CNN/ORC: Trump now leading Republicans nationally (nomination race)

Some pretty amazing stuff deep in the internals:

CNN Clinton vs Bush internals.jpg

CNN Clinton vs Trump internals.jpg

CNN Clinton vs Walker internals.jpg

I boxed in some very critical benchmark internals.

First, female vote:

Clinton vs. Bush: Clinton +15
Clinton vs. Trump: Clinton +31
Clinton vs. Walker: Clinton+19

Obama won the female vote by +11 in 2012 and by +13 in 2008. +15 to +31 for Clinton, if this number holds, gives her a practically unbreakable advantage over all three of her challengers.

Male vote:

Clinton vs. Bush: Bush +6
Clinton vs. Trump: Clinton +6
Clinton vs. Walker: Clinton +5

Romney got 59% of the male vote in 2012 and beat Obama in this category by almost 19 points. A Republican who is winning the male vote in single digits will not win the election. Already, a 19 point spread was not enough.

% of the Republican vote.

vs. Bush: 11%
vs. Trump: 24%
vs. Walker: 16%

Traditionally, the nominee of a major party gets from 7-9% of the vote from the opposition party. Against Trump, Clinton gets 1 out of every 4 Republican votes.

AGE: 65 and older

vs. Bush: Bush +9
vs. Trump: Clinton +9
vs. Walker: mathematical absolute tie (48/48)

The 65 and older group is a group that traditionally go strongly for the Republicans.

Geography - the SOUTH:

vs. Bush: Clinton +1
vs. Trump: Clinton +21
vs. Walker: Clinton +8

If there is one area of the country where the GOP should easily be winning, it's the South.

Also note the rural vote: Bush crushes Clinton in the Rural vote, and Walker also wins by +8, but against Trump, it's a tie. A potential Clinton vs. Trump battle in the fall of 2016 would therefore open up traditionally Republican, very rural states for Clinton to win easily, like the Dakotas, Nebraska, Kansas, Arkansas, Missouri, Mississippi, Alaska, etc.

These internals are VERY telling. And show a very consistent pattern among certain groups that should be shoo-in for the GOP.
And in mid-July, it repaid it's debts, so it is not in default.

That's pretty easy to understand, even the fake Rabbi can understand this.

Not only that, the ECB (European Central Bank) never officially listed Greece as being in default, for, as with all bank customers, it allows a grace period. And the ECB is the organization that decides this.


Greece is no longer in default because the IMF interest payment was paid. However, Greece did default when they didn't pay the interest payment on time. That is the definition of being in default.

Greece was not in default to the ECB, so the ECB did not list Greece as being in default to them. But they did default to the IMF.

OK, one more time, very, very slowly.


The ECB is the final instance in all of this.

As with all lending institutions, it also has a grace-period policy.

Newspapers can scream all day that Greece was in default, but the condition is was in did NOT lead to Greece being drummed out of the Euro Zone, which was exactly the fake Rabbi's prediction.

The IMF declared Greece in default.

Statement by the IMF on Greece
Press Release No.15/310
June 30, 2015
Mr. Gerry Rice, Director of Communications at the International Monetary Fund (IMF), made the following statement today regarding Greece’s financial obligations to the IMF due today:

“I confirm that the SDR 1.2 billion repayment (about EUR 1.5 billion) due by Greece to the IMF today has not been received. We have informed our Executive Board that Greece is now in arrears and can only receive IMF financing once the arrears are cleared.

“I can also confirm that the IMF received a request today from the Greek authorities for an extension of Greece’s repayment obligation that fell due today, which will go to the IMF’s Executive Board in due course.”​

Press Release Statement by the IMF on Greece

The ECB is not the arbiter of whether or not Greece is in default to the IMF.
See the problem is you think you're dealing with an honest poster in Statistheilhitler and he will agree with you once you point out the obvious.
Dont be fooled.
If I hadnt made the prediction that Greece would default back in January you wouldnt be having this debate with him. But I did. And he's a little bitch who cant stand it that I am proven right over and over while he is consistently wrong. So he cannot accept that I was correct and will twist and turn to deny it, rather than just manning up and admitting the truth.
Major butt hurt in that one.
And in mid-July, it repaid it's debts, so it is not in default.

That's pretty easy to understand, even the fake Rabbi can understand this.

Not only that, the ECB (European Central Bank) never officially listed Greece as being in default, for, as with all bank customers, it allows a grace period. And the ECB is the organization that decides this.


Greece is no longer in default because the IMF interest payment was paid. However, Greece did default when they didn't pay the interest payment on time. That is the definition of being in default.

Greece was not in default to the ECB, so the ECB did not list Greece as being in default to them. But they did default to the IMF.

OK, one more time, very, very slowly.


The ECB is the final instance in all of this.

As with all lending institutions, it also has a grace-period policy.

Newspapers can scream all day that Greece was in default, but the condition is was in did NOT lead to Greece being drummed out of the Euro Zone, which was exactly the fake Rabbi's prediction.

The IMF declared Greece in default.

Statement by the IMF on Greece
Press Release No.15/310
June 30, 2015
Mr. Gerry Rice, Director of Communications at the International Monetary Fund (IMF), made the following statement today regarding Greece’s financial obligations to the IMF due today:

“I confirm that the SDR 1.2 billion repayment (about EUR 1.5 billion) due by Greece to the IMF today has not been received. We have informed our Executive Board that Greece is now in arrears and can only receive IMF financing once the arrears are cleared.

“I can also confirm that the IMF received a request today from the Greek authorities for an extension of Greece’s repayment obligation that fell due today, which will go to the IMF’s Executive Board in due course.”​

Press Release Statement by the IMF on Greece

The ECB is not the arbiter of whether or not Greece is in default to the IMF.
See the problem is you think you're dealing with an honest poster in Statistheilhitler and he will agree with you once you point out the obvious.
Dont be fooled.
If I hadnt made the prediction that Greece would default back in January you wouldnt be having this debate with him. But I did. And he's a little bitch who cant stand it that I am proven right over and over while he is consistently wrong. So he cannot accept that I was correct and will twist and turn to deny it, rather than just manning up and admitting the truth.
Major butt hurt in that one.


From January 26th, 2015, exactly SIX MONTHS AGO AS OF TODAY:

The Extreme-Left wins in Greece Page 2 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Liberal? Syriza is filled with communists. Their program is to fuck the other Europeans who have loaned them money over the past 10 years. It is a recipe for disaster and the stupid Greeks bought into it. Forty years of socialism have made them want someone to pay their bills. If not their government, then the European Union. If not them, then the Germans.

Greece will default on its debt and be kicked out of the Euro zone in 6 months. And of course their economy will not recover. Austerity? They should try it sometime.

Just in case you missed it in the quote box:

"Greece will default on its debt and be kicked out of the Euro zone in 6 months."


Well, today is July 26th, 2015. Time's up!!

As of today:


1.) Greece is still in the Eurozone.
2.) Greece is officially solvent and in good standing with the IMF and the EZB, because it paid its loans this last week.



Rabbi, you were wrong. Go suck an egg.
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