CNN Panelists Compare Christopher Dorner to ‘Real-Life Superhero,’

Makes you wonder where these peoples heads are. How can you equate real dead people to the excitement of a fictional movie. Pathetic would be a major understatement.
Yup, psycho, gun nut, cop killer and all around left-wing darling.

The hypocrisy is mind boggling.. or perhaps as i suspect, these lefties are just fucking nuts.
I knew CNN was full of whackadoodles, but killing cops makes you a superhero?
Progs view FDR as Great for his economic stewardship (ran an economy worse than the 7 Biblical Lean years), so of course Dorner is a Prog Hero
That's not all that was said about Dorner. these Dorner sympathizers, let's call them Dorner sympathizers, do any of them have any point?

LAUREN ASHBURN: My mouth dropped open when I heard you say this. I have a really, really hard time with people saying that this man is a hero after the people he killed, all the manpower hours that have been wasted, not to mention the airwaves that have been wasted by this chase. I'm in shock. - Transcripts

I completely disagree with Hill btw. You don't combat police butality by killing innocent civilians in cold blood even if they happen to be the daughter the lawyer who represented you when you lost.

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