CNN: Russia Did Not Help Trump

The "threat" Russia represents is so exaggerated that I just don't have the right words. Never was there a better example of making a mountain out of a mole hill. You're all fucking ridiculous.


However the vastly underreported story is how dangerous China is..... How many congressmen and Senators they actually own through back channels... how much illegitimate campaign money comes into this country through Mexico from China. It's huge....It's 10 times bigger than anything Russia ever thought about doing...And it's very well protected.

Israel owns far more. And causes us to stay in the ME, and be entangled there, even though we have no reason to be.

You demonic retards are hilarious.

Dude, don't lump me in with low information nut bags.

You know all I post are facts.

If something I wrote triggers you? Then examine your own biases if you don't like facts.

AIPAC doesn’t contribute directly to candidates. Which pro-Israel groups do?
AIPAC doesn’t contribute directly to candidates. Which pro-Israel groups do?

David Friedman, United States Ambassador to Israel, speaking at the AIPAC Policy Conference (Michael Brochstein/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images)

". . .Though AIPAC as an organization cannot contribute to campaigns, individuals who work for the organization have. In the 2018 election cycle, individuals affiliated with the organization donated just $21,350 to 14 different candidates, nine of whom were Democrats. No one associated with AIPAC gave any contributions to McCarthy.

AIPAC said in a tweet on Sunday night that “We are proud that we are engaged in the democratic process to strengthen the US-Israel relationship. Our bipartisan efforts are reflective of American values and interests. We will not be deterred in any way by ill-informed and illegitimate attacks on this important work.”

AIPAC is a significant player in terms of lobbying, accounting for the vast majority of lobbying spending by pro-Israel groups, spending more than $3.5 million in 2018. The organization was staunchly opposed to the Iran Nuclear Deal in 2015, lobbied extensively against it and supported the Trump administration’s withdrawal from the agreement.

Other pro-Israel groups are also prominent and active political spending forces each cycle. The 2018 midterms saw groups in the movement contribute more than $14.8 million, the highest total for them in a midterm since 1990. Contributions went predominantly towards Democrats who received 63 percent. Sen. Robert Menendez (D-N.J.) received by far the most money from pro-Israel groups in 2018 with $546,507.

In comparison, McCarthy received just $33,200 from pro-Israel groups in the midterms. In all, 269 members of the House and 57 members of the Senate received some monetary contributions from pro-Israel interests in 2018.. . . "\

Trump’s Transition Team Colluded With Israel. Why Isn’t That News?
Trump’s Transition Team Colluded With Israel. Why Isn’t That News?


Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu meets with Jared Kushner in Jerusalem on June 21, 2017.

Photo: Provided by Amos Ben Gershom/GPO/Anadolu Agency/Getty Images

". . . Got that? The Trump transition team — in the form of key Trump advisers Kushner and Flynn — reached out to the Russian government in order to undermine the U.S. government because the Israeli government asked them to.

Where’s the outrage? How is the sheer “scope and audacity” of the Trump-Netanyahu backchannels — to quote one U.S. official who spoke to me on condition of anonymity because he is not authorized to speak publicly on this issue — not a bigger story? For a start, as University of Chicago law professors Daniel Hemel and Eric Posner argued in a New York Times op-ed on Monday, the much-mocked Logan Act of 1799 remains “a serious criminal statute that bars citizens from undermining the foreign policy actions of the sitting president.” These two legal scholars point out that “if Mr. Flynn violated the Logan Act, then so did the ‘very senior’ official who directed his actions. If that official is Mr. Kushner, then Mr. Kushner could go to jail.”
Last I checked Israel has no goals to destroy America, so be a good boy and tell us how much China, Russia, Iran etc are spending.
McGuire did not get fired. There is no ill-will between him and the White House. It's all a fabricated Bullshit story. McGuire has only ever been acting director waiting for a permanent replacement.

He was replaced...which means an even more temporary yea...that post was useless

I realize it's necessary for you to construct a false narrative in order to save face. He was never promised the job he was always ever an acting director. Acting directors are replaced like light bulbs in DC all the time.
There's nothing unusual about the way this was handled except for the fact that partisan hacks want to make a big deal out of nothing for political purposes like you for instance.

Thread summary:

As usual, the Trump cultists are competing to see who spout the dopiest conspiracy theory. That's expected. If they weren't extremely stupid and gullible, they wouldn't have been sucked into the Trump cult.

The good news, for them, is that they won't burn in Hell for being traitors. Instead, they'll freeze. Traitors go into the 9th circle of Hell, where they spend eternity entombed in an icy lake formed by the frozen tears of Lucifer.
Also as usual.... Left-wing hack propagandists are scurrying for cover in the face of the real story.... The one that doesn't fit their narrative. In order to divert attention from their dishonesty they throw out the a blanket of broad brush insults towards those who have discovered it imagining that they have done something good for the cause.The reality of course is that no one is fooled by this ploy and the voting public will demonstrate that in November.

The "threat" Russia represents is so exaggerated that I just don't have the right words. Never was there a better example of making a mountain out of a mole hill. You're all fucking ridiculous.


However the vastly underreported story is how dangerous China is..... How many congressmen and Senators they actually own through back channels... how much illegitimate campaign money comes into this country through Mexico from China. It's huge....It's 10 times bigger than anything Russia ever thought about doing...And it's very well protected.

Israel owns far more. And causes us to stay in the ME, and be entangled there, even though we have no reason to be.

You demonic retards are hilarious.

Dude, don't lump me in with low information nut bags.

You know all I post are facts.

If something I wrote triggers you? Then examine your own biases if you don't like facts.

AIPAC doesn’t contribute directly to candidates. Which pro-Israel groups do?
AIPAC doesn’t contribute directly to candidates. Which pro-Israel groups do?

David Friedman, United States Ambassador to Israel, speaking at the AIPAC Policy Conference (Michael Brochstein/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images)

". . .Though AIPAC as an organization cannot contribute to campaigns, individuals who work for the organization have. In the 2018 election cycle, individuals affiliated with the organization donated just $21,350 to 14 different candidates, nine of whom were Democrats. No one associated with AIPAC gave any contributions to McCarthy.

AIPAC said in a tweet on Sunday night that “We are proud that we are engaged in the democratic process to strengthen the US-Israel relationship. Our bipartisan efforts are reflective of American values and interests. We will not be deterred in any way by ill-informed and illegitimate attacks on this important work.”

AIPAC is a significant player in terms of lobbying, accounting for the vast majority of lobbying spending by pro-Israel groups, spending more than $3.5 million in 2018. The organization was staunchly opposed to the Iran Nuclear Deal in 2015, lobbied extensively against it and supported the Trump administration’s withdrawal from the agreement.

Other pro-Israel groups are also prominent and active political spending forces each cycle. The 2018 midterms saw groups in the movement contribute more than $14.8 million, the highest total for them in a midterm since 1990. Contributions went predominantly towards Democrats who received 63 percent. Sen. Robert Menendez (D-N.J.) received by far the most money from pro-Israel groups in 2018 with $546,507.

In comparison, McCarthy received just $33,200 from pro-Israel groups in the midterms. In all, 269 members of the House and 57 members of the Senate received some monetary contributions from pro-Israel interests in 2018.. . . "\

Trump’s Transition Team Colluded With Israel. Why Isn’t That News?
Trump’s Transition Team Colluded With Israel. Why Isn’t That News?


Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu meets with Jared Kushner in Jerusalem on June 21, 2017.

Photo: Provided by Amos Ben Gershom/GPO/Anadolu Agency/Getty Images

". . . Got that? The Trump transition team — in the form of key Trump advisers Kushner and Flynn — reached out to the Russian government in order to undermine the U.S. government because the Israeli government asked them to.

Where’s the outrage? How is the sheer “scope and audacity” of the Trump-Netanyahu backchannels — to quote one U.S. official who spoke to me on condition of anonymity because he is not authorized to speak publicly on this issue — not a bigger story? For a start, as University of Chicago law professors Daniel Hemel and Eric Posner argued in a New York Times op-ed on Monday, the much-mocked Logan Act of 1799 remains “a serious criminal statute that bars citizens from undermining the foreign policy actions of the sitting president.” These two legal scholars point out that “if Mr. Flynn violated the Logan Act, then so did the ‘very senior’ official who directed his actions. If that official is Mr. Kushner, then Mr. Kushner could go to jail.”
Last I checked Israel has no goals to destroy America, so be a good boy and tell us how much China, Russia, Iran etc are spending.

How much they are spending to do what? :dunno:

. . . and of course Israel has no plan to destroy America. Nor does China, Russia or Iran.

All nations just want to expand their power, use resources and exist.

Only idiots would seriously think any nation would want to destroy America. The destruction of America would mean the destruction of the global economy. . .IOW, national self-suicide. We now live in an integrated world. Only an old fashioned thinker or a Boomer would deny this.

If any nation wanted to try to bring down America? They would in essence, be bringing down their own prosperity. WE ARE the global economy. The only nations that could reasonably bring us down w/o harming themselves? hmmmm . . . maybe Cuba? N. Korea?

Instead? Other nations want to be parasites off of our prosperity and power.

Still an article trying to claim it, with faux reasoning.
CNN are Fake News Liars, and now they are SUED Fake News Liars.

"Today the President's re-election campaign has filed suit against CNN for false statements, claiming that the campaign ‘assessed the potential risks and benefits of again seeking Russia's help in 2020 and has decided to leave that option on the table.’ The statements were and are 100 percent false and defamatory," Jenna Ellis, senior legal adviser to the Trump campaign, said in a statement. "The complaint alleges CNN was aware of the falsity at the time it published them, but did so for the intentional purpose of hurting the campaign, while misleading its own readers in the process."

"Further, the campaign, through counsel, sent a written demand to CNN on February 25, 2020 to retract and apologize for the false and defamatory statements. CNN refused, so the campaign was left with no alternative but to file suit to publicly establish the truth and seek appropriate remedies,"

In the case of alleged defamation against a public figure like the Trump campaign, the campaign would only have to prove malicious intent and a reckless disregard for the truth.

President Donald Trump did not bring this lawsuit and he is not a party in it, but his campaign is. Fake News CNN settled a defamation lawsuit from Covington Catholic High School teen Nick Sandmann early this year after repeatedly and deliberately slandering the young catholic teenager in a MAGA hat for holding a political view they disagreed with.
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