CNN just had it's worst month for viewers in 4 years

I heard a statistic that said CNN had less than 400,000 people viewing their channel at prime cable news time two nights ago....they won't be around much least not as they are now......they will have to completely change all of their on air folks and change their ways of news gathering and reporting....
I heard a statistic that said CNN had less than 400,000 people viewing their channel at prime cable news time two nights ago....they won't be around much least not as they are now......they will have to completely change all of their on air folks and change their ways of news gathering and reporting....

If you had one percent of that many people reading your posts you'd soil your pants.
I heard a statistic that said CNN had less than 400,000 people viewing their channel at prime cable news time two nights ago....they won't be around much least not as they are now......they will have to completely change all of their on air folks and change their ways of news gathering and reporting....

If you had one percent of that many people reading your posts you'd soil your pants.
You are damn right!!!!!:dance:
To be honest I think it has less to do with popularity and a whole lot to do with the people who usually watch CNN not tuning in because the Mueller Report didn't give them what they desperately wanted. The same thing happened to CNN's ratings following Trump's election. The hard core left that watches them because they only want to hear news that conforms to their view of the world stops watching because they don't like the news that they're hearing. I think if you checked you'd see that CNN's ratings were probably up following the midterm elections because liberals wanted to gloat. Now they don't have much to gloat they're tuning out.

Just my opinion though...

Reporting news, or pseudo-news is not at all required for ratings though. EVERYTHING in commercial broadcasting gets a ratings assessment whether it's fake wrestling, (real) sports events, selling jewelry, onstage paternity tests, what the weather is, rummaging through somebody's abandoned storage locker --- EVERYTHING. And they all get them for the same reason: to establish how much they can sell 30 seconds of commercial time for.

You don't need to "agree" or "disagree" with what the weather is, who da baby daddy is, what's in the storage locker or how those naked people stranded on an island are going to survive. But they all INVEST you with an emotional attachment, the purpose of which is to keep you hypnotized long enough to sell you a visit to Barfer King.

There's nothing about "news" in any of that because there doesn't need to be. If the unwashed masses quit watching the idea of naked people forced to eat bugs on an island, it doesn't mean they have come to "disagree" with the idea of naked people forced to eat bugs on an island ---- it means it's no longer pulling their emotional strings. It means they're not as invested as they used to be.

That's exactly why they all use teasers -- "coming up we'll tell you how your house could get swept away by a tsunami next Thursday, but first this word about deodorant". They're locking you in so they can make more money. That's all it is.

This is all cynical mass psychology. Always has been.

None of that explains why a certain networks ratings go up or down, Pogo. Once take on it is that people want to hear the news that agrees with THEIR viewpoint. If it does then they will tune in. If you're a listen to CNN and MSNBC! Why? Because the slant they have on their "news" makes you feel good about your views! The reason that people DON'T tune in is that they know what they're going to hear won't be good news! Trump wins...conservatives tune in...liberals tune out! Democrats do well in the mid terms...conservatives tune out...liberals tune in!
To be honest I think it has less to do with popularity and a whole lot to do with the people who usually watch CNN not tuning in because the Mueller Report didn't give them what they desperately wanted. The same thing happened to CNN's ratings following Trump's election. The hard core left that watches them because they only want to hear news that conforms to their view of the world stops watching because they don't like the news that they're hearing. I think if you checked you'd see that CNN's ratings were probably up following the midterm elections because liberals wanted to gloat. Now they don't have much to gloat they're tuning out.

Just my opinion though...

Reporting news, or pseudo-news is not at all required for ratings though. EVERYTHING in commercial broadcasting gets a ratings assessment whether it's fake wrestling, (real) sports events, selling jewelry, onstage paternity tests, what the weather is, rummaging through somebody's abandoned storage locker --- EVERYTHING. And they all get them for the same reason: to establish how much they can sell 30 seconds of commercial time for.

You don't need to "agree" or "disagree" with what the weather is, who da baby daddy is, what's in the storage locker or how those naked people stranded on an island are going to survive. But they all INVEST you with an emotional attachment, the purpose of which is to keep you hypnotized long enough to sell you a visit to Barfer King.

There's nothing about "news" in any of that because there doesn't need to be. If the unwashed masses quit watching the idea of naked people forced to eat bugs on an island, it doesn't mean they have come to "disagree" with the idea of naked people forced to eat bugs on an island ---- it means it's no longer pulling their emotional strings. It means they're not as invested as they used to be.

That's exactly why they all use teasers -- "coming up we'll tell you how your house could get swept away by a tsunami next Thursday, but first this word about deodorant". They're locking you in so they can make more money. That's all it is.

This is all cynical mass psychology. Always has been.

None of that explains why a certain networks ratings go up or down, Pogo. Once take on it is that people want to hear the news that agrees with THEIR viewpoint. If it does then they will tune in. If you're a listen to CNN and MSNBC! Why? Because the slant they have on their "news" makes you feel good about your views! The reason that people DON'T tune in is that they know what they're going to hear won't be good news! Trump wins...conservatives tune in...liberals tune out! Democrats do well in the mid terms...conservatives tune out...liberals tune in!

That may be how they make their pitch. But their ratings going up or down simply means they did a better or worse job at overhyping and overdramatizing whatever the news is. There's no emotional investment in news itself.

When Fox Noise for example reports on a plane crash or a bridge going down, that's just news, equal on any channel. But when they pound the table talking about "the black man is coming to get you" with "new black panthers" and "knockout games" and "White House hip hop barbecues" etc, they're mining fear, and fear is an emotion and emotion means investment. And that's why they draw the ratings.
Does not CNN exist because of income from paid advertising, bought in response to high ratings?

Or does George Soros support CNN 100%
Does not CNN exist because of income from paid advertising, bought in response to high ratings?

Or does George Soros support CNN 100%

Bought in response to ANY ratings. The higher they are, the more it costs.

You'd know that if you'd actually worked in radio rather than as a pilot trying not to run into transmission towers.
Watching CNN is probably like watching somebody take a dump, except it would smell worse.

That's watching TV at all


Why do you think it's called the "vast wasteland"?

Don't know if we agree on anything politically, but I appreciate the word play. Nicely done.
Nobody...............and I mean NOBODY!

believes Crap News Network (cnn) anymore.

Crap News has become a sad pathetic progressive, communist joke

Time for them to wrap up all their shit....and to send all their moronic .... their totally imbecile reporters on a long, long, real looooooong vacation...

good riddance
Bought in response to ANY ratings. The higher they are, the more it costs.

You'd know that if you'd actually worked in radio rather than as a pilot trying not to run into transmission towers.

Words of wisdom that come from having your once having cleaned the break room at a local PBS propaganda facility!

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