CNN: Liz Cheney had just 10% chance of winning..."No sensible person...would bet on her"

Do you know the average amount of time it takes to develop a new vaccine? 5-10 years. Had Trump not been successful, you folks would still be waiting for that vaccine you cherished so much. Can you imagine the Biden administration having to do something like that?
I think Trump did a great job cutting red tape and helping the Pharmas get the vaccines made. Its just too bad he rallied his supporters to hate the government so much that they didn't trust any of the medical advice coming out of it. and its too bad that he wanted to grab all the camera time to brag about how good he is doing and constantly lie to the American public about what was actually going on with COVID. Yes he totally fumbled the ball with handling Covid. Its why he lost the election. Not because of some fantasy theft.
I think Trump did a great job cutting red tape and helping the Pharmas get the vaccines made. Its just too bad he rallied his supporters to hate the government so much that they didn't trust any of the medical advice coming out of it. and its too bad that he wanted to grab all the camera time to brag about how good he is doing and constantly lie to the American public about what was actually going on with COVID. Yes he totally fumbled the ball with handling Covid. Its why he lost the election. Not because of some fantasy theft.

And yet more people died of COVID in the first year of President Biden, than they did in 2020, 446,197 to 385,443. How did Biden not mishandle the pandemic as well?
And yet more people died of COVID in the first year of President Biden, than they did in 2020, 446,197 to 385,443. How did Biden not mishandle the pandemic as well?
No shit, Delta wave was on fire during his first term. A virus is a virus, I blame Trump for his reckless lies about it and endangering the public just so he could try and manufacture a "win" for his administration. It was an embarrassing display of leadership during a time of crisis
Anyone that voted for Trump, to elect and in Congress and campaigned for Trump must be a traitor. Just like Liz Cheney.
They were people like me! I didn’t vote for Hillary and would never have considered voting for Biden …

until Trump demonstrated to my satisfaction after 2016 that he was not just a narcissistic charlatan — he was dividing the country in horrible ways.

Trump was not just a crude populist opportunist out for personal power, but also a real danger to our Republic. His conduct after his defeat only confirmed me in this opinion.
She was useful to the democrats, and now she will be forgotten. Next year if her name is mentioned, Democrats will go "Who"?
It seems amazing to me that the reason most often given for the unprecedented turnout in the 2016 election that gave Joe Biden tens of millions of votes more than Obama ever managed to achieved was that our societal hatred for President Trump was so great that people who had never voted before were stirred to come out and vote because of that hatred of President Trump.

Yet, we continue to see Trump-back candidates elected over and over.

From where did all these alleged Trump-haters come and to where to they return?
You mean the 2020 election not 2016, no??

George Floyd protests provided the opportunity to get people involved in their government, by exercising their constitutional right to vote. Millions of people of all colors were involved in the protests Nationwide.....and that had to do with an 11% unemployment rate due to the pandemic, at the time....people had time to be involved.

Yes, no one in our history was despised or more worrisome to the majority of Americans, than Donald Trump imo.

So many people at election time that were younger or all hourly workers had the means to vote in person or by absentee ballot due to covid safety reasons, opportunity that they would not normally have when emp!oyed....

were still unemployed during the election period....

with more time to also get pulled in to politics.

Both sides of the aisle had huge voter increases! It wasn't like it was one sided!
That’s the reason you see most often given?!?! That’s funny, do you hear that in right wing radio or something?

Voter turnout was high because of the pandemic and population growth. Yes Trump was the most hated president in our history and that helped but the other two factors were more significant
Why was Trump the most hated president in history. I bet you learned that through MSM. :laughing0301:
Byron York on Liz:

Why is Cheney so far behind? Most coverage of her predicament has focused on her starring role with the Jan. 6 committee, and especially on her vow to make sure that, one way or another, former President Donald Trump will not be the Republican nominee for president in 2024. Trump, of course, is popular in Wyoming. He won the state in 2016 with 68.2% of the vote to Hillary Clinton's 21.9%. In 2020, Trump won with 69.9% to Joe Biden's 26.6%.

So, it is no surprise that Cheney's Ahab-like fixation on getting Trump is unpopular in a state where so many voters have a favorable view of the former president. The Casper Star-Tribune poll fleshed that out with three questions related to Cheney's work on the Jan. 6 committee.

One question was: "Do you approve of Liz Cheney's decision to serve on the January 6 committee?" Sixty-three percent of voters likely to participate in the primary said no, versus just 29% who said yes. Another question was: "Has Liz Cheney's opposition to Trump affected her ability to deal with the important Wyoming issues?" Sixty-one percent said yes, while 34% said no. And finally: "Has Liz Cheney's performance on the January 6 committee made you more or less likely to vote for her?" Fifty-four percent said less likely, while 22% said more likely and 24% said it had no effect at all.
Well I don’t hate Biden because he isn’t direct responsible for those things happening. I dislike Trump not because of his policies but because he is a horrible person that continuously lied to the public and trolled incessantly fueling the worst political divisions in our country that I’ve seen in my lifetime.
It's the Dems, not Trump, who fuel the worst political division ever before.

Well, since 1859, anyway.
That would be so great, if Liz Cheney loses big. What a terrible woman.

she shirley is a terrible woman, no doubt about it; having voted some 90%+ for donny's agenda. but not when it comes to eating trump alive just like the good velociraptor that she is & it's great having her on the right side of history for a change.

lol ... liz cheney has zero fucks to give. she has donny in her sights & will be just fine.
Must be why she sent out letters to the dems in her state telling them how to change their party affiliation to repo for the primary to support her.
Well I don’t hate Biden because he isn’t direct responsible for those things happening. I dislike Trump not because of his policies but because he is a horrible person that continuously lied to the public and trolled incessantly fueling the worst political divisions in our country that I’ve seen in my lifetime.
His policies are directly responsible for those things. You can't pour ten trillion dollars or so into the economy without creating inflation and people like me were saying that even when the Democrats under Trump were trying to force "stimulus" packages laden with pork through the congress.
lol ... liz cheney has zero fucks to give. she has donny in her sights & will be just fine.
What's she gonna do? She's finished. If she runs for President she'll do about as well as Kamala Harris did. They're the same caliber mentally, dumber than an empty box of Post Toasties.
Why was Trump the most hated president in history. I bet you learned that through MSM. :laughing0301:
I didn’t learn that from MSM. I learned it with my own eyes and ears. He is a polarizing dude. Lies, manipulates, talks shit, and trolls anybody that isn’t supportive of him. That’s why he is so hated… and it’s also why his followers love him so much. He is a wingnut magnet

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