CNN- Obama: No 'complete strategy' yet on training Iraqis


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
What an epic failure of a slam dunk POTUS. Had a mandate and screwed it up

Telfs-Buchen, Austria (CNN)President Barack Obama said Monday his top national security advisers were still working to solidify training plans for Iraqi defense forces battling ISIS in their own country.

"We don't yet have a complete strategy because it requires commitments on the part of the Iraqis," Obama said during concluding remarks at the G7 conference in Germany, citing recruitment as a key stumbling block facing the central government in Iraq.

Critics of the administration's strategy in Iraq seized upon the President's comments Monday, claiming they indicated a policy failure and referencing similar comments Obama made in August.

"What has President Obama been doing for the last 10 months?" the Republican National Committee wrote Monday. House Speaker John Boehner took the attack another step, responding to Obama with a tweet of a popular emoticon of a person shrugging ("¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ") as a shorter summary of Obama's strategy.

Obama Iraq troops No complete strategy on ISIS fight -
What an epic failure of a slam dunk POTUS. Had a mandate and screwed it up

Telfs-Buchen, Austria (CNN)President Barack Obama said Monday his top national security advisers were still working to solidify training plans for Iraqi defense forces battling ISIS in their own country.

"We don't yet have a complete strategy because it requires commitments on the part of the Iraqis," Obama said during concluding remarks at the G7 conference in Germany, citing recruitment as a key stumbling block facing the central government in Iraq.

Critics of the administration's strategy in Iraq seized upon the President's comments Monday, claiming they indicated a policy failure and referencing similar comments Obama made in August.

"What has President Obama been doing for the last 10 months?" the Republican National Committee wrote Monday. House Speaker John Boehner took the attack another step, responding to Obama with a tweet of a popular emoticon of a person shrugging ("¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ") as a shorter summary of Obama's strategy.

Obama Iraq troops No complete strategy on ISIS fight -
CNN? Please, you know you can't believe anything that comes from a dreaded main stream media outlet.
And more interesting stories for a Monday evening


Ex-US Intelligence Officials Confirm: Secret Pentagon Report Proves US Complicity In Creation Of ISIS

Two weeks ago, courtesy of the investigative work of Nafeez Ahmed whose deep dig through a recently declassified and formertly Pentagon documents released earlier by Judicial Watch FOIA, we learned that Western governments deliberately allied with al-Qaeda and other Islamist extremist groups to topple Syrian dictator Bashir al-Assad. In his words: "According to the newly declassified US document, the Pentagon foresaw the likely rise of the ‘Islamic State’ as a direct consequence of the strategy, but described this outcome as a strategic opportunity to “isolate the Syrian regime.

Now, in a follow up piece to his stunning original investigative report titled "Secret Pentagon report reveals West saw ISIS as strategic asset Anti-ISIS coalition knowingly sponsored violent extremists to ‘isolate’ Assad, rollback ‘Shia expansion", Nafeez Ahmed reveals that according to leading American and British intelligence experts, the previously declassified Pentagon report confirms that the West accelerated support to extremist rebels in Syria, despite knowing full well the strategy would pave the way for the emergence of the ‘Islamic State’ (ISIS).

The experts who have spoken out include renowned government whistleblowers such as the Pentagon’s Daniel Ellsberg, the NSA’s Thomas Drake, and the FBI’s Coleen Rowley, among others.

Their remarks demonstrate the fraudulent nature of claims by two other former officials, the CIA’s Michael Morell and the NSA’s John Schindler, both of whom attempt to absolve the Obama administration of responsibility for the policy failures exposed by the DIA documents.

This is Nafeez Ahmed's follow up story, originally posted in Medium

Ex-intel officials: Pentagon report proves US complicity in ISIS

Ex-US Intelligence Officials Confirm Secret Pentagon Report Proves US Complicity In Creation Of ISIS Zero Hedge
Actually I am proud of the Boy.

He usually blames all his competencies on Boooosh.

At least today he admitted that he he didn't have a clue on how to conduct American foreign policy. That is a step in the right direction.
I help the man with Step 1. Find out who is pocketing all the money we're sending over there and how much dough is actually getting through to military assistance.
I help the man with Step 1. Find out who is pocketing all the money we're sending over there and how much dough is actually getting through to military assistance.

Money is not what this is about. It is about us putting boots on the ground to destroy and completely slaughter 35,000 terrorist

I help the man with Step 1. Find out who is pocketing all the money we're sending over there and how much dough is actually getting through to military assistance.

Money is not what this is about. It is about us putting boots on the ground to destroy and completely slaughter 35,000 terrorist

You're assuming he wants them destroyed. Obie is all for ISIS that's why he does what he does.
Once again we have the unsavory choice:
Is Obama complicit in criminal activity, or is he really this incompetent?
Neither choice is particularly appealing.
Thought we already trained the Iraqi army??

Oh wait. I forgot. Despite all that training they didn't fight. They ran for their lives and will do so again. Waste of time training Iraqi's to fight. Never mind.
Thought we already trained the Iraqi army??

Oh wait. I forgot. Despite all that training they didn't fight. They ran for their lives and will do so again. Waste of time training Iraqi's to fight. Never mind.

You know, in August he had no plans. Now in June, he has no plans. But I bet he has his next golf game planned. Or his next 'If I had a son' speech

"CNN- Obama: No 'complete strategy' yet on training Iraqis"

The mistake you make is to assume it's the 'responsibility' of the United States to 'train' Iraqi forces, when in fact it's the sole responsibility of Iraq to defend itself, including providing training to its soldiers.

The self-proclaimed 'Islamic state' is Iraq's problem to deal with, it's their responsibility to address, not America's, where any further involvement by the United States is unwarranted.
"CNN- Obama: No 'complete strategy' yet on training Iraqis"

The mistake you make is to assume it's the 'responsibility' of the United States to 'train' Iraqi forces, when in fact it's the sole responsibility of Iraq to defend itself, including providing training to its soldiers.

The self-proclaimed 'Islamic state' is Iraq's problem to deal with, it's their responsibility to address, not America's, where any further involvement by the United States is unwarranted.

No, it's our problem because Obama caused it. We must go there and slaughter them before they come here. We need to clean up the mess our elected POTUS Obama created. We have his back



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