Mexico's Sheinbaum wins landslide to become country's first woman president

Anyone paying attention "heard about it."
Most of media in the Middle East, Asia, and Europe didn't mention it until last week. More focus on the elections in India and South Africa. I've seen virtually nothing in the US media until the night of the election.
That will be all forgotten about as soon as Biden's only living son becomes a convicted felon and Trump returns to the White House. Hunter will probably be so ashamed that he's start doing drugs again, then he'll OD and die.

Won't that be funny?
Sure sure jg

That and finding out Barron felony son is a moron.
Most of media in the Middle East, Asia, and Europe didn't mention it until last week. More focus on the elections in India and South Africa. I've seen virtually nothing in the US media until the night of the election.
Try harder to pay attention Al.

It’s been in the news for months.
Most of media in the Middle East, Asia, and Europe didn't mention it until last week. More focus on the elections in India and South Africa. I've seen virtually nothing in the US media until the night of the election.
"Paying attention"
He is not a female and he is not going to win.

And here I thought you would know the difference between a man and a woman

No man I ever knew of takes it up the ass or sucks another man's dick. He's what you call a "female trapped inside a man's body."
No man I ever knew of takes it up the ass or sucks another man's dick. He's what you call a "female trapped inside a man's body."

you are welcome to call him whatever you like. I do not concern myself with the sex life of others. you all cannot seem to quit thinking about it.

you are welcome to call him whatever you like. I do not concern myself with the sex life of others. you all cannot seem to quit thinking about it.


Whatever. Fags and pedophiles should have their asses kicked like we used to do in the good old days.

Not elected President. The last thing we need is a dick-sucking, ass-felching faggot in the WH.
Ya, they need fascism there too, right felony fuckup.
All we know about the new female President is that she is a socialist and deemed worthy enough by the drug cartels not to murder.

Really, all that has to be done is for Mexico and the US to declare jihad on the cartels

But alas, the money is far too good and the Left is all about depopulation, so there is that.
So far only one of my students had heard about Mexico's historic election.
CIA needs to round up the Mexican "exiles" like they did in the 60s with the Cubans lol Send them down to Lake Pontchartrain to train for guerilla warfare in Mexico City.
Jewish Commie president? How does that work?
Mexico can be the 4 world economy , obviously without the dirty commies ...

removed a statue of Christopher Columbus from Mexico City's Paseo de la Reforma

commie WOKE madness , this man has created the Latin America
The better question might be how bad does the US look when even Mexico can elect a female leader before us?

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She is a member of the WEF. As such, she’s a globalist and likely a criminal.

If I were king, anyone who’s a member of the WEF is disqualified for political office of any kind. For that matter, anyone with dual citizenship is also disqualified.

As a WEF (World Economic Forum) member, Sheinbaum has been involved in various initiatives and discussions on global issues, including sustainability, climate change, and economic development. Her scientific background and experience as a minister of the environment and mayor of Mexico City have given her a unique perspective on these topics.

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