Cognitive Dissonance: the Left wants credit for the price of something they wanted to cost more.


Gold Member
Feb 6, 2014
Nothing obama did that aligned with his Party's ideology, nothing the Democrats or the Left did resulted in lower prices for gasoline. in fact the Left opposed increased domestic energy production at every turn. obama's Energy Czar is on record saying the USA needs EUROPEAN GAS PRICES, which when converted to gallons means SIX TO TEN DOLLARS A GALLON, depending on the European country; because the Left feels that is the only way to get Americans to use less gasoline.

The Left insisted increased energy production wouldnt result in lower prices here because oil is sold on world markets. they of course need a lesson in Supply and Demand 101. they were of course wrong, like they usually are.

See them try to say increased saudi production is the cause of lower prices, but that was done BECAUSE of increased production here, and resulted in the same thing the Left denied would happen if production was increased here, LOWER PRICES BECAUSE OF INCREASED SUPPLY.

last time i checked saudi arabia sold its oil on the world markets, and last time i checked this isnt saudi arabia.
libs are losers who lie to themselves
if you werent such a loser and coward. you would have mentioned what part i'm lying about in the same post

i'll wait......................
Nothing obama did that aligned with his Party's ideology, nothing the Democrats or the Left did resulted in lower prices for gasoline. in fact the Left opposed increased domestic energy production at every turn. obama's Energy Czar is on record saying the USA needs EUROPEAN GAS PRICES, which when converted to gallons means SIX TO TEN DOLLARS A GALLON, depending on the European country; because the Left feels that is the only way to get Americans to use less gasoline.

The Left insisted increased energy production wouldnt result in lower prices here because oil is sold on world markets. they of course need a lesson in Supply and Demand 101. they were of course wrong, like they usually are.

See them try to say increased saudi production is the cause of lower prices, but that was done BECAUSE of increased production here, and resulted in the same thing the Left denied would happen if production was increased here, LOWER PRICES BECAUSE OF INCREASED SUPPLY.

last time i checked saudi arabia sold its oil on the world markets, and last time i checked this isnt saudi arabia.
libs are losers who lie to themselves

It's the economic ripple effect that most serves humanity and to the extent countries allow the price of fuel to fluctuate with the cost of oil, it's global.

Lower energy costs have been a boon to businesses and consumers, leaving more money to spend on other things, as well as a punch in the economic gut to OPEC (the international oil price-fixing cartel) and terror-sponsoring countries like Russia and Iran.

As a bonus it has brought oil-rich (but socialist) one-trick ponies like Venezuela to their knees, exposing yet again the sandy foundation beneath their house of cards.

We leave the ME; the price of gas drops. Easy equation.

Thanks Mr. President
So when ISIS takes over the ME after we leave, are we planning on buying that oil from THEM???

Thanks, Obozo...

The US is self-sufficient in terms of oil pretty much. ISIS won't be taking over the middle east and we won't be buying oil from them. Christ you're stupid.
The word "cognitive" can't be used in relation to bed wetters. They don't have "inconsistent thoughts", there are no thoughts. They're just pasting insipid drivel from a moonbat website.

The only reason they're content with lower prices at the moment is because it has retarded domestic production and reduced profits. If a republicrat was in the WH they'd be praising saudi arabia but they have their meat muppet fuhrer to praise instead.

It is because of completely mindless parasites like these that people like hitler, stalin and mao managed to systematically kill, starve and destroy so much.

Thank God for the 2nd Amendment, and you can see how desperate they are to take that away.


We leave the ME; the price of gas drops. Easy equation.

Thanks Mr. President
So when ISIS takes over the ME after we leave, are we planning on buying that oil from THEM???

Thanks, Obozo...

Putin should be thanking obozo.

He will be filling the vacuum after we leave but you know something? I don't care.

The russians don't pussy foot around with muzbots.

obama's Energy Czar is on record saying the USA needs EUROPEAN GAS PRICES, which when converted to gallons means SIX TO TEN DOLLARS A GALLON, depending on the European country; because the Left feels that is the only way to get Americans to use less gasoline.

This is correct. Steven Chu said in 2008, “Somehow we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe.”

Obama disagreed with him.

See them try to say increased saudi production is the cause of lower prices, but that was done BECAUSE of increased production here, and resulted in the same thing the Left denied would happen if production was increased here, LOWER PRICES BECAUSE OF INCREASED SUPPLY.

This is gibberish which will need to be supported with evidence.
obama's Energy Czar is on record saying the USA needs EUROPEAN GAS PRICES, which when converted to gallons means SIX TO TEN DOLLARS A GALLON, depending on the European country; because the Left feels that is the only way to get Americans to use less gasoline.

This is correct. Steven Chu said in 2008, “Somehow we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe.”

Obama disagreed with him.

See them try to say increased saudi production is the cause of lower prices, but that was done BECAUSE of increased production here, and resulted in the same thing the Left denied would happen if production was increased here, LOWER PRICES BECAUSE OF INCREASED SUPPLY.

This is gibberish which will need to be supported with evidence.

here ya go dummy; some "gibberish" for ya:

Saudi Arabia boosts oil output, abandoning passive ...
The Globe and Mail
Apr 8, 2015 - Instead of leaving its own production flat, it is boosting output in an apparent attempt to claw back market share in a hurry. On Tuesday, Saudi ...
obama's Energy Czar is on record saying the USA needs EUROPEAN GAS PRICES, which when converted to gallons means SIX TO TEN DOLLARS A GALLON, depending on the European country; because the Left feels that is the only way to get Americans to use less gasoline.

This is correct. Steven Chu said in 2008, “Somehow we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe.”

Obama disagreed with him.

See them try to say increased saudi production is the cause of lower prices, but that was done BECAUSE of increased production here, and resulted in the same thing the Left denied would happen if production was increased here, LOWER PRICES BECAUSE OF INCREASED SUPPLY.

This is gibberish which will need to be supported with evidence.

here ya go dummy; some "gibberish" for ya:

Saudi Arabia boosts oil output, abandoning passive ...
The Globe and Mail
Apr 8, 2015 - Instead of leaving its own production flat, it is boosting output in an apparent attempt to claw back market share in a hurry. On Tuesday, Saudi ...
obama's Energy Czar is on record saying the USA needs EUROPEAN GAS PRICES, which when converted to gallons means SIX TO TEN DOLLARS A GALLON, depending on the European country; because the Left feels that is the only way to get Americans to use less gasoline.

This is correct. Steven Chu said in 2008, “Somehow we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe.”

Obama disagreed with him.

See them try to say increased saudi production is the cause of lower prices, but that was done BECAUSE of increased production here, and resulted in the same thing the Left denied would happen if production was increased here, LOWER PRICES BECAUSE OF INCREASED SUPPLY.

This is gibberish which will need to be supported with evidence.

here ya go dummy; some "gibberish" for ya:

Saudi Arabia boosts oil output, abandoning passive ...
The Globe and Mail
Apr 8, 2015 - Instead of leaving its own production flat, it is boosting output in an apparent attempt to claw back market share in a hurry. On Tuesday, Saudi ...
Yes, we all know Saudi Arabia boosted output, dipshit. That's not the part of your claim which needs to be proven.

I predicted it would happen before it happened. Back when the right wing cowards around here would not say what Obama should do about Putin, I said if Obama was smart he would coordinate with Saudi Arabia to increase production in order to lower oil prices, which would result in Putin feeling a lot of pain since his economy heavily depends on high oil prices. This would be a means to punish him for invading the Crimea and Ukraine.

Not long after I said this, John Kerry visited Saudi Arabia. Not long after that, Saudi Arabia increased production. Not long after that, Russia plunged into recession.

Now, what YOU need to back up is your claim that the Left tried "to say increased saudi production is the cause of lower prices, but that was done BECAUSE of increased production here".
obama's Energy Czar is on record saying the USA needs EUROPEAN GAS PRICES, which when converted to gallons means SIX TO TEN DOLLARS A GALLON, depending on the European country; because the Left feels that is the only way to get Americans to use less gasoline.

This is correct. Steven Chu said in 2008, “Somehow we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe.”

Obama disagreed with him.

See them try to say increased saudi production is the cause of lower prices, but that was done BECAUSE of increased production here, and resulted in the same thing the Left denied would happen if production was increased here, LOWER PRICES BECAUSE OF INCREASED SUPPLY.

This is gibberish which will need to be supported with evidence.

here ya go dummy; some "gibberish" for ya:

Saudi Arabia boosts oil output, abandoning passive ...
The Globe and Mail
Apr 8, 2015 - Instead of leaving its own production flat, it is boosting output in an apparent attempt to claw back market share in a hurry. On Tuesday, Saudi ...
Yes, we all know Saudi Arabia boosted output, dipshit. That's not the part of your claim which needs to be proven.

I predicted it would happen before it happened. Back when the right wing cowards around here would not say what Obama should do about Putin, I said if Obama was smart he would coordinate with Saudi Arabia to increase production in order to lower oil prices, which would result in Putin feeling a lot of pain since his economy heavily depends on high oil prices. This would be a means to punish him for invading the Crimea and Ukraine.

Not long after I said this, John Kerry visited Saudi Arabia. Not long after that, Saudi Arabia increased production. Not long after that, Russia plunged into recession.

Now, what YOU need to back up is your claim that the Left tried "to say increased saudi production is the cause of lower prices, but that was done BECAUSE of increased production here".

actually it is EXACTLY the clam i made, idiot. dont get butthurt becasue you have been proved wrong, again, trying to pathetically rescue the failed logic of the left.
here it is idiot; from the source i mentioned. there are more sources available:

The problem for oil producers and investors is that the Saudis are not acting in isolation. In March, both Iraq and Libya managed to boost production in spite of the violence and chaos in those countries. As a result, OPEC production in March was about 31.5 million barrels a day, an increase of 1.2 million from February and two million from March, 2014. The March figure is well above the second-quarter estimate put out by the International Energy Agency.
At the same time, U.S. production is surging, creating burgeoning stockpiles of oil. On Wednesday, the weekly status report from the U.S. Energy Information Administration showed that American crude stockpiles climbed by 10.9 million barrels to 482.4 million for the week to April 3. The rise was three times greater than forecast.
more "gibberish" from the Brookings Institute. i know g5000; you're smarter than all of them too right???

The recent reshuffle in Saudi Arabia heralds a major break with established tradition and watershed in the trends of the oil industry. For more than thirty years, Saudi Arabia, being the world's largest producer and exporter, has led the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries cartel (OPEC) and, usually at the behest of the United States (US) and the other Western economies, regulated world oil prices by adjusting output to maintain what has until recently been high oil prices — a scenario which benefited the development of the high-cost oil fields of North America. This year has witnessed an 'overnight' seismic shift in policy as the Saudis rightly refuse to play the role of swing player. This shift in policy is in direct response to a challenge from the U.S. as the number one producer, given the U.S. surge in production in 2014 by over 16 percent, exceeding 10 million barrels a day (mbd).
obama's Energy Czar is on record saying the USA needs EUROPEAN GAS PRICES, which when converted to gallons means SIX TO TEN DOLLARS A GALLON, depending on the European country; because the Left feels that is the only way to get Americans to use less gasoline.

This is correct. Steven Chu said in 2008, “Somehow we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe.”

Obama disagreed with him.

See them try to say increased saudi production is the cause of lower prices, but that was done BECAUSE of increased production here, and resulted in the same thing the Left denied would happen if production was increased here, LOWER PRICES BECAUSE OF INCREASED SUPPLY.

This is gibberish which will need to be supported with evidence.

here ya go dummy; some "gibberish" for ya:

Saudi Arabia boosts oil output, abandoning passive ...
The Globe and Mail
Apr 8, 2015 - Instead of leaving its own production flat, it is boosting output in an apparent attempt to claw back market share in a hurry. On Tuesday, Saudi ...
Yeah they destroyed the U.S. fracking industry by doing that. You must love them for it.
obama's Energy Czar is on record saying the USA needs EUROPEAN GAS PRICES, which when converted to gallons means SIX TO TEN DOLLARS A GALLON, depending on the European country; because the Left feels that is the only way to get Americans to use less gasoline.

This is correct. Steven Chu said in 2008, “Somehow we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe.”

Obama disagreed with him.

See them try to say increased saudi production is the cause of lower prices, but that was done BECAUSE of increased production here, and resulted in the same thing the Left denied would happen if production was increased here, LOWER PRICES BECAUSE OF INCREASED SUPPLY.

This is gibberish which will need to be supported with evidence.

here ya go dummy; some "gibberish" for ya:

Saudi Arabia boosts oil output, abandoning passive ...
The Globe and Mail
Apr 8, 2015 - Instead of leaving its own production flat, it is boosting output in an apparent attempt to claw back market share in a hurry. On Tuesday, Saudi ...
Yeah they destroyed the U.S. fracking industry by doing that. You must love them for it.

because you really really wanted to frack

idiots and hypocrites

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