CNN on Benghazi committee: Immediate headline "GOP committee finds no wrongdoing by Clinton"

The republican panel members effort to blame Hillary has ended and their Bogus Benghazi Panel are now uniting with the fugitive Dr. Richard Kimble in search of a One Armed Bandit.
There is no one else responsible for Benghazi. Hillary & Obama were in charge & complete control. Those men gave their lives for Obama & Hillary's ideals of putting forth a non aggressive image towards Islam. Heavy weapons as well as other types of support were requested before & during the attack. They were declined. They are dead solely because of Obama & Hillary. The subsequent attempt to fool Americans by blaming it on a video was a disgusting display of their disregard for our men.

That's not what any of the reports say.

I do notice that you continually deflect blame away from the Republican Congress which cut spending on embassy security by 1/3 in the 2012 budget. They own a piece of what happened too.

But no, Hillary Clinton and Barrack Obama were not "in charge & complete control". The Ambassador CHOSE to go to Benghazi, which was neither stable nor secure, even though he was advised to stay within the safety of Tripoli. Help was too far away, and they need permission to overfly several countries air spaces to get there. Even if they had taken off, there is no certainty that they would have gotten there in time to save anyone who died, and such an incursion may have cost even more American lives.

The attempt to blame it on the video was in an effort to save more lives on the ground by not giving away the CIA operatives in the area.
So, it was due to a video? What are the left wingers claiming?

Can anyone decipher their double talk?

I cannot.

Are they saying she told the truth to the families about the video?

I just cannot tell. Get ready for them to deal with my rhetorical questions by giggling and obfuscating. That is the only way they can deal with their cognitive dissonance.

Read the House Select Committee on Intelligence report released almost a year ago. They found no administration wrongdoing then, and Democrats broadcasted it loud and clear. You didn't listen then like you don't listen now. They got nothing, zip, zilch, nada.'re partly right when you say....Dems did nothing wrong.

They DID NOTHING. They didnt lift a finger to rescue them.

Sure....they did a horrible job setting that compound up. Way too little security. But....inadequate isn't the same as "wrong".

Sure....they misled the public and lied to the victims families. But that's immoral. Not illegal.

So....did Crooked Hillary commit a crime regarding Benghazi?? No. No she didn't. They DIDNT DO ANYTHING.

Which is kinda the point.

It is well established that by the time the military reacted it would have made no difference. That information has been available for a long time, I'm sorry you chose to be uninformed even now.
They were never mobilized you fucking liar, no wonder they didn't make a difference.
Bull. When American deaths occur due to shear incompetence, I don't give a damn who is at the helm.This was lack of oversight. A lack of requested security. A lack of planning. The Brits and Red Cross had pulled all personnel there due to the deteriorating conditions. For hecks sake, even the compound had had a hole blown in the wwll there you could drive a truck through! And it was 9/11/11! Yet additional security was denied!
Bullshit. Absolute bullshit. You are part of America's problem right now. You care more about your inept candidate than you do about the lives of others that choose to represent us in different parts of the world. You could care less about the lives of Ambassador Stevens, Smith, Doherty, and Woods, who lost theirs, and the 30 others under attack because no plan was in place nor any action taken to help rescue them.

Your whole sick focus is on whether this will impact your candidate and your party.
If they had an ounce of truth they would have paraded it in front of the press and waved it in front of everyone's eyes. They didn't because they have nothing and never did. This was nothing more than a attempt to influence the election and if Democrats had not presented their report yesterday, you wouldn't have seen the Republican version for two or three more months.

Actually, it would appear that you don't really care. The only reason you pretend to is because of who it's supposed to make look bad. Thankfully, it's only in your wingnut bubble that this is such a huge catastrophe.
Bullshit. Absolute bullshit. You are part of America's problem right now. You care more about your inept candidate than you do about the lives of others that choose to represent us in different parts of the world. You could care less about the lives of Ambassador Stevens, Smith, Doherty, and Woods, who lost theirs, and the 30 others under attack because no plan was in place nor any action taken to help rescue them.

Your whole sick focus is on whether this will impact your candidate and your party.
If they had an ounce of truth they would have paraded it in front of the press and waved it in front of everyone's eyes. They didn't because they have nothing and never did. This was nothing more than a attempt to influence the election and if Democrats had not presented their report yesterday, you wouldn't have seen the Republican version for two or three more months.

Actually, it would appear that you don't really care. The only reason you pretend to is because of who it's supposed to make look bad. Thankfully, it's only in your wingnut bubble that this is such a huge catastrophe.
Wow. The bias is so pathetic it's sickening. The Benghazi committee press conference was finishing and the theme was "read the report". Trey Gowdy, when asked if Clinton was at fault, implied she was but rather answered "just read the report".

When he walked off stage...CNN IMMEDIATELY ran the headline "GOP led committee finds no wrongdoing by Hillary".

God damn....CNN must have a staff of alien speed readers!!!! They read the report, 800 pages long, in less than 2 seconds!!!!!
Where are the Indictments that we've been promised?

Charlene Lamb testimony: budget not an issue

The republican panel members effort to blame Hillary has ended and their Bogus Benghazi Panel are now uniting with the fugitive Dr. Richard Kimble in search of a One Armed Bandit.
There is no one else responsible for Benghazi. Hillary & Obama were in charge & complete control. Those men gave their lives for Obama & Hillary's ideals of putting forth a non aggressive image towards Islam. Heavy weapons as well as other types of support were requested before & during the attack. They were declined. They are dead solely because of Obama & Hillary. The subsequent attempt to fool Americans by blaming it on a video was a disgusting display of their disregard for our men.

That's not what any of the reports say.

I do notice that you continually deflect blame away from the Republican Congress which cut spending on embassy security by 1/3 in the 2012 budget. They own a piece of what happened too.

But no, Hillary Clinton and Barrack Obama were not "in charge & complete control". The Ambassador CHOSE to go to Benghazi, which was neither stable nor secure, even though he was advised to stay within the safety of Tripoli. Help was too far away, and they need permission to overfly several countries air spaces to get there. Even if they had taken off, there is no certainty that they would have gotten there in time to save anyone who died, and such an incursion may have cost even more American lives.

The attempt to blame it on the video was in an effort to save more lives on the ground by not giving away the CIA operatives in the area.
The republican panel members effort to blame Hillary has ended and their Bogus Benghazi Panel are now uniting with the fugitive Dr. Richard Kimble in search of a One Armed Bandit.
There is no one else responsible for Benghazi. Hillary & Obama were in charge & complete control. Those men gave their lives for Obama & Hillary's ideals of putting forth a non aggressive image towards Islam. Heavy weapons as well as other types of support were requested before & during the attack. They were declined. They are dead solely because of Obama & Hillary. The subsequent attempt to fool Americans by blaming it on a video was a disgusting display of their disregard for our men.

That's not what any of the reports say.

I do notice that you continually deflect blame away from the Republican Congress which cut spending on embassy security by 1/3 in the 2012 budget. They own a piece of what happened too.

But no, Hillary Clinton and Barrack Obama were not "in charge & complete control". The Ambassador CHOSE to go to Benghazi, which was neither stable nor secure, even though he was advised to stay within the safety of Tripoli. Help was too far away, and they need permission to overfly several countries air spaces to get there. Even if they had taken off, there is no certainty that they would have gotten there in time to save anyone who died, and such an incursion may have cost even more American lives.

The attempt to blame it on the video was in an effort to save more lives on the ground by not giving away the CIA operatives in the area.
The email scandal is a different issue.
Wow. The bias is so pathetic it's sickening. The Benghazi committee press conference was finishing and the theme was "read the report". Trey Gowdy, when asked if Clinton was at fault, implied she was but rather answered "just read the report".

When he walked off stage...CNN IMMEDIATELY ran the headline "GOP led committee finds no wrongdoing by Hillary".

God damn....CNN must have a staff of alien speed readers!!!! They read the report, 800 pages long, in less than 2 seconds!!!!!
Where are the Indictments that we've been promised?
So, it was due to a video? What are the left wingers claiming?

Can anyone decipher their double talk?

I cannot.

Are they saying she told the truth to the families about the video?

I just cannot tell. Get ready for them to deal with my rhetorical questions by giggling and obfuscating. That is the only way they can deal with their cognitive dissonance.

Read the House Select Committee on Intelligence report released almost a year ago. They found no administration wrongdoing then, and Democrats broadcasted it loud and clear. You didn't listen then like you don't listen now. They got nothing, zip, zilch, nada.'re partly right when you say....Dems did nothing wrong.

They DID NOTHING. They didnt lift a finger to rescue them.

Sure....they did a horrible job setting that compound up. Way too little security. But....inadequate isn't the same as "wrong".

Sure....they misled the public and lied to the victims families. But that's immoral. Not illegal.

So....did Crooked Hillary commit a crime regarding Benghazi?? No. No she didn't. They DIDNT DO ANYTHING.

Which is kinda the point.

It is well established that by the time the military reacted it would have made no difference. That information has been available for a long time, I'm sorry you chose to be uninformed even now.
They were never mobilized you fucking liar, no wonder they didn't make a difference.
Investigated and debunked and I don't care if you want to hold onto your lie I hope it hurts when you digest it. This is over and done, your able congressmen screwed up and failed. move on.
Wow. The bias is so pathetic it's sickening. The Benghazi committee press conference was finishing and the theme was "read the report". Trey Gowdy, when asked if Clinton was at fault, implied she was but rather answered "just read the report".

When he walked off stage...CNN IMMEDIATELY ran the headline "GOP led committee finds no wrongdoing by Hillary".

God damn....CNN must have a staff of alien speed readers!!!! They read the report, 800 pages long, in less than 2 seconds!!!!!
Well they are up against Trump and he frightens them.

He frightens everybody everywhere.
So, it was due to a video? What are the left wingers claiming?

Can anyone decipher their double talk?

I cannot.

Are they saying she told the truth to the families about the video?

I just cannot tell. Get ready for them to deal with my rhetorical questions by giggling and obfuscating. That is the only way they can deal with their cognitive dissonance.

Read the House Select Committee on Intelligence report released almost a year ago. They found no administration wrongdoing then, and Democrats broadcasted it loud and clear. You didn't listen then like you don't listen now. They got nothing, zip, zilch, nada.'re partly right when you say....Dems did nothing wrong.

They DID NOTHING. They didnt lift a finger to rescue them.

Sure....they did a horrible job setting that compound up. Way too little security. But....inadequate isn't the same as "wrong".

Sure....they misled the public and lied to the victims families. But that's immoral. Not illegal.

So....did Crooked Hillary commit a crime regarding Benghazi?? No. No she didn't. They DIDNT DO ANYTHING.

Which is kinda the point.

It is well established that by the time the military reacted it would have made no difference. That information has been available for a long time, I'm sorry you chose to be uninformed even now.
They were never mobilized you fucking liar, no wonder they didn't make a difference.
Investigated and debunked and I don't care if you want to hold onto your lie I hope it hurts when you digest it. This is over and done, your able congressmen screwed up and failed. move on.

They obviously won't move on, but that's alright. Most of the rest of the country already has and after this report, even more will.
If they had an ounce of truth they would have paraded it in front of the press and waved it in front of everyone's eyes. They didn't because they have nothing and never did. This was nothing more than a attempt to influence the election and if Democrats had not presented their report yesterday, you wouldn't have seen the Republican version for two or three more months.

Is it your position that Benghazi is about as true as an even as the Star Wars trilogy? if so, then it never happened or something else happened and a lot of people would still be alive. Which is it?
The four were dead before anyone could have been mobilized and dispatched, Imperius.

Stay calm and waddle on.

Despite President Obama and Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta’s clear orders to deploy military assets, nothing was sent to Benghazi, and nothing was en route to Libya at the time the last two Americans were killed almost 8 hours after the attacks began. [pg. 141]
Read the House Select Committee on Intelligence report released almost a year ago. They found no administration wrongdoing then, and Democrats broadcasted it loud and clear. You didn't listen then like you don't listen now. They got nothing, zip, zilch, nada.'re partly right when you say....Dems did nothing wrong.

They DID NOTHING. They didnt lift a finger to rescue them.

Sure....they did a horrible job setting that compound up. Way too little security. But....inadequate isn't the same as "wrong".

Sure....they misled the public and lied to the victims families. But that's immoral. Not illegal.

So....did Crooked Hillary commit a crime regarding Benghazi?? No. No she didn't. They DIDNT DO ANYTHING.

Which is kinda the point.

It is well established that by the time the military reacted it would have made no difference. That information has been available for a long time, I'm sorry you chose to be uninformed even now.
They were never mobilized you fucking liar, no wonder they didn't make a difference.
Investigated and debunked and I don't care if you want to hold onto your lie I hope it hurts when you digest it. This is over and done, your able congressmen screwed up and failed. move on.

They obviously won't move on, but that's alright. Most of the rest of the country already has and after this report, even more will.

How very sad for you to be so apathetic.
The four were dead before anyone could have been mobilized and dispatched, Imperius.

Stay calm and waddle on.

I don't understand why Americans can't understand that if you put yourself in hostile territory shit might happen.

The Ambassador thought his country had his back, especially when he requested help on numerous occasions. Do you know why military support was pulled?'re partly right when you say....Dems did nothing wrong.

They DID NOTHING. They didnt lift a finger to rescue them.

Sure....they did a horrible job setting that compound up. Way too little security. But....inadequate isn't the same as "wrong".

Sure....they misled the public and lied to the victims families. But that's immoral. Not illegal.

So....did Crooked Hillary commit a crime regarding Benghazi?? No. No she didn't. They DIDNT DO ANYTHING.

Which is kinda the point.

It is well established that by the time the military reacted it would have made no difference. That information has been available for a long time, I'm sorry you chose to be uninformed even now.
They were never mobilized you fucking liar, no wonder they didn't make a difference.
Investigated and debunked and I don't care if you want to hold onto your lie I hope it hurts when you digest it. This is over and done, your able congressmen screwed up and failed. move on.

They obviously won't move on, but that's alright. Most of the rest of the country already has and after this report, even more will.

How very sad for you to be so apathetic.

I'm gonna guess you don't really give a shit, either, so it's all good.
It is well established that by the time the military reacted it would have made no difference. That information has been available for a long time, I'm sorry you chose to be uninformed even now.
They were never mobilized you fucking liar, no wonder they didn't make a difference.
Investigated and debunked and I don't care if you want to hold onto your lie I hope it hurts when you digest it. This is over and done, your able congressmen screwed up and failed. move on.

They obviously won't move on, but that's alright. Most of the rest of the country already has and after this report, even more will.

How very sad for you to be so apathetic.

I'm gonna guess you don't really give a shit, either, so it's all good.

You guessed wrong.
The four were dead before anyone could have been mobilized and dispatched, Imperius.

Stay calm and waddle on.

I don't understand why Americans can't understand that if you put yourself in hostile territory shit might happen.

The Ambassador thought his country had his back, especially when he requested help on numerous occasions. Do you know why military support was pulled?
The moron was attacking and blaming booooosh.

None of them are worthy of respect.
If they had an ounce of truth they would have paraded it in front of the press and waved it in front of everyone's eyes. They didn't because they have nothing and never did. This was nothing more than a attempt to influence the election and if Democrats had not presented their report yesterday, you wouldn't have seen the Republican version for two or three more months.

Is it your position that Benghazi is about as true as an even as the Star Wars trilogy? if so, then it never happened or something else happened and a lot of people would still be alive. Which is it?

It's over, why are you still debating it? Nothing new was added to the investigation even after spending $7 million and two years of effort, they came up empty handed. The Benghazi investigation has concluded, it's in the history books.
I've yet to witness your disdain over the deaths of Amb Stevens, Woods, Smith, and Doherty in Benghazi and how they were hung out to dry.
It is well established that by the time the military reacted it would have made no difference. That information has been available for a long time, I'm sorry you chose to be uninformed even now.
They were never mobilized you fucking liar, no wonder they didn't make a difference.
Investigated and debunked and I don't care if you want to hold onto your lie I hope it hurts when you digest it. This is over and done, your able congressmen screwed up and failed. move on.

They obviously won't move on, but that's alright. Most of the rest of the country already has and after this report, even more will.

How very sad for you to be so apathetic.

I'm gonna guess you don't really give a shit, either, so it's all good.

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