CNN’s Don Lemon Insists Trump Supporters Are Mental

Big Coal Predicted Climate Change...In 1966

Coal Knew, Too | HuffPost

Their own scientists knew it before the scientific community did

And their only concern was "How much money can we make before this all blows up?"


Threads like these just prove how gullible and utterly incapable bed wetters are of a rational, independent thought.

Let's pretend the Huf Po agitprop is even remotely true.

Lets suppose all the big coal company execs and owners got together and had a secret confrence to decide to destroy the planet for cash.

A normal person would immediately ask, "OK then, so what planet are all these guys going to go to after their MMGW destroys the world"?

Why do banks continue to fund building projects for Oceanside resorts?

Why do insurance companies continue to cover buildings and property anywhere neat the water?

When I assert that american bed wetting leftist pieces of shit do not have functioning frontal lobes I am not even slightly joking, and they prove my assertion to be true every day.

Dumbest mother fuckers on the planet, every one of them are fugitives of natural selection.

So Let Don Lemon say what he wants, his audience is a vacuous mob of imbeciles.

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If he believes Trump-supporters are "mental", it's only because he hasn't read some of the liberal's posts on USMB.
Well since we’re all deplorable I just thought being mental was sorta understood. Goes nicely with our Walmart smell, don’t you think?
They are not just mental, they are deplorable

How else do you explain the faithful believing any lie Trump tells them?
Supporting positions they had previously opposed?
Abandoning Conservative ideals?
Believing an image of Trump presented on a Reality TV show is real?
They are not just mental, they are deplorable

How else do you explain the faithful believing any lie Trump tells them?
Supporting positions they had previously opposed?
Abandoning Conservative ideals?
Believing an image of Trump presented on a Reality TV show is real?

I would explain it like this: We don't like you, we don't want to be like you, we don't trust you, we don't believe you, and we don't believe in the same things you believe.

I'd rather have my nuts nailed to a burning stump and be given a rusty butter knife, than to vote for a single one of those 2020 Democratic candidates.

And this is coming from someone who was a Democrat at one time, so I know exactly who you are, what you are, and where you're coming from.
LOL oh that's rich. We may be mental but none of us would rub our fingers on our dicks and stick them in the face of another person. That would be Don Mental Sicko Lemon.
You need to understand that to the left it is all about feelings, thought and reasoning are not something that matters.
If you say that the Trump administration has more women then any other they cry he hates women. They claim that Biden likes women because he holds them and sniffs them.
They claim that Trump is bad because someone placed a transcript on a secure server. They claim it is more then admissible for Hillar to destroy 33,000 emails under subpoena. If someone writes E=Mc2 they call them dumb but claim 1+1= Duh fine.
They are not just mental, they are deplorable

You people ought to take a good long hard look in the mirror yourselves because your behaviors the last three years have been far from upstanding. You're in no place to judge. You're all bat shit crazy on both sides.
They are not just mental, they are deplorable

How else do you explain the faithful believing any lie Trump tells them?
Supporting positions they had previously opposed?
Abandoning Conservative ideals?
Believing an image of Trump presented on a Reality TV show is real?
Weak sauce of projection, coming from a sycophant of the Mulatto Messiah,

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