CNN... more fake news

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They are overseas too. Sort of pretending to be the "official" USA news in Asia....hotel rooms....airports. even more dumbed-down than here. Shameful to spread those vile lies and hate. CNN Asia I think they call it. Maybe the DNC bought the rights?

Edit: Not much about the World Series but badmitton, cricket, soccer and CNN was on.
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I almost feel sorry for CNN they try so hard to come up with these bombshells that Trump stole the election from there chosen one and it keeps blowing up in their face. Reminds of the quote often attributed to Albert Einstein the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.
I almost feel sorry for CNN they try so hard to come up with these bombshells that Trump stole the election from there chosen one and it keeps blowing up in their face. Reminds of the quote often attributed to Albert Einstein the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

The first and second time I did too, by the 18th time they deserve whatever is coming to them.
Please try to post this in the proper forum: media. Closed.
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