Zone1 coat of many colours - where did you come from?

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Gold Member
Aug 6, 2017
18 And when they saw him afar off, even before he came near unto them, they aconspired against him to slay him.
19 And they said one to another, Behold, this adreamer cometh.
20 Come now therefore, and let us slay him, and cast him into some pit, and we will say, Some evil beast hath devoured him: and we shall see what will become of his dreams.
21 And aReuben heard it, and he delivered him out of their hands; and said, Let us not kill him.
22 And Reuben said unto them, Shed no blood, but cast him into this pit that is in the wilderness, and lay no hand upon him; that he might rid him out of their hands, to deliver him to his father again.
23 ¶ And it came to pass, when Joseph was come unto his brethren, that they stript Joseph out of his a coat, his coat of many colours that was on him;
24 And they took him, and cast him into a pit: and the pit was empty, there was no water in it.
25 And they sat down to eat bread: and they lifted up their eyes and looked, and, behold, a company of Ishmeelites came from Gilead with their camels bearing spicery and balm and myrrh, going to carry it down to Egypt.
26 And Judah said unto his brethren, What profit is it if we slay our brother, and conceal his blood?
27 Come, and let us sell him to the Ishmeelites, and let not our hand be upon him; for he is our brother and our flesh. And his brethren awere content.
28 Then there passed by Midianites merchantmen; and they drew and lifted up Joseph out of the pit, and sold Joseph to the aIshmeelites for twenty pieces of silver: and they brought Joseph into Egypt. - shorten that long URL into a tiny URL

His own friends talked among themselves
Deciding between themselves
Should they murder him?
Or sell him?
for twenty pieces of silver

I believe that was a lot of money way back then?
They were his own actual brothers. They were angry at him because their father Jacob (Israel) showed favoritism to Joseph. That was wrong of their father. And it was obvious that joseph must have been an arrogant little twit lording it over his brothers. Jacob also showed favoritism to Rachael over Leah, Bilhah and Zilpah. I feel sympathy for be married to a man who does not love her even when she presents him with all those sons. However, it was through her children that the line of Christ came from so she was blessed in that respect.
2 Chronicles 9:27
The king (that be Solomon) made silver as common in Jerusalem as stones, and cedar as plentiful as sycamore-fig trees in the foothills.

Of course this was about 900 years before Christ and he was sold for 30.

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