Cohen to testify trump broke law while in office


Pray for Matt Gertz, who is not -- I repeat, not -- Rep. Matt Gaetz.
Mr. Gaetz may be looking at obstruction of Justice himself and there's no DOJ policy to protect him from indictment

For what?
I think we can unequivocally say the Democrats' political theater freak show spectacularly failed today.

The Democrats made the central pillar of their attempted coup a Russian-authored document that was debunked yet stands as evidence of Hillary's collusion with Russians in an attempt to alter the 2016 election.

Cohen further destroyed the credibility of the dossier by making it clear he was never in Prague as the dossier claimed.

Cohen destroyed the Democrat claim that Trump asked him to lie when he went before the Senate.

Cohen destroyed the idea there are tapes the Russians are using to blackmail the President.

Cohen destroyed the false narrative that there has ever been any Russian collusion.

Cohen debunked false narratives in the form of questions by Democrats that included if Trump could be blackmailed for any reason, if he used drugs, if he ever paid for an abortion for a girlfriend, etc...

Hillary pal Lanny Davis set this all up. The Democrats desperately attempted to squeeze everything they could get out of Cohen as he shuffles off to prison, still hoping to get anything to use against Trump.

They got nothing.

In the midst of their desperate circus it was pointed out that Cohen failed to list his foreign business contracts on the form he was required to fill out. On this document it is made clear that ommitting this information is a CRIME.

So, after agreeing to Davis' request to go before Congress to testify today, it is being reported that Cohen has now been recommended for indictment for his ommission of his foreign contracts.

Talk about Karma...poor Cohen. The Democrats USED him to slander the President just as they used Ford to slander a USSC Justice...and now he stands to have time added to his criminal sentence for his ommission of the data he was required to list but failed to do so.
hey dipshot rich folks including trump do this all the time

and if you're so concerned what about the house slush fund using public money to do that, I noticed you were never upset with that
Again...the new GOP Motto.

yep, fucking employees and lying about it under oath is ok with you guys
"Not illegal to pay hush money"....the NEW GOP motto.

It isn't illegal to pay hush money, how do you figure otherwise?
Then why is Cohen going to jail for it?

Hes not, try and learn.facts before speaking. Can you.lefties do a simple good search?
And Oh By The Way...why no condemnation of D-Talib for calling a black woman - a Trump friends and employee , appearing before Congress to testify in defense for the President - a 'prop'?

Why all the silence for her racist ignorant accusation that this woman was used by a Republican as a PROP?

Kudos for D-Comings stepping up and pointing out that the white Republican actually has black FAMILY members and that he is definitely I rely NOT racist.

Talib was forced to embarrassingly attempt to cover her offensive accusation by trying to say she did not mean the black woman testifying, at the request of the GOP politician, was the 'prop' she was talking about.

Tlaib attempted to make the false accusation that R-Meadows is racist and only succeeded in making it clear SHE was / is the racist.

:p . Bwuhahahaha
You are right. We are weird about rape. We don’t like it.

You said whatever a President does in his free time is no one else's business but his own in defense of criminal Perv Slick Willy....
Sure, as long as it’s legal. As far as rape, I’m not aware of any president committing rape.
However, when asked if he had any evidence to indicate trump requested him to pay off Daniel's, he said the only evidence he had was his testimony.

Once again, ThisIsMe, Cohen apparently didn't tape that conversation, which is how he could have in his possession evidence for Trump's request, other than, of course, Trump's checks to reimburse him. There is, however, so much corroborating evidence for this in the hands of prosecutors, the payoff - or rather payoffs - originating with Trump is established fact, ranging from Cohen's own trial to Weisselberg's grand jury testimony. No one of a sane mind - other than perhaps a paid liar - would even try to argue the contrary.

And that's why even the Trump camp doesn't try that route. Rather, they are - ridiculously enough - trying the Edwards defense, namely, years after the deeds Trump all of a sudden decided that he needs to shut up Clifford and McDougal - just before the election.
Well, for one, I think Cohen has incentive not to lie. If he were caught lying to congress again, he'd be locked up for life.

One thing that kept creeping up on me as I listened is, Cohen was hired to protect trump, being his personal legal council. He even said that all of the people trump employs are there to protect him. Isnt it possible that Cohen actually did take it upon himself to make the payment to Daniel's in an attempt to protect trump, and trump didnt actually know about it?

It certainly is possible that he thought, as a way to protect trump, this could have been the case.

Oh, for pity's sake...

Have you watched the Republicans on the Committee today? If they were able to detect even the shadow of a lie, they'd be screaming from the hilltops.

And no, while lawyers do protect clients, that doesn't involve them paying off other parties. Moreover, Weisselberg planned the whole thing, and Mueller has Weisselberg's statements - so, there is no chance Cohen would contradict that. Because, prison.

I agree, which is what I said. Cohen has a vast incentive not to lie. However, when asked if he had any evidence to indicate trump requested him to pay off Daniel's, he said the only evidence he had was his testimony.
This is a man with nothing left, with no reason to lie or obfuscate at all.
Um, did you miss where Meadows just caught Cohen in a lie and is referring him for a FARA violations...
So good...let's see how that works.

If you must. But I don’t think you will hear what your looking for. It will just be more debate fodder.
What I am looking for is for someone to show that Cohen is lying today so that his prison term is increased. Get to it.

You can not point to one thing that hasn’t been presented by any major news network.
So...are you reporting Cohen's lies to the Authorities or not?

CNN pointed out one of his lies being that he didn't want a job in the WH.
I think we can unequivocally say the Democrats' political theater freak show spectacularly failed today.

The Democrats made the central pillar of their attempted coup a Russian-authored document that was debunked yet stands as evidence of Hillary's collusion with Russians in an attempt to alter the 2016 election.

Cohen further destroyed the credibility of the dossier by making it clear he was never in Prague as the dossier claimed.

Cohen destroyed the Democrat claim that Trump asked him to lie when he went before the Senate.

Cohen destroyed the idea there are tapes the Russians are using to blackmail the President.

Cohen destroyed the false narrative that there has ever been any Russian collusion.

Cohen debunked false narratives in the form of questions by Democrats that included if Trump could be blackmailed for any reason, if he used drugs, if he ever paid for an abortion for a girlfriend, etc...

Hillary pal Lanny Davis set this all up. The Democrats desperately attempted to squeeze everything they could get out of Cohen as he shuffles off to prison, still hoping to get anything to use against Trump.

They got nothing.

In the midst of their desperate circus it was pointed out that Cohen failed to list his foreign business contracts on the form he was required to fill out. On this document it is made clear that ommitting this information is a CRIME.

So, after agreeing to Davis' request to go before Congress to testify today, it is being reported that Cohen has now been recommended for indictment for his ommission of his foreign contracts.

Talk about Karma...poor Cohen. The Democrats USED him to slander the President just as they used Ford to slander a USSC Justice...and now he stands to have time added to his criminal sentence for his ommission of the data he was required to list but failed to do so.
So you are confirming Cohen made honest testimony
So good...let's see how that works.

If you must. But I don’t think you will hear what your looking for. It will just be more debate fodder.
What I am looking for is for someone to show that Cohen is lying today so that his prison term is increased. Get to it.

You can not point to one thing that hasn’t been presented by any major news network.
So...are you reporting Cohen's lies to the Authorities or not?

CNN pointed out one of his lies being that he didn't want a job in the WH.

Only Cohen knows what he actually wanted
If you must. But I don’t think you will hear what your looking for. It will just be more debate fodder.
What I am looking for is for someone to show that Cohen is lying today so that his prison term is increased. Get to it.

You can not point to one thing that hasn’t been presented by any major news network.
So...are you reporting Cohen's lies to the Authorities or not?

CNN pointed out one of his lies being that he didn't want a job in the WH.

Only Cohen knows what he actually wanted

LOL, really? Part of Cohen's smoking gun had to do with Cohen's comments blathering on about TRUMP told him to do things in code...

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