CNN on Benghazi committee: Immediate headline "GOP committee finds no wrongdoing by Clinton"

The morning after the attacks, the National Security Council’s Deputy Spokesperson sent an email to nearly two dozen people from the White House, Defense Department, State Department, and intelligence community, stating: “Both the President and Secretary Clinton released statements this morning. … Please refer to those for any comments for the time being. To ensure we are all in sync on messaging for the rest of the day, Ben Rhodes will host a conference call for USG communicators on this chain at 9:15 ET today.” [pg. 39]Minutes before the President delivered his speech in the Rose Garden, Jake Sullivan wrote in an email to Ben Rhodes and others: “There was not really much violence in Egypt. And we are not saying that the violence in Libya erupted ‘over inflammatory videos.’” [pg. 44]


Well that refutes the meme.
We must be reading totally different reports was the one you've seen written in crayon.
Final Benghazi Report Reveals Hillary Clinton's Failure To Competently Realize Risks
All that means is she reacted badly.
Not illegally

If that is the case, fine. I don't want someone who reacts badly and gets people killed to be president.

So, no indictment then?

It indicts her character and indecision in the face of political matters. Who overrode Pinetta's order to go?

If you folks can nail her, please do so. You don't appear to be able to get it done.

We can do it at the polls this November.
If they had an ounce of truth they would have paraded it in front of the press and waved it in front of everyone's eyes. They didn't because they have nothing and never did. This was nothing more than a attempt to influence the election and if Democrats had not presented their report yesterday, you wouldn't have seen the Republican version for two or three more months.
Nothing but an attempt to influence an election ,that would explain the irrational lie Rice and Obama fed us for a week,that it was over a video.
You must mean like that kind of influence?
Everything Clinton has put her hands on , turns to having a stink about them.
Eleven investigations revealed that (1) HRC had no precise intelligence of when and where an attack may occur, and (2) by the time of the report of the attack, all were dead.

Imperius, you fat ass, you cannot resurrect dead men.
Page 110 and 111 of today's report indicate that the IC issued 300 different reports to multiple officials, including SecState. Don't lie to me.

Her own words:

"Every morning when I arrived at the State Department, usually between 8:00 and 8:30, I had a personal one on one briefing from the representative of the Central Intelligence Agency, who shared with me the highest level of classified information that I was to be aware of on a daily basis. I then had a meeting with the top officials of the State Department every day that I was in town. That’s where a lot of information, including threats and attacks on our facilities, was shared. I also had a weekly meeting every Monday with all of the officials, the Assistant Secretaries and others, so that I could be brought up to date on any issue that they were concerned about. During the day, I received hundreds of pages of memos, many of them classified, some of them so top secret that they were brought to my office in a locked briefcase that I had to read and immediately return to the courier. And I was constantly at the White House in the Situation Room meeting with the National Security Advisor and others."

Also, it's pretty pathetic that you had to cite a report from 2014 to make your case.
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We must be reading totally different reports was the one you've seen written in crayon.
Final Benghazi Report Reveals Hillary Clinton's Failure To Competently Realize Risks
All that means is she reacted badly.
Not illegally

If that is the case, fine. I don't want someone who reacts badly and gets people killed to be president.

So, no indictment then?

It indicts her character and indecision in the face of political matters. Who overrode Pinetta's order to go?

The FBI referral is forthcoming.

Good, that would be much better than all the incessant bitching and whining. Gowdy looks like a little boy who lost his ice cream privileges.
We must be reading totally different reports was the one you've seen written in crayon.
Final Benghazi Report Reveals Hillary Clinton's Failure To Competently Realize Risks
All that means is she reacted badly.
Not illegally

If that is the case, fine. I don't want someone who reacts badly and gets people killed to be president.

So, no indictment then?
There may not be a criminal indictment but millions of people will re-assess what was truthfully reported and will take on a new perspective. IMO Hillary was torpedoed today and is going down with the ship just like a captain is supposed to do. Also, it just blew Obama's Great Legacy out of the water. GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!
Why? What was newly discovered that hasn't been hashed out already?

The old stuff was enough for rational individuals to detest the bitch.

As to what's new, I haven't yet read the report. Have you?
All that means is she reacted badly.
Not illegally

If that is the case, fine. I don't want someone who reacts badly and gets people killed to be president.

So, no indictment then?

It indicts her character and indecision in the face of political matters. Who overrode Pinetta's order to go?

The FBI referral is forthcoming.

Good, that would be much better than all the incessant bitching and whining. Gowdy looks like a little boy who lost his ice cream privileges.

You're just jealous because he's brilliant and you're a dullard.
Eleven investigations revealed that (1) HRC had no precise intelligence of when and where an attack may occur, and (2) by the time of the report of the attack, all were dead.

Imperius, you fat ass, you cannot resurrect dead men.

No you can't, but Hillary and Obama could have prevented their deaths.
Military support was pulled because of Obama's policy, 'no boots on the ground' Just imagine, no boots on the ground in the sixth worst city in the world. Can't upset the Libyan people.

When you insist upon occupying a foreign land, shit happens.

So why did Hillary/Obama insist upon occupying?

Exactly, and all those before them as well. See how nonpartisan works? It's the act, not the perp.
There are videos still online. And they are CNN and MSNBC videos.

No, there aren't. You're just doubling down on your big lie.

If you're not lying, it will be easy to show it. So do so.

Google Obama's Kenyan grandmother, videos. I already did. Find your own videos before you make a bigger fool of yourself.

Do you think running away like that is fooling anyone? You've been busted for lying, you know it, and now you're flailing.

Now, there are some videos where birthers talk about the audio transcript. They always edit out the parts where Obama's grandmother, more than once, specifically and emphatically says that he was born in Hawaii. That's because, like I said, all birthers are pathologically dishonest. If you try to pull that stunt, I will ream you by posting the full conversation, thus demonstrating what kind of deliberate fraud and dishonesty you're willing to stoop to.
If that is the case, fine. I don't want someone who reacts badly and gets people killed to be president.

So, no indictment then?

It indicts her character and indecision in the face of political matters. Who overrode Pinetta's order to go?

The FBI referral is forthcoming.

Good, that would be much better than all the incessant bitching and whining. Gowdy looks like a little boy who lost his ice cream privileges.

You're just jealous because he's brilliant and you're a dullard.

He's been totally feckless in this role hasn't he.
Eleven investigations revealed that (1) HRC had no precise intelligence of when and where an attack may occur, and (2) by the time of the report of the attack, all were dead.

Imperius, you fat ass, you cannot resurrect dead men.

No you can't, but Hillary and Obama could have prevented their deaths.
Military support was pulled because of Obama's policy, 'no boots on the ground' Just imagine, no boots on the ground in the sixth worst city in the world. Can't upset the Libyan people.

When you insist upon occupying a foreign land, shit happens.

So why did Hillary/Obama insist upon occupying?

Exactly, and all those before them as well. See how nonpartisan works? It's the act, not the perp.

Who initiates and implements the act?
Wow. The bias is so pathetic it's sickening. The Benghazi committee press conference was finishing and the theme was "read the report". Trey Gowdy, when asked if Clinton was at fault, implied she was but rather answered "just read the report".

When he walked off stage...CNN IMMEDIATELY ran the headline "GOP led committee finds no wrongdoing by Hillary".

God damn....CNN must have a staff of alien speed readers!!!! They read the report, 800 pages long, in less than 2 seconds!!!!!
So have you read the report? Does it find wrongdoing by Clinton?

Yes...she lied about the attack to the families of the dead and did not have adequate security at one of her most high risk diplomatic outposts. Understand? :thup:
So, no indictment then?

It indicts her character and indecision in the face of political matters. Who overrode Pinetta's order to go?

The FBI referral is forthcoming.

Good, that would be much better than all the incessant bitching and whining. Gowdy looks like a little boy who lost his ice cream privileges.

You're just jealous because he's brilliant and you're a dullard.

He's been totally feckless in this role hasn't he.

Obama, yes.
It follow
Wow. The bias is so pathetic it's sickening. The Benghazi committee press conference was finishing and the theme was "read the report". Trey Gowdy, when asked if Clinton was at fault, implied she was but rather answered "just read the report".

When he walked off stage...CNN IMMEDIATELY ran the headline "GOP led committee finds no wrongdoing by Hillary".

God damn....CNN must have a staff of alien speed readers!!!! They read the report, 800 pages long, in less than 2 seconds!!!!!

It follows all of the other 7 or 8 reports that came to the same conclusion. The fact that you're surprised and upset with this news says more about you than the findings in the report.
If that is the case, fine. I don't want someone who reacts badly and gets people killed to be president.

So, no indictment then?

It indicts her character and indecision in the face of political matters. Who overrode Pinetta's order to go?

The FBI referral is forthcoming.

Good, that would be much better than all the incessant bitching and whining. Gowdy looks like a little boy who lost his ice cream privileges.

You're just jealous because he's brilliant and you're a dullard.
If you believe that then you are as stupid as gowdy is.
It indicts her character and indecision in the face of political matters. Who overrode Pinetta's order to go?

The FBI referral is forthcoming.

Good, that would be much better than all the incessant bitching and whining. Gowdy looks like a little boy who lost his ice cream privileges.

You're just jealous because he's brilliant and you're a dullard.

He's been totally feckless in this role hasn't he.

Obama, yes.

Gowdy ain't been able to touch him or Hilary.
So, no indictment then?

It indicts her character and indecision in the face of political matters. Who overrode Pinetta's order to go?

The FBI referral is forthcoming.

Good, that would be much better than all the incessant bitching and whining. Gowdy looks like a little boy who lost his ice cream privileges.

You're just jealous because he's brilliant and you're a dullard.
If you believe that then you are as stupid as gowdy is.

I doubt very much that Gowdy is ignorant, but you ...
The FBI referral is forthcoming.

Good, that would be much better than all the incessant bitching and whining. Gowdy looks like a little boy who lost his ice cream privileges.

You're just jealous because he's brilliant and you're a dullard.

He's been totally feckless in this role hasn't he.

Obama, yes.

Gowdy ain't been able to touch him or Hilary.

The American people are not stupid, and hopefully, Hillary will lose big time.
One day you RW fools might figure out why you're so easily led around for years, only to find out there was never anything there . Or not. In the mean time, it's sure entertaining watching the meltdowns.
Some of those reports actually did note some of the mistakes made yet the left continues to deny it. And yes, new revelations were made in this report that actually interviewed everyone they could get their hands on, read every communication they could get their hands on, etc.
It follow
Wow. The bias is so pathetic it's sickening. The Benghazi committee press conference was finishing and the theme was "read the report". Trey Gowdy, when asked if Clinton was at fault, implied she was but rather answered "just read the report".

When he walked off stage...CNN IMMEDIATELY ran the headline "GOP led committee finds no wrongdoing by Hillary".

God damn....CNN must have a staff of alien speed readers!!!! They read the report, 800 pages long, in less than 2 seconds!!!!!

It follows all of the other 7 or 8 reports that came to the same conclusion. The fact that you're surprised and upset with this news says more about you than the findings in the report.

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