Cold enough in Idaho I have to put another log on the fire....unless

Good for you, I've got logs sitting unused here because it's too warm.

That's OK, I'll have them ready for July.

Actually, according the the AGW cult, if you make something hotter you end up freezing cold.

That makes no sense.

If you sever the connections to the right hemisphere of your brain --- you know, where we get what we call "CONTEXT" --- it doesn't, no.

There are fascinating studies of people brain-damaged in this way. They can identify what a "pen" is but have no idea what it's used for.

So now the onus is on you to provide an example you making something hotter and ending up freezing cold. Go!

This is an adventure in wackadoodlery thus far to me.

2018 was the fourth-hottest year on record, or that there’s a massive heat wave currently overtaking much of Australia, or that Arctic sea ice continues to disappear at an alarming rate. This year could still end up being the hottest year on record, as forecasters anticipate an El Niño cycle picking up.

The onus is also on those claiming world hunger exists. My refrigerator is full of food.

Another meaningless hottest year on record blather, it only exposes your lack of science literacy since that is not what the AGW conjecture is about. They made specific PER DECADE prediction/projection starting in the 1990 IPCC report, which the MINIMUM level has never been reached, based on emission scenarios and supposed CO2 warm forcing power, which is known to diminish as total CO2 increases in the atmosphere.

Australia has had many similar heat waves in the past, which are easy to find on the internet, heck here is one from a blog IN Australia:

Australia’s new hottest day just “discovered”, not Albany or Oodnadatta, but Carnarvon (51 degrees in 1953!)


Climate change is real because we are snowflake couch potatoes, addicted to netflicks and airconditioners


Melbourne, 200,000 houses blacked out, 10 companies curtailed, as 1-in-3-year hot day hits


Forgotten history: 50 degrees everywhere, right across Australia in the 1800s

and more like it.

Arctic sea ice stopped declining 11 years ago, why continue to fall for the lies?

View attachment 246507

Currently plenty of ice up there and well within normal range at this time of year:

Not only that, many published science papers showing little to no summer ice in the arctic for CENTURIES early in the Holocene, yet the Polar Bears, Eskimos and the world are still here in good shape.

Little to No Summer ice in the Arctic
The actual September sea ice

Currently, we have already experienced an increase of 1C, a change that is greater than the Little Ice Age and on par with the Early Medieval Warm Period, and it will be 2C by 2050, which will exceed Holocene temperature changes.

The Pentagon has released an alarming report detailing how dozens of U.S. military bases are already threatened by rising seas, drought and wildfire.

“The effects of a changing climate are a national security issue with potential impacts to Department of Defense missions, operational plans, and installations,” states the 22-page document
you're a democrat
Then the laws of thermodynamics don't apply and the fire actually gets hotter and larger as it consumes fuel.
Haven't seen a log yet get larger and hotter.

That's like saying that tractor produces more fuel than it consumes.
Right global alarmist?
Another product of conservitard homeschool?
Fact: in the last 4 years Burley has had only one or two days in the hundreds.
Idaho news from last summer.
Another 'heat wave' is on the way

Set records in you town last August.
Weekend heat wave breaks multiple records

Then there's the fact that you're in Idaho, you aren't supposed to have 100° days.

So I'm forced to conclude you are talking outta yer ass.
you base what you believe on what your told.
I'm 69 years old and I haven't noticed one change from one summer to the next, or one winter to the next.
If this rampant global warming was taking place as you're brain washed to believe the potato's in Idaho would be baking in the dirt.
I played golf every day last august in burley. And I walked 18 holes everyday.
Cherry picking weather forecast from the news is always a great source. :rolleyes:
Might wanna look up the 10 day forecast for Burley and get back to me about these warmer temperatures.
Might wanna go down to the border and stop all those mexicans from hopping into this environment if you can wade thru all the trash they leave.
That makes no sense.

If you sever the connections to the right hemisphere of your brain --- you know, where we get what we call "CONTEXT" --- it doesn't, no.

There are fascinating studies of people brain-damaged in this way. They can identify what a "pen" is but have no idea what it's used for.

So now the onus is on you to provide an example you making something hotter and ending up freezing cold. Go!

This is an adventure in wackadoodlery thus far to me.

2018 was the fourth-hottest year on record, or that there’s a massive heat wave currently overtaking much of Australia, or that Arctic sea ice continues to disappear at an alarming rate. This year could still end up being the hottest year on record, as forecasters anticipate an El Niño cycle picking up.

The onus is also on those claiming world hunger exists. My refrigerator is full of food.

Another meaningless hottest year on record blather, it only exposes your lack of science literacy since that is not what the AGW conjecture is about. They made specific PER DECADE prediction/projection starting in the 1990 IPCC report, which the MINIMUM level has never been reached, based on emission scenarios and supposed CO2 warm forcing power, which is known to diminish as total CO2 increases in the atmosphere.

Australia has had many similar heat waves in the past, which are easy to find on the internet, heck here is one from a blog IN Australia:

Australia’s new hottest day just “discovered”, not Albany or Oodnadatta, but Carnarvon (51 degrees in 1953!)


Climate change is real because we are snowflake couch potatoes, addicted to netflicks and airconditioners


Melbourne, 200,000 houses blacked out, 10 companies curtailed, as 1-in-3-year hot day hits


Forgotten history: 50 degrees everywhere, right across Australia in the 1800s

and more like it.

Arctic sea ice stopped declining 11 years ago, why continue to fall for the lies?

View attachment 246507

Currently plenty of ice up there and well within normal range at this time of year:

Not only that, many published science papers showing little to no summer ice in the arctic for CENTURIES early in the Holocene, yet the Polar Bears, Eskimos and the world are still here in good shape.

Little to No Summer ice in the Arctic
The actual September sea ice

Currently, we have already experienced an increase of 1C, a change that is greater than the Little Ice Age and on par with the Early Medieval Warm Period, and it will be 2C by 2050, which will exceed Holocene temperature changes.

The Pentagon has released an alarming report detailing how dozens of U.S. military bases are already threatened by rising seas, drought and wildfire.

“The effects of a changing climate are a national security issue with potential impacts to Department of Defense missions, operational plans, and installations,” states the 22-page document
If this planet was an ice rock and then thrown into orbit around a sun I supposed it;s going to melt over time. Doesn't mean we're experiencing global warming.
When global warming failed to come true and was ridiculed and laughed at, the left just renamed it "climate change". Now everything is climate change, hot, cold, and those Sham Wow towels all related to climate change.

^^ thinks climate change has something to do with "the left" :laugh2:

No wonder you can't handle more than a I-IV-V progression.

"Climate Change" (As in the new name for failed "Global Warming") has everything to do with the left an globalists, dipshit Pogo.

Democrats’ left turn on climate change

Climate is terrestrial. That means beyond the reach of political parties.

Capital DUH.

Far as distinctions between "global warming" and "climate change" I have no doubt it was dumbed down that way for the benefit of the Sean Hannity set who can't figure out the conundrum that if my fridge is stocked it doesn't mean nobody in Bangladesh or Brasil or West Virginia is going hungry.

Care to explain this prophecy given AD 90

Rev. chapter 16

8 And the fourth angel poured out his vial upon the sun; and power was given unto him to scorch men with fire.

9 And men were scorched with great heat, and a blasphemed the name of God, which hath power over these plagues: and they repented not to give him glory.
you're a democrat
Then the laws of thermodynamics don't apply and the fire actually gets hotter and larger as it consumes fuel.
Haven't seen a log yet get larger and hotter.

Being that we Democrats here don't speak moron, we don't understand what you're babbling about. Maybe you can get a bilingual fellow cultist to translate it into normal English.

However, if your goal was merely to demonstrate how most deniers are imbeciles, no need for that, as your mission was accomplished.
Care to explain this prophecy given AD 90

Rev. chapter 16

8 And the fourth angel poured out his vial upon the sun; and power was given unto him to scorch men with fire.

9 And men were scorched with great heat, and a blasphemed the name of God, which hath power over these plagues: and they repented not to give him glory.

Oh, you're a religious nutter, just like the Muslim jihadists. Why didn't you say so up front?

So, you just told us there that global warming is due to men blaspheming.

That's after you just said there is no global warming.

If you'd make up your mind one way or the other, you'd be more convincing.
you're a democrat
Then the laws of thermodynamics don't apply and the fire actually gets hotter and larger as it consumes fuel.
Haven't seen a log yet get larger and hotter.

That's like saying that tractor produces more fuel than it consumes.
Right global alarmist?
Another product of conservitard homeschool?
Fact: in the last 4 years Burley has had only one or two days in the hundreds.
Idaho news from last summer.
Another 'heat wave' is on the way

Set records in you town last August.
Weekend heat wave breaks multiple records

Then there's the fact that you're in Idaho, you aren't supposed to have 100° days.

So I'm forced to conclude you are talking outta yer ass.
you base what you believe on what your told.
I'm 69 years old and I haven't noticed one change from one summer to the next, or one winter to the next.
If this rampant global warming was taking place as you're brain washed to believe the potato's in Idaho would be baking in the dirt.
I played golf every day last august in burley. And I walked 18 holes everyday.
Cherry picking weather forecast from the news is always a great source. :rolleyes:
Might wanna look up the 10 day forecast for Burley and get back to me about these warmer temperatures.
Might wanna go down to the border and stop all those mexicans from hopping into this environment if you can wade thru all the trash they leave.
You are either remarkably unobservant or you just haven't been paying attention.

An example:

I live in Kansas, have off and on for decades. Kansas is the wheat state, right? Well not much any more. The farmers here are rapidly embracing cotton which used to be a more southern crop because it requires a longer growing season. It grows better that wheat in southern Kansas these days, wheat is moving farther north. That's a climate shift my friend. Summers are longer, hotter and drier, spring comes earlier and fall later. Not just for one year or two, but as a "new normal".
Care to explain this prophecy given AD 90

Rev. chapter 16

8 And the fourth angel poured out his vial upon the sun; and power was given unto him to scorch men with fire.

9 And men were scorched with great heat, and a blasphemed the name of God, which hath power over these plagues: and they repented not to give him glory.

Oh, you're a religious nutter, just like the Muslim jihadists. Why didn't you say so up front?

So, you just told us there that global warming is due to men blaspheming.

That's after you just said there is no global warming.

If you'd make up your mind one way or the other, you'd be more convincing.
Book of Mormon:
Mormon 8th chapter.

31 Yea, it shall come in a day when there shall be great a pollutions upon the face of the earth; there shall be murders, and robbing, and lying, and deceivings, and whoredoms, and all manner of abominations; when there shall be many who will say, Do this, or do that, and it mattereth not, for the Lord will duphold such at the last day. But wo unto such, for they are in the gall of bitterness and in the bonds of iniquity.
you're a democrat
Then the laws of thermodynamics don't apply and the fire actually gets hotter and larger as it consumes fuel.
Haven't seen a log yet get larger and hotter.

That's like saying that tractor produces more fuel than it consumes.
Right global alarmist?
Another product of conservitard homeschool?
Fact: in the last 4 years Burley has had only one or two days in the hundreds.
Idaho news from last summer.
Another 'heat wave' is on the way

Set records in you town last August.
Weekend heat wave breaks multiple records

Then there's the fact that you're in Idaho, you aren't supposed to have 100° days.

So I'm forced to conclude you are talking outta yer ass.
you base what you believe on what your told.
I'm 69 years old and I haven't noticed one change from one summer to the next, or one winter to the next.
If this rampant global warming was taking place as you're brain washed to believe the potato's in Idaho would be baking in the dirt.
I played golf every day last august in burley. And I walked 18 holes everyday.
Cherry picking weather forecast from the news is always a great source. :rolleyes:
Might wanna look up the 10 day forecast for Burley and get back to me about these warmer temperatures.
Might wanna go down to the border and stop all those mexicans from hopping into this environment if you can wade thru all the trash they leave.
You are either remarkably unobservant or you just haven't been paying attention.

An example:

I live in Kansas, have off and on for decades. Kansas is the wheat state, right? Well not much any more. The farmers here are rapidly embracing cotton which used to be a more southern crop because it requires a longer growing season. It grows better that wheat in southern Kansas these days, wheat is moving farther north. That's a climate shift my friend. Summers are longer, hotter and drier, spring comes earlier and fall later. Not just for one year or two, but as a "new normal".
unobservant, along with morons, imbeciles ya left out idiot.
Ever heard of seed varieties that mature faster than others? probably not. Common practice in Idaho.
You can't tell me that that cotton seed wasn't especially cultivated by a chemical company to fit in the Kansas climate can you.
All you're tell me is cotton is more profitable to grow than wheat and on less water.

Combines are in the 250 k range. But you already knew that right
Another product of conservitard homeschool?
Fact: in the last 4 years Burley has had only one or two days in the hundreds.
Idaho news from last summer.
Another 'heat wave' is on the way

Set records in you town last August.
Weekend heat wave breaks multiple records

Then there's the fact that you're in Idaho, you aren't supposed to have 100° days.

So I'm forced to conclude you are talking outta yer ass.
you base what you believe on what your told.
I'm 69 years old and I haven't noticed one change from one summer to the next, or one winter to the next.
If this rampant global warming was taking place as you're brain washed to believe the potato's in Idaho would be baking in the dirt.
I played golf every day last august in burley. And I walked 18 holes everyday.
Cherry picking weather forecast from the news is always a great source. :rolleyes:
Might wanna look up the 10 day forecast for Burley and get back to me about these warmer temperatures.
Might wanna go down to the border and stop all those mexicans from hopping into this environment if you can wade thru all the trash they leave.
You are either remarkably unobservant or you just haven't been paying attention.

An example:

I live in Kansas, have off and on for decades. Kansas is the wheat state, right? Well not much any more. The farmers here are rapidly embracing cotton which used to be a more southern crop because it requires a longer growing season. It grows better that wheat in southern Kansas these days, wheat is moving farther north. That's a climate shift my friend. Summers are longer, hotter and drier, spring comes earlier and fall later. Not just for one year or two, but as a "new normal".
unobservant, along with morons, imbeciles ya left out idiot.
Ever heard of seed varieties that mature faster than others? probably not. Common practice in Idaho.
You can't tell me that that cotton seed wasn't especially cultivated by a chemical company to fit in the Kansas climate can you.
All you're tell me is cotton is more profitable to grow than wheat and on less water.

Combines are in the 250 k range. But you already knew that right
The answer is in your post. Less water. Why do we have less water here now? Climate shift.
^^ thinks climate change has something to do with "the left" :laugh2:

No wonder you can't handle more than a I-IV-V progression.

"Climate Change" (As in the new name for failed "Global Warming") has everything to do with the left an globalists, dipshit Pogo.

Democrats’ left turn on climate change

Climate is terrestrial. That means beyond the reach of political parties.

Capital DUH.

Far as distinctions between "global warming" and "climate change" I have no doubt it was dumbed down that way for the benefit of the Sean Hannity set who can't figure out the conundrum that if my fridge is stocked it doesn't mean nobody in Bangladesh or Brasil or West Virginia is going hungry.

Care to explain this prophecy given AD 90

Rev. chapter 16

8 And the fourth angel poured out his vial upon the sun; and power was given unto him to scorch men with fire.

9 And men were scorched with great heat, and a blasphemed the name of God, which hath power over these plagues: and they repented not to give him glory.
Fact: in the last 4 years Burley has had only one or two days in the hundreds.
Idaho news from last summer.
Another 'heat wave' is on the way

Set records in you town last August.
Weekend heat wave breaks multiple records

Then there's the fact that you're in Idaho, you aren't supposed to have 100° days.

So I'm forced to conclude you are talking outta yer ass.
you base what you believe on what your told.
I'm 69 years old and I haven't noticed one change from one summer to the next, or one winter to the next.
If this rampant global warming was taking place as you're brain washed to believe the potato's in Idaho would be baking in the dirt.
I played golf every day last august in burley. And I walked 18 holes everyday.
Cherry picking weather forecast from the news is always a great source. :rolleyes:
Might wanna look up the 10 day forecast for Burley and get back to me about these warmer temperatures.
Might wanna go down to the border and stop all those mexicans from hopping into this environment if you can wade thru all the trash they leave.
You are either remarkably unobservant or you just haven't been paying attention.

An example:

I live in Kansas, have off and on for decades. Kansas is the wheat state, right? Well not much any more. The farmers here are rapidly embracing cotton which used to be a more southern crop because it requires a longer growing season. It grows better that wheat in southern Kansas these days, wheat is moving farther north. That's a climate shift my friend. Summers are longer, hotter and drier, spring comes earlier and fall later. Not just for one year or two, but as a "new normal".
unobservant, along with morons, imbeciles ya left out idiot.
Ever heard of seed varieties that mature faster than others? probably not. Common practice in Idaho.
You can't tell me that that cotton seed wasn't especially cultivated by a chemical company to fit in the Kansas climate can you.
All you're tell me is cotton is more profitable to grow than wheat and on less water.

Combines are in the 250 k range. But you already knew that right
The answer is in your post. Less water. Why do we have less water here now? Climate shift.
Sucking the acquifer dry has nothing to do with climate shift
After the Wells got to deep to pump in my neighborhood they now suck from the snake river
Dams and surface water is the future
That makes no sense.

If you sever the connections to the right hemisphere of your brain --- you know, where we get what we call "CONTEXT" --- it doesn't, no.

There are fascinating studies of people brain-damaged in this way. They can identify what a "pen" is but have no idea what it's used for.

So now the onus is on you to provide an example you making something hotter and ending up freezing cold. Go!

This is an adventure in wackadoodlery thus far to me.

2018 was the fourth-hottest year on record, or that there’s a massive heat wave currently overtaking much of Australia, or that Arctic sea ice continues to disappear at an alarming rate. This year could still end up being the hottest year on record, as forecasters anticipate an El Niño cycle picking up.

The onus is also on those claiming world hunger exists. My refrigerator is full of food.

Another meaningless hottest year on record blather, it only exposes your lack of science literacy since that is not what the AGW conjecture is about. They made specific PER DECADE prediction/projection starting in the 1990 IPCC report, which the MINIMUM level has never been reached, based on emission scenarios and supposed CO2 warm forcing power, which is known to diminish as total CO2 increases in the atmosphere.

Australia has had many similar heat waves in the past, which are easy to find on the internet, heck here is one from a blog IN Australia:

Australia’s new hottest day just “discovered”, not Albany or Oodnadatta, but Carnarvon (51 degrees in 1953!)


Climate change is real because we are snowflake couch potatoes, addicted to netflicks and airconditioners


Melbourne, 200,000 houses blacked out, 10 companies curtailed, as 1-in-3-year hot day hits


Forgotten history: 50 degrees everywhere, right across Australia in the 1800s

and more like it.

Arctic sea ice stopped declining 11 years ago, why continue to fall for the lies?

View attachment 246507

Currently plenty of ice up there and well within normal range at this time of year:

Not only that, many published science papers showing little to no summer ice in the arctic for CENTURIES early in the Holocene, yet the Polar Bears, Eskimos and the world are still here in good shape.

Little to No Summer ice in the Arctic
The actual September sea ice

Currently, we have already experienced an increase of 1C, a change that is greater than the Little Ice Age and on par with the Early Medieval Warm Period, and it will be 2C by 2050, which will exceed Holocene temperature changes.

The Pentagon has released an alarming report detailing how dozens of U.S. military bases are already threatened by rising seas, drought and wildfire.

“The effects of a changing climate are a national security issue with potential impacts to Department of Defense missions, operational plans, and installations,” states the 22-page document

You made a typically deflecting post and ignoring what I stated, which is why your post is rated dishonest. I had posted evidence to support it, which you also ignored.

Here is what I stated that you ignored:

"Arctic sea ice stopped declining 11 years ago, why continue to fall for the lies?"

You never addressed it, therefore it remains unaddressed.

You also completely ignored this part too to show having little to no Summer ice for centuries didn't create any terrible problems.

"Not only that, many published science papers showing little to no summer ice in the arctic for CENTURIES early in the Holocene, yet the Polar Bears, Eskimos and the world are still here in good shape.

Little to No Summer ice in the Arctic"

You are a typically pathetic warmist little boy.
Declining Arctic ice is evidence that the world is getting warmer.
Declining Arctic ice is a positive reinforcement to warming as it reduces the Earth's albedo
Declining Arctic ice will slow or even stop the Meridional Overturning Current which will have a drastic negative impact on equatorial pelagic marine species.
Declining Arctic ice will put enormous pressure on species that depend on the ice for feeding and/or breeding, such as polar bears, walrus, leopard seals and others.
You are a typically pathetic denier fool.
If you sever the connections to the right hemisphere of your brain --- you know, where we get what we call "CONTEXT" --- it doesn't, no.

There are fascinating studies of people brain-damaged in this way. They can identify what a "pen" is but have no idea what it's used for.

So now the onus is on you to provide an example you making something hotter and ending up freezing cold. Go!

This is an adventure in wackadoodlery thus far to me.

2018 was the fourth-hottest year on record, or that there’s a massive heat wave currently overtaking much of Australia, or that Arctic sea ice continues to disappear at an alarming rate. This year could still end up being the hottest year on record, as forecasters anticipate an El Niño cycle picking up.

The onus is also on those claiming world hunger exists. My refrigerator is full of food.

Another meaningless hottest year on record blather, it only exposes your lack of science literacy since that is not what the AGW conjecture is about. They made specific PER DECADE prediction/projection starting in the 1990 IPCC report, which the MINIMUM level has never been reached, based on emission scenarios and supposed CO2 warm forcing power, which is known to diminish as total CO2 increases in the atmosphere.

Australia has had many similar heat waves in the past, which are easy to find on the internet, heck here is one from a blog IN Australia:

Australia’s new hottest day just “discovered”, not Albany or Oodnadatta, but Carnarvon (51 degrees in 1953!)


Climate change is real because we are snowflake couch potatoes, addicted to netflicks and airconditioners


Melbourne, 200,000 houses blacked out, 10 companies curtailed, as 1-in-3-year hot day hits


Forgotten history: 50 degrees everywhere, right across Australia in the 1800s

and more like it.

Arctic sea ice stopped declining 11 years ago, why continue to fall for the lies?

View attachment 246507

Currently plenty of ice up there and well within normal range at this time of year:

Not only that, many published science papers showing little to no summer ice in the arctic for CENTURIES early in the Holocene, yet the Polar Bears, Eskimos and the world are still here in good shape.

Little to No Summer ice in the Arctic
The actual September sea ice

Currently, we have already experienced an increase of 1C, a change that is greater than the Little Ice Age and on par with the Early Medieval Warm Period, and it will be 2C by 2050, which will exceed Holocene temperature changes.

The Pentagon has released an alarming report detailing how dozens of U.S. military bases are already threatened by rising seas, drought and wildfire.

“The effects of a changing climate are a national security issue with potential impacts to Department of Defense missions, operational plans, and installations,” states the 22-page document

You made a typically deflecting post and ignoring what I stated, which is why your post is rated dishonest. I had posted evidence to support it, which you also ignored.

Here is what I stated that you ignored:

"Arctic sea ice stopped declining 11 years ago, why continue to fall for the lies?"

You never addressed it, therefore it remains unaddressed.

You also completely ignored this part too to show having little to no Summer ice for centuries didn't create any terrible problems.

"Not only that, many published science papers showing little to no summer ice in the arctic for CENTURIES early in the Holocene, yet the Polar Bears, Eskimos and the world are still here in good shape.

Little to No Summer ice in the Arctic"

You are a typically pathetic warmist little boy.
ok more to that point. Its the difference between ice extent vs ice thickness. Its ice volume which matters.

It slows the decline, but its still declining.
Here is what I stated that you ignored:

"Arctic sea ice stopped declining 11 years ago, why continue to fall for the lies?"

Yes, yes, we get it. You'll proudly tell any lie that the cult instructs you to tell. That's not anything that everyone didn't already know, so there was no point in discussing it.
The several curves fitted to these data are fitted to ALL these data points. They include what you believe is the end of the shrinking Arctic.

I like Idaho....from what I've heard of it....never been there but ...

Hemingway had a house there ... I like his writings and his taste

he had houses in nice places

but the one house in Idaho he had ...I like best.......he died there too .....but that is another story

Hems house over there....lovely!!! no peace !!!!
if I may

Idaho is nice!!!!!

Hemingway and friends there

put another log...... or ............don't put another log ...LOL Idaho is great!

Last edited:
baby it's cold out there....Hem in Idaho of course


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