CNN’s Lemon stunned in Royal Commentator’s response to notion of British Royals paying reparations

Blacks aren't owed shit.

If anything, they owe US reparations, because of the never-ending problems they've caused in this country.

Want money? Get a fucking job.

yeh, look at all the mayhem they have caused.. remember those 2 Black guys who went around in a car shooting people from the trunk?

Then there are the black on white murders that happen.. way more than vice versa

But you know.. I'm not racist. There was Redd Foxx.. richard prior.. lots of people who made the world a better place (or at least made us laugh).. The Supremes, Herman Cain, Clarence Thomas

I esp love Clarence Thomas. He is a great jurist.
1 blacks are the ones that rounded and enslaved blacks for their own use and to sell to other countries. No one just went to Africa and started picking up random blacks.

The story of dahomey, the nation which the current movie the woman king is proof of this. Except unlike the movie, they didn't stop it, they continued it.

Even bill Maher of all people talked about this topic.

So no. Blacks don't deserve anything.

2 this was a long time ago. No one alive today was a slave and no one alive today bought a slave. No one deserves anything for something they didnt suffer. Nor their parents or grandparents. No one alive today has even met someone that was one a slave.

3 if you pay out for blacks then you need to pay out to news for what happened in Egypt. Or pretty much every rsce that was once enslaved, which is every race. Everyone has been a slave to someone else at some point.

yeh, maybe anyone could find something in his family history to "justify" getting reparations. The Catholics were not treated well when they came from Ireland and other countries so I could claim that I deserve some reparation.


You could literally have millions of claims and we are already in Debt to the tune of 30 trillion. Of course, that is the fault of big spending Swamp or Sewerland dirtbags..
Almost everyone who is descended from slaves is much better off now than they would have been if their ancestors had never left their shithole countries. That doesn't mean I'm for or defending slavery, just stating the truth that descendants are better off now than they would have been, so they've already received their reparations.
Many times in my life I have been forced to undergo some change i didn't want to undergo, only to find out in the end that I needed to go through that so as to benefit from something down the road. That's life.
Many times in my life I have been forced to undergo some change i didn't want to undergo, only to find out in the end that I needed to go through that so as to benefit from something down the road. That's life.
Ditto. There have been several times in my life when something happened and things looked bad, only to find out later it was for the best and that I was actually better off than I was before. Often times you don't see it right then and there but it becomes more obvious on down the road, something like a door closing and a window opening kind of thing.

I feel sorry for the original slaves for what they went through, but, most of their descendants are better off than if their ancestors had not been brought to our country. And, in some cases, some of the slaves were actually better off than they had been. Granted, that was probably more the exception than the rule and it must have been degrading.
IMHO---the persons abducted into slavery for the past several thousand years were victims of an evil and ubiquitous human endeavor. Millions and Millions of people are descended from such victims. There is no
way to determine just WHO THEY ARE-----skin color is not the answer

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