CNN on Benghazi committee: Immediate headline "GOP committee finds no wrongdoing by Clinton"

The truth of this matter is that hillary should have been removed for malfeasance of office aka direlection of duty...aka being more concerned about political correctness and preserving the liberal narrative than she was about protecting American Lives....she has said and obviously believes 'muslims have nothing to do with terrorism'....does she say that to keep huma happy....aka did she let her personal desires and enthrallment with huma interfere with her perception of reality? the extent American Lives were sacrificed for selfish reasons?

Secretary of Defense Panetta Ordered Military Assets For Benghazi, They Never Moved
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And most Americans found his remark atrocious. Does that in ANYWAY reduce the failings that resulted in these mens lives being lost? Only to partisan hacks.
You are correct. I am wrong. Forgive me.
But now answer my questions, if you do give a damn.
Actually you altered my original message. I asked why did they have Susan Rice go on the morning shows to state it was a video when they knew it was not? Why did Clinton tell the families they would get the film maker when their bodies arrived on US soil, when she had, in less than 24 hours after the attack told her daughter and the Egyptian PM it was not a video.
What, deflection? No surprise. You won't answer the questions, because then you would have to admit fault where it squarely sits, the lying by Clinton to the families and to us.
Hey, fool, you are the one who initially responded to my post and opened with calling me an idiot to only go on without a valid response to what I wrote, shit for brains! Now you claim I DEFLECTED? You truly are an ignorant fuck, you aborted excuse for a person! Now go get your picture of Hillary, get over to the corner and masturbate away, jerk-off! You don't belong with the adults!
You lying fuck! I didn't alter shit. Your original post to me was
What an idiot you are. They were not assigned to find blame. They were assigned to report the facts. That is what they have done, and if you cared to read them you would admit they are damning, unless you are a political hack.
You lying fuck! I answered that horseshit with this in my post #117:
And you have the fucking gall to call me an idiot?

Have another cup of that GOP Kool-Aide, Dippy Do. It was a fucking Witch Hunt from the get-go, fool!
Now go piss up a rope asswipe!
I don't owe you any fucking answers to your questions because your inane questions are now moot with the presentation of the report attesting to the fact that the House Committee contrived the entire dog & pony show. The Press Conference this AM about the release of the report along with the evidence from last year that came directly from of Kevin McCarthy's mouth, which also ruined the idiot's chance at being Speaker of the House. Here is the video of that IDIOT's cockup:
What does that mean?
Did that rightwing sap Trey Dowdy find fault in Hillary?
Yes or no?

Trey Gowdy is a fucking idiot.
Ask Donald Trump - he'll tell you the same.
What is this? Liberals siding with Trey Goudy now?
Who will it be tomorrow - Rush Limbaugh?

What a fucking dope.
Would you be calling the filthy rightwing Republican partisan hack an idiot had he found fault with Senator Hillary Clinton?
Moot? Moot to those families? That's right, it was ALL about a video. All about whether the Marines should arrive in uniform or street clothes! Not.
Talk about not having one ounce of compassion in your body. Geeesh.

The investigation is now moot.

None of the meant anything, and the far right's efforts to use the good men's deaths for evil purposes has been exposed.
7 million dollars wasted. ..
From the party of taking responsibility.
Well, you have two choices.

Vote for the warmongering globalist dictator wannabe, who has this weird habit of attacking women, and has serious anger-management issues....or you can vote for Trump.
What galls me are the empty headed Left heads who are doing nothing but shouting old talking points, old denials, old accusations and attacking the Benghazi report without having read it. They will defend and apologize for everything the Administration and Cohorts have ever done until the last second before jumping ship like the rats they are.

There's nothing new to add. Why would anyone waste their time after having read the other seven reports, when it doesn't add anything?
No, because the real number is 13, but leave it to Republicans to lie.
Why was he even mentioned once in it?

He was mentioned because he will be the Republican nominee and was outspoken about Clinton's role in Benghazi.
So Democrats politicized their response while accusing the committee of doing the same.

What would you do if the opposition spent $7 million and had "nothing new to add"
Other seven reports, de Fuca? Today's report is the one that counts, the one the world digests and the one that sinks the Perfect Woman and the Perfect Messiah.
Why does this one count? What have you learned?
Repeating your lie does not make it so. Anyone who wishes for the truth can read the report for themselves.
Well, you have two choices.

Vote for the warmongering globalist dictator wannabe, who has this weird habit of attacking women, and has serious anger-management issues....or you can vote for Trump.
What galls me are the empty headed Left heads who are doing nothing but shouting old talking points, old denials, old accusations and attacking the Benghazi report without having read it. They will defend and apologize for everything the Administration and Cohorts have ever done until the last second before jumping ship like the rats they are.

There's nothing new to add. Why would anyone waste their time after having read the other seven reports, when it doesn't add anything?
He was mentioned because he will be the Republican nominee and was outspoken about Clinton's role in Benghazi.
So Democrats politicized their response while accusing the committee of doing the same.

What would you do if the opposition spent $7 million and had "nothing new to add"
Other seven reports, de Fuca? Today's report is the one that counts, the one the world digests and the one that sinks the Perfect Woman and the Perfect Messiah.
Today's report is the one that had nothing new to add. So sorry for your committee's gross failure after spending $7 million dollars for nothing.
Trey...? Trey Doudy, is that you?
Two of them weren't and another 30 remained there.
The four were dead before anyone could have been mobilized and dispatched, Imperius.

Stay calm and waddle on.

Despite President Obama and Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta’s clear orders to deploy military assets, nothing was sent to Benghazi, and nothing was en route to Libya at the time the last two Americans were killed almost 8 hours after the attacks began. [pg. 141]
"We don't have a ready force standing by in the Middle East, and so getting somebody there in a timely way would have been very difficult, if not impossible." [Robert Gates] explained.

A Fleet Antiterrorism Security Team (FAST) sat on a plane in Rota, Spain, for three hours, and changed in and out of their uniforms four times. [pg. 154]
They were dead already.
We must be reading totally different reports was the one you've seen written in crayon.
Final Benghazi Report Reveals Hillary Clinton's Failure To Competently Realize Risks
All that means is she reacted badly.
Not illegally

If that is the case, fine. I don't want someone who reacts badly and gets people killed to be president.

So, no indictment then?
There may not be a criminal indictment but millions of people will re-assess what was truthfully reported and will take on a new perspective. IMO Hillary was torpedoed today and is going down with the ship just like a captain is supposed to do. Also, it just blew Obama's Great Legacy out of the water. GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!
Why? What was newly discovered that hasn't been hashed out already?
Eleven investigations revealed that (1) HRC had no precise intelligence of when and where an attack may occur, and (2) by the time of the report of the attack, all were dead.

Imperius, you fat ass, you cannot resurrect dead men.

No you can't, but Hillary and Obama could have prevented their deaths.
Military support was pulled because of Obama's policy, 'no boots on the ground' Just imagine, no boots on the ground in the sixth worst city in the world. Can't upset the Libyan people.
We must be reading totally different reports was the one you've seen written in crayon.
Final Benghazi Report Reveals Hillary Clinton's Failure To Competently Realize Risks
All that means is she reacted badly.
Not illegally

If that is the case, fine. I don't want someone who reacts badly and gets people killed to be president.

So, no indictment then?
There may not be a criminal indictment but millions of people will re-assess what was truthfully reported and will take on a new perspective. IMO Hillary was torpedoed today and is going down with the ship just like a captain is supposed to do. Also, it just blew Obama's Great Legacy out of the water. GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!
Why? What was newly discovered that hasn't been hashed out already?

Oh, well, er, um, nothing.
So the MSM reports "nothing new" is learned and (btw they have been waiting for this and all of the media are reporting the exact same and the mindless sheep thinks that is the same thing as she did nothing wrong.

Yes, it is true. The left wing voters are that stupid. Just in case you were wondering.
Enlighten us then hack. What did today's report discover?
It is sickening to see those trying to make this into a political issue. Absolutely sickening. I've yet to hear you call out some of the assinine things the sos did.

Repeating your lie does not make it so. Anyone who wishes for the truth can read the report for themselves.
What galls me are the empty headed Left heads who are doing nothing but shouting old talking points, old denials, old accusations and attacking the Benghazi report without having read it. They will defend and apologize for everything the Administration and Cohorts have ever done until the last second before jumping ship like the rats they are.

There's nothing new to add. Why would anyone waste their time after having read the other seven reports, when it doesn't add anything?
So Democrats politicized their response while accusing the committee of doing the same.

What would you do if the opposition spent $7 million and had "nothing new to add"
Other seven reports, de Fuca? Today's report is the one that counts, the one the world digests and the one that sinks the Perfect Woman and the Perfect Messiah.
Today's report is the one that had nothing new to add. So sorry for your committee's gross failure after spending $7 million dollars for nothing.
Trey...? Trey Doudy, is that you?
Eleven investigations revealed that (1) HRC had no precise intelligence of when and where an attack may occur, and (2) by the time of the report of the attack, all were dead.

Imperius, you fat ass, you cannot resurrect dead men.

No you can't, but Hillary and Obama could have prevented their deaths.
Military support was pulled because of Obama's policy, 'no boots on the ground' Just imagine, no boots on the ground in the sixth worst city in the world. Can't upset the Libyan people.

When you insist upon occupying a foreign land, shit happens.
We must be reading totally different reports was the one you've seen written in crayon.
Final Benghazi Report Reveals Hillary Clinton's Failure To Competently Realize Risks
All that means is she reacted badly.
Not illegally

If that is the case, fine. I don't want someone who reacts badly and gets people killed to be president.

So, no indictment then?

It indicts her character and indecision in the face of political matters. Who overrode Pinetta's order to go?
Thats because if there was wrongdoing the Republicans would play the Easter Egg game and tell people to go find it. They'd be shouting from the roof tops that finally their 23rd investigation turned up something
Trey Doudy: I'm not saying there is or there isn't, but I'm saying you read the report and figure it out for yourself, come to your own conclussions.


So the MSM reports "nothing new" is learned and (btw they have been waiting for this and all of the media are reporting the exact same and the mindless sheep thinks that is the same thing as she did nothing wrong.

Yes, it is true. The left wing voters are that stupid. Just in case you were wondering.
Enlighten us then hack. What did today's report discover?

81 new witnesses interviewed.

The following facts are among the many new revelations in Part I:

Despite President Obama and Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta’s clear orders to deploy military assets, nothing was sent to Benghazi, and nothing was en route to Libya at the time the last two Americans were killed almost 8 hours after the attacks began. [pg. 141]

With Ambassador Stevens missing, the White House convened a roughly two-hour meeting at 7:30 PM, which resulted in action items focused on a YouTube video, and others containing the phrases “f any deployment is made,” and “Libya must agree to any deployment,” and “[w]ill not deploy until order comes to go to either Tripoli or Benghazi.”
[pg. 115]

The Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff typically would have participated in the White House meeting,but did not attend because he went home to host a dinner party for foreign dignitaries. [pg. 107]

A Fleet Antiterrorism Security Team (FAST) sat on a plane in Rota, Spain, for three hours, and changed in and out of their uniforms four times. [pg. 154]

None of the relevant military forces met their required deployment timelines. [pg. 150]

The Libyan forces that evacuated Americans from the CIA Annex to the Benghazi airport was not affiliated with any of the militias the CIA or State Department had developed a relationship with during the prior 18 months. Instead, it was comprised of former Qadhafi loyalists who the U.S. had helped remove from power during theLibyan revolution. [pg. 144]
The morning after the attacks, the National Security Council’s Deputy Spokesperson sent an email to nearly two dozen people from the White House, Defense Department, State Department, and intelligence community, stating: “Both the President and Secretary Clinton released statements this morning. … Please refer to those for any comments for the time being. To ensure we are all in sync on messaging for the rest of the day, Ben Rhodes will host a conference call for USG communicators on this chain at 9:15 ET today.” [pg. 39]Minutes before the President delivered his speech in the Rose Garden, Jake Sullivan wrote in an email to Ben Rhodes and others: “There was not really much violence in Egypt. And we are not saying that the violence in Libya erupted ‘over inflammatory videos.’” [pg. 44]

We must be reading totally different reports was the one you've seen written in crayon.
Final Benghazi Report Reveals Hillary Clinton's Failure To Competently Realize Risks
All that means is she reacted badly.
Not illegally

If that is the case, fine. I don't want someone who reacts badly and gets people killed to be president.

So, no indictment then?

It indicts her character and indecision in the face of political matters. Who overrode Pinetta's order to go?

If you folks can nail her, please do so. You don't appear to be able to get it done.
We must be reading totally different reports was the one you've seen written in crayon.
Final Benghazi Report Reveals Hillary Clinton's Failure To Competently Realize Risks
All that means is she reacted badly.
Not illegally

If that is the case, fine. I don't want someone who reacts badly and gets people killed to be president.

So, no indictment then?

It indicts her character and indecision in the face of political matters. Who overrode Pinetta's order to go?

The FBI referral is forthcoming.
Eleven investigations revealed that (1) HRC had no precise intelligence of when and where an attack may occur, and (2) by the time of the report of the attack, all were dead.

Imperius, you fat ass, you cannot resurrect dead men.

No you can't, but Hillary and Obama could have prevented their deaths.
Military support was pulled because of Obama's policy, 'no boots on the ground' Just imagine, no boots on the ground in the sixth worst city in the world. Can't upset the Libyan people.

When you insist upon occupying a foreign land, shit happens.

So why did Hillary/Obama insist upon occupying?

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