CNN Poll: Christie Beats Hillary Head to Head.

The point is this: the far right reactionaries have no one that they can nominate from their wing that will compete well with the democratic candidate.
Any conservative can compete with the democratic candidate due to a history of lying, obfuscations, convenient lies of omission, encouraging voting sans knowledge, and criminal nepotism in leadership positions in both the House and the Senate. Corruption is well told by Judicial Watch, and it is not exclusive to just one party, it's limited only to the most corrupt politicians.
CNN Poll: Christie Beats Hillary Head to Head.

WHY is that significant?

They are BOTH major players of the welfare/warfare police state , so WHY should we celebrate?


Who's celebrating? The purpose of this thread is to shut up all the idiots who say Hillary is invincible in 2016. Beyond that...WGAS?

I will not vote for Hillary. Other than that, I have no idea who I will vote for.

It is true however that the really "liberal" media like the NY Times is attempting to whitewash Benghazi in order to help Hillary.

The point is this: the far right reactionaries have no one that they can nominate from their wing that will compete well with the democratic candidate.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^the resident idiot is alive and well on new years day.

we know that you love hillary and everything far left, snake jockey.

You are the most disengenuous poster I have encountered on any forum.

Why not do a new years resolution and tell the truth that you are a raving far left "REACTIONARY" ? :ahole-1:
"You are the most disengenuous poster I have encountered on any forum" says one of the far right reactionaries on this form. The chamber knows the sleaze that comes from far right wingnuttery and is making sure that your type of nonsense does not affect GOP senatorial candidates this year. Good thing that.
The media is still on the story of why traffic lanes were closed on the George Washington Bridge. Did Christie do it for spite? It could hurt his chances.
"You are the most disengenuous poster I have encountered on any forum" says one of the far right reactionaries on this form. The chamber knows the sleaze that comes from far right wingnuttery and is making sure that your type of nonsense does not affect GOP senatorial candidates this year. Good thing that.

The "chamber" ? Is that what you call your room in the mental institution?

:lol: "the chamber knows" everybody run for high ground, the chamber knows. :eek::eek::cuckoo:
No more elections. Let's just pick the President and Congress randomly like we do with jury duty. We'll finally be done with bottom of the barrel politicians as our only choices.
I'm saying that most of these polls are meant to drive stories. How many time did they take the poll to finally get one that gave them something to talk about?

Hmmm, something we agree on. Polls are designed to influence public opinion, not to report on it.

Polls are generally not designed to influence public opinion. And they certainly aren't when they ask which candidate beats which candidate. It's pretty silly to imply otherwise.

Genuine polls are not but "Push Polls" are most definitely designed to do so by asking deliberately misleading questions usually prefaced by disinformation about the candidate and/or issues.
Hmmm, something we agree on. Polls are designed to influence public opinion, not to report on it.

Polls are generally not designed to influence public opinion. And they certainly aren't when they ask which candidate beats which candidate. It's pretty silly to imply otherwise.

Genuine polls are not but "Push Polls" are most definitely designed to do so by asking deliberately misleading questions usually prefaced by disinformation about the candidate and/or issues.

"Who would you support for President, Chris Christie or Hillary Clinton?" is not a push poll.

It's retarded to even think it might be.
Polls are generally not designed to influence public opinion. And they certainly aren't when they ask which candidate beats which candidate. It's pretty silly to imply otherwise.

Genuine polls are not but "Push Polls" are most definitely designed to do so by asking deliberately misleading questions usually prefaced by disinformation about the candidate and/or issues.

"Who would you support for President, Chris Christie or Hillary Clinton?" is not a push poll.

It's retarded to even think it might be.

I didn't say that it was! :cuckoo:
Polls are generally not designed to influence public opinion. And they certainly aren't when they ask which candidate beats which candidate. It's pretty silly to imply otherwise.
Genuine polls are not but "Push Polls" are most definitely designed to do so by asking deliberately misleading questions usually prefaced by disinformation about the candidate and/or issues.
"Who would you support for President, Chris Christie or Hillary Clinton?" is not a push poll.
It's retarded to even think it might be.

its pushing two establishment hacks as being "leading candidates", so in a way it is a push poll

Christy is the same old shit dressed up to look like a reformer, perhaps.
Look at how he soaked the feds on the disaster funds....and used them for political advertising

now NJ has legalized internet gambling......look for Christy to legalize this rip-off across the country if he should win.
Agreed. The telling thing on this poll was that Christie can beat Hillary, but Cruz and Paul can't.

No, that's not what this poll is saying. It is saying that right now, Christie has more support than Hillary than either Cruz or Paul, not that Cruz and Paul can't beat Hillary in the future.

You mean once again, Wall Street and Corporate America are trying to shove another corporate republican down the throats of the GOP that they don't want.

And when Hillary beats him in 2016, these same conservatives will shrug and say "Well, he wasn't a real conservative, anyway!"

The GOP "don't want?"

I'll tell you who the GOP don't want - Mike Huckabee.

He's polling at 0%, well behind Christie.
What this country needs is a kick-butt conservative who can deal with adversity and beat the pie out of it. Republicans Ted Cruz and Scott Walker come to my mind.

i would agree with you on that

but you will notice that the cnn

has placed those two in the -20 range on the poll charts

CNN is headquarters for the Old Liar's Club where conservatism is concerned. Christie bails when he softpedals known commies and louts. He is insider illuminati pushing for UN control, and the plan is to put a Barack Obama to be World Emperor when that occurs with a huge pox on America, just like in colonial times. So Christie will have to do a lot of apple-polishing and promise-keeping on conservative, Constitutional issues before he earns my vote. I don't dislike him personally, it's just that he cooperates with others first, party last. In spite of the garbage CNN dumps on the public, the Republican Party is quite conservative, with individual faults fishbowled and gargantuan acts of kindness to the taxpayer shoved under the carpet if not under the bus. I'm wise to the wise guys of Commie News Network. :lol: :lol: :lol:

he will not get my vote

but the kiddies will vote for him hand over foot

he will be considered the reformer

and standing next to hillary

he will have all the pzazz
its pushing two establishment hacks as being "leading candidates", so in a way it is a push poll

No. No it's not. It's a poll of those who are believed to be interested in the Presidency and perceived to have a legitimate shot.

Who do you expect them to ask about? Phil Robertson and Rosie O'Donnell? Random people pulled out of the phone book?
No, that's not what this poll is saying. It is saying that right now, Christie has more support than Hillary than either Cruz or Paul, not that Cruz and Paul can't beat Hillary in the future.

You mean once again, Wall Street and Corporate America are trying to shove another corporate republican down the throats of the GOP that they don't want.

And when Hillary beats him in 2016, these same conservatives will shrug and say "Well, he wasn't a real conservative, anyway!"

The GOP "don't want?"

I'll tell you who the GOP don't want - Mike Huckabee.

He's polling at 0%, well behind Christie.

Polls aren't asking about him.

Should be interesting when they start including him in the mix.

But one more time, I know this keeps you up at night, but I think the GOP rank and file is kind of tired of nominating Wall Street types.
its pushing two establishment hacks as being "leading candidates", so in a way it is a push poll
No. No it's not. It's a poll of those who are believed to be interested in the Presidency and perceived to have a legitimate shot.
Who do you expect them to ask about? Phil Robertson and Rosie O'Donnell? Random people pulled out of the phone book?

"perceived to have a legitimate shot"....says who? perceived by who? how can they know about others if they dont poll on them?

Why not ask about Paul vs Warren, Walker vs Jerry Brown

even Phil Robertson vs Rosie O'donnel would be a more interesting poll, and coulndt be shopped around by establishment hacks to manipulate opinion, much.

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