretty suspect.

It's a tool. It does not shoot itself.
Obama had 8 years to prevent this from happening, did CNN mention that?
With the GOP Congress who faux-repealed O'Care 54 times, and is Owned by the NRA?

White House steps up push for assault weapons ban - POLITICO

White House steps up push for assault weapons ban
Jun 17, 2016 - Obama is following through on his pledge to try to reduce 'weapons of war' after the Orlando massacre.

Obama Calls for Assault Weapons Ban, New 'No Fly, No ... - ABC News
Jun 14, 2016 - In the aftermath of the Orlando terrorist attack, President Barack Obama today called on Congress to reinstate the assault weapons ban as well as pass legislation to make it harder for suspected terrorists to obtain firearms. Interested in ? Add as an interest to stay up to date on the latest news, video, and ...

Obama Calls for Assault Weapons Ban, New 'No Fly, No ... - ABC News
Jun 14, 2016
The president calls for new gun control measures in wake of Orlando attack.

Obama calls for ban on assault weapons in weekly address | TheHill
Jun 18, 2016 - Obama calls for action on gun reform in light of the massacre in Orlando.

Obama Slams Trump as He Pushes To Reinstate Assault Weapons Ban
Obama Slams Trump as He Pushes To Reinstate Assault Weapons Ban. By Michele Gorman On 6/14/16 at 3:33 PM. 0614_Obama_speech_01 President Barack Obama arrives to deliver a statement after a meeting with his national security team on June 14. During his address, he called for a ban onassault weapons in the ...

Support low for Obama gun control, assault weapons ban dead
Jun 30, 2015 - Support for President Obama on gun control is low, as is backing for an assault weapons ban.

Obama calls for assault-weapons ban, background checks - USA Today
Jan 16, 2013 - President Obama proposed a plan to combat mass shootings and overall more common gun-related killings in the USA. The proposal includes closing background check loopholes; reinstating the ban on assault-type weapons; making schools safer; and increasing access to mental health services.

The Obameter: Work to renew the assault weapons ban | PolitiFact
Even as he issued multiple gun control directives in his second term, President Barack Obama's promise to revive the federal assault weapons ban hit a wall with Congress. Obama suggested reintroducing the ban during his 2012 re-election campaign. He had wanted legislation similar to the version in effect between 1994 ...
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Trump has only been in office a little more than a year and has delt with everything from double natural disasters to domestic tragedies and done it well. Americans are starting to realize that the Trump tax breaks are really a good thing even after corporate hating democrat elitists called them "chump change". Meanwhile the DOW is consistently up while 401k's are solvent. What's going to happen to CNN when the Country realizes that CNN has been a tool of foreign agents and they doubled down on hatred for the President for no other reason than political agenda and disappointment? My guess is that sometime next summer or maybe by Thanksgiving CNN is going to announce a corporate and agenda change in a desperate effort to fend off bankruptcy.

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