CNN reporter rips Megyn Kelly (Fox talking head) over lies

Wow that's what CNN is reduced to. They're like the maintenance guy at an old Times Square XXX Porno Theater.

No, actually, CNN did it's job. It corrected false "information". And in terms of the medical world, there is a HUGE difference between 100.3 fever and 103 fever. HUGE.
don't try to use logic w/ low-info, Repub-voting, hive-mind types like Frank1400PennAve. :tinfoil:
Wow that's what CNN is reduced to. They're like the maintenance guy at an old Times Square XXX Porno Theater.

No, actually, CNN did it's job. It corrected false "information". And in terms of the medical world, there is a HUGE difference between 100.3 fever and 103 fever. HUGE.

Bravo for them! Bravo! That's what real journalism is! Maybe they can have the Errata Hour where they find every little mistake and focus on hoe evil Conservatives are and all the goodness and honey that flows from the Obama Administration

Good for them!

Unlike Benghazi, IRS, Fast and Furious, Solyndra, "If you like your plan" CNN did they vicious watchdog job.


Well, I can accept your little hissy fit, G-d bless your soul.

Now, back to FOX: part of why this is important is FOX is notorious for more than just plain old false chyrons. Often, FOX commentators have deliberately falsely quoted poll values and then, in the last 30 seconds of the segment, corrected the figures under their breath.

This is not just negligence. This is ORGANIZED.

A 103 fever means that if it tips to 104, you can very well die, and quickly at that.

A 100.3 fever is uncomfortable, but usually a sign that the body is (hopefully, successfully) combatting an infection.

There really is a HUGE difference between the two and I would expect that a person as smart as you quite obviously are would take a step back and realize that this is a true fuck up on the part of FOX. But it part of a long history of such fuck-ups. CNN did the right thing in this case, most absolutely it did.

Huge! Huge Fuck up! Wow! Should the FCC take away their broadcast license?

Nope. The correction and the humiliation for FOX that the world knows that FOX once again fucked up is enough. Unlike fascist Righties, I don't believe in taking away peoples' livelihoods.
The salient point here, (why we so frequently have to point this out to you guys is prima facie evidence of your inadequacy to the challenge of jobs requiring sound judgment) is that Obama blew it when he did not halt commercial airline flights from Ebola countries.

That's why I've taken to calling him, Eboma.

Not whether Megyn Kelley should have said 100.3 rather than 103.

Don't try to deflect.
Topic, do you stay on it?

You want to talk about something else then start another thread you drone.
Wow that's what CNN is reduced to. They're like the maintenance guy at an old Times Square XXX Porno Theater.

No, actually, CNN did it's job. It corrected false "information". And in terms of the medical world, there is a HUGE difference between 100.3 fever and 103 fever. HUGE.

Bravo for them! Bravo! That's what real journalism is! Maybe they can have the Errata Hour where they find every little mistake and focus on hoe evil Conservatives are and all the goodness and honey that flows from the Obama Administration

Good for them!

Unlike Benghazi, IRS, Fast and Furious, Solyndra, "If you like your plan" CNN did they vicious watchdog job.


Well, I can accept your little hissy fit, G-d bless your soul.

Now, back to FOX: part of why this is important is FOX is notorious for more than just plain old false chyrons. Often, FOX commentators have deliberately falsely quoted poll values and then, in the last 30 seconds of the segment, corrected the figures under their breath.

This is not just negligence. This is ORGANIZED.

A 103 fever means that if it tips to 104, you can very well die, and quickly at that.

A 100.3 fever is uncomfortable, but usually a sign that the body is (hopefully, successfully) combatting an infection.

There really is a HUGE difference between the two and I would expect that a person as smart as you quite obviously are would take a step back and realize that this is a true fuck up on the part of FOX. But it part of a long history of such fuck-ups. CNN did the right thing in this case, most absolutely it did.

Huge! Huge Fuck up! Wow! Should the FCC take away their broadcast license?

I'm not sure that anyone, besides you, has suggested that.
Blonde talking head caught "flubbing" the numbers :eusa_naughty:

CNN's Brian Stelter wagged his finger at Fox News on Sunday for what he described as premature condemnation of Ebola's first patient in New York City.

Rolling a clip from Thursday's edition of "The Kelly File," Stelter presented host Megyn Kelly ripping into Dr. Craig Spencer for not "self-quarantining" after he discovered he had a "103 fever."

"Spencer did not have a 103 fever, he had a 100.3 fever, " he said. "The decimal point is all that matters, here."

GOP TV caught w/ their hand in the fear-mongering, cookie jar again :rofl:

Worse than that, she doubles down when confronted w/ her secondary school-like error :eusa_doh:

The salient point here, (why we so frequently have to point this out to you guys is prima facie evidence of your inadequacy to the challenge of jobs requiring sound judgment) is that Obama blew it when he did not halt commercial airline flights from Ebola countries.

That's why I've taken to calling him, Eboma.

Not whether Megyn Kelley should have said 100.3 rather than 103.

Don't try to deflect.

Actually, that is EXACTLY what the topic of this thread is.
she does whatever the hate machine leader (Roger Ailes of Fox[former Nixon communications guy]) tells her to

Well, she is hot. What dude is not gonna want to stupfz her?

I dont.

Her nose looks like Michael Jacksons and I don't like her attitude

Anyhoo - this doctor is a real jackass. Anyone smart enough to become a doctor should self quarantine for the duration of the incubation period after working directly with the disease. But instead, he shoots about leisurely on subways and cars and bowling alleys and restaurants in the most popular city in the country?
she does whatever the hate machine leader (Roger Ailes of Fox[former Nixon communications guy]) tells her to

Doesn't her show sit atop the ratings list?

No wonder she's being sniped at.

Same reason the USA is sniped at.

She's the best. We're the best.
"Best at" :eusa_eh: You DO realize that tv viewership is based on ratings which is in direct correlation to creating controversy? Even to the point of "making stuff up" like was done by Ailes/Fox/GOP TV in this instance?

Go away. you bother me w/ your naivete. :bye1:
Wow that's what CNN is reduced to. They're like the maintenance guy at an old Times Square XXX Porno Theater.

No, actually, CNN did it's job. It corrected false "information". And in terms of the medical world, there is a HUGE difference between 100.3 fever and 103 fever. HUGE.

Bravo for them! Bravo! That's what real journalism is! Maybe they can have the Errata Hour where they find every little mistake and focus on hoe evil Conservatives are and all the goodness and honey that flows from the Obama Administration

Good for them!

Unlike Benghazi, IRS, Fast and Furious, Solyndra, "If you like your plan" CNN did they vicious watchdog job.


Well, I can accept your little hissy fit, G-d bless your soul.

Now, back to FOX: part of why this is important is FOX is notorious for more than just plain old false chyrons. Often, FOX commentators have deliberately falsely quoted poll values and then, in the last 30 seconds of the segment, corrected the figures under their breath.

This is not just negligence. This is ORGANIZED.

A 103 fever means that if it tips to 104, you can very well die, and quickly at that.

A 100.3 fever is uncomfortable, but usually a sign that the body is (hopefully, successfully) combatting an infection.

There really is a HUGE difference between the two and I would expect that a person as smart as you quite obviously are would take a step back and realize that this is a true fuck up on the part of FOX. But it part of a long history of such fuck-ups. CNN did the right thing in this case, most absolutely it did.

Another case of fear mongering, that is what you are doing.

The temperature did spike to 103 on Thursday, so CNN has lied!
"Health officials initially said that Dr. Spencer had a 103-degree fever when he reported his symptoms to authorities at around 11 a.m. on Thursday."

Huh? What??

Why no comment on this?

BTW...nice war against women there Dot....Tell us, how long have you hated women?
Why no comment?

Because Dottie lied and sadly shims fellow libs here either didn't figure that out or don't care.
"Dr. Craig Spencer returned to NYC from Africa 10 days ago, according to the Post. On Thursday he was rushed to Bellevue Hospital from his Harlem home after exhibiting Ebola-like symptoms: a 103-degree fever and nausea

Updated Ebola in New York Doctor rushed to NYC hospital with 103-degree fever

So FOX was right and CNN was wrong, do you think Statistikhengst will jump on CNN for lying? Hell, he won't even apologize for starting this thread.

He is about dishonesty and fear mongering.

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