Cohen to testify trump broke law while in office

So the convicted criminal and liar is going to testify Trump broke the law shocking.
$1 to a donut Cohen isnt as stupid as Manafort and keeps lying ....

bets ?
Michael Cohen is reportedly expected to tell Congress that Trump broke the law while in office

He will need corroborating information. Otherwise the complicit Repubs will never believe him. They have, long ago, driven over the morality cliff...

Sure, he will lie some more to save himself. He'll say whatever he thinks the prosecutors want to hear.

Or what they've coached him to say.
All depends on the evidence. Without hasn't a lot of value

We'll see
Russia & China do not have to do a damn thing to bankrupt America and Bring it to it's Knees.

Illegal Immigration, Out of Control Social Spending, and The Green New Deal can totally wipe out The Entire Wealth of This Nation in a Decade if allowed to go unchecked.

The Left seeks to Morally Bankrupt America, then Financially Bankrupt it, and raise up and Globalist Socialist Nation without Sovereign Borders from The Ashes.

To "Fundamentally Change America" you have to Kill America First and resurrect it as an entirely different entity.

That is what Obama and The Left are all about now, and they will not stop trying to topple America and knock Lady Liberty off of her pedestal until they have indeed accomplished that very thing.
Cohen has lied so much, about so many things, it's not likely he will be believed outside of Democrat socialist circles.
Michael Cohen is reportedly expected to tell Congress that Trump broke the law while in office

He will need corroborating information. Otherwise the complicit Repubs will never believe him. They have, long ago, driven over the morality cliff...
You idiots killed off morality with abortion.
Did you get lost on your way to the abortion thread?
Jim was talking about the right driving morality off the cliff, or didn't you read that?
I know you and reading are difficult partners. sheesh, you make it so obvious
Cohen has lied so much, about so many things, it's not likely he will be believed outside of Democrat socialist circles.
All they want are sound bites, and news clips from Cohen to use to attack The President while he is overseas trying to negotiate Denuclearization of North Korea, and an official end to The Korean War.

Reading between The Lines, The Democrats would be VERY Happy, if North Korea was still launching ICBMs and testing Nukes.

They also are waiting with Baited Breath for Iran's Obama Bombs to start flying through the air with "Death To America" "Death To Israel" painted upon them, paid for with Obama Bucks.


Since when does a convicted liar get to go on a media tour to trash The President before going to prison?

Since when do people like Comey and McCabe who were fired and committed numerous egregious felonies and gross violations of their oath of office, also get to go on a media tour to trash The President?

Where is some Leftist Judge putting a gag order on them, like is always done with conservatives? Both of them are under investigation, but are allowed to run their mouths 24-7 in an attempt to bias the very investigations against themselves.

Why aren't they in jail awaiting trial in solitary confinement like they did to Manafort for simple alleged "failures to report income to The IRS"?
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Russia & China do not have to do a damn thing to bankrupt America and Bring it to it's Knees.

Illegal Immigration, Out of Control Social Spending, and The Green New Deal can totally wipe out The Entire Wealth of This Nation in a Decade if allowed to go unchecked.

The Left seeks to Morally Bankrupt America, then Financially Bankrupt it, and raise up and Globalist Socialist Nation without Sovereign Borders from The Ashes.

To "Fundamentally Change America" you have to Kill America First and resurrect it as an entirely different entity.

That is what Obama and The Left are all about now, and they will not stop trying to topple America and knock Lady Liberty off of her pedestal until they have indeed accomplished that very thing.

In case you haven't noticed there is a little thing called a $22 TRILLION deficit & there are about $50 TRILLION current unfunded liabilities.

Do we really need any more excuses as a nation to commit national suicide?
Michael Cohen is reportedly expected to tell Congress that Trump broke the law while in office

He will need corroborating information. Otherwise the complicit Repubs will never believe him. They have, long ago, driven over the morality cliff...
You idiots killed off morality with abortion.
Did you get lost on your way to the abortion thread?
Jim was talking about the right driving morality off the cliff, or didn't you read that?
I know you and reading are difficult partners. sheesh, you make it so obvious
Just trying to be helpful, Thought you got lost
Michael Cohen is reportedly expected to tell Congress that Trump broke the law while in office

He will need corroborating information. Otherwise the complicit Repubs will never believe him. They have, long ago, driven over the morality cliff...

Funny, the article had nothing to support their headline. Typical commie bullshit.

"Cohen is also expected to provide evidence of alleged criminal conduct by Trump since he became president, according to NBC. In addition to his testimony, Cohen will reveal information about Trump’s financial statements."

Reading is fundamental
Russia & China do not have to do a damn thing to bankrupt America and Bring it to it's Knees.

Illegal Immigration, Out of Control Social Spending, and The Green New Deal can totally wipe out The Entire Wealth of This Nation in a Decade if allowed to go unchecked.

The Left seeks to Morally Bankrupt America, then Financially Bankrupt it, and raise up and Globalist Socialist Nation without Sovereign Borders from The Ashes.

To "Fundamentally Change America" you have to Kill America First and resurrect it as an entirely different entity.

That is what Obama and The Left are all about now, and they will not stop trying to topple America and knock Lady Liberty off of her pedestal until they have indeed accomplished that very thing.

In case you haven't noticed there is a little thing called a $22 TRILLION deficit & there are about $50 TRILLION current unfunded liabilities.

Do we really need any more excuses as a nation to commit national suicide?
$22 Trillion is the exact amount that was spent on The Socialist War on Poverty.
So think about that for a minute......
We are in The Black, and probably a lot more wealthy as a nation without the $22 Trillion War on Poverty.
Taxes also would be lower which would mean each American's standard of living would be far higher today.
Michael Cohen is reportedly expected to tell Congress that Trump broke the law while in office

He will need corroborating information. Otherwise the complicit Repubs will never believe him. They have, long ago, driven over the morality cliff...
You idiots killed off morality with abortion.
Did you get lost on your way to the abortion thread?
Jim was talking about the right driving morality off the cliff, or didn't you read that?
I know you and reading are difficult partners. sheesh, you make it so obvious

Just wait 'til Miester gets pregnant & then has no right to choose :21:
Cohen is't going to do shit but run his mouth and lie some more.

It's all political theater as everything has been for the last two years. The Left has pulled out all stops on their goose stepping march to 2020.

If there were any concrete evidence about anything, President Trump would already have been impeached and gone long ago.

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