CNN Pushes Children's Book With A Black Homosexual Santa

How can you make that statement with a straight face?

IF gays are just like anyone else, they'd be straight.

Most gays want desperately to be seen "just like anyone else" (normal). They are not, so why not accept the fact?
What the fuck is normal exactly?? Gay people have families, raise children, go to jobs, pay taxes, and contribute to the community. What the fuck is more normal than that. For you bigots, it's all about the sex. The sex defines gays people for you because you are obsessed with sex. It does not define gay people any more than the sexual practices of heterosexuals - which varies greatly- defines them, Get over it and go to OZ and get a fucking brain!

If you part of less than 5% of the population, that is not normal. Even you must be aware of that fact. Or have we now changed the definition of normal too?

This is my definition of normal, what's yours?

1. conforming to a standard; usual, typical, or expected:
"it's quite normal for puppies to bolt their food" · "normal working hours"

usual · standard · ordinary · customary · conventional · habitual · accustomed · expected · wonted · typical · stock · common · everyday · regular · routine · established · set · fixed · traditional · time-honored · ordinary · average · typical · run-of-the-mill · middle-of-the-road · common · conventional · mainstream · unremarkable · unexceptional · garden-variety · a dime a dozen
antonyms: unusual
  • (of a person) free from physical or mental disorders.
  • (of a line, ray, or other linear feature) intersecting a given line or surface at right angles.
  • (of a salt solution) containing the same salt concentration as the blood.
    • chemistry
      (of a solution) containing one gram-equivalent of solute per liter.
  • denoting a fault or faulting in which a relative downward movement occurred in the strata situated on the upper side of the fault plane.
  1. the usual, average, or typical state or condition:
    "her temperature was above normal" · "the service will be back to normal next week"
    • informal
      a person who is conventional or healthy.
  2. a line at right angles to a given line or surface.
By your definition of normal, If you are part of the population that is obsessively bigoted against homosexuals., YOU ARE NOT NORMAL EITHER.

But, you might want to try to understand that different definitions of normal. There is the statistically normal, and there is the normal as defined by that which NORMALLY occurs in nature as a variation on the statistical norm.

Now maybe you would like to actually address the point that I made, if you can.
It's about as normal as putting your finger in a cat's butt. Because it happens doesn't make it normal. Murder happens. Rape happens . Being left handed is also " abnormal " which was condemned and derided at one time. Only a fucking idiot thinks that everything that is unusual is wrong .
Gay people face discrimination and bigotry from.assholes like you. That is why they want to hide their true nature. They are born gay. They are every bit as normal as you. People who think like you are on the way out. Do your kids a favor. Don't pass on Your bigotry to them.

Growing up, two of my idols and people I worked for at the age of 13 were gay. I never thought about it, neither did my folks and my Ol' Man was a disabled vet from WW-II.

At 13 I began working at a large tropical fish farm South of Miami. I became friends with all the employees, they came to pool parties at our house, we (my parents and I) frequently went to parties at their houses. I would go with them down to the Florida Keys at least once a month to dive and net sale water tropicals for sale as well. We'd bar-b-que chicken and have a big picnic too.
I rode with them sometimes to another fish farm owned by the same owner outside of Tampa. We netted and boxed thousands of a particular species to bring back to our farm.

Lou and Herb, their real names, were gay. They owned a house together, where we often went for parties. They were the two that ran the farm and also had their own species of fish to be cared for and shipped. I learned a tremendous amount from all the people there and never thought of them being gay. They never bothered me but taught me a great deal about tropical fish.

Why are you so eager to go out of your way to prove yourself a fool.


Who are you talking to, fool!
Bad enough that Santa has to be gay (I don't like it but at least I can deal with it) but does he have to be black, which is far worse? Our "Sinter Klaas" is a Dutch tradition and that Dutch are what race....(cue suspenseful drumroll)...WHITE! So this is a case of blacks culturally appropriating - read: stealing - a white cultural icon. They have no culture of their own so they have to make up their own revisionist culture, thieving from the race of which they're most hateful and jealous.
This is getting ridiculous. I guess what Santa means has got to diversify.......

CNN Pushes a Gay Santa Storybook for Kids Featuring “Santa’s Husband”
CNN Pushes a Gay Santa Storybook for Kids Featuring "Santa's Husband," and I Have Some Questions
CNN, the same network that won an award for stellar reporting after suggesting a missing airplane fell into a black hole, helped promote a Christmas book for kids that tells the “fresh, new” story of Santa Claus and his gay husband.

During a segment on CNN’s “New Day,” Co-anchor Christi Paul and co-host Victor Blackwell dedicated four minutes to the book, “Santa’s Husband,” and even had author Daniel Kibblesmith, and illustrator Ashley Quach on the show to discuss the book.

According to Kibblesmith, the idea was inspired by “the annual tradition we have in this country of pretending that there’s a giant war on Christmas, and that traditional Christmas is under attack.” Kibblesmith added that after seeing the controversy of a black Santa from last year, he would only promote a black Santa to his kids, and if they see a white Santa, he would inform his children that that’s just Santa’s husband.

After a social media conversation with the illustrator, the book was put together.

The book features a look into the life of black Santa and his gay white husband — who looks like the traditional Santa — and even goes into their solving marital problems by kissing over a plate of milk and cookies.

According to the Daily Wire, when asked to respond to the criticism brought up from people, including those within the gay community, and whether or not this was made to promote a political agenda, Kibblesmith responded:

Well, I think that’s a legitimate criticism. I mean, I’m literally on the news anchor scene now, but, you know, that’s just the world that we come from. I’m a political satire writer. So when, you know, I have the opportunity to write a book, these are the things that I care about and that I’m interested in. My only real response to that, I think, is that we’re trying to put a net positive into the world and contribute to a vacuum of representation. But these are obviously our views — they’re not everybody’s views, and we’re just flattered that the response has been so overwhelmingly positive so far.

Some questions…

For one, who is being underrepresented here? The gay community. Do young children have a concern about the underrepresentation of gays in Santa’s story? I was under the impression that kids didn’t give half a rotted rat’s rear about people’s sexual orientations and the demographics popping up in stories about a man in a red suit who gives them presents. They care about the fact that a man in a red suit is delivering presents.

Secondly, the author plays it off like he’s just doing the world a solid by introducing this book into the market. A good guy doing a good deed. Of course, he does this after mocking the idea that there’s a war on Christmas, saying the war on Christmas inspired the idea, and is pushing a message of homosexuality into a children’s character used to celebrate a Christian holiday.

So how is this guy going to try to get us to believe that this isn’t his little contribution to the clearly ongoing war on Christmas? This book was clearly made as a way to get those racist, homophobic Christians to freak out. It surely wasn’t made for the kids. By the author’s own confession, the book was made out of spite. He wasn’t doing it to be a good guy, he was doing it to be an ass.

Finally, can we all agree that CNN is clearly only promoting the book in order to garner the reaction from people? Okay, cool.

Look, I couldn’t care less that they portrayed Santa as black. If that helps a kid relate better to Jolly Ol’ St. Nick then go for it. But let’s not pretend the this black Santa married to a white Santa that he kisses is a virtue move. This book is a blatant attempt at generating outrage, and they’re using children to do it.​

Don't worry, gays are still number one when it comes to all the people Republicans hate.

And a lot of cons / mental patients (redundant, I know) don't understand Santa is a fictional character.

Most children learn this about age 6 or so.

Actually to children he's real. So liberals want to turn him into a prissy pervert.

So is the Easter Bunny and Tooth Fairy. No doubt you still Bleeve in them.
This is getting ridiculous. I guess what Santa means has got to diversify.......

CNN Pushes a Gay Santa Storybook for Kids Featuring “Santa’s Husband”
CNN Pushes a Gay Santa Storybook for Kids Featuring "Santa's Husband," and I Have Some Questions
CNN, the same network that won an award for stellar reporting after suggesting a missing airplane fell into a black hole, helped promote a Christmas book for kids that tells the “fresh, new” story of Santa Claus and his gay husband.

During a segment on CNN’s “New Day,” Co-anchor Christi Paul and co-host Victor Blackwell dedicated four minutes to the book, “Santa’s Husband,” and even had author Daniel Kibblesmith, and illustrator Ashley Quach on the show to discuss the book.

According to Kibblesmith, the idea was inspired by “the annual tradition we have in this country of pretending that there’s a giant war on Christmas, and that traditional Christmas is under attack.” Kibblesmith added that after seeing the controversy of a black Santa from last year, he would only promote a black Santa to his kids, and if they see a white Santa, he would inform his children that that’s just Santa’s husband.

After a social media conversation with the illustrator, the book was put together.

The book features a look into the life of black Santa and his gay white husband — who looks like the traditional Santa — and even goes into their solving marital problems by kissing over a plate of milk and cookies.

According to the Daily Wire, when asked to respond to the criticism brought up from people, including those within the gay community, and whether or not this was made to promote a political agenda, Kibblesmith responded:

Well, I think that’s a legitimate criticism. I mean, I’m literally on the news anchor scene now, but, you know, that’s just the world that we come from. I’m a political satire writer. So when, you know, I have the opportunity to write a book, these are the things that I care about and that I’m interested in. My only real response to that, I think, is that we’re trying to put a net positive into the world and contribute to a vacuum of representation. But these are obviously our views — they’re not everybody’s views, and we’re just flattered that the response has been so overwhelmingly positive so far.

Some questions…

For one, who is being underrepresented here? The gay community. Do young children have a concern about the underrepresentation of gays in Santa’s story? I was under the impression that kids didn’t give half a rotted rat’s rear about people’s sexual orientations and the demographics popping up in stories about a man in a red suit who gives them presents. They care about the fact that a man in a red suit is delivering presents.

Secondly, the author plays it off like he’s just doing the world a solid by introducing this book into the market. A good guy doing a good deed. Of course, he does this after mocking the idea that there’s a war on Christmas, saying the war on Christmas inspired the idea, and is pushing a message of homosexuality into a children’s character used to celebrate a Christian holiday.

So how is this guy going to try to get us to believe that this isn’t his little contribution to the clearly ongoing war on Christmas? This book was clearly made as a way to get those racist, homophobic Christians to freak out. It surely wasn’t made for the kids. By the author’s own confession, the book was made out of spite. He wasn’t doing it to be a good guy, he was doing it to be an ass.

Finally, can we all agree that CNN is clearly only promoting the book in order to garner the reaction from people? Okay, cool.

Look, I couldn’t care less that they portrayed Santa as black. If that helps a kid relate better to Jolly Ol’ St. Nick then go for it. But let’s not pretend the this black Santa married to a white Santa that he kisses is a virtue move. This book is a blatant attempt at generating outrage, and they’re using children to do it.​

Don't worry, gays are still number one when it comes to all the people Republicans hate.

And a lot of cons / mental patients (redundant, I know) don't understand Santa is a fictional character.

Most children learn this about age 6 or so.

Actually to children he's real. So liberals want to turn him into a prissy pervert.

So is the Easter Bunny and Tooth Fairy. No doubt you still Bleeve in them.

And here I assumed you leftists were smart.
Obviously I'm not the one being affected here.
This is about brainwashing children.....not friggen adults.
This is getting ridiculous. I guess what Santa means has got to diversify.......

CNN Pushes a Gay Santa Storybook for Kids Featuring “Santa’s Husband”
CNN Pushes a Gay Santa Storybook for Kids Featuring "Santa's Husband," and I Have Some Questions
CNN, the same network that won an award for stellar reporting after suggesting a missing airplane fell into a black hole, helped promote a Christmas book for kids that tells the “fresh, new” story of Santa Claus and his gay husband.

During a segment on CNN’s “New Day,” Co-anchor Christi Paul and co-host Victor Blackwell dedicated four minutes to the book, “Santa’s Husband,” and even had author Daniel Kibblesmith, and illustrator Ashley Quach on the show to discuss the book.

According to Kibblesmith, the idea was inspired by “the annual tradition we have in this country of pretending that there’s a giant war on Christmas, and that traditional Christmas is under attack.” Kibblesmith added that after seeing the controversy of a black Santa from last year, he would only promote a black Santa to his kids, and if they see a white Santa, he would inform his children that that’s just Santa’s husband.

After a social media conversation with the illustrator, the book was put together.

The book features a look into the life of black Santa and his gay white husband — who looks like the traditional Santa — and even goes into their solving marital problems by kissing over a plate of milk and cookies.

According to the Daily Wire, when asked to respond to the criticism brought up from people, including those within the gay community, and whether or not this was made to promote a political agenda, Kibblesmith responded:

Well, I think that’s a legitimate criticism. I mean, I’m literally on the news anchor scene now, but, you know, that’s just the world that we come from. I’m a political satire writer. So when, you know, I have the opportunity to write a book, these are the things that I care about and that I’m interested in. My only real response to that, I think, is that we’re trying to put a net positive into the world and contribute to a vacuum of representation. But these are obviously our views — they’re not everybody’s views, and we’re just flattered that the response has been so overwhelmingly positive so far.

Some questions…

For one, who is being underrepresented here? The gay community. Do young children have a concern about the underrepresentation of gays in Santa’s story? I was under the impression that kids didn’t give half a rotted rat’s rear about people’s sexual orientations and the demographics popping up in stories about a man in a red suit who gives them presents. They care about the fact that a man in a red suit is delivering presents.

Secondly, the author plays it off like he’s just doing the world a solid by introducing this book into the market. A good guy doing a good deed. Of course, he does this after mocking the idea that there’s a war on Christmas, saying the war on Christmas inspired the idea, and is pushing a message of homosexuality into a children’s character used to celebrate a Christian holiday.

So how is this guy going to try to get us to believe that this isn’t his little contribution to the clearly ongoing war on Christmas? This book was clearly made as a way to get those racist, homophobic Christians to freak out. It surely wasn’t made for the kids. By the author’s own confession, the book was made out of spite. He wasn’t doing it to be a good guy, he was doing it to be an ass.

Finally, can we all agree that CNN is clearly only promoting the book in order to garner the reaction from people? Okay, cool.

Look, I couldn’t care less that they portrayed Santa as black. If that helps a kid relate better to Jolly Ol’ St. Nick then go for it. But let’s not pretend the this black Santa married to a white Santa that he kisses is a virtue move. This book is a blatant attempt at generating outrage, and they’re using children to do it.​

Don't worry, gays are still number one when it comes to all the people Republicans hate.

And a lot of cons / mental patients (redundant, I know) don't understand Santa is a fictional character.

Most children learn this about age 6 or so.

Actually to children he's real. So liberals want to turn him into a prissy pervert.

So is the Easter Bunny and Tooth Fairy. No doubt you still Bleeve in them.

And here I assumed you leftists were smart.
Obviously I'm not the one being affected here.
This is about brainwashing children.....not friggen adults.

So children aged 6 watching CNN is your concern. :lol:

Kay, mudbath.
Don't worry, gays are still number one when it comes to all the people Republicans hate.
And a lot of cons / mental patients (redundant, I know) don't understand Santa is a fictional character.

Most children learn this about age 6 or so.
Actually to children he's real. So liberals want to turn him into a prissy pervert.
So is the Easter Bunny and Tooth Fairy. No doubt you still Bleeve in them.
And here I assumed you leftists were smart.
Obviously I'm not the one being affected here.
This is about brainwashing children.....not friggen adults.
So children aged 6 watching CNN is your concern. :lol:

Kay, mudbath.
No, shitforbrains.:slap:
They were talking about this book they would be circulating around schools.

I guess people have to spell everything out to you idiots on the left.
This is getting ridiculous. I guess what Santa means has got to diversify.......

CNN Pushes a Gay Santa Storybook for Kids Featuring “Santa’s Husband”
CNN Pushes a Gay Santa Storybook for Kids Featuring "Santa's Husband," and I Have Some Questions
CNN, the same network that won an award for stellar reporting after suggesting a missing airplane fell into a black hole, helped promote a Christmas book for kids that tells the “fresh, new” story of Santa Claus and his gay husband.

During a segment on CNN’s “New Day,” Co-anchor Christi Paul and co-host Victor Blackwell dedicated four minutes to the book, “Santa’s Husband,” and even had author Daniel Kibblesmith, and illustrator Ashley Quach on the show to discuss the book.

According to Kibblesmith, the idea was inspired by “the annual tradition we have in this country of pretending that there’s a giant war on Christmas, and that traditional Christmas is under attack.” Kibblesmith added that after seeing the controversy of a black Santa from last year, he would only promote a black Santa to his kids, and if they see a white Santa, he would inform his children that that’s just Santa’s husband.

After a social media conversation with the illustrator, the book was put together.

The book features a look into the life of black Santa and his gay white husband — who looks like the traditional Santa — and even goes into their solving marital problems by kissing over a plate of milk and cookies.

According to the Daily Wire, when asked to respond to the criticism brought up from people, including those within the gay community, and whether or not this was made to promote a political agenda, Kibblesmith responded:

Well, I think that’s a legitimate criticism. I mean, I’m literally on the news anchor scene now, but, you know, that’s just the world that we come from. I’m a political satire writer. So when, you know, I have the opportunity to write a book, these are the things that I care about and that I’m interested in. My only real response to that, I think, is that we’re trying to put a net positive into the world and contribute to a vacuum of representation. But these are obviously our views — they’re not everybody’s views, and we’re just flattered that the response has been so overwhelmingly positive so far.

Some questions…

For one, who is being underrepresented here? The gay community. Do young children have a concern about the underrepresentation of gays in Santa’s story? I was under the impression that kids didn’t give half a rotted rat’s rear about people’s sexual orientations and the demographics popping up in stories about a man in a red suit who gives them presents. They care about the fact that a man in a red suit is delivering presents.

Secondly, the author plays it off like he’s just doing the world a solid by introducing this book into the market. A good guy doing a good deed. Of course, he does this after mocking the idea that there’s a war on Christmas, saying the war on Christmas inspired the idea, and is pushing a message of homosexuality into a children’s character used to celebrate a Christian holiday.

So how is this guy going to try to get us to believe that this isn’t his little contribution to the clearly ongoing war on Christmas? This book was clearly made as a way to get those racist, homophobic Christians to freak out. It surely wasn’t made for the kids. By the author’s own confession, the book was made out of spite. He wasn’t doing it to be a good guy, he was doing it to be an ass.

Finally, can we all agree that CNN is clearly only promoting the book in order to garner the reaction from people? Okay, cool.

Look, I couldn’t care less that they portrayed Santa as black. If that helps a kid relate better to Jolly Ol’ St. Nick then go for it. But let’s not pretend the this black Santa married to a white Santa that he kisses is a virtue move. This book is a blatant attempt at generating outrage, and they’re using children to do it.​

If it can help children who already feel gay, then why not?
Same thing as their dream Jesus was gay.
Jesus wore a dress.
He only hung around with guys.
He is always portrayed as being rather buff.
He only fucked a woman one, and "once" means that he didn't like it.
He rode a donkey, which at that time was reserved for women and slaves, and we know that he wasn't a slave.

So there's a good probability that Jesus was gay. :cool:
Jesus wore a dress.
He only hung around with guys.
He is always portrayed as being rather buff.
He only fucked a woman one, and "once" means that he didn't like it.
He rode a donkey, which at that time was reserved for women and slaves, and we know that he wasn't a slave.

So there's a good probability that Jesus was gay. :cool:

You cant have a complete nativity scene without a Caganer
You cant have a complete nativity scene without a Caganer
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The sickness of the left revealed.

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