CNN Poll: Christie Beats Hillary Head to Head.

Pretty much.
FOX and MSNBC are exactly the same...except for their political leaning. Didn't you know that? There is no difference between them.
Well, except for the fact that Faux gets caught making up stuff more often than MSNBC...
I dont know about making things up but I havent seen them actually do much investigative reporting that I can recall.
"The 5" is just a lazy bullshit session and shows like O'reilly just go thu their same list of guests, That IS like most of MSNBC too but Kornacke has really been doing some digging and exposing the crooked political game. THe EDshow has also been railing against the TPP trade deal which is something havent seen on any other cable show.

LoneLaughter, I kind of like your attitude towards the cable stations but when you say "Pretty much" you mean youd actually rather see them sweep it under the rug??

You do realize that none of those shows are ‘news’ right?

There is a MASSIVE chasm between shock value shows like Ed, Hannity and O’Riley and actual news shows. They are ALL for entertainment but the latter shows are based entirely on shock value whereas actual news has a modicum of standards they follow. Modicum mind you.
Isn't this interesting. Hillary was supposed to be the invincible monster, but according to CNN polling she would lose to Chris Christie by two points were the election to be held today. Christie beats Clinton in the poll 48% to 46%.

The other two recent polls also show Christie leading. The Democrat Pollster PPP has Christie up 45% to 42%. Quinnipiac has Christie up 42% to 41%.

So to my liberal friends....what gives? I thought Hillary was unbeatable? Shouldn't she be up like 10%-15%. How is this possible? What about all of those threads about how crappy the Repubs are....why isn't Hillary killing any challenger?

Here's the link. Let the deflection begin. :)

2016 CNN Poll: Clinton deadlocked with Christie but leads other GOP presidential possibilities ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

I would likewise vote Christie over Hillary, however, don't pay attention to any polling this early.

Like there's a difference between them....
Interesting but meaningless, I don't think either of them will be on the ticket in 2016.

The Dems are convinced Hillary will be, and that she will mow down the competition. It is early, but things are not looking real good for Hillary right now. it is interesting though that three days after this polling data comes out the NY Times publishes their Hillary fluff piece on Benghazi. Now we know why.

I'm sure Hillary would be more than happy being even up heading into the campaign. Two things to keep in mind; Dems have a better ground game, and Hillary's running mate will have a much bigger impact on the campaign than any Republican running mate. The latter could be a positive or negative depending whom she would choose.
It is pretty much meaningless. We're three years away from the election. Anything can happen.

It's not meaningless. It is worthless in answering the question who the nominee will be and who will win. But it does indicate general levels of approval for different candidates and parties. What is Clinton's platform? No one knows. What is Christie's? No one knows. So how do voters make any kind of choice? It is based on their overall view of the candidates and their respective parties.
Whether or not that statement is true does not change the fact that such polls are entirely meaningless. Case in point:
Er, this must have been before Bridgegate?......according to the latest poll

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has pulled sharply ahead of New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie in a hypothetical match between the two potential presidential candidates, leading him by 13 percentage points, according to a new poll released Wednesday.
The NBC News/Marist poll has Clinton leading Christie with 50 percent of registered voters surveyed saying they’d vote for her if she were up against the New Jersey governor; just 37 percent of those would back Christie against Clinton.

Poll: Hillary Clinton widens lead on Chris Christie - Jose DelReal -
Those general feelings that you are referring to are incredible fickle and change directions on a damn dime. There is virtually nothing that such info can be used for this far out in any meaningful way. Questions on the presidential race are irrelevant anyway before any real primary has begun to take shape as the ‘results’ of such a question do not take account of a single primary factor. The general is ALWAYS a balancing match for the candidates to win the primary without obliterating general election chances.

If we really wanted meaning from polls, there would be more questions regarding actual policy and/or perceived factors to determine what the general public wanted in a candidate. The only real information that can be utilized meaningfully at this moment is local congressional/senate information anyway and that has zero similarity on what the national stage looks like.

While I agree with you, I still believe Hillary will be our next President, and I don't think it will be a very close election.
Elite believe in numerology in terms of master numbers,11,22,33, etc. and will act accordingly.

To those who beg the question, research your history.
Pretty much.
FOX and MSNBC are exactly the same...except for their political leaning. Didn't you know that? There is no difference between them.
Well, except for the fact that Faux gets caught making up stuff more often than MSNBC...
I dont know about making things up but I havent seen them actually do much investigative reporting that I can recall.
"The 5" is just a lazy bullshit session and shows like O'reilly just go thu their same list of guests, That IS like most of MSNBC too but Kornacke has really been doing some digging and exposing the crooked political game. THe EDshow has also been railing against the TPP trade deal which is something havent seen on any other cable show.

LoneLaughter, I kind of like your attitude towards the cable stations but when you say "Pretty much" you mean youd actually rather see them sweep it under the rug??

No. I was saying that Mac pretty much wants that. On the rest, I was being sarcastic. There is really no comparison.
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My main point was that I think that MSNBC is doing a good job in this case. Would you rather have them sweep it under the rug in the interests of bi-partisanship?

Pretty much.

FOX and MSNBC are exactly the same...except for their political leaning. Didn't you know that? There is no difference between them.

Well, except for the fact that Faux gets caught making up stuff more often than MSNBC...
Six of one, half dozen of the other.
Each is full of shit and as reliable as a playground rumor.
Pretty much.

FOX and MSNBC are exactly the same...except for their political leaning. Didn't you know that? There is no difference between them.

Well, except for the fact that Faux gets caught making up stuff more often than MSNBC...
Six of one, half dozen of the other.
Each is full of shit and as reliable as a playground rumor.

Oh....yeah! All you have to do is watch each of them for a few hours. That is obvious. MSNBC is every bit as deceitful and disingenuous as FOX. Their hosts are just as snarky and go for the sensationalist angle just as often. The bottom screen chyron on MSNBC is used to ask loaded bullshit questions just like it is on FOX.

Absolutely the same in every way.
Well, except for the fact that Faux gets caught making up stuff more often than MSNBC...
I dont know about making things up but I havent seen them actually do much investigative reporting that I can recall.
"The 5" is just a lazy bullshit session and shows like O'reilly just go thu their same list of guests, That IS like most of MSNBC too but Kornacke has really been doing some digging and exposing the crooked political game. THe EDshow has also been railing against the TPP trade deal which is something havent seen on any other cable show.

LoneLaughter, I kind of like your attitude towards the cable stations but when you say "Pretty much" you mean youd actually rather see them sweep it under the rug??
You do realize that none of those shows are ‘news’ right?

There is a MASSIVE chasm between shock value shows like Ed, Hannity and O’Riley and actual news shows. They are ALL for entertainment but the latter shows are based entirely on shock value whereas actual news has a modicum of standards they follow. Modicum mind you.

Yeah I agree for the most part, but Kornacke has really been digging stuff up lately, I place that in the category of news. I also like the EDshow railing against the TPP trade deal, which is out of the usual cable talk show mold, tho wouldn't really classify it as news.

No. I was saying that Mac pretty much wants that. On the rest, I was being sarcastic. There is really no comparison.

Ok I see now

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