CNN says Trump will win popular vote

How? The margin has only increased since yesterday.

Well the margin I keep seeing is around 300k votes. That's really a small amount given each candidate was pushing 60 million total. The reason it's taking so long is because California takes about a week to tabulate all their votes.

There is a very good and legitimate reason we don't do presidential elections by popular vote. It is because, if we did that, presidential politics would simply be based around what large population centers wanted and the rest of the country could go screw themselves. Candidates wouldn't give two shits what someone in Kansas or Nebraska wanted... as long as they were making the people in Los Angeles and New York happy, that's all that would matter to them.

It's fascinating to me that Democrats (the party of the people) argue against a system that protects the individual over the collectivism of the majority. We have a republic because it protects the interests of the individual better than a democracy. Now, I don't suppose you'd support a popular vote on transsexuals in bathrooms or gay marriage rights... or abortion on demand.... No, no, no... the tyranny of the majority cannot prevail there! You like our system when it protects the individual rights YOU support.... but you reject it when it results in outcomes you don't like.
As the media keeps pushing the idea that Hillary one the popular vote, let's look at the map that the same media will not or cannot share with us. Look at this yourselves as this clearly illustrates, by county, who got the votes and from where.


The election map they are hidding to you – InvestmentWatch

The truth is is that there may never have been a more widely accepted choice for POTUS ever.
The state that gave Hillary a slim popular vote majority is now threatening to secede from the Union. Nuff said.
we all know that the illegal alien votes put her over Trumps "Legal Votes",,,,anyone wana guess how many illegals live in NY and Cally? where there are no voting laws so long as u push the D ??
As the media keeps pushing the idea that Hillary one the popular vote, let's look at the map that the same media will not or cannot share with us. Look at this yourselves as this clearly illustrates, by county, who got the votes and from where.


The election map they are hidding to you – InvestmentWatch

The truth is is that there may never have been a more widely accepted choice for POTUS ever.
It is beautiful to see my vision of a Trump election victory come together so clearly in a diagram.

During the primaries I knew Trump would pull a little bit of every demographic and every ideology in the country.
How? The margin has only increased since yesterday.

Well the margin I keep seeing is around 300k votes. That's really a small amount given each candidate was pushing 60 million total. The reason it's taking so long is because California takes about a week to tabulate all their votes.

There is a very good and legitimate reason we don't do presidential elections by popular vote. It is because, if we did that, presidential politics would simply be based around what large population centers wanted and the rest of the country could go screw themselves. Candidates wouldn't give two shits what someone in Kansas or Nebraska wanted... as long as they were making the people in Los Angeles and New York happy, that's all that would matter to them.

It's fascinating to me that Democrats (the party of the people) argue against a system that protects the individual over the collectivism of the majority. We have a republic because it protects the interests of the individual better than a democracy. Now, I don't suppose you'd support a popular vote on transsexuals in bathrooms or gay marriage rights... or abortion on demand.... No, no, no... the tyranny of the majority cannot prevail there! You like our system when it protects the individual rights YOU support.... but you reject it when it results in outcomes you don't like.
It's because liberals are not liberal, they are leftists and leftists are totalitarian. They'd have no problem with one person calling all the shots. Perhaps literally.
How? The margin has only increased since yesterday.

Well the margin I keep seeing is around 300k votes. That's really a small amount given each candidate was pushing 60 million total. The reason it's taking so long is because California takes about a week to tabulate all their votes.

There is a very good and legitimate reason we don't do presidential elections by popular vote. It is because, if we did that, presidential politics would simply be based around what large population centers wanted and the rest of the country could go screw themselves. Candidates wouldn't give two shits what someone in Kansas or Nebraska wanted... as long as they were making the people in Los Angeles and New York happy, that's all that would matter to them.

It's fascinating to me that Democrats (the party of the people) argue against a system that protects the individual over the collectivism of the majority. We have a republic because it protects the interests of the individual better than a democracy. Now, I don't suppose you'd support a popular vote on transsexuals in bathrooms or gay marriage rights... or abortion on demand.... No, no, no... the tyranny of the majority cannot prevail there! You like our system when it protects the individual rights YOU support.... but you reject it when it results in outcomes you don't like.

There is a reason we have the electoral college, but it isn't the reasons you state:

The Reason for the Electoral College

The reason that the Constitution calls for this extra layer, rather than just providing for the direct election of the president, is that most of the nation’s founders were actually rather afraid of democracy. James Madison worried about what he called “factions,” which he defined as groups of citizens who have a common interest in some proposal that would either violate the rights of other citizens or would harm the nation as a whole. Madison’s fear – which Alexis de Tocqueville later dubbed “the tyranny of the majority” – was that a faction could grow to encompass more than 50 percent of the population, at which point it could“sacrifice to its ruling passion or interest both the public good and the rights of other citizens.” Madison has a solution for tyranny of the majority: “A republic, by which I mean a government in which the scheme of representation takes place, opens a different prospect, and promises the cure for which we are seeking.”
As the media keeps pushing the idea that Hillary one the popular vote, let's look at the map that the same media will not or cannot share with us. Look at this yourselves as this clearly illustrates, by county, who got the votes and from where.


The election map they are hidding to you – InvestmentWatch

The truth is is that there may never have been a more widely accepted choice for POTUS ever.

Cows don't vote, dumbass.
Electoral college us also a check on fraud.....have to stuff whole lot more ballot boxes to win. If we go simply popular becomes a lot easier
How? The margin has only increased since yesterday.

Well the margin I keep seeing is around 300k votes. That's really a small amount given each candidate was pushing 60 million total. The reason it's taking so long is because California takes about a week to tabulate all their votes.

There is a very good and legitimate reason we don't do presidential elections by popular vote. It is because, if we did that, presidential politics would simply be based around what large population centers wanted and the rest of the country could go screw themselves. Candidates wouldn't give two shits what someone in Kansas or Nebraska wanted... as long as they were making the people in Los Angeles and New York happy, that's all that would matter to them.

It's fascinating to me that Democrats (the party of the people) argue against a system that protects the individual over the collectivism of the majority. We have a republic because it protects the interests of the individual better than a democracy. Now, I don't suppose you'd support a popular vote on transsexuals in bathrooms or gay marriage rights... or abortion on demand.... No, no, no... the tyranny of the majority cannot prevail there! You like our system when it protects the individual rights YOU support.... but you reject it when it results in outcomes you don't like.

It's more than just that. If you have a majority rule government, or in other word, a mob rule, then there is no need for a constitution or a Supreme Court. The country is simply run by referendum.

Minorities and the LGBT would be shit out of luck.

Do these people ever even think before opening their mouths?
How? The margin has only increased since yesterday.

Well the margin I keep seeing is around 300k votes. That's really a small amount given each candidate was pushing 60 million total. The reason it's taking so long is because California takes about a week to tabulate all their votes.

There is a very good and legitimate reason we don't do presidential elections by popular vote. It is because, if we did that, presidential politics would simply be based around what large population centers wanted and the rest of the country could go screw themselves. Candidates wouldn't give two shits what someone in Kansas or Nebraska wanted... as long as they were making the people in Los Angeles and New York happy, that's all that would matter to them.

It's fascinating to me that Democrats (the party of the people) argue against a system that protects the individual over the collectivism of the majority. We have a republic because it protects the interests of the individual better than a democracy. Now, I don't suppose you'd support a popular vote on transsexuals in bathrooms or gay marriage rights... or abortion on demand.... No, no, no... the tyranny of the majority cannot prevail there! You like our system when it protects the individual rights YOU support.... but you reject it when it results in outcomes you don't like.

Please be patient with California.

They're having to UPS rafts to Mexico so people with counting skills can report for work.

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