CNN promoting the protests as hard as they can.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
I can't call them the Clinton News Network any more because dat Bitch is
His-tor-ee. So let's go with the Cranky News Network. They are defeated, embarrassed and cranky. Every night they cover the protesters trying their best to grow and perpetuate the anger against Trump. It's like that GEICO commercial. It's what they do.
The continuing of propaganda after the election by CNN and MSNBC as instigators of derision, racism, division, violence, hatred, intolerance is primarilly liken to the frowned upon act of screaming fire in a non burning movie theater.
Being that CNN is proportionately owned
by foreign factions known for loving the chaos and division, that should give people an unease, but MSNBC doing it from within just proves how affiliation pride can cause such willingness to covet evil for sake of maintaining status quo and subversion of those not affiliated with that gang.
CNN foreign influences won't be America First, but MSNBC forgot that it's America first party affiliation second and has sold up it's country for party affiliation pride=acting treasonous in doing so.
I can't call them the Clinton News Network any more because dat Bitch is
His-tor-ee. So let's go with the Cranky News Network. They are defeated, embarrassed and cranky. Every night they cover the protesters trying their best to grow and perpetuate the anger against Trump. It's like that GEICO commercial. It's what they do.
Cranky is good but I prefer one of the descriptors used in the days before they went all Clinton 24/7, Chicken Noodle News.

Regardless of how anyone chooses to refer to them though their fall from moderate respectability to fighting it out with MSDNC for the ratings basement is really amazing to me from a business standpoint. As their audience continues to shrink so too does their advertising revenues, and that's tied directly to their blatant lack of objective journalism in favor of sucking up to dimocrats, primarily Clintons up until now, and everything comprising the overall DNC agenda.

How they and MSDNC can square leaving tens/hundreds of millions of advertising dollars on the table to their shareholders is beyond me. Their mottos could be...Invest with us and we'll do our best to minimize your returns. Not a business plan I'd buy into but lots do. Go figure.
It sells ratings and since CNN and the like are not doing as well as they used to anything they can sensationalize they will grab onto....That being said and given the one sided coverage of the election in favour of the Clintons why is one suprised... It should be further noted that both Hilary and Bill both wore Purple clothing(his a tie and her a blouse) the day after Hilarys defeat which is similiar to the colour revolutions that hit areas like the Ukraine so even though I am not a conspiracy pusher I find it rather humorous and it would not suprise me one bit if the ones protesting are not being bused in and being paid for their antics which CNN and the like are very happy to film and rehearse for the best shots reminds me of what the Israelis had to contend with whenever the Palestians wanted to push how they were being mistreated....It is theatre of the Absurd to say the least....Maybe we all should get a box of popcorn and sit on our couches and throw it at the screen everytime we see these shenanagans.....
What it is, when parties lose they instantly start the sabotage and propaganda from that moment till the next election in hopes of regaining power. This selling out the country and what the people want or need makes this system set to fail.
Now everything in my book makes sense & is validated regarding fairer electorial systems and utilizing the new tech ability to make Gov't more inclusive and based on needs of the people not the parties.

In a new tech used system each issue is not based on parties afdiliations but on what collectively the people want and thus the will of the people is met across party lines as each issue has no bounds to an affiliation.
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Pure sour grapes..The funny thing is if Trump had kept his mouth closed and followed a script he would have absolutely annihilated her because people want a change and they were willing to give him a chance... In case anyone hasn't noticed the status quo is dead... The whole world is tired of their political hacks who take everything and offer nothing in return.. Actually Michael what Trump is offering is similar to what you pointed out in your book...If he appoints or delegates people to work as teams to solve each problem then he is well on his way... Party affiliations don't really work anymore as all they really do are make the ones in power corrupt and hungry to take all they can while they are in power because their time is up soon and the next guy will do the same... Too bad as the people keep suffering and the status quo stays the same unfortunately...
I can't call them the Clinton News Network any more because dat Bitch is
His-tor-ee. So let's go with the Cranky News Network. They are defeated, embarrassed and cranky. Every night they cover the protesters trying their best to grow and perpetuate the anger against Trump. It's like that GEICO commercial. It's what they do.
Communist News Network.

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