CNN on Benghazi committee: Immediate headline "GOP committee finds no wrongdoing by Clinton"

If they had an ounce of truth they would have paraded it in front of the press and waved it in front of everyone's eyes. They didn't because they have nothing and never did. This was nothing more than a attempt to influence the election and if Democrats had not presented their report yesterday, you wouldn't have seen the Republican version for two or three more months.

Is it your position that Benghazi is about as true as an even as the Star Wars trilogy? if so, then it never happened or something else happened and a lot of people would still be alive. Which is it?

It's over, why are you still debating it? Nothing new was added to the investigation even after spending $7 million and two years of effort, they came up empty handed. The Benghazi investigation has concluded, it's in the history books.

81 new witnesses were interviewed and,

The following facts are among the many new revelations in Part I:

Despite President Obama and Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta’s clear orders to deploy military assets, nothing was sent to Benghazi, and nothing was en route to Libya at the time the last two Americans were killed almost 8 hours after the attacks began. [pg. 141]

With Ambassador Stevens missing, the White House convened a roughly two-hour meeting at 7:30 PM, which resulted in action items focused on a YouTube video, and others containing the phrases “f any deployment is made,” and “Libya must agree to any deployment,” and “[w]ill not deploy until order comes to go to either Tripoli or Benghazi.”
[pg. 115]

The Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff typically would have participated in the White House meeting, but did not attend because he went home to host a dinner party for foreign dignitaries. [pg. 107]

A Fleet Antiterrorism Security Team (FAST) sat on a plane in Rota, Spain, for three hours, and changed in and out of their uniforms four times. [pg. 154]

None of the relevant military forces met their required deployment timelines. [pg. 150]

The Libyan forces that evacuated Americans from the CIA Annex to the Benghazi airport was not affiliated with any of the militias the CIA or State Department had developed a relationship with during the prior 18 months. Instead, it was comprised of former Qadhafi loyalists who the U.S. had helped remove from power during the Libyan revolution. [pg. 144]
Wow. The bias is so pathetic it's sickening. The Benghazi committee press conference was finishing and the theme was "read the report". Trey Gowdy, when asked if Clinton was at fault, implied she was but rather answered "just read the report".

When he walked off stage...CNN IMMEDIATELY ran the headline "GOP led committee finds no wrongdoing by Hillary".

God damn....CNN must have a staff of alien speed readers!!!! They read the report, 800 pages long, in less than 2 seconds!!!!!
GOP leader accidentally tells the truth about Benghazi committee
Wow. The bias is so pathetic it's sickening. The Benghazi committee press conference was finishing and the theme was "read the report". Trey Gowdy, when asked if Clinton was at fault, implied she was but rather answered "just read the report".

When he walked off stage...CNN IMMEDIATELY ran the headline "GOP led committee finds no wrongdoing by Hillary".

God damn....CNN must have a staff of alien speed readers!!!! They read the report, 800 pages long, in less than 2 seconds!!!!!
GOP leader accidentally tells the truth about Benghazi committee

Reported by MSNBC
Only one jackasses stupid remark, and whom I hope loses his seat. You see, unfortunately there are asses in all walks of life. These mens memories did not deserve to be tarnished with such a crass remark.

Do you choose to condemn the lack of planning, lack of requested additional security, and the obvious spin then SOS and the Admin tried to push a lie about a video or do you choose to stand with the asses that don't give a damn?
Wow. The bias is so pathetic it's sickening. The Benghazi committee press conference was finishing and the theme was "read the report". Trey Gowdy, when asked if Clinton was at fault, implied she was but rather answered "just read the report".

When he walked off stage...CNN IMMEDIATELY ran the headline "GOP led committee finds no wrongdoing by Hillary".

God damn....CNN must have a staff of alien speed readers!!!! They read the report, 800 pages long, in less than 2 seconds!!!!!
GOP leader accidentally tells the truth about Benghazi committee
The four were dead before anyone could have been mobilized and dispatched, Imperius.

Stay calm and waddle on.

Despite President Obama and Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta’s clear orders to deploy military assets, nothing was sent to Benghazi, and nothing was en route to Libya at the time the last two Americans were killed almost 8 hours after the attacks began. [pg. 141]
"We don't have a ready force standing by in the Middle East, and so getting somebody there in a timely way would have been very difficult, if not impossible." [Robert Gates] explained.
You are correct. I am wrong. Forgive me.
But now answer my questions, if you do give a damn.
Actually you altered my original message. I asked why did they have Susan Rice go on the morning shows to state it was a video when they knew it was not? Why did Clinton tell the families they would get the film maker when their bodies arrived on US soil, when she had, in less than 24 hours after the attack told her daughter and the Egyptian PM it was not a video.
What, deflection? No surprise. You won't answer the questions, because then you would have to admit fault where it squarely sits, the lying by Clinton to the families and to us.
Hey, fool, you are the one who initially responded to my post and opened with calling me an idiot to only go on without a valid response to what I wrote, shit for brains! Now you claim I DEFLECTED? You truly are an ignorant fuck, you aborted excuse for a person! Now go get your picture of Hillary, get over to the corner and masturbate away, jerk-off! You don't belong with the adults!
You lying fuck! I didn't alter shit. Your original post to me was
What an idiot you are. They were not assigned to find blame. They were assigned to report the facts. That is what they have done, and if you cared to read them you would admit they are damning, unless you are a political hack.
You lying fuck! I answered that horseshit with this in my post #117:
And you have the fucking gall to call me an idiot?

Have another cup of that GOP Kool-Aide, Dippy Do. It was a fucking Witch Hunt from the get-go, fool!
Now go piss up a rope asswipe!
I don't owe you any fucking answers to your questions because your inane questions are now moot with the presentation of the report attesting to the fact that the House Committee contrived the entire dog & pony show. The Press Conference this AM about the release of the report along with the evidence from last year that came directly from out of Kevin McCarthy's mouth, which also ruined the idiot's chance at being Speaker of the House. Here is the video of that IDIOT's cockup:
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The investigation is now moot.

None of the meant anything, and the far right's efforts to use the good men's deaths for evil purposes has been exposed.
The four were dead before anyone could have been mobilized and dispatched, Imperius.

Stay calm and waddle on.
Lol Jake, Hillary had prior intelligence that an attack was imminent. She chose not to act on it.

Our troops could have been easily repositioned based off of that intelligence. And nobody would have died that night.

How about it?
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So, it was due to a video? What are the left wingers claiming?

Can anyone decipher their double talk?

I cannot.

Are they saying she told the truth to the families about the video?

I just cannot tell. Get ready for them to deal with my rhetorical questions by giggling and obfuscating. That is the only way they can deal with their cognitive dissonance.

Read the House Select Committee on Intelligence report released almost a year ago. They found no administration wrongdoing then, and Democrats broadcasted it loud and clear. You didn't listen then like you don't listen now. They got nothing, zip, zilch, nada.'re partly right when you say....Dems did nothing wrong.

They DID NOTHING. They didnt lift a finger to rescue them.

Sure....they did a horrible job setting that compound up. Way too little security. But....inadequate isn't the same as "wrong".

Sure....they misled the public and lied to the victims families. But that's immoral. Not illegal.

So....did Crooked Hillary commit a crime regarding Benghazi?? No. No she didn't. They DIDNT DO ANYTHING.

Which is kinda the point.

It is well established that by the time the military reacted it would have made no difference. That information has been available for a long time, I'm sorry you chose to be uninformed even now.
They were never mobilized you fucking liar, no wonder they didn't make a difference.
Investigated and debunked and I don't care if you want to hold onto your lie I hope it hurts when you digest it. This is over and done, your able congressmen screwed up and failed. move on.
And this my friends is what's known as a state of denial.
The four were dead before anyone could have been mobilized and dispatched, Imperius.

Stay calm and waddle on.

Despite President Obama and Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta’s clear orders to deploy military assets, nothing was sent to Benghazi, and nothing was en route to Libya at the time the last two Americans were killed almost 8 hours after the attacks began. [pg. 141]
"We don't have a ready force standing by in the Middle East, and so getting somebody there in a timely way would have been very difficult, if not impossible." [Robert Gates] explained.

A Fleet Antiterrorism Security Team (FAST) sat on a plane in Rota, Spain, for three hours, and changed in and out of their uniforms four times. [pg. 154]
Eleven investigations revealed that (1) HRC had no precise intelligence of when and where an attack may occur, and (2) by the time of the report of the attack, all were dead.

Imperius, you fat ass, you cannot resurrect dead men.
The four were dead before anyone could have been mobilized and dispatched, Imperius.

Stay calm and waddle on.

Despite President Obama and Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta’s clear orders to deploy military assets, nothing was sent to Benghazi, and nothing was en route to Libya at the time the last two Americans were killed almost 8 hours after the attacks began. [pg. 141]
"We don't have a ready force standing by in the Middle East, and so getting somebody there in a timely way would have been very difficult, if not impossible." [Robert Gates] explained.

A Fleet Antiterrorism Security Team (FAST) sat on a plane in Rota, Spain, for three hours, and changed in and out of their uniforms four times. [pg. 154]
They were dead already.
Read the House Select Committee on Intelligence report released almost a year ago. They found no administration wrongdoing then, and Democrats broadcasted it loud and clear. You didn't listen then like you don't listen now. They got nothing, zip, zilch, nada.'re partly right when you say....Dems did nothing wrong.

They DID NOTHING. They didnt lift a finger to rescue them.

Sure....they did a horrible job setting that compound up. Way too little security. But....inadequate isn't the same as "wrong".

Sure....they misled the public and lied to the victims families. But that's immoral. Not illegal.

So....did Crooked Hillary commit a crime regarding Benghazi?? No. No she didn't. They DIDNT DO ANYTHING.

Which is kinda the point.

It is well established that by the time the military reacted it would have made no difference. That information has been available for a long time, I'm sorry you chose to be uninformed even now.
They were never mobilized you fucking liar, no wonder they didn't make a difference.
Investigated and debunked and I don't care if you want to hold onto your lie I hope it hurts when you digest it. This is over and done, your able congressmen screwed up and failed. move on.
And this my friends is what's known as a state of denial.

Absolutely I agree and as soon as you realize the investigation is over and done and nothing new was found you can move on.
Eleven investigations revealed that (1) HRC had no precise intelligence of when and where an attack may occur, and (2) by the time of the report of the attack, all were dead.

Imperius, you fat ass, you cannot resurrect dead men.

The Cairo protests happened before Benghazi, and the blame was placed on a video. Should that have been a clue for Hillary since Benghazi is the sixth most dangerous city in the world?
The four were dead before anyone could have been mobilized and dispatched, Imperius.

Stay calm and waddle on.

Despite President Obama and Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta’s clear orders to deploy military assets, nothing was sent to Benghazi, and nothing was en route to Libya at the time the last two Americans were killed almost 8 hours after the attacks began. [pg. 141]
"We don't have a ready force standing by in the Middle East, and so getting somebody there in a timely way would have been very difficult, if not impossible." [Robert Gates] explained.

A Fleet Antiterrorism Security Team (FAST) sat on a plane in Rota, Spain, for three hours, and changed in and out of their uniforms four times. [pg. 154]
They were dead already.

Such a laconic reply. Why did they have to die? Why was military support pulled?'re partly right when you say....Dems did nothing wrong.

They DID NOTHING. They didnt lift a finger to rescue them.

Sure....they did a horrible job setting that compound up. Way too little security. But....inadequate isn't the same as "wrong".

Sure....they misled the public and lied to the victims families. But that's immoral. Not illegal.

So....did Crooked Hillary commit a crime regarding Benghazi?? No. No she didn't. They DIDNT DO ANYTHING.

Which is kinda the point.

It is well established that by the time the military reacted it would have made no difference. That information has been available for a long time, I'm sorry you chose to be uninformed even now.
They were never mobilized you fucking liar, no wonder they didn't make a difference.
Investigated and debunked and I don't care if you want to hold onto your lie I hope it hurts when you digest it. This is over and done, your able congressmen screwed up and failed. move on.
And this my friends is what's known as a state of denial.

Absolutely I agree and as soon as you realize the investigation is over and done and nothing new was found you can move on.

Are you oblivious to the facts?

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