CNN Poll: Christie Beats Hillary Head to Head.

That poll does not take into account all the seething Baggers and RW loons who are still angry at Christie over his admiration for Obama. I think he is the best that the GOP has, but many will sit at home, rather than vote for him.
That poll does not take into account all the seething Baggers and RW loons who are still angry at Christie over his admiration for Obama. I think he is the best that the GOP has, but many will sit at home, rather than vote for him.

keep talking :lol:

you look like you are a typical Rove-like establishment idiot, due to whom Republicans lost in 2008 and 2012.

with this tactics of alienation the 2016 will definitely end on the dimocraps lap.
That poll does not take into account all the seething Baggers and RW loons who are still angry at Christie over his admiration for Obama. I think he is the best that the GOP has, but many will sit at home, rather than vote for him.

when you use terms like "seething baggers" and "RW loons" you destroy what little credibility you ever had.

I think most on the right learned the lessons of 08 and 12 and will not stay home next time and help another left winger get into the whitehouse.

Christie may be the candidate but I really doubt it. But if he is, he will be a much better choice than hilly billy.
That poll does not take into account all the seething Baggers and RW loons who are still angry at Christie over his admiration for Obama. I think he is the best that the GOP has, but many will sit at home, rather than vote for him.

keep talking :lol:

you look like you are a typical Rove-like establishment idiot, due to whom Republicans lost in 2008 and 2012.

with this tactics of alienation the 2016 will definitely end on the dimocraps lap.

correct, Rove needs to go off somewhere. He, and his kind are helping the lefties.
Isn't this interesting. Hillary was supposed to be the invincible monster, but according to CNN polling she would lose to Chris Christie by two points were the election to be held today. Christie beats Clinton in the poll 48% to 46%.

The other two recent polls also show Christie leading. The Democrat Pollster PPP has Christie up 45% to 42%. Quinnipiac has Christie up 42% to 41%.

So to my liberal friends....what gives? I thought Hillary was unbeatable? Shouldn't she be up like 10%-15%. How is this possible? What about all of those threads about how crappy the Repubs are....why isn't Hillary killing any challenger?

Here's the link. Let the deflection begin. :)

2016 CNN Poll: Clinton deadlocked with Christie but leads other GOP presidential possibilities ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

You mean the "Lamestream Media" is creating a narrative that Christie can beat Hillary, and you guys are totally buying into it.

Are you suggesting CNN fabricated the data, Joe?

I'm saying that most of these polls are meant to drive stories. How many time did they take the poll to finally get one that gave them something to talk about?
You mean the "Lamestream Media" is creating a narrative that Christie can beat Hillary, and you guys are totally buying into it.

Are you suggesting CNN fabricated the data, Joe?

I'm saying that most of these polls are meant to drive stories. How many time did they take the poll to finally get one that gave them something to talk about?

Hmmm, something we agree on. Polls are designed to influence public opinion, not to report on it.
Are you suggesting CNN fabricated the data, Joe?

I'm saying that most of these polls are meant to drive stories. How many time did they take the poll to finally get one that gave them something to talk about?

Hmmm, something we agree on. Polls are designed to influence public opinion, not to report on it.

Agreed. The telling thing on this poll was that Christie can beat Hillary, but Cruz and Paul can't.

Kind of like in 2011, when they had all those polls which said that Romney could beat Obama, but Cain and Bachmann and Santorum couldn't.
I'm saying that most of these polls are meant to drive stories. How many time did they take the poll to finally get one that gave them something to talk about?

Hmmm, something we agree on. Polls are designed to influence public opinion, not to report on it.

Agreed. The telling thing on this poll was that Christie can beat Hillary, but Cruz and Paul can't.

Kind of like in 2011, when they had all those polls which said that Romney could beat Obama, but Cain and Bachmann and Santorum couldn't.

Oh, I see, you believe those polls but not the ones that don't support your left wing agenda. :cuckoo:
Someone wrote, "I am yet to know a single Republican/conservative on these boards that believes you are a Republican or conservative."

Read more closely son. And reactionary far right wing nuts are not conservatives: Yurt, Ernie S., ShootSpeeders, you, birddog, and others.

You don't fool anyone, you GOP posers.

Christie is going to sweep the nominations and take the presidency.

He is going to kick reactionary right wing and liberal lefty ass on the way. :lol:

YOU are reactionary right. Whatever the fuck you think that means. and don't post some stupid definition, because the term means nothing to 99% of the people of the USA. I know that you love the word, but continuing to use it just makes you look like more of a fool than you would without it.

BTW, you are not, and have never been, a republican.

My use of the word is no more foolish than the sillies use of "liberal".

The $50 million from the Chamber to make sure we don't have "foolish" far right reactionary candidates for the Senate next year is just a start to bring some sense back to the GOP.
Are you suggesting CNN fabricated the data, Joe?

I'm saying that most of these polls are meant to drive stories. How many time did they take the poll to finally get one that gave them something to talk about?

Hmmm, something we agree on. Polls are designed to influence public opinion, not to report on it.

Polls are generally not designed to influence public opinion. And they certainly aren't when they ask which candidate beats which candidate. It's pretty silly to imply otherwise.
Agreed. The telling thing on this poll was that Christie can beat Hillary, but Cruz and Paul can't.

No, that's not what this poll is saying. It is saying that right now, Christie has more support than Hillary than either Cruz or Paul, not that Cruz and Paul can't beat Hillary in the future.
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Hmmm, something we agree on. Polls are designed to influence public opinion, not to report on it.

Agreed. The telling thing on this poll was that Christie can beat Hillary, but Cruz and Paul can't.

Kind of like in 2011, when they had all those polls which said that Romney could beat Obama, but Cain and Bachmann and Santorum couldn't.

Oh, I see, you believe those polls but not the ones that don't support your left wing agenda. :cuckoo:

Would you still be complaining if this poll showed Cruz beating Hillary?
Hmmm, something we agree on. Polls are designed to influence public opinion, not to report on it.

Agreed. The telling thing on this poll was that Christie can beat Hillary, but Cruz and Paul can't.

Kind of like in 2011, when they had all those polls which said that Romney could beat Obama, but Cain and Bachmann and Santorum couldn't.

Oh, I see, you believe those polls but not the ones that don't support your left wing agenda. :cuckoo:

No, i don't really believe most polls...

But I do find it interesting that the same people who pushed Romney in 2012 are the ones pushing Christie now.
What this country needs is a kick-butt conservative who can deal with adversity and beat the pie out of it. Republicans Ted Cruz and Scott Walker come to my mind.

i would agree with you on that

but you will notice that the cnn

has placed those two in the -20 range on the poll charts

CNN is headquarters for the Old Liar's Club where conservatism is concerned. Christie bails when he softpedals known commies and louts. He is insider illuminati pushing for UN control, and the plan is to put a Barack Obama to be World Emperor when that occurs with a huge pox on America, just like in colonial times. So Christie will have to do a lot of apple-polishing and promise-keeping on conservative, Constitutional issues before he earns my vote. I don't dislike him personally, it's just that he cooperates with others first, party last. In spite of the garbage CNN dumps on the public, the Republican Party is quite conservative, with individual faults fishbowled and gargantuan acts of kindness to the taxpayer shoved under the carpet if not under the bus. I'm wise to the wise guys of Commie News Network. :lol: :lol: :lol:
I think Hillary is being set up for a fall.
But at this point its just name recognition and looks. People like Christys babyface, especially women ironically, better than they like Hillarys. Studies have shown the most appealing face wins something like 60%+ of the time.
The corrupt establishment would be happy with either.
christie would be the reformer party
the peoples are fed up with this admin
the only chance the DNC has is to pull a rabbit out of a hat
with a new name

The "REFORMER" PARTY!!!!........get real
Christy is the same old shit dressed up to look like a reformer, perhaps.
Look at how he soaked the feds on the disaster funds....and used them for political advertising

now NJ has legalized internet gambling......look for Christy to legalize this rip-off across the country if he should win.
CNN Poll: Christie Beats Hillary Head to Head.

WHY is that significant?

They are BOTH major players of the welfare/warfare police state , so WHY should we celebrate?


Who's celebrating? The purpose of this thread is to shut up all the idiots who say Hillary is invincible in 2016. Beyond that...WGAS?

I will not vote for Hillary. Other than that, I have no idea who I will vote for.
Agreed. The telling thing on this poll was that Christie can beat Hillary, but Cruz and Paul can't.

No, that's not what this poll is saying. It is saying that right now, Christie has more support than Hillary than either Cruz or Paul, not that Cruz and Paul can't beat Hillary in the future.

You mean once again, Wall Street and Corporate America are trying to shove another corporate republican down the throats of the GOP that they don't want.

And when Hillary beats him in 2016, these same conservatives will shrug and say "Well, he wasn't a real conservative, anyway!"
Agreed. The telling thing on this poll was that Christie can beat Hillary, but Cruz and Paul can't.

Kind of like in 2011, when they had all those polls which said that Romney could beat Obama, but Cain and Bachmann and Santorum couldn't.

Oh, I see, you believe those polls but not the ones that don't support your left wing agenda. :cuckoo:

Would you still be complaining if this poll showed Cruz beating Hillary?

I think everyone understands that polling this far from the actual event is very speculative and not predictive of any outcome. I do tend to think there is a lot of push polling going on, with the MSM pushing Christie to make him seem like the ideal candidate, just as they did with McCain and Romney.

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