Zone1 Coca-Cola paid off NAACP and other civil rights groups to call opponents to soda being included in SNAP as racists.


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011

"Early in my career, I consulted for Coke to ensure sugar taxes failed and soda was included in food stamp funding. I say Coke's policies are evil because I saw inside the room. The first step in playbook was paying the NAACP + other civil rights groups to call opponents racist..."

"Coke gave millions to the NAACP and the Hispanic Federation - both directly and through front groups like the American Beverage Association. This picked up in 2011-2013 - when the Farm Bill and soda taxes were under consideration."

"The conversations inside these rooms was depressingly transactional: "We (Coke) will give you money. You need to paint opponents of us as racist."

"I watched as the FDA funneled money to professors at leading universities - as well as think tanks on the left and right - to create studies showing soda taxes hurt the poor. They also paid for studies that say drinking soda DIDN'T cause obesity."

Isn't Coca-Cola obligated under Federal Law or SEC regulations to act in a marrer that INCREASES shareholder profits ... like advocating it's product's nutritional value and it's general qualities as "food" ... we can have that debate, but Coca-Cola kinda sorta has to say it is ...

When was soda included in SNAP?

Certainly was in the 1970s ... I haven't collected recently ... but candy, chips, TV dinners ... if it's FDA approved for human food, you can buy it with Food Stamps ... you can buy carry-out pizza as long as you bake it at home ... great deal for pizza place owners ... who do you think writes food stamp laws? ...
What's scary is we're down to only a few large corporations running our grocery store chains ... already Fred Meyers, Albertsons and Safeway are under one ownership ... and they've applied to buy Kroger's ... what happens when ButtFuckers LLC owns all the food? ...
Soda drives consumption of all the CO2 & Corn Syrup bi-products generated by the Massive Ethanol Plants. Bi-products have to go somewhere.
Soda drives consumption of all the CO2 & Corn Syrup bi-products generated by the Massive Ethanol Plants. Bi-products have to go somewhere.

I like soda-pop ... WIC should include coupons for bourbon, for the fathers you know ...
I guess ever since the SNAP program began back in the 60's.

Food Stamps For Soda: Time To End Billion-Dollar Subsidy For Sugary Drinks?
Guess what? You prove again that you are illiterate! Sodas were never and are not included n SNAP. The entire story is about people using their non-SNAP dollars to buy them, and how to encourage people on NAP to make healthier choice. Thanks to my daughter being on WIC and them SNAP when her deadbeat husband abandoned them, I am well familiar with the program as I helper her with her shopping for my two grandsons.
Guess what? You prove again that you are illiterate! Sodas were never and are not included n SNAP. The entire story is about people using their non-SNAP dollars to buy them, and how to encourage people on NAP to make healthier choice. Thanks to my daughter being on WIC and them SNAP when her deadbeat husband abandoned them, I am well familiar with the program as I helper her with her shopping for my two grandsons.

Ok. Whatever, bro.

Stand up and take a bow. :laughing0301:

"Cold drinks (fountain drinks, slushies, iced coffee, smoothies, and other similar items, etc.) are eligible for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) purchase if they are intended for home consumption. The fact that a drink may be sipped while the customer is standing in line does not render it ineligible, as long as it is not otherwise intended for consumption on store premises."

"In some areas, qualified homeless, elderly, or disabled people can purchase low-cost meals at restaurants with their SNAP benefits."

"In Alaska, certain SNAP households live in very remote areas where access to food stores is extremely difficult and they rely on hunting and fishing for survival. In these cases, SNAP benefits may be used to purchase equipment that is necessary to obtain food for the household, including nets, lines, hooks, fishing rods, harpoons, knives, bows, arrows and certain other equipment necessary for subsistence hunting and fishing. For more information about the eligibility of foods items for purchase with SNAP benefits."

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