CNN Poll: Christie Beats Hillary Head to Head.

You mean once again, Wall Street and Corporate America are trying to shove another corporate republican down the throats of the GOP that they don't want.

And when Hillary beats him in 2016, these same conservatives will shrug and say "Well, he wasn't a real conservative, anyway!"

The GOP "don't want?"

I'll tell you who the GOP don't want - Mike Huckabee.

He's polling at 0%, well behind Christie.

Polls aren't asking about him.

Should be interesting when they start including him in the mix.

But one more time, I know this keeps you up at night, but I think the GOP rank and file is kind of tired of nominating Wall Street types.

I know how much you want Wall Street types to suffer, but here's the thing - I really don't give a shit who's President. I made more money in 2013 under a Democrat President than I ever have before.

But keep dreaming about Huckabee!


Make sure to think up some clever conspiracy theory when he either doesn't run or doesn't register above 5% in the polls.
its pushing two establishment hacks as being "leading candidates", so in a way it is a push poll
No. No it's not. It's a poll of those who are believed to be interested in the Presidency and perceived to have a legitimate shot.
Who do you expect them to ask about? Phil Robertson and Rosie O'Donnell? Random people pulled out of the phone book?

"perceived to have a legitimate shot"....says who? perceived by who? how can they know about others if they dont poll on them?

Why not ask about Paul vs Warren, Walker vs Jerry Brown

even Phil Robertson vs Rosie O'donnel would be a more interesting poll, and coulndt be shopped around by establishment hacks to manipulate opinion, much.

Interesting to you but no one else cares. Pollsters ask about the top 3 or 4 candidates in the polls, and that's it. They ask about Christie and Clinton because they are near the top of their party's respective polls.

Imaginary conspiracy theories about the "elite" pushing candidates on you is just silly.
At this pre-midterm election stage the only meaningful piece of data that can be derived from that data is that Christie is a viable candidate against HRC. It means absolutely squat if neither of them end up on their respective tickets. It is just as meaningless if only one of them ends up with the nomination.

There is so much water that still has to flow under the political bridge in the next 2 and a half years that I would not give it another thought.

I completely agree with you. But I will be honest...with Hillary's name recognition and all the talk about her inevitable coronation....the fact anyone is beating her in the polls this early is surprising.

I see the polls not as anything substantive but more as an expression of approval or disapproval for generic Dems and Republicans. The Dems need to be very worried.

no...this is a meaningless poll, for attention and nothing more.
What this country needs is a kick-butt conservative who can deal with adversity and beat the pie out of it. Republicans Ted Cruz and Scott Walker come to my mind.

lol oh please run Cruz..I want to laugh in your face for a good 6 months after he looses.
What this country needs is a kick-butt conservative who can deal with adversity and beat the pie out of it. Republicans Ted Cruz and Scott Walker come to my mind.

i would agree with you on that

but you will notice that the cnn

has placed those two in the -20 range on the poll charts

CNN is headquarters for the Old Liar's Club where conservatism is concerned. Christie bails when he softpedals known commies and louts. He is insider illuminati pushing for UN control, and the plan is to put a Barack Obama to be World Emperor when that occurs with a huge pox on America, just like in colonial times. So Christie will have to do a lot of apple-polishing and promise-keeping on conservative, Constitutional issues before he earns my vote. I don't dislike him personally, it's just that he cooperates with others first, party last. In spite of the garbage CNN dumps on the public, the Republican Party is quite conservative, with individual faults fishbowled and gargantuan acts of kindness to the taxpayer shoved under the carpet if not under the bus. I'm wise to the wise guys of Commie News Network. :lol: :lol: :lol:

I can see why that would bother a person married to the GOP, but to more people NOT putting his "party first" is a huge asset. I think most people in the US are sick of "party first" politicians, that is sure what polls suggest. The "party first" crowd are the reason nothing gets done in Washington. And history shows that 2013 was the worse ever. :mad:
Polls are generally not designed to influence public opinion. And they certainly aren't when they ask which candidate beats which candidate. It's pretty silly to imply otherwise.

Genuine polls are not but "Push Polls" are most definitely designed to do so by asking deliberately misleading questions usually prefaced by disinformation about the candidate and/or issues.

"Who would you support for President, Chris Christie or Hillary Clinton?" is not a push poll.

It's retarded to even think it might be.
It would be a push poll if other primary Republican candidates were actually ahead of Christie.
i would agree with you on that

but you will notice that the cnn

has placed those two in the -20 range on the poll charts

CNN is headquarters for the Old Liar's Club where conservatism is concerned. Christie bails when he softpedals known commies and louts. He is insider illuminati pushing for UN control, and the plan is to put a Barack Obama to be World Emperor when that occurs with a huge pox on America, just like in colonial times. So Christie will have to do a lot of apple-polishing and promise-keeping on conservative, Constitutional issues before he earns my vote. I don't dislike him personally, it's just that he cooperates with others first, party last. In spite of the garbage CNN dumps on the public, the Republican Party is quite conservative, with individual faults fishbowled and gargantuan acts of kindness to the taxpayer shoved under the carpet if not under the bus. I'm wise to the wise guys of Commie News Network. :lol: :lol: :lol:

I can see why that would bother a person married to the GOP, but to more people NOT putting his "party first" is a huge asset. I think most people in the US are sick of "party first" politicians, that is sure what polls suggest. The "party first" crowd are the reason nothing gets done in Washington. And history shows that 2013 was the worse ever. :mad:
Sorry, my primary vote goes to the candidate who convinces me he will not only end willy-nilly spending but will fight for an amendment to prevent politicians from running up the national debt to the point of no return.

And if one more conservative-when-convenient person is nominated, I am going to register as an independent for the duration of my life. Period.
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Genuine polls are not but "Push Polls" are most definitely designed to do so by asking deliberately misleading questions usually prefaced by disinformation about the candidate and/or issues.

"Who would you support for President, Chris Christie or Hillary Clinton?" is not a push poll.

It's retarded to even think it might be.
It would be a push poll if other primary Republican candidates were actually ahead of Christie.

No it would not.

Asking which candidates can beat which candidates is not a push poll.

Republicans have been so spectacularly wrong about polling over the past 5 years, it's stunning.
I completely agree with you. But I will be honest...with Hillary's name recognition and all the talk about her inevitable coronation....the fact anyone is beating her in the polls this early is surprising.

I see the polls not as anything substantive but more as an expression of approval or disapproval for generic Dems and Republicans. The Dems need to be very worried.

no...this is a meaningless poll, for attention and nothing more.

It is pretty much meaningless. We're three years away from the election. Anything can happen.
"Who would you support for President, Chris Christie or Hillary Clinton?" is not a push poll.

It's retarded to even think it might be.
It would be a push poll if other primary Republican candidates were actually ahead of Christie.

No it would not.

Asking which candidates can beat which candidates is not a push poll.

Republicans have been so spectacularly wrong about polling over the past 5 years, it's stunning.

i disagree given whats coming out of the GOP and just how stubborn they tend to be.
I see the polls not as anything substantive but more as an expression of approval or disapproval for generic Dems and Republicans. The Dems need to be very worried.

no...this is a meaningless poll, for attention and nothing more.

It is pretty much meaningless. We're three years away from the election. Anything can happen.

That's very true. Remember back in early 2008 when the front runner for the GOP was Rudy Giuliani and it looked like John Edwards and Hillary would battle for the Dem nomination?

I know how much you want Wall Street types to suffer, but here's the thing - I really don't give a shit who's President. I made more money in 2013 under a Democrat President than I ever have before.

But keep dreaming about Huckabee!


Make sure to think up some clever conspiracy theory when he either doesn't run or doesn't register above 5% in the polls.

I always wonder why Huckabee makes you Wall Street Guys shit your silk pants...

Maybe it's that he's read the bible, and there's nothing in there about tax cuts for rich people.
Isn't this interesting. Hillary was supposed to be the invincible monster, but according to CNN polling she would lose to Chris Christie by two points were the election to be held today. Christie beats Clinton in the poll 48% to 46%.

The other two recent polls also show Christie leading. The Democrat Pollster PPP has Christie up 45% to 42%. Quinnipiac has Christie up 42% to 41%.

So to my liberal friends....what gives? I thought Hillary was unbeatable? Shouldn't she be up like 10%-15%. How is this possible? What about all of those threads about how crappy the Repubs are....why isn't Hillary killing any challenger?

Here's the link. Let the deflection begin. :)

2016 CNN Poll: Clinton deadlocked with Christie but leads other GOP presidential possibilities ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

That's because the DNC hate machine isn't even spun up yet. Wait until election season and they, along with their "friends" in the MSM ratchet up attacks on Christie. Democrats are masters of personal destruction and vilifying anyone that isn't a (D)-bag.
I see the polls not as anything substantive but more as an expression of approval or disapproval for generic Dems and Republicans. The Dems need to be very worried.

no...this is a meaningless poll, for attention and nothing more.

It is pretty much meaningless. We're three years away from the election. Anything can happen.

It's not meaningless. It is worthless in answering the question who the nominee will be and who will win. But it does indicate general levels of approval for different candidates and parties. What is Clinton's platform? No one knows. What is Christie's? No one knows. So how do voters make any kind of choice? It is based on their overall view of the candidates and their respective parties.
CNN is headquarters for the Old Liar's Club where conservatism is concerned. Christie bails when he softpedals known commies and louts. He is insider illuminati pushing for UN control, and the plan is to put a Barack Obama to be World Emperor when that occurs with a huge pox on America, just like in colonial times. So Christie will have to do a lot of apple-polishing and promise-keeping on conservative, Constitutional issues before he earns my vote. I don't dislike him personally, it's just that he cooperates with others first, party last. In spite of the garbage CNN dumps on the public, the Republican Party is quite conservative, with individual faults fishbowled and gargantuan acts of kindness to the taxpayer shoved under the carpet if not under the bus. I'm wise to the wise guys of Commie News Network. :lol: :lol: :lol:

I can see why that would bother a person married to the GOP, but to more people NOT putting his "party first" is a huge asset. I think most people in the US are sick of "party first" politicians, that is sure what polls suggest. The "party first" crowd are the reason nothing gets done in Washington. And history shows that 2013 was the worse ever. :mad:
Sorry, my primary vote goes to the candidate who convinces me he will not only end willy-nilly spending but will fight for an amendment to prevent politicians from running up the national debt to the point of no return.

And if one more conservative-when-convenient person is nominated, I am going to register as an independent for the duration of my life. Period.

My comment addresses the bigger picture. The country demographics isn't dominated by conservatives number 1, more and more people are disengaging themselves from set ideologies, thus the growth in the independent/moderate voter population. Two, is that all issues can't be solved my just a conservative approach. Sometimes it's a conservative approach, sometimes a liberal approach works best and sometimes it is a centralist approach. That's how life works in the real world.
It would be a push poll if other primary Republican candidates were actually ahead of Christie.

No it would not.

Asking which candidates can beat which candidates is not a push poll.

Republicans have been so spectacularly wrong about polling over the past 5 years, it's stunning.

i disagree given whats coming out of the GOP and just how stubborn they tend to be.

Yeah, I guess its stubborn to want the country to follow its constitution, have a balanced budget, and grow the economy through the private sector.

Continue to be stubborn, GOP. Its the only way to save this country from marxist collectivism.
CNN is headquarters for the Old Liar's Club where conservatism is concerned. Christie bails when he softpedals known commies and louts. He is insider illuminati pushing for UN control, and the plan is to put a Barack Obama to be World Emperor when that occurs with a huge pox on America, just like in colonial times. So Christie will have to do a lot of apple-polishing and promise-keeping on conservative, Constitutional issues before he earns my vote. I don't dislike him personally, it's just that he cooperates with others first, party last. In spite of the garbage CNN dumps on the public, the Republican Party is quite conservative, with individual faults fishbowled and gargantuan acts of kindness to the taxpayer shoved under the carpet if not under the bus. I'm wise to the wise guys of Commie News Network. :lol: :lol: :lol:

I can see why that would bother a person married to the GOP, but to more people NOT putting his "party first" is a huge asset. I think most people in the US are sick of "party first" politicians, that is sure what polls suggest. The "party first" crowd are the reason nothing gets done in Washington. And history shows that 2013 was the worse ever. :mad:
Sorry, my primary vote goes to the candidate who convinces me he will not only end willy-nilly spending but will fight for an amendment to prevent politicians from running up the national debt to the point of no return.

And if one more conservative-when-convenient person is nominated, I am going to register as an independent for the duration of my life. Period.

i would have to agree with you on that
No. No it's not. It's a poll of those who are believed to be interested in the Presidency and perceived to have a legitimate shot.
Who do you expect them to ask about? Phil Robertson and Rosie O'Donnell? Random people pulled out of the phone book?
"perceived to have a legitimate shot"....says who? perceived by who? how can they know about others if they dont poll on them?
Why not ask about Paul vs Warren, Walker vs Jerry Brown
even Phil Robertson vs Rosie O'donnel would be a more interesting poll, and coulndt be shopped around by establishment hacks to manipulate opinion, much.
Interesting to you but no one else cares. Pollsters ask about the top 3 or 4 candidates in the polls, and that's it. They ask about Christie and Clinton because they are near the top of their party's respective polls.
Imaginary conspiracy theories about the "elite" pushing candidates on you is just silly.

I bet you a Phil Robertson vs Rosie O'Donnel poll would bring more people, more eyes, more clicks to websites etc than a Clinton/Christy poll.

the poll in OP apparently just questioned on those two candidates not "top 3 or 4"

You dont think the "elite", the movers and shakers, so-to-speak have their pet candidates? Or the special interests? You dont think they use influence to push candidates on the general public?
You are truely naive.

Everybody should LIE to the pollsters, if they give you 2 choices insist on another, name some obscure local pol etc. Polling and pollsters are part of the problem with politics in this country.
"perceived to have a legitimate shot"....says who? perceived by who? how can they know about others if they dont poll on them?
Why not ask about Paul vs Warren, Walker vs Jerry Brown
even Phil Robertson vs Rosie O'donnel would be a more interesting poll, and coulndt be shopped around by establishment hacks to manipulate opinion, much.
Interesting to you but no one else cares. Pollsters ask about the top 3 or 4 candidates in the polls, and that's it. They ask about Christie and Clinton because they are near the top of their party's respective polls.
Imaginary conspiracy theories about the "elite" pushing candidates on you is just silly.

I bet you a Phil Robertson vs Rosie O'Donnel poll would bring more people, more eyes, more clicks to websites etc than a Clinton/Christy poll.

the poll in OP apparently just questioned on those two candidates not "top 3 or 4"

You dont think the "elite", the movers and shakers, so-to-speak have their pet candidates? Or the special interests? You dont think they use influence to push candidates on the general public?
You are truely naive.

Everybody should LIE to the pollsters, if they give you 2 choices insist on another, name some obscure local pol etc. Polling and pollsters are part of the problem with politics in this country.

FTR Rosie O'Donnell was on the ballot here in Florida in 12. Statistically, she got 0% of the vote. So the pollsters pretty much know what they're doing.
I just realized that within a few days of Christie coming out ahead of Clinton in an early Presidential poll the media starts going after Christie in a big way.

You could almost call it an orchestrated attack. Funny....they never seemed to do this with Obama. Wonder why?
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