CO trans terrorist, who planned to shoot up schools and churches, arrested

Are we seeing a pattern yet?

- White House: "It's not for us to decide" if killing Christians is a Hate Crime

- Biden State Department Offers $5 Million in Grants to ‘Empower’ LGBT Activists

LGBT activism groups can access millions of dollars in U.S. taxpayer money to promote the homosexual and transgender agenda, thanks to a State Department grant program.

The $5 million comes from the State Department’s “Global Equity Fund.”

'William Whitworth, a 19-year-old male who claims to be female and goes by the name “Lilly,” has been arrested in Colorado Springs, Colo., after threatening various local schools.

Whitworth has been charged with two counts of criminal attempt to commit murder in the first degree, as well as criminal mischief, menacing, and more.

His case, following so soon after Audrey Hale, a woman claiming to be male, murdered six people at a Christian school in Nashville, once again raises the question:

Wouldn’t we be better off treating this “transgender” business as mental illness rather than coddling and celebrating people who suffer from these delusions?

Completely messing children up with non-science-based COVID-19 isolation, lockdowns, wasn't enough....

They then targeted scientifically proven mentally and physically under-developed, highly impressionable children for transgender confusion, indoctrination, and genital mutilation.

They have openly bragged about transgender confusing them, seperated them from their parents, isolated them, preyed upon them, mutilated their genitals, and then abandoned them to deal with the physical and psychological aftermath on their own.

These threats, these mentally disturbed transgender would-be terrorists...are the results of the leftist evil who prey upon children, who spread their mental disease and destruction on everything and everyone they touch.

Mental nut job
Memes are becoming reality

Arrest the family members too...they know this dude was a tranny and still enabled his terrorist behavior
They want to be what they aren’t and if society does not embrace that then they will kill people
Yeah. I figured that girl in the Tn school would cause a rash of incidents. They have some radical group that's all for it, I forget the name. Bet they'll never be called domestic terrorists. New freedom fighters.
Maybe you assholes should learn to treat us as human beings instead of subhuman trash? Any group of people that is treated the way you want to treat us is going to lash out.

Lets learn to respect and love each other instead of attack one another.
Maybe you assholes should learn to treat us as human beings instead of subhuman trash? Any group of people that is treated the way you want to treat us is going to lash out.

Lets learn to respect and love each other instead of attack one another.
Maybe go tell that to your "bros"

Notice you're not condemning the perp but the victim.
Maybe you assholes should learn to treat us as human beings instead of subhuman trash? Any group of people that is treated the way you want to treat us is going to lash out.

Lets learn to respect and love each other instead of attack one another.

Probably if you'd just live your own life and not shove your sexuality in our faces every time we turn around, and maybe if you'd stop wiggling your dicks at minors or recruiting minors on social media, you wouldn't be considered sub-human trash.
Video of the removal of a child from a Muslim family in Germany.
Social media says they were anti-LGBT.

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