Coastal Elitist CEO calls rural Americans stupid and racist

After the election Bernie Sanders said e was ashamed of the DNC because they abandoned Middle America / the Middle class, which is why, he opined, they abandoned the Democrats at the Polls. I think Bernie is onto something. Maybe THIS is part of the reason why the Middle Class / Middle Americans abandoned the Democrats:

Tech Founder: Middle America Is Too ‘Violent, Stupid And Racist’ For New Jobs

One Silicon Valley executive had a few choice words to describe Americans living in the heart of the nation, and they were not flattering. Melinda Byerley, MBA and founder of Timeshare CMO, a Silicon Valley-based tech start-up, tweeted out Saturday afternoon describing what middle America could do to “get more jobs in their area.”

Byerley says that the first thing those in middle America need to realize is that “no educated person wants to live in a shithole with stupid people.” Particularly, in a “shithole” filled with people who are “violent, racist, and/or misogynistic.” In Byerley’s opinion, “big corporations,” do not consider moving to the heart of America because “those towns have nothing going for them.”

She declares that if middle American towns can begin fixing their schools, and, essentially, “clean up their act,” then people like Byerley will “want to live there.”

Ummm, liberals control the schools...and yes, places like Chicago, run by Liberals, are 'holes' where no one wants to go. It can be argued that some of the places she claims have nothing going for them - just a couple bars and one or two failed schools - are because companies have taken their businesses / factories overseas and left them with nothing. Detroit was once thriving until businesses left to go overseas. Obama promised not to forget them then abandoned them.

Byerley suggestions for these places to get more jobs, though, include:
- Stop being a sh!thole
- Don't be violent / racists / misogynistic (like the liberals who were exposed by their own emails as being racists, sexist, homophobic anti-Semites and liberals who were paid to intimidate, beat, and bloody Trump supporters
- Try to become more prosperous without big businesses or help from the outside so you will attract those big businesses to come to your 'sh!tholes'
- Ask your federal, state, and local liberals to fix your schools (turning them back into places of learning instead of liberal indoctrination camps ... 'Barak Hussein Obama ... Mmm Mmm Mmm...')
- Vote Democrats the next election and Nancy Pelosi / Chuck Schumer might throw you a bone...

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One can only hope that she is self-aware enough to recognize - after the fact - how disgusting this message reveals her to be. But probably not. She obviously lives in a bubble.
xenophobia?...your telling me republicans know what the word xenophobia means?....I dont believe you
These people are AT LEAST as bigoted and hateful as those they so loathe.

I don't know what their goal is with this behavior; clearly they're not trying to change anyone's mind or heart.
Maybe he hangs out here . Then it's totally understandable to think righties are racist xenophobes .
She's right, I thought you hill people didn't want us big city folk moving to your dirtpiles anyhow, with our long hair and reefer smoke?

Nice to see when its a corporation discriminating against you, then you throw a fit. What happened to "free speech" the free market? all that bullshit you spew when your denying brown people jobs, citizenship, public schools, clean water etc
She's right, I thought you hill people didn't want us big city folk moving to your dirtpiles anyhow, with our long hair and reefer smoke?

Nice to see when its a corporation discriminating against you, then you throw a fit. What happened to "free speech" the free market? all that bullshit you spew when your denying brown people jobs, citizenship, public schools, clean water etc
Who threw a fit? But if they wanted to live with scum they would live in the city. But what happens is the scum turn an area into a cesspool so they move elsewhere. Like Californians bringing their shit here and to Colorado.
She's right, I thought you hill people didn't want us big city folk moving to your dirtpiles anyhow, with our long hair and reefer smoke?

Nice to see when its a corporation discriminating against you, then you throw a fit. What happened to "free speech" the free market? all that bullshit you spew when your denying brown people jobs, citizenship, public schools, clean water etc
Who threw a fit? But if they wanted to live with scum they would live in the city. But what happens is the scum turn an area into a cesspool so they move elsewhere. Like Californians bringing their shit here and to Colorado.
yes who wouldn't want to live around people that describe them as scum... such a friendly welcoming bunch
I notice she flits from job to job- even her own companies. Lol I wonder why...
She hasn't made it 2 years in any.

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