CNN Pot of Gold Poll: Race Relations Now Thought Worsening Under Obama--To Be Discussed(?)


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
The Obama approval rating is at 50% again, and the approval rating on the handling of the economy is up. But people now of the opinion that race relations have worsened during the Obama Administration is also above 40%, having been below 20% among (the kinds of people who get polled,), for some years.

The White House was a multi-colored, rainbow's end, over the weekend. So the Leprechauns had expanded nation-wide marital inclusion first, in the United States anyone might that the new inclusion would soon not escape the divorce lawyers. The fact that ACA had created State Health Insurance exchanges, "Generally," had less generally escaped the attention of the lawyers. No one had noticed that even opposition Republican governors now in want in on the loot. . .and even for the people in their states(?).

Adam Smith is generally famous for "Free Markets." Markets, anyone knows, have money. Even Lincoln understood this, in the Emancipation Proclamation. "And I hereby enjoin upon the people so declared to be free to abstain from all violence, unless in necessary self-defence; and I recommend to them that, in all cases when allowed, they labor faithfully for reasonable wages."

Lincoln easily understood about, "Not allowed," most likely. Millions celebrate the genocide of the more than 700,000 white people of the Lincoln Administration. Even more millions, apparently the Obama family included, understand the concept, "When allowed," and "Not Allowed." The Ivy League is on board with both concepts.

The new "Free Communities" market approach would also be said to have been given impetus in the Obama Administration. "When Allowed," and "Reasonable," were replaced by the "Make Work Pay Refundable Income Tax Credit," about $400.00 equally for all legally filing income tax. The money was payable even
if no money was owed. That had not been done before, in history. The Clintons had provided the $$500.00
per child credit. The 1986 Tax Reform provided equal and raised standard deduction and personal exemption amounts, and those indexed. President Ford and the younger Governor Jerry Brown(?) had done equal amount rebates and raises. Mostly, the "Make Work Pay Refundable Income Tax Credit" was a "Free Communities" economic approach--"When allowed," and "Not Allowed," and "Reasonable" were replaced with actual cash.

The Republicans took that away, as soon as they could, after 2010 elections.

The Recent CNN poll finding likely empowers. . .someone or another who has possibly been allowed, and even reasonable, all along.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Lands of Many Nations Allowed White Eyes entry rights, Then Allowed. White Eyes took those away from Lands of Many Nations, for any who were indigenous to them. . .When Allowed(?)!)
Obama is a black nationalist bigot that wants to start violence with whites. Blacks kill twice as many whites every year and yet all we ever hear on the goddamn media is how we're monsters.

Yes, that will worsen race relations. Based on a hill of crap.
tossibly instructive it would be to note the Greek economic situation:

The latest Unemployment Rate is about 25.6%
The latest Youth Unemployment Rate is about 49.7%
The latest Minimum Wage is about 683.75 euros

More likely, of course, anyone might suggest that really, it looks kind of Colored(?).

Many can conclude that Europe is coping with its basis understanding of the American Way(?). . .if maybe you don't bring that up amongst any Greeks(?). Lincoln would likely understand about current European crisis, noting that lots of jungle space is still under-populated, in our world. The English had once created the concept, "Australia."

History understands about "Green Movements," in our world.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many White Eyes even find money better spent on Martians, or something(?) "On average, more than 270,000 prisoner and alien movements a year are completed by JPATS. A network of aircrafts, cars, vans and buses accomplishes these coordinated movements." (JPATS is the Justice Prisoner & Aliens Transportation System.). Justice knows abut the Martians(?).)


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