CNN Slides To #13 In Cable Rankings, due to fake news

CNN Slides To #13 In Cable Rankings

CNN has fallen to #13 in cable TV rankings, according to weekly numbers posted on Thursday by TV Newser.

The ratings slide comes as the network has come under heavy scrutiny for a variety of journalistic missteps, including the retraction of an article alleging that a Trump associate had illicit Russian business ties.

Fox News and MSNBC are listed as first and second, respectively, in the cable rankings, which measured average audience sizes for the period between June 26 and July 2. Fox News drew an audience of around 1.82 million while MSNBC drew an audience of 1.34 million. CNN had only 711,000 viewers on an average day during the measurement period.

This is why the Russia investigation has dissappeared

This is CNN trying to create fake news by attacking the people, but Trump supporters are everywhere

What the above moron does not tell you because he/she is an IDIOT.....

First, the survey is from last June.....and the August one has CNN up again......

Second, the survey shows that MSNBC is almost tied to right wingers' favorite bullshitters, Fox.


LOL so a survey taken in June no longer matters. Face it retard Mark Dice on youtube has more viewers than CNN does.............................

Big Yawn

Bye the way if it weren't true you would not care.

IS Anderson Pooper your hero
Why post a report from June if there is one from July and August?
CNN Slides To #13 In Cable Rankings

CNN has fallen to #13 in cable TV rankings, according to weekly numbers posted on Thursday by TV Newser.

The ratings slide comes as the network has come under heavy scrutiny for a variety of journalistic missteps, including the retraction of an article alleging that a Trump associate had illicit Russian business ties.

Fox News and MSNBC are listed as first and second, respectively, in the cable rankings, which measured average audience sizes for the period between June 26 and July 2. Fox News drew an audience of around 1.82 million while MSNBC drew an audience of 1.34 million. CNN had only 711,000 viewers on an average day during the measurement period.

This is why the Russia investigation has dissappeared

This is CNN trying to create fake news by attacking the people, but Trump supporters are everywhere
Member posts 2-month old news without noting it's two-months old. Busted!
CNN ratings are still higher than Trumps
As reported CNN the fake news network that no one watches

Bada bing bada boom

CNN is much more accurate than our President is

Trump is a fake Pesident
/----/ Nothing fake about President Trump but your hatred won't let you admit that.
Fake Presidents lie repeatedly....that is why they are fake
Fake Presidents need Russia's help to win an election
Fake Presidents lose the popular vote

Trump is a Fake President
Viewers are also spending more time watching MSNBC

Twice nothing is still nothing.

lol, MSNBC is a close second behind Foxnews. Fox's decline and MSNBC's rise is the real news here.
Hillary Clinton was second behind Trump.....................This means what?


Was she REALLY second behind trump ? Bernie did pretty good you know. DNC did hobble him.
CNN Slides To #13 In Cable Rankings

CNN has fallen to #13 in cable TV rankings, according to weekly numbers posted on Thursday by TV Newser.

The ratings slide comes as the network has come under heavy scrutiny for a variety of journalistic missteps, including the retraction of an article alleging that a Trump associate had illicit Russian business ties.

Fox News and MSNBC are listed as first and second, respectively, in the cable rankings, which measured average audience sizes for the period between June 26 and July 2. Fox News drew an audience of around 1.82 million while MSNBC drew an audience of 1.34 million. CNN had only 711,000 viewers on an average day during the measurement period.

This is why the Russia investigation has dissappeared

This is CNN trying to create fake news by attacking the people, but Trump supporters are everywhere

What the above moron does not tell you because he/she is an IDIOT.....

First, the survey is from last June.....and the August one has CNN up again......

Second, the survey shows that MSNBC is almost tied to right wingers' favorite bullshitters, Fox.


LOL so a survey taken in June no longer matters. Face it retard Mark Dice on youtube has more viewers than CNN does.............................

Big Yawn

Bye the way if it weren't true you would not care.

IS Anderson Pooper your hero
Why post a report from June if there is one from July and August?
CNN Slides To #13 In Cable Rankings

CNN has fallen to #13 in cable TV rankings, according to weekly numbers posted on Thursday by TV Newser.

The ratings slide comes as the network has come under heavy scrutiny for a variety of journalistic missteps, including the retraction of an article alleging that a Trump associate had illicit Russian business ties.

Fox News and MSNBC are listed as first and second, respectively, in the cable rankings, which measured average audience sizes for the period between June 26 and July 2. Fox News drew an audience of around 1.82 million while MSNBC drew an audience of 1.34 million. CNN had only 711,000 viewers on an average day during the measurement period.

This is why the Russia investigation has dissappeared

This is CNN trying to create fake news by attacking the people, but Trump supporters are everywhere
Member posts 2-month old news without noting it's two-months old. Busted!
/----/ Rather than complain why not post the latest rankings?
CNN ratings are still higher than Trumps
As reported CNN the fake news network that no one watches

Bada bing bada boom

CNN is much more accurate than our President is

Trump is a fake Pesident
/----/ Nothing fake about President Trump but your hatred won't let you admit that.
Fake Presidents lie repeatedly....that is why they are fake
Fake Presidents need Russia's help to win an election
Fake Presidents lose the popular vote

Trump is a Fake President

Viewers are also spending more time watching MSNBC

Twice nothing is still nothing.

lol, MSNBC is a close second behind Foxnews. Fox's decline and MSNBC's rise is the real news here.
Hillary Clinton was second behind Trump.....................This means what?


Was she REALLY second behind trump ? Bernie did pretty good you know. DNC did hobble him.
Truth be known Sanders might well have gotten the nomination if he had any balls and did not say that he did not care about Clintons emails
CNN ratings are still higher than Trumps
As reported CNN the fake news network that no one watches

Bada bing bada boom

CNN is much more accurate than our President is

Trump is a fake Pesident
/----/ Nothing fake about President Trump but your hatred won't let you admit that.
Fake Presidents lie repeatedly....that is why they are fake
Fake Presidents need Russia's help to win an election
Fake Presidents lose the popular vote

Trump is a Fake President
/----/ Of course none of that is true. It's just you and your leftest butt buddies lashing out.
Insane people believe what they see on the Clinton news network... that is fake news
CNN Slides To #13 In Cable Rankings

CNN has fallen to #13 in cable TV rankings, according to weekly numbers posted on Thursday by TV Newser.

The ratings slide comes as the network has come under heavy scrutiny for a variety of journalistic missteps, including the retraction of an article alleging that a Trump associate had illicit Russian business ties.

Fox News and MSNBC are listed as first and second, respectively, in the cable rankings, which measured average audience sizes for the period between June 26 and July 2. Fox News drew an audience of around 1.82 million while MSNBC drew an audience of 1.34 million. CNN had only 711,000 viewers on an average day during the measurement period.

This is why the Russia investigation has dissappeared

This is CNN trying to create fake news by attacking the people, but Trump supporters are everywhere

What the above moron does not tell you because he/she is an IDIOT.....

First, the survey is from last June.....and the August one has CNN up again......

Second, the survey shows that MSNBC is almost tied to right wingers' favorite bullshitters, Fox.


LOL so a survey taken in June no longer matters. Face it retard Mark Dice on youtube has more viewers than CNN does.............................

Big Yawn

Bye the way if it weren't true you would not care.

IS Anderson Pooper your hero
Why post a report from June if there is one from July and August?
CNN Slides To #13 In Cable Rankings

CNN has fallen to #13 in cable TV rankings, according to weekly numbers posted on Thursday by TV Newser.

The ratings slide comes as the network has come under heavy scrutiny for a variety of journalistic missteps, including the retraction of an article alleging that a Trump associate had illicit Russian business ties.

Fox News and MSNBC are listed as first and second, respectively, in the cable rankings, which measured average audience sizes for the period between June 26 and July 2. Fox News drew an audience of around 1.82 million while MSNBC drew an audience of 1.34 million. CNN had only 711,000 viewers on an average day during the measurement period.

This is why the Russia investigation has dissappeared

This is CNN trying to create fake news by attacking the people, but Trump supporters are everywhere
Member posts 2-month old news without noting it's two-months old. Busted!

I posted what Google returned, I do not spend time trying to post what you AGREE with.

Got that fuckface
Not sure why I or anyone who doesn't work in or study media organizations should care about cable channel ratings. Insofar as networks air whatever they do as they do, ratings say more about the viewers than they say about the networks. As for the content cable channels air, the reason they do is simple: to attract viewers so as to attract advertising revenue.

It's no surprise that CNN's viewership has fallen behind Fox and MSNBC. Unlike those two networks, CNN's editorial panels usually consist of "talking heads" from the moderate-to-extreme left, moderate-to-extreme right and, occasionally, center of the political spectrum. Like Fox and MSNBC, CNN's U.S. daytime and evening programming has, IMO, too much editorial content and not nearly enough "straight news" content.

Trump slides to number 45 in Presidential rankings

"Slides?" Didn't he start at 45? LOL

Kidding aside, I suspect that, barring the emergence of exceptional circumstances, once his tenure ends and with the 20/20 perfection of hindsight, in some 50 to 100 years, he'll have risen above 45 to someting between 45 and 35. That's not good, but it's not 45.

The WSJ and Federalist Society performed a study to determine how attorneys, historians and political scientists rate presidents in office before 2000. The conclusion:

Ranking U.S. presidents is much more than a parlor game for academics and much less than a full assessment of the myriad successes and failures of the men who have held our highest office. Global measures, such as “Above Average” or “Average” make sense only in comparative terms—and even then they are severely reductionist. Nonetheless, educating the public (as well as other scholars) about current assessments of presidents can contribute to understanding the history of the office, as well as give some perspective for evaluating the recent inhabitants of that office.

This study further contributes to our knowledge of the presidency by showing that length of term in office is an important determinant of reputation. Two-term presidents are today rated much higher than one-term presidents. This is somewhat in conflict with the common wisdom that second terms are always a failure, as well as with the idea that there is little correlation between electoral success and success in office. Democrats rank higher than Republicans in our study, but these differences are not statistically significant. Age at inauguration has no effect on measured success in office.

The rankings in our study are remarkably similar to those in the last Schlesinger study of historians. The correlation between the ranks in the two studies is a stunningly high .94.13 The only large difference between our study and Schlesinger’s was in the ranking of Ronald Reagan. Reagan ranks 8th in our study of presidential scholars, though he ranked 25th in Schlesinger’s last study. Reagan would have ranked 20th in Schlesinger’s study had Schlesinger used a conventional 0-4 (or 1-5) scale.14

By a wide margin, the most over-rated president in our study is John Kennedy, followed by Ronald Reagan. The most under-rated president is also Reagan. The president with highest variability in rankings is Bill Clinton, followed by Wilson and Reagan. Kennedy ranks at the bottom of the “Above Average” grouping, the highest ranking for any president who served less than one term. Reagan joins Jefferson, Teddy Roosevelt, Jackson, Truman, Eisenhower, Polk, and Wilson in the group of “Near Great” presidents. Clinton ranks in the “Average” grouping, the second lowest ranking for any president who served two full terms.​





Predictors of Greatness


Variability in rankings among experts from history, politics and law

Trump slides to number 45 in Presidential rankings
/----/ It's what we expect from Leftist pollsters.
If pollsters are leftist....why does Fox poll so high?
/----/ Fox has the chops to demand a correct count. It's all about advertising revenue. Always follow the money.
/----/ hey rightwinger- you laughed at my answer but I spent a decade in advertising and understand advertising rack rates as they are tied to listernship. But you chuckle away like the no nothing you are. Prime time spots on network television that may cost $2,000 to $3,000 per spot usually cost around $175 on cable. For a 30-second spot in a suburban area, advertisers may only spend $25 per spot on channels like CNN and ESPN, $20 for Nickelodeon and TNN, and $15for channels such as VH-1.

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