CNN Poll: Christie Beats Hillary Head to Head.

Ah ButtGroove Suds is hurting that the far right reactionaries no longer have game.

Yah, that has to hurt you. Tuff luck.
Ah ButtGroove Suds is hurting that the far right reactionaries no longer have game.

Yah, that has to hurt you. Tuff luck.

Jake, I am yet to know a single Republican/conservative on these boards that believes you are a Republican or conservative. The people that agree with you (the only people for the record) are people like RW, Chris, TM, Rtard, Fran...

When you attack Republicans, conservatives or people like me we don't take it to heart. You're fun to pick on. You honestly believe you're "pulling a fast one" on all of us.

As it stands now, the guy I like the most (YEARS out from an election) has one of the top chances at winning during the primaries. Now I don't really care if they win, or if they even run, we are 2 years out and who knows what will happen in that time frame.

What I can tell you is if the Republican party places the most progressive candidate they can up against a Progressive Democrat, like they did with McCain and with Romney, they will more than likely lose once again.

See jake, when Mitt ran, his main issue was being indistinguishable to that of Obama during debates. Mitt did as Mitt does, he flip flopped, from repealing all of Obamacare, to granting wavers, to weeks before the GE claiming all the ACA need was a few tweaks that only Mitt knew how to do... Mitt tried to be the candidate for everyone, but video runied that for him. In the end there were really no issues where Mitt differed from the far left Obama, and you happen to love Mitt... And defend Obama...

You got your chance, twice (McCain and Mitt). You lost twice. But we all know you really won both times, because lets face it, you prolly ended up voting for Obama at least once =D
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You got your chance, twice (McCain and Mitt). You lost twice. But we all know you really won both times, because lets face it, you prolly ended up voting for Obama at least once =D

Neither time did the Republicans have anyone to the right of either of those people who could have done better.
Interesting but meaningless, I don't think either of them will be on the ticket in 2016.

I certainly hope not. Well, except for Hill.
Christie is the next iteration of the McCain-Romney team of surrender GOP'ers. The Dems will swear up and down he's the only player in the GOP that could win. That should be the tip off right there. But he is anti gun and pro a bunch of stuff conservatives hate. He's also a big bully.

I hope Hillary is the nominee. She has the highest negatives of any politician on the scene. But I doubt it. Team Obama will never allow the legacy to be assumed by a white Southern bitch, no matter how leftist she is. Look for Cory Booker or Deval patrick to step up.

You are a wise man!:eusa_angel:
Recent news events had first been anti-GOP shutdown, so Hillary was in a clear lead in the polls. Recent news events then switched to the problems with the federal health care website. So the polls now show a statistical tie between a caricature of a Democratic Party Centrist, and a Cartoon of a Democratic Party Centrist.

More people actually know something about Secretary Clinton. Governor Christie is mostly just hard not to notice, by comparison. No one seems to know much about any issues or coveted policy concepts--of the Governor. Mainly: The Governor seems to like President Obama, with some nature of fetish about people from New Jersey.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(One thing possible about Christie(?)! Maybe someone at MSNBC will adopt him(?)!

I think this is the first time I've ever read a cogent point from Mascale. :shock:
Someone wrote, "I am yet to know a single Republican/conservative on these boards that believes you are a Republican or conservative."

Read more closely son. And reactionary far right wing nuts are not conservatives: Yurt, Ernie S., ShootSpeeders, you, birddog, and others.

You don't fool anyone, you GOP posers.

Christie is going to sweep the nominations and take the presidency.

He is going to kick reactionary right wing and liberal lefty ass on the way. :lol:
Isn't this interesting. Hillary was supposed to be the invincible monster, but according to CNN polling she would lose to Chris Christie by two points were the election to be held today. Christie beats Clinton in the poll 48% to 46%.

The other two recent polls also show Christie leading. The Democrat Pollster PPP has Christie up 45% to 42%. Quinnipiac has Christie up 42% to 41%.

So to my liberal friends....what gives? I thought Hillary was unbeatable? Shouldn't she be up like 10%-15%. How is this possible? What about all of those threads about how crappy the Repubs are....why isn't Hillary killing any challenger?

Here's the link. Let the deflection begin. :)

2016 CNN Poll: Clinton deadlocked with Christie but leads other GOP presidential possibilities ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

For some peculiar reason Americans love royalty as long as it's over there and not here. I think most people, including myself, think the Clinton's have had their say and sway and don't care for a dynasty, such as we had with the Bush family. We all know how that ended: two meaningless wars and economic chaos, both of which are lingering.
Christie might run as a republican but he is the perfect old time democrat. He is articulate, likeable, fiscally conservative and socially liberal and presumably honest. Too bad the democrat party lost sight of those important traits. As for Hillary, she has more skeletons in her closet than Ed Gein. If she decides to run (which I doubt) the floodgates will be open and her abuse of innocent women who her husband seduced with her "bimbo eruption squad" as well as her criminally negligent stint as Secretary O/State will be open for scrutiny..
Christie is getting ready for a fall. The numbers, or rather lack of data, about Hurricane Sandy and news of the missing federal billions is starting to come out. I live in NJ and my neighbor's house, which was destroyed by Sandy, is still under a tarp. Absolutely nothing has been done to fix it. The homeowner's hands are tied.

Many shore communities still have yellow tape around the actual beaches. No reconstruction. They are buried somewhere in the red tape.

Christie is typical of a politician who buys into his own story and lives in a bubble. It was all for show, the $4M "Stronger than the Storm" ad he chose was 40% more expensive than the other closest vendor, but it featured his wife and kids.

The casinos in Atlantic City sucked up much of the immediate funds, of course. Money talks.
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Christie might run as a republican but he is the perfect old time democrat. He is articulate, likeable, fiscally conservative and socially liberal and presumably honest. Too bad the democrat party lost sight of those important traits. As for Hillary, she has more skeletons in her closet than Ed Gein. If she decides to run (which I doubt) the floodgates will be open and her abuse of innocent women who her husband seduced with her "bimbo eruption squad" as well as her criminally negligent stint as Secretary O/State will be open for scrutiny..

He's socially liberal? Nope, I don't think so.
Isn't this interesting. Hillary was supposed to be the invincible monster, but according to CNN polling she would lose to Chris Christie by two points were the election to be held today. Christie beats Clinton in the poll 48% to 46%.

The other two recent polls also show Christie leading. The Democrat Pollster PPP has Christie up 45% to 42%. Quinnipiac has Christie up 42% to 41%.

So to my liberal friends....what gives? I thought Hillary was unbeatable? Shouldn't she be up like 10%-15%. How is this possible? What about all of those threads about how crappy the Repubs are....why isn't Hillary killing any challenger?

Here's the link. Let the deflection begin. :)

2016 CNN Poll: Clinton deadlocked with Christie but leads other GOP presidential possibilities ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

At this pre-midterm election stage the only meaningful piece of data that can be derived from that data is that Christie is a viable candidate against HRC. It means absolutely squat if neither of them end up on their respective tickets. It is just as meaningless if only one of them ends up with the nomination.

There is so much water that still has to flow under the political bridge in the next 2 and a half years that I would not give it another thought.
Someone wrote, "I am yet to know a single Republican/conservative on these boards that believes you are a Republican or conservative."

Read more closely son. And reactionary far right wing nuts are not conservatives: Yurt, Ernie S., ShootSpeeders, you, birddog, and others.

You don't fool anyone, you GOP posers.

Christie is going to sweep the nominations and take the presidency.

He is going to kick reactionary right wing and liberal lefty ass on the way. :lol:

YOU are reactionary right. Whatever the fuck you think that means. and don't post some stupid definition, because the term means nothing to 99% of the people of the USA. I know that you love the word, but continuing to use it just makes you look like more of a fool than you would without it.

BTW, you are not, and have never been, a republican.
Isn't this interesting. Hillary was supposed to be the invincible monster, but according to CNN polling she would lose to Chris Christie by two points were the election to be held today. Christie beats Clinton in the poll 48% to 46%.

The other two recent polls also show Christie leading. The Democrat Pollster PPP has Christie up 45% to 42%. Quinnipiac has Christie up 42% to 41%.

So to my liberal friends....what gives? I thought Hillary was unbeatable? Shouldn't she be up like 10%-15%. How is this possible? What about all of those threads about how crappy the Repubs are....why isn't Hillary killing any challenger?

Here's the link. Let the deflection begin. :)

2016 CNN Poll: Clinton deadlocked with Christie but leads other GOP presidential possibilities ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

At this pre-midterm election stage the only meaningful piece of data that can be derived from that data is that Christie is a viable candidate against HRC. It means absolutely squat if neither of them end up on their respective tickets. It is just as meaningless if only one of them ends up with the nomination.

There is so much water that still has to flow under the political bridge in the next 2 and a half years that I would not give it another thought.

HRC = her royal ****. could not resist :lol:
Isn't this interesting. Hillary was supposed to be the invincible monster, but according to CNN polling she would lose to Chris Christie by two points were the election to be held today. Christie beats Clinton in the poll 48% to 46%.

The other two recent polls also show Christie leading. The Democrat Pollster PPP has Christie up 45% to 42%. Quinnipiac has Christie up 42% to 41%.

So to my liberal friends....what gives? I thought Hillary was unbeatable? Shouldn't she be up like 10%-15%. How is this possible? What about all of those threads about how crappy the Repubs are....why isn't Hillary killing any challenger?

Here's the link. Let the deflection begin. :)

2016 CNN Poll: Clinton deadlocked with Christie but leads other GOP presidential possibilities ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

At this pre-midterm election stage the only meaningful piece of data that can be derived from that data is that Christie is a viable candidate against HRC. It means absolutely squat if neither of them end up on their respective tickets. It is just as meaningless if only one of them ends up with the nomination.

There is so much water that still has to flow under the political bridge in the next 2 and a half years that I would not give it another thought.

I completely agree with you. But I will be honest...with Hillary's name recognition and all the talk about her inevitable coronation....the fact anyone is beating her in the polls this early is surprising.
I guess the Right has forgiven Christie.

Maybe, maybe not. But I don't think the Jersey Jabba's Northeast GOP party hack act is going to play in fly-over country. That's before we even get to gyno-Americans casting votes for Hillary just because she's a woman.

If Hillary gets the Dem nod, she will be president. There is no one the GOP leadership is willing to put forward that can stop her.
Isn't this interesting. Hillary was supposed to be the invincible monster, but according to CNN polling she would lose to Chris Christie by two points were the election to be held today. Christie beats Clinton in the poll 48% to 46%.

The other two recent polls also show Christie leading. The Democrat Pollster PPP has Christie up 45% to 42%. Quinnipiac has Christie up 42% to 41%.

So to my liberal friends....what gives? I thought Hillary was unbeatable? Shouldn't she be up like 10%-15%. How is this possible? What about all of those threads about how crappy the Repubs are....why isn't Hillary killing any challenger?

Here's the link. Let the deflection begin. :)

2016 CNN Poll: Clinton deadlocked with Christie but leads other GOP presidential possibilities ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

At this pre-midterm election stage the only meaningful piece of data that can be derived from that data is that Christie is a viable candidate against HRC. It means absolutely squat if neither of them end up on their respective tickets. It is just as meaningless if only one of them ends up with the nomination.

There is so much water that still has to flow under the political bridge in the next 2 and a half years that I would not give it another thought.

I completely agree with you. But I will be honest...with Hillary's name recognition and all the talk about her inevitable coronation....the fact anyone is beating her in the polls this early is surprising.

I see the polls not as anything substantive but more as an expression of approval or disapproval for generic Dems and Republicans. The Dems need to be very worried.
Isn't this interesting. Hillary was supposed to be the invincible monster, but according to CNN polling she would lose to Chris Christie by two points were the election to be held today. Christie beats Clinton in the poll 48% to 46%.

The other two recent polls also show Christie leading. The Democrat Pollster PPP has Christie up 45% to 42%. Quinnipiac has Christie up 42% to 41%.

So to my liberal friends....what gives? I thought Hillary was unbeatable? Shouldn't she be up like 10%-15%. How is this possible? What about all of those threads about how crappy the Repubs are....why isn't Hillary killing any challenger?

Here's the link. Let the deflection begin. :)

2016 CNN Poll: Clinton deadlocked with Christie but leads other GOP presidential possibilities ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

At this pre-midterm election stage the only meaningful piece of data that can be derived from that data is that Christie is a viable candidate against HRC. It means absolutely squat if neither of them end up on their respective tickets. It is just as meaningless if only one of them ends up with the nomination.

There is so much water that still has to flow under the political bridge in the next 2 and a half years that I would not give it another thought.

I completely agree with you. But I will be honest...with Hillary's name recognition and all the talk about her inevitable coronation....the fact anyone is beating her in the polls this early is surprising.

Not in the least. What would have been surprising is if Christie had been double digits ahead of HRC. Polls simply reflect what most people can recall at the time they are asked the question. HRC has not been in the news recently whereas Christie just won a 2nd term. Once the primaries begin the polling starts to become more meaningful because people have more information to go by. This poll was more akin to a trivia question about political celebrities taken when the majority of people are focused on the holidays and not much else. Odds are the only people willing to take the poll were political junkies and yes, they are pretty much evenly split. The base will vote for their party candidate is not news.
Isn't this interesting. Hillary was supposed to be the invincible monster, but according to CNN polling she would lose to Chris Christie by two points were the election to be held today. Christie beats Clinton in the poll 48% to 46%.

The other two recent polls also show Christie leading. The Democrat Pollster PPP has Christie up 45% to 42%. Quinnipiac has Christie up 42% to 41%.

So to my liberal friends....what gives? I thought Hillary was unbeatable? Shouldn't she be up like 10%-15%. How is this possible? What about all of those threads about how crappy the Repubs are....why isn't Hillary killing any challenger?

Here's the link. Let the deflection begin. :)

2016 CNN Poll: Clinton deadlocked with Christie but leads other GOP presidential possibilities ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

You mean the "Lamestream Media" is creating a narrative that Christie can beat Hillary, and you guys are totally buying into it.

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