CNN is so full of sh*t.... can it get any worse?

The REAL questions of the day.....

There were many-many warning signs about this kid. Including numerous online photos of himself with knives and guns, he apparently bragged about wanting to kill people, students in that school have said "we predicted this, we said so and yet here we are".

He was reported to the FBI.... silence.
He was reported to local law enforcement........silence.
He apparently received mental health treatment for anger issues.....
He was expelled for violence in the school.
When he was a student, the school singled this kid out saying he could not carry any bags etc. to

Yet. Here we are.
And you bet, you have to answer the question...with all of this, how did he buy an assault rifle.

What had he done against the law to remove his 2nd amendment right? Should we take away the 2nd amendment rights of everyone expelled from school? Should we take away the 2nd amendment rights of everyone that talks shit on the internet?

There were a lot of signs, but were there any real actions that would merit taking away his 2nd amendment rights, or should we do that just based on signs?
Exactly if you have a rough day at work and go home and rant about it on Facebook does that make you dangerous? If you buy a gun and post a pic of it on social media should you be put under surveillance for that? Pretty much all of us get angry and frustrated with people and things very few actually go on a rampage over it though.

This is coming. The blame for this can be placed on the media and the government. As long as outrage rules the day and is the topic is constantly how pissed and outraged someone is then this won’t change. It will only get worse.
Money talks....

The NRA was Trump's largest backer that he had in his campaign....

BUT if anyone can stand up to the gun manufacturer lobby, and not be afraid of them running a primary candidate against him and not be afraid of losing his followers..... it is President Trump....

I think he is more equipped than any other President, to be able to get something done on this.

Standing against a citizen organization that defends a constitutional right is a vainglorious political game, doomed to failure. The last few decades confirms this.

So that said, what do you believe could prevent such occurrences? You're dealing with matters of human nature.
making assault weapons, not as easily gotten... it won't stop all killings, but it could reduce the deaths?

First - and I have been asking this for more than twenty years - clearly define an "assault weapon" and how it differs from a "non-assault weapon".
I admit I know nothing about guns in any kind of technical sense, but in a total layman's sense, I'm thinking guns that can rapid fire a multitude of times, without having to reload.... Those types seem to be these mass killer's choice in a good many of these massacres...

I am completely fine with those who know more about guns define in technical terms, what those are..
Unfortunately, all that is going to be discussed is political hot points and minute by minute carnage of the event. That is primarily what the media is doing, and has done every time.
No one is talking about what is different. What is different in the world of children, where mentally ill kids carry out such fantasies. Actually carry it out.
Psychopaths are not new. Psychopaths mass murdering school children IS.
Is it because modern education no longer teaches unity and national pride? No longer teaches that your fellow countrymen are "your team"? Instead teaching division and hate based on political and ideological differences?
Is it lives spent with their faces looking at screens rather than each other?
Is there a fundamental lack of empathy and the value of human life, because kids are growing up in far-far more isolated lives than ever before?

These are the issues. And no one is talking about them.
Jocks Grow Up to Become Economic Bullies

This disproves the jockstrap-sniffers' lie that sports create "school spirit." Instead, they promote worshiping a tyranny of a tiny and selfish elite clique.
I am reposting this.... I hate when a post ends up the last on a page. It is doomed to be overlooked at that point.


Unfortunately, all that is going to be discussed is political hot points and minute by minute carnage of the event. That is primarily what the media is doing, and has done every time.
No one is talking about what is different. What is different in the world of children, where mentally ill kids carry out such fantasies. Actually carry it out.
Psychopaths are not new. Psychopaths mass murdering school children IS.
Is it because modern education no longer teaches unity and national pride? No longer teaches that your fellow countrymen are "your team"? Instead teaching division and hate based on political and ideological differences?
Is it lives spent with their faces looking at screens rather than each other?
Is there a fundamental lack of empathy and the value of human life, because kids are growing up in far-far more isolated lives than ever before?

These are the issues. And no one is talking about them.
A coworker here was watching the President's address via CNN.
Immediately following CNN - "really, the President giving his condolences, it doesn't sound like he has a plan to prevent these things from happening".

REALLY??????'s been what, 21 hours and he is supposed to come up with a magical plan to prevent this from happening again????
These people are so freaking biased and dumb.

Yeah it’s a completely new problem....

Countries with strong gun control do not have this problem.
Where I used to work we had active shooter drill. During the training aspect of it, they told us to run, hide, fight. 2/3 of my group were veterans. Rangers, sailors and Marines. Safe to say, the running and hiding part did not go over well.

In a sidebar, we all agreed to only do #3 if ever faced with the decision

I am reposting this.... I hate when a post ends up the last on a page. It is doomed to be overlooked at that point.


Unfortunately, all that is going to be discussed is political hot points and minute by minute carnage of the event. That is primarily what the media is doing, and has done every time.
No one is talking about what is different. What is different in the world of children, where mentally ill kids carry out such fantasies. Actually carry it out.
Psychopaths are not new. Psychopaths mass murdering school children IS.
Is it because modern education no longer teaches unity and national pride? No longer teaches that your fellow countrymen are "your team"? Instead teaching division and hate based on political and ideological differences?
Is it lives spent with their faces looking at screens rather than each other?
Is there a fundamental lack of empathy and the value of human life, because kids are growing up in far-far more isolated lives than ever before?

These are the issues. And no one is talking about them.
do you teach unity?

or do you teach your children or grand children to HATE those who differ with your political stances?? Hate Hillary, hate democrats, hate liberals, hate me, hate unions, hate the fbi, hate muslims, hate mexicans, hate gays, hate women, hate judges, hate teachers, hate your government, hate gvt workers, hate blacks, hate those with much less on welfare, hate the homeless, hate the sick, hate strangers etc etc etc???
We as a society have just accepted that this is part of the price for freedom.

Typical lazy ass prog......"we're to your safe space and hope they don't find you."

The guy that started a thread about the government creating safe spaces on social media has the balls to post this? Well you do have balls, but no integrity at all.
Do you people actually think that the President has the power to just end the rights of the citizens?

This could actually be the symptom of why we are having this cultural problem with young people unable to accept life and go on these killing sprees.
I am reposting this.... I hate when a post ends up the last on a page. It is doomed to be overlooked at that point.


Unfortunately, all that is going to be discussed is political hot points and minute by minute carnage of the event. That is primarily what the media is doing, and has done every time.
No one is talking about what is different. What is different in the world of children, where mentally ill kids carry out such fantasies. Actually carry it out.
Psychopaths are not new. Psychopaths mass murdering school children IS.
Is it because modern education no longer teaches unity and national pride? No longer teaches that your fellow countrymen are "your team"? Instead teaching division and hate based on political and ideological differences?
Is it lives spent with their faces looking at screens rather than each other?
Is there a fundamental lack of empathy and the value of human life, because kids are growing up in far-far more isolated lives than ever before?

These are the issues. And no one is talking about them.
do you teach unity?

or do you teach your children or grand children to HATE those who differ with your political stances?? Hate Hillary, hate democrats, hate liberals, hate me, hate unions, hate the fbi, hate muslims, hate mexicans, hate gays, hate women, hate judges, hate teachers, hate your government, hate gvt workers, hate blacks, hate those with much less on welfare, hate the homeless, hate the sick, hate strangers etc etc etc???

No, and if you read through most of my posts you would see that I am not just another rock thrower.
The corporate media, via their puppet masters and our federal government via their puppet masters work very hard and go through great lengths to continue to keep all of us divided. The last thing they want is for everyday Americans to start actually talking to each other. That leads to things like Trump becoming President. That leads to all of us realizing that we are all about 90% the same, just differ on mostly side-bar issues. We all want the same things, really.
They do not want us to realize that. For the day we do - we all realize that everything is not about Republican vs. Democrats. It is about corporatism vs, the rest of us.
I know, that it is highly likely that if I sat down with you. Talked about anything but Republicans and Democrats we would get along just fine. And if we could manage to NOT start the meaningless us vs. them rock throwing - we would find out we want the same things, and could probably work out our ideological differences within reason.
But that is never going to happen in todays environment.
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The only PLAN decent people can have against EVIL people is to do battle with them. We're never going to prevent evil-sick people from doing violence in a free society (and totalitarian societies do the violence themselves, so let's not go there). What we should not do is to use the actions of freaks as a justification to control law-abiding decent folks.
A society has a right to use laws to protect it's people. Are you against a law that forces you to wear a seatbelt. Are you against laws forbidding drinking and driving. Numerous laws are designed to put restrictions on what people can do. Simply because it saves lives.This is perfectly valid.

Reading comprehension challenged much?

I said "use the actions of freaks" to control law-abiding people.

Your strawmen are burning.

I'll also note that the very best incentive to wear a seatbelt is a better car insurance rate for pledging to do so. When I bought my first car, the insurance company had such a program. It was cancelled when not wearing seat belts was made into a random tax for state and local governments.
There are people who can drink and stop in time to be able to drive responsible. There are people who never get into an accident.So no it's not a strawman.It's the illustration that laws are often used to protect it's citizens. In so doing it restricts the actions of it's citizenry. There are probably people who would be able to own an fully armed Abrams tank and not do anything untoward with it, I suspect you wouldn't applaud making doing so legal. If so you are also for restrictions.

All those burning strawxyrs are not helping to combat the Glowball Worming you likely fear.
Tell me how any of my analogies is a strawman? I don't mind the accusation if you are capable of backing it up. Are you? You don't like the idea of what you consider your liberties being restricted because of the actions of others although not everybody who uses those liberties do harm to others. My analogies are instances were liberties are restricted because of the harm those liberties do to society as a whole although not everybody who uses those liberties do harm to others . A concept I then reinforced by pointing out that most sane people already accept certain restrictions on the owning of weaponry, my tank example.

They are strawmen because you are equating negative behaviors (driving drunk) in which large segments of the general population may engage with extreme, fringe outlier acts of evul-sick individuals. As it is already illegal to shoot high schoolers to death, there is no need to put restrictions on legal law-abiding gun owners to prevent them from doing so. They are a cohort that engages in mass shootings. Everyone who goes to a bar or restaurant and order alcoholic beverages, however, is at risk of getting drunk.
A society has a right to use laws to protect it's people. Are you against a law that forces you to wear a seatbelt. Are you against laws forbidding drinking and driving. Numerous laws are designed to put restrictions on what people can do. Simply because it saves lives.This is perfectly valid.

Reading comprehension challenged much?

I said "use the actions of freaks" to control law-abiding people.

Your strawmen are burning.

I'll also note that the very best incentive to wear a seatbelt is a better car insurance rate for pledging to do so. When I bought my first car, the insurance company had such a program. It was cancelled when not wearing seat belts was made into a random tax for state and local governments.
There are people who can drink and stop in time to be able to drive responsible. There are people who never get into an accident.So no it's not a strawman.It's the illustration that laws are often used to protect it's citizens. In so doing it restricts the actions of it's citizenry. There are probably people who would be able to own an fully armed Abrams tank and not do anything untoward with it, I suspect you wouldn't applaud making doing so legal. If so you are also for restrictions.

All those burning strawxyrs are not helping to combat the Glowball Worming you likely fear.
Tell me how any of my analogies is a strawman? I don't mind the accusation if you are capable of backing it up. Are you? You don't like the idea of what you consider your liberties being restricted because of the actions of others although not everybody who uses those liberties do harm to others. My analogies are instances were liberties are restricted because of the harm those liberties do to society as a whole although not everybody who uses those liberties do harm to others . A concept I then reinforced by pointing out that most sane people already accept certain restrictions on the owning of weaponry, my tank example.

They are strawmen because you are equating negative behaviors (driving drunk) in which large segments of the general population may engage with extreme, fringe outlier acts of evul-sick individuals. As it is already illegal to shoot high schoolers to death, there is no need to put restrictions on legal law-abiding gun owners to prevent them from doing so. They are a cohort that engages in mass shootings. Everyone who goes to a bar or restaurant and order alcoholic beverages, however, is at risk of getting drunk.
negative behaviors (driving drunk)
Owning an assault rifle is also a negative behavior. In fact since the whole purpose of a weapon is to shoot people I can easily argue that this is more negative then drinking which doesn't have killing other people as it's primary function, but rather giving entertainment. The equation is apt in that light. It goes right to the heart of your original argument since that was, that because you don't personally misuse a weapon it is wrong to infringe upon your rights.
As it is already illegal to shoot high schoolers to death, there is no need to put restrictions on legal law-abiding gun owners to prevent them from doing so.
You don't think so? I'll put it the same way again. You think it's alright for you to own a fully armed tank? If not, why not? It's illegal to kill people so why not allow people tanks, or a nuke for that matter? After all law abiding citizens would use those responsible. Once you accept limitations, you accept that some weapons are simply to dangerous to allow people to own them.
A coworker here was watching the President's address via CNN.
Immediately following CNN - "really, the President giving his condolences, it doesn't sound like he has a plan to prevent these things from happening".

REALLY??????'s been what, 21 hours and he is supposed to come up with a magical plan to prevent this from happening again????
These people are so freaking biased and dumb.
Mass shootings have been occurring for years. This school shooting is nothing new. There has been years and years to come up with a plan. Nobody on the right will do anything except offer platitudes.
Reading comprehension challenged much?

I said "use the actions of freaks" to control law-abiding people.

Your strawmen are burning.

I'll also note that the very best incentive to wear a seatbelt is a better car insurance rate for pledging to do so. When I bought my first car, the insurance company had such a program. It was cancelled when not wearing seat belts was made into a random tax for state and local governments.
There are people who can drink and stop in time to be able to drive responsible. There are people who never get into an accident.So no it's not a strawman.It's the illustration that laws are often used to protect it's citizens. In so doing it restricts the actions of it's citizenry. There are probably people who would be able to own an fully armed Abrams tank and not do anything untoward with it, I suspect you wouldn't applaud making doing so legal. If so you are also for restrictions.

All those burning strawxyrs are not helping to combat the Glowball Worming you likely fear.
Tell me how any of my analogies is a strawman? I don't mind the accusation if you are capable of backing it up. Are you? You don't like the idea of what you consider your liberties being restricted because of the actions of others although not everybody who uses those liberties do harm to others. My analogies are instances were liberties are restricted because of the harm those liberties do to society as a whole although not everybody who uses those liberties do harm to others . A concept I then reinforced by pointing out that most sane people already accept certain restrictions on the owning of weaponry, my tank example.

They are strawmen because you are equating negative behaviors (driving drunk) in which large segments of the general population may engage with extreme, fringe outlier acts of evul-sick individuals. As it is already illegal to shoot high schoolers to death, there is no need to put restrictions on legal law-abiding gun owners to prevent them from doing so. They are a cohort that engages in mass shootings. Everyone who goes to a bar or restaurant and order alcoholic beverages, however, is at risk of getting drunk.
negative behaviors (driving drunk)
Owning an assault rifle is also a negative behavior. In fact since the whole purpose of a weapon is to shoot people I can easily argue that this is more negative then drinking which doesn't have killing other people as it's primary function, but rather giving entertainment. The equation is apt in that light. It goes right to the heart of your original argument since that was, that because you don't personally misuse a weapon it is wrong to infringe upon your rights.
As it is already illegal to shoot high schoolers to death, there is no need to put restrictions on legal law-abiding gun owners to prevent them from doing so.
You don't think so? I'll put it the same way again. You think it's alright for you to own a fully armed tank? If not, why not? It's illegal to kill people so why not allow people tanks, or a nuke for that matter? After all law abiding citizens would use those responsible. Once you accept limitations, you accept that some weapons are simply to dangerous to allow people to own them.

Owning an assault rifle is not a negative behavior. It harms nobody.

You lose.
A coworker here was watching the President's address via CNN.
Immediately following CNN - "really, the President giving his condolences, it doesn't sound like he has a plan to prevent these things from happening".

REALLY??????'s been what, 21 hours and he is supposed to come up with a magical plan to prevent this from happening again????
These people are so freaking biased and dumb.
Mass shootings have been occurring for years. This school shooting is nothing new. There has been years and years to come up with a plan. Nobody on the right will do anything except offer platitudes.

Hmmm ...

What has the Left offered?

Just curious.
A coworker here was watching the President's address via CNN.
Immediately following CNN - "really, the President giving his condolences, it doesn't sound like he has a plan to prevent these things from happening".

REALLY??????'s been what, 21 hours and he is supposed to come up with a magical plan to prevent this from happening again????
These people are so freaking biased and dumb.
Mass shootings have been occurring for years. This school shooting is nothing new. There has been years and years to come up with a plan. Nobody on the right will do anything except offer platitudes.

Nobody on the left will do anything other than offer pathetic bromides.
These people are so freaking biased and dumb.
He fucked with their integrity, and they're on a mission.

These things didn't start when he took office. It's bigger than the President.
Their integrity? Was it their fucking integrity when they got caught giving hillary the kuuunt debate questions?

Could you fucking imagine if hannity was caught giving Trump debate questions?

Integrity? What fucking integrity?
A coworker here was watching the President's address via CNN.
Immediately following CNN - "really, the President giving his condolences, it doesn't sound like he has a plan to prevent these things from happening".

REALLY??????'s been what, 21 hours and he is supposed to come up with a magical plan to prevent this from happening again????
These people are so freaking biased and dumb.
Mass shootings have been occurring for years. This school shooting is nothing new. There has been years and years to come up with a plan. Nobody on the right will do anything except offer platitudes.

Hmmm ...

What has the Left offered?

Just curious.
Doesn't matter. Nothing will ever gain any traction. Just more thoughts and prayers.

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