CNN Producer admits Trump/Russia story is mostly BS

The story was about russia interfering in our election to try and discredit Hillary and/or help Trump win
It had nothing to do with him, which is the narrative. How did Russia discredit Hillary?
How do you know the Russia interference had nothing to do with Trump? That's not what the intel report says. It said there was a clear motive to favor Trump. Are you calling the report fake as well?
So what is The Left's & The Russian Motive now to Trash Trump? You would think "THE MACEADONIAN MOB" would be out in full force trying to interfere with The Left's Hatchet Job on President Trump! Instead the facts show, Trump is butting heads with Russia and refuses to take their shit.

But never mind the facts, look over here. POOOOOTIN......your eyes are getting very heavy...........POOOOTIN.........on the count of will awaken.....and believe....everything.....THE LEFT says.....about......POOOOOTIN.

And please, somebody, anybody, post one shred of evidence that proves Russia did anything at all. What did they do? When did they do it? What is the evidence that they did it?

Everything about these stories is "alleged" "sources say" "anonymous sources" yet I have not seen one shred of evidence about any assertions, assumptions, or "feelings" that Russia "may" have "attempted" to interfere with our election.

Reports based on "opinions" without publishing "EVIDENCE" have ZERO value to me, or to anyone else.

Now remember my suggestions I have told you while under hypnosis.....


Poootin.......commands you to........act like a monkey.

Dance Monkey Dance!
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The story was about russia interfering in our election to try and discredit Hillary and/or help Trump win
It had nothing to do with him, which is the narrative. How did Russia discredit Hillary?
How do you know the Russia interference had nothing to do with Trump? That's not what the intel report says. It said there was a clear motive to favor Trump. Are you calling the report fake as well?
Post the EVIDENCE, your opinion won't do. Bernie had motive too. I asked how they discredited Hillary and you ran from the question.
Haha, I answered your question kiddo. A crew of FBI agents spent months analyzing evidence of Russian interference then submitted a report of their findings. It was reviewed and supported by the rest of our intel agencies. I'm trusting their findings. That's my back up for my arguements. What's yours? Donald Trumps words? Haha
I asked for evidence junior and you have NONE. Quit playing with your tiny pecker, it doesn't impress.
I stated my evidence. Here is a link straight from the DNI:
Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent US Elections

Russia interfered in our election with the intentions of trying to help get Trump elected. Show me ONE person who is credible and has access to the classified info that denies these findings. One person from either party.
The story was about russia interfering in our election to try and discredit Hillary and/or help Trump win
It had nothing to do with him, which is the narrative. How did Russia discredit Hillary?
How do you know the Russia interference had nothing to do with Trump? That's not what the intel report says. It said there was a clear motive to favor Trump. Are you calling the report fake as well?
So what is The Left's & The Russian Motive now to Trash Trump? You would think "THE MACEADONIAN MOB" would be out in full force trying to interfere with The Left's Hatchet Job on President Trump! Instead the facts show, Trump is butting heads with Russia and refuses to take their shit.

But never mind the facts, look over here. POOOOOTIN......your eyes are getting very heavy...........POOOOTIN.........on the count of will awaken.....and believe....everything.....THE LEFT says.....about......POOOOOTIN.

And please, somebody, anybody, post one shred of evidence that proves Russia did anything at all. What did they do? When did they do it? What is the evidence that they did it?

Everything about these stories is "alleged" "sources say" "anonymous sources" yet I have not seen one shred of evidence about any assertions, assumptions, or "feelings" that Russia "may" have "attempted" to interfere with our election.

Reports based on "opinions" without publishing "EVIDENCE" have ZERO value to me, or to anyone else.

Now remember my suggestions I have told you while under hypnosis.....


Poootin.......commands you to........act like a monkey.

Dance Monkey Dance!
I just posted the DNI report which has been backed up by ever other intelligence agency. These are our federal agents that spent months gathering and analyzing intel. Senators from both sides who have seen the classified intel behind the report back it up. Can you find ONE person who doesn't?

Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent US Elections
Sarah Huckabee told the press," I don't know if this video is real but you should watch it."
Is everyone crazy who works at the WH?
The story was about russia interfering in our election to try and discredit Hillary and/or help Trump win
It had nothing to do with him, which is the narrative. How did Russia discredit Hillary?
How do you know the Russia interference had nothing to do with Trump? That's not what the intel report says. It said there was a clear motive to favor Trump. Are you calling the report fake as well?
So what is The Left's & The Russian Motive now to Trash Trump? You would think "THE MACEADONIAN MOB" would be out in full force trying to interfere with The Left's Hatchet Job on President Trump! Instead the facts show, Trump is butting heads with Russia and refuses to take their shit.

But never mind the facts, look over here. POOOOOTIN......your eyes are getting very heavy...........POOOOTIN.........on the count of will awaken.....and believe....everything.....THE LEFT says.....about......POOOOOTIN.

And please, somebody, anybody, post one shred of evidence that proves Russia did anything at all. What did they do? When did they do it? What is the evidence that they did it?

Everything about these stories is "alleged" "sources say" "anonymous sources" yet I have not seen one shred of evidence about any assertions, assumptions, or "feelings" that Russia "may" have "attempted" to interfere with our election.

Reports based on "opinions" without publishing "EVIDENCE" have ZERO value to me, or to anyone else.

Now remember my suggestions I have told you while under hypnosis.....


Poootin.......commands you to........act like a monkey.

Dance Monkey Dance!
I just posted the DNI report which has been backed up by ever other intelligence agency. These are our federal agents that spent months gathering and analyzing intel. Senators from both sides who have seen the classified intel behind the report back it up. Can you find ONE person who doesn't?

Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent US Elections
It's mortal lock. Only the criminally insane Trumpies are still doubting it.
They have to. Trump told them what to say.
Meanwhile a friend of Comey's who IS involved working the federal investigation told him they now have a link to collusion and the Trump administration.
We won't know for sure until Mueller decides to reveal it.
It's mortal lock. Only the criminally insane Trumpies are still doubting it.
They have to. Trump told them what to say.
Meanwhile a friend of Comey's who IS involved working the federal investigation told him they now have a link to collusion and the Trump administration.
We won't know for sure until Mueller decides to reveal it.
You're a bitter clinger.

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