CNN/ORC Poll: Majority say 'nyet' to lawsuit and impeachment of Obama


Gold Member
Jan 23, 2012
Just demonstrates the ignorance of the American public, and the media plays a large part in that. If people were aware to the numerous times he has violated his oath of office and how many times his over reaches have been smacked down by the courts they might have a different opinion.
There's a difference between asking:

Does Obama deserve to be impeached? and
Should we impeach Obama?

A lot of people can agree that he deserves to be impeached but don't want to impeach the first black President, don't want to endure the drama, and MOST probably have nightmares about the notion of President Biden.
Just demonstrates the ignorance of the American public, and the media plays a large part in that. If people were aware to the numerous times he has violated his oath of office and how many times his over reaches have been smacked down by the courts they might have a different opinion.

This just demonstrates your arrogance. I guess we need to bow down to you since you know what's best for us, eh? :eusa_boohoo:
Just demonstrates the ignorance of the American public, and the media plays a large part in that. If people were aware to the numerous times he has violated his oath of office and how many times his over reaches have been smacked down by the courts they might have a different opinion.

This just demonstrates your arrogance. I guess we need to bow down to you since you know what's best for us, eh? :eusa_boohoo:

Go the fuck away, I saw how you bailed on the thread last night when you were presented with the facts. Continue in your fantasy land if that makes you happy.
CNN has been nothing but a shill for Obama. Of course they're going to report this. I wonder how many polls they had to go through before gettig the right answer.
Just demonstrates the ignorance of the American public, and the media plays a large part in that. If people were aware to the numerous times he has violated his oath of office and how many times his over reaches have been smacked down by the courts they might have a different opinion.

This just demonstrates your arrogance. I guess we need to bow down to you since you know what's best for us, eh? :eusa_boohoo:

Go the fuck away, I saw how you bailed on the thread last night when you were presented with the facts. Continue in your fantasy land if that makes you happy.

I come and go as I please. I don't wait around on the off chance that you may get your facts right for a change. :lol:
There's a difference between asking:

Does Obama deserve to be impeached? and
Should we impeach Obama?

A lot of people can agree that he deserves to be impeached but don't want to impeach the first black President, don't want to endure the drama, and MOST probably have nightmares about the notion of President Biden.

I'd rather see him imprisoned.
This just demonstrates your arrogance. I guess we need to bow down to you since you know what's best for us, eh? :eusa_boohoo:

Go the fuck away, I saw how you bailed on the thread last night when you were presented with the facts. Continue in your fantasy land if that makes you happy.

I come and go as I please. I don't wait around on the off chance that you may get your facts right for a change. :lol:

You were on the thread long after I made my last post, remember if you go to the bottom it shows who is on that particular thread.
CNN has been nothing but a shill for Obama. Of course they're going to report this. I wonder how many polls they had to go through before gettig the right answer.'re wrong!
A new CNN/ORC International Poll says that, if the 2012 election where held today, Republican candidate Mitt Romney would defeat President Obama in the popular vote by 53%-44%.
CNN poll: Romney would now beat Obama (but not Clinton)

How does that disporve anything I wrote??
Question number three in the poll and the results of that were also telling.

3. Do you think Barack Obama has gone too far, has been about right, or has not gone far enough in
expanding the power of the presidency and executive branch?
July 18-20
Gone too far 45%
About right 30%
Not far enough 22%
No opinion 3%
CNN has been nothing but a shill for Obama. Of course they're going to report this. I wonder how many polls they had to go through before gettig the right answer.'re wrong!
A new CNN/ORC International Poll says that, if the 2012 election where held today, Republican candidate Mitt Romney would defeat President Obama in the popular vote by 53%-44%.
CNN poll: Romney would now beat Obama (but not Clinton)

How does that disporve anything I wrote??

I don't believe you don't understand so I'll let you back out quietly.
ok, if Cnn poll say's so then let's all cower into not doing it

I say the hell with it, IMPEACH should of been done in his first ugly term after they pushed that fascist pos ObamaScamCare on us

they didn't so lets bring this man down to size and start impeachment now before he does us more damage
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CNN has been nothing but a shill for Obama. Of course they're going to report this. I wonder how many polls they had to go through before gettig the right answer.

CNN also reported that more people would vote for Romney than Obama if an election was held today.
And a lot of folks declared that Romney was going to win by a landslide in the 2012. Including a sizable number on this board that were allready doing victory dances on 5Nov12. How did that work out?

President Obama will hand the baton to the duly elected candidate on 20Jan17. And you can restart your whines about somebody else.
CNN has been nothing but a shill for Obama. Of course they're going to report this. I wonder how many polls they had to go through before gettig the right answer.

CNN also reported that more people would vote for Romney than Obama if an election was held today.

They'd have no problem doing that since it concerns something in the past.

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