Cohen to testify trump broke law while in office

So far...

100% of the "Star Witnesses" that the Democrats have called to testify to Congress under oath, since gaining power in 2016, are going to jail because they were convicted lying to Congress under oath.
This is what happens when sore loser butt hurt Trump-hating snowflakes are so desperate that they are willing to latch onto anything, to include a propaganda-filled Russian-authored document sold to their criminal 2016 Presidential election loser or the faux testimony of an admitted, convicted Felon who has lied to Congress before and who claims, as part of his testimony, that Trump has some type of mind control power that makes people do things without him ever telling or asking them to do so.

View attachment 248032
He testified that Trump used a type of “code” that made it clear he was telling you to do something without coming out and saying it

Just like a Mafia Don
you watch far too many Hollywood movies made by Hollywood child molesting types

How would you know what is going on in Hollywood?
Harvey Weinstein behavior is the norm in Hollywood

'Weinstein' has been accused of sexual assault upon adult females.

What would that have to do with, "Hollywood child molesting types?"

Come on; tell us what you know.
Harvey Weinstein is an hero to career politicians like the Obamas...
So, I listened to quite a bit of the hearing. Now, I will say this, Cohen did sound convincing. He was clear and concise and didnt seem to waffle a lot on his answers.

Having said that, it could be that he was playing a part in order to try and lighten his sentence, or it could be that he is telling the truth. While this hearing really didnt address much on the topic of Russian collusion, I'd be curious to see if the Mueller report, if it is released, covers any of the topics discussed in the hearing today, and how they align in regards to accuracy.

The hunch I have is that the mueller report will never be released and the left will try and use Cohen's testimony as their basis for impeachment proceedings.

A couple of things that did stand out to me, however, is that in regards to the stormy daniels payment, Cohen admitted that he has no proof that trump authorized that payment and he only has his own testimony as evidence.

Also, one of the members of the ways and means committee was asking questions about trumps taxes, which was followed up immediately by ocasio cortez also asking about if Cohen believed trumps taxes should be looked at. My initial though on this is that it shows that the left doesnt have anything to warrant trying to subpoena trumps taxes, and they are going to try and so they are going to use Cohen's testimony as the justification to pull trumps tax records.

And lastly, several times Cohen said he did things, not because trump told hin to, but because he felt that's what trump would have wanted. Now, I admit, after you worked with someone for a long time, you do tend to get an idea of how they think, but you cant offer as evidence "I did something because I think he would have wanted it". When it comes to trying to investigate someone, you can only really use things that trump actually said. Regardless if trump probably would have authorized those actions, you cant indict someone based on your assessment of what they would have done, you have to go on what they did do.

Sidebar: Keep in mind that Cohen's head legal counsel is a longtime dear friend of the Clintons', Lanny Davis.
The same Clintons who started this whole shitshow in the first place!
Yes, I know that. One of the reasons why I'd give credence to Cohen's testimony is, barring some sort of deal offered by the left, he has no reason to lie at this point. He is already going to jail, albeit a light sentence for the things he's done.

It's not unreasonable to think maybe he feels since he is already being punished, he didnt flip and is going to tell the truth. Maybe he holds resentment against trump because he feels his time with trump got him into this mess. Granted, he could have left trumps employment at any time.

Perhaps he thinks this will grant him an easier sentence or get out early.

Or, maybe, as you have mentioned, his ties with Clinton and Davis, this is all intended to hurt trump in 2020.

Hard to tell. Yes, we know Cohen has lied in the past, but again, barring some sort of deal, what would be his motivation to lie now? Especially since he knows the committee will be watching with extra scrutiny, and if he is caught in lies to congress again, it could potentially increase his jail sentence.

It isn't intended to hurt Trump in 2020. It's intended to get his tax returns and move for a bogus impeachment before then!
You're over thinking this choreographed charade.
I agree, there was some questioning in there that did leave me thinking this was all about taxes, or at least in part.

What I don't understand is why the left is still following this path. The tax code that allows then to subpoena his tax records also forbids them from disclosing anything found in them.
If you must. But I don’t think you will hear what your looking for. It will just be more debate fodder.
What I am looking for is for someone to show that Cohen is lying today so that his prison term is increased. Get to it.

You can not point to one thing that hasn’t been presented by any major news network.
So...are you reporting Cohen's lies to the Authorities or not?

Point out one issue that has NOT been in the news since 2016?
So...I ask again...even tho you are trying to avoid answering. Are you going to report Cohen's lies today to the Authorities or not?

Which? You are the one making claims of earth shattering whatever. What was the purpose of this today? What was covered that hasn’t been covered every week since Trump was elected? I asked you fire so put up or shut up.
bripat ,,,,what were your SAT's ?/ or are you hiding your grades like Dump?
The combined score was a little under 1400, moron
you beat trump by 600 or more
When did he publish his SAT scores?
Every time he opens his mouth
Never, in other words.
Never opens his mouth Finger Boy?

One of our dumbest presidents
The Cohen hearing was a total joke. It was pure political theater and sloganeering and grand standing.
Sorry Troglocrats.
The American people are tuning you out.

The American people demand accountability
Then why isn't Hillary in prison?
H. Clinton indictments any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...:71:...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...:71:...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...:71:...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...:71:...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...:71:...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...:71:...any day now...
...And still no Russian connection
What I would like to see, if they truly are interested in the truth, is seeing if the committee will call a witness to rebut Cohen. Seems a bit lopsided to call one person to try and destroy someone and not have someone there to counter their statements.
So, I listened to quite a bit of the hearing. Now, I will say this, Cohen did sound convincing. He was clear and concise and didnt seem to waffle a lot on his answers.

Having said that, it could be that he was playing a part in order to try and lighten his sentence, or it could be that he is telling the truth. While this hearing really didnt address much on the topic of Russian collusion, I'd be curious to see if the Mueller report, if it is released, covers any of the topics discussed in the hearing today, and how they align in regards to accuracy.

The hunch I have is that the mueller report will never be released and the left will try and use Cohen's testimony as their basis for impeachment proceedings.

A couple of things that did stand out to me, however, is that in regards to the stormy daniels payment, Cohen admitted that he has no proof that trump authorized that payment and he only has his own testimony as evidence.

Also, one of the members of the ways and means committee was asking questions about trumps taxes, which was followed up immediately by ocasio cortez also asking about if Cohen believed trumps taxes should be looked at. My initial though on this is that it shows that the left doesnt have anything to warrant trying to subpoena trumps taxes, and they are going to try and so they are going to use Cohen's testimony as the justification to pull trumps tax records.

And lastly, several times Cohen said he did things, not because trump told hin to, but because he felt that's what trump would have wanted. Now, I admit, after you worked with someone for a long time, you do tend to get an idea of how they think, but you cant offer as evidence "I did something because I think he would have wanted it". When it comes to trying to investigate someone, you can only really use things that trump actually said. Regardless if trump probably would have authorized those actions, you cant indict someone based on your assessment of what they would have done, you have to go on what they did do.
Cohen provided insight into the inner workings of the Trump empire and the man himself

Not indictable but he provided information on where to look
Nancy Pelosi will FOREVER be known as the Speaker - the 1st and ONLY in US History - to enable a Convicted Perjurer, convicted for lying to Congress, to return to Congress as her / the Democrats' 'star witness'.

The Cohen hearing was a total joke. It was pure political theater and sloganeering and grand standing.
Sorry Troglocrats.
The American people are tuning you out.

The American people demand accountability
Then why isn't Hillary in prison?
H. Clinton indictments any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...:71:...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...:71:...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...:71:...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...:71:...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...:71:...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...:71:...any day now...
Brian Stelter is on it.
A couple of things that did stand out to me, however, is that in regards to the stormy daniels payment, Cohen admitted that he has no proof that trump authorized that payment and he only has his own testimony as evidence.

That line of questioning was so goofy, if you paid attention you could watch Cohen's lawyers laughing. Of course, there is so much corroboration for these payments, they can be considered established facts, from Weisselberg, who set up the transfer method to Trump signing the checks to reimburse Cohen for his hush money payment, along with the shell company Cohen set up to get it done, and Stormy's and her lawyer's testimony what they agreed upon.

That stood out as the probably goofiest attempt at distraction by desperate Goobers, but that's it.
Well, for one, I think Cohen has incentive not to lie. If he were caught lying to congress again, he'd be locked up for life.

One thing that kept creeping up on me as I listened is, Cohen was hired to protect trump, being his personal legal council. He even said that all of the people trump employs are there to protect him. Isnt it possible that Cohen actually did take it upon himself to make the payment to Daniel's in an attempt to protect trump, and trump didnt actually know about it?

It certainly is possible that he thought, as a way to protect trump, this could have been the case.

If I owned a company and hired you, I'd expect you to protect the company, which is in reality me, since I founded and run the company that pays your salary, puts food on your table, gives you the wherewithal to keep a roof over your head, and gives you the means to put your rugrats thru college.

Unless, of course, your primary intent was to use your employ as a self-enriching steppingstone while not giving two shits about the company that hired you.
And if that is the case, which is Cohen's case, the TRUTH does not enter into the equation.
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Well, for one, I think Cohen has incentive not to lie. If he were caught lying to congress again, he'd be locked up for life.

One thing that kept creeping up on me as I listened is, Cohen was hired to protect trump, being his personal legal council. He even said that all of the people trump employs are there to protect him. Isnt it possible that Cohen actually did take it upon himself to make the payment to Daniel's in an attempt to protect trump, and trump didnt actually know about it?

It certainly is possible that he thought, as a way to protect trump, this could have been the case.

Oh, for pity's sake...

Have you watched the Republicans on the Committee today? If they were able to detect even the shadow of a lie, they'd be screaming from the hilltops.

And no, while lawyers do protect clients, that doesn't involve them paying off other parties. Moreover, Weisselberg planned the whole thing, and Mueller has Weisselberg's statements - so, there is no chance Cohen would contradict that. Because, prison.
CNN’s Tapper: All of Our Reporting Says Cohen Not Telling The Truth, He Did Want a White House Job

Network anchor Jake Tapper pointed out that all of CNN’s reporting contradicted Cohen’s statement that he did not want a job in the White House.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
So, I listened to quite a bit of the hearing. Now, I will say this, Cohen did sound convincing. He was clear and concise and didnt seem to waffle a lot on his answers.

Having said that, it could be that he was playing a part in order to try and lighten his sentence, or it could be that he is telling the truth. While this hearing really didnt address much on the topic of Russian collusion, I'd be curious to see if the Mueller report, if it is released, covers any of the topics discussed in the hearing today, and how they align in regards to accuracy.

The hunch I have is that the mueller report will never be released and the left will try and use Cohen's testimony as their basis for impeachment proceedings.

A couple of things that did stand out to me, however, is that in regards to the stormy daniels payment, Cohen admitted that he has no proof that trump authorized that payment and he only has his own testimony as evidence.

Also, one of the members of the ways and means committee was asking questions about trumps taxes, which was followed up immediately by ocasio cortez also asking about if Cohen believed trumps taxes should be looked at. My initial though on this is that it shows that the left doesnt have anything to warrant trying to subpoena trumps taxes, and they are going to try and so they are going to use Cohen's testimony as the justification to pull trumps tax records.

And lastly, several times Cohen said he did things, not because trump told hin to, but because he felt that's what trump would have wanted. Now, I admit, after you worked with someone for a long time, you do tend to get an idea of how they think, but you cant offer as evidence "I did something because I think he would have wanted it". When it comes to trying to investigate someone, you can only really use things that trump actually said. Regardless if trump probably would have authorized those actions, you cant indict someone based on your assessment of what they would have done, you have to go on what they did do.

Sidebar: Keep in mind that Cohen's head legal counsel is a longtime dear friend of the Clintons', Lanny Davis.
The same Clintons who started this whole shitshow in the first place!
Yes, I know that. One of the reasons why I'd give credence to Cohen's testimony is, barring some sort of deal offered by the left, he has no reason to lie at this point. He is already going to jail, albeit a light sentence for the things he's done.

It's not unreasonable to think maybe he feels since he is already being punished, he didnt flip and is going to tell the truth. Maybe he holds resentment against trump because he feels his time with trump got him into this mess. Granted, he could have left trumps employment at any time.

Perhaps he thinks this will grant him an easier sentence or get out early.

Or, maybe, as you have mentioned, his ties with Clinton and Davis, this is all intended to hurt trump in 2020.

Hard to tell. Yes, we know Cohen has lied in the past, but again, barring some sort of deal, what would be his motivation to lie now? Especially since he knows the committee will be watching with extra scrutiny, and if he is caught in lies to congress again, it could potentially increase his jail sentence.

It isn't intended to hurt Trump in 2020. It's intended to get his tax returns and move for a bogus impeachment before then!
You're over thinking this choreographed charade.
I agree, there was some questioning in there that did leave me thinking this was all about taxes, or at least in part.

What I don't understand is why the left is still following this path. The tax code that allows then to subpoena his tax records also forbids them from disclosing anything found in them.

They are following this path because they're afraid they won't get an impeachment from the Mueller report; and they plan in that case, to fall back on the New York District Court for some kind of criminal indictment.
He testified that Trump used a type of “code” that made it clear he was telling you to do something without coming out and saying it

Just like a Mafia Don
you watch far too many Hollywood movies made by Hollywood child molesting types

How would you know what is going on in Hollywood?
Harvey Weinstein behavior is the norm in Hollywood

'Weinstein' has been accused of sexual assault upon adult females.

What would that have to do with, "Hollywood child molesting types?"

Come on; tell us what you know.
Harvey Weinstein is an hero to career politicians like the Obamas...

well, to be fair, you still have not reconciled your claim of, "Hollywood child molesting types"

Go ahead; tell us what you know.
Nancy Pelosi will FOREVER be known as the Speaker - the 1st and ONLY in US History - to enable a Convicted Perjurer, convicted for lying to Congress, to return to Congress as her / the Democrats' 'star witness'.

Congress has had murderers testify
Well, for one, I think Cohen has incentive not to lie. If he were caught lying to congress again, he'd be locked up for life.

One thing that kept creeping up on me as I listened is, Cohen was hired to protect trump, being his personal legal council. He even said that all of the people trump employs are there to protect him. Isnt it possible that Cohen actually did take it upon himself to make the payment to Daniel's in an attempt to protect trump, and trump didnt actually know about it?

It certainly is possible that he thought, as a way to protect trump, this could have been the case.

Oh, for pity's sake...

Have you watched the Republicans on the Committee today? If they were able to detect even the shadow of a lie, they'd be screaming from the hilltops.

And no, while lawyers do protect clients, that doesn't involve them paying off other parties. Moreover, Weisselberg planned the whole thing, and Mueller has Weisselberg's statements - so, there is no chance Cohen would contradict that. Because, prison.

I agree, which is what I said. Cohen has a vast incentive not to lie. However, when asked if he had any evidence to indicate trump requested him to pay off Daniel's, he said the only evidence he had was his testimony.
Not illegal to pay hush money.......Trump did it before the campaign, so no, he's not going down for it.......keep screaming though actually took place weeks before the election. It was an effort to conceal this information from the electorate. It came not long after the Access Hollywood tape when your Great leader proclaimed, "I can grab women by the pussy."


Fact Check: Q&A on Stormy Daniels’ payment, Trump, Rudy Giuliani, Michael Cohen

When was the payment made to Daniels?

On CBS’ The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, Daniels’ attorney, Michael Avenatti, held up a receipt from a bank in San Francisco showing that on Oct. 27, 2016, Essential Consultants made a $130,000 payment to Daniels’ attorney at the time.

hey dipshot rich folks including trump do this all the time

and if you're so concerned what about the house slush fund using public money to do that, I noticed you were never upset with that
Again...the new GOP Motto.

yep, fucking employees and lying about it under oath is ok with you guys
"Not illegal to pay hush money"....the NEW GOP motto.

better than we re gonna impeach him over hush money payments

you guys got nadda and made yourselves out to be total asses

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